964 research outputs found

    Chandra Observations of SNR 1987A

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    We report on the results of our monitoring program of the X-ray remnant of supernova 1987A with the {\it Chandra X-Ray Observatory}. We have performed two new observations during the {\it Chandra} Cycle 3 period, bringing the total to six monitoring observations over the past three years. These six observations provide a detailed time history of the birth of a new supernova remnant in X-rays. The high angular resolution images indicate that soft X-ray bright knots are associated with the optical spots, while hard X-ray features are better correlated with radio images. We interpret this in terms of a model in which fast shocks propagating through the circumstellar HII region produce the hard X-ray and radio emission, while the soft X-ray and optical emission arise in slower shocks entering into dense knots in the circumstellar inner ring. New observations begin to show changes in the morphology that may herald a new stage in the development of this incipient supernova remnant. The observed X-ray fluxes increase by nearly a factor of three over the last 30 months. The X-ray remnant is expanding at a velocity of ∼\sim5000 km s−1^{-1}.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 color figures, To appear in AdSpR (Proceedings 34th COSPAR Synposium E1.4 "High Energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron stars" For high resolution color figures contact [email protected]

    The Diverse Stellar Populations of the W3 Star Forming Complex

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    An 800 sq-arcmin mosaic image of the W3 star forming complex obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory gives a valuable new view of the spatial structure of its young stellar populations. The Chandra image reveals about 1300 faint X-ray sources, most of which are PMS stars in the cloud. Some, but not all, of the high-mass stars producing hypercompact and ultracompact H II (UCHII) regions are also seen, as reported in a previous study. The Chandra images reveal three dramatically different embedded stellar populations. The W3 Main cluster extends over 7 pc with about 900 X-ray stars in a nearly-spherical distribution centered on the well-studied UCHII regions and high-mass protostars. The cluster surrounding the prototypical UCHII region W3(OH) shows a much smaller (<0.6 pc), asymmetrical, and clumpy distribution of about 50 PMS stars. The massive star ionizing the W3 North H II region is completely isolated without any accompanying PMS stars. In W3 Main, the inferred ages of the widely distributed PMS stars are significantly older than the inferred ages of the central OB stars illuminating the UCHIIs. We suggest that different formation mechanisms are necessary to explain the diversity of the W3 stellar populations: cluster-wide gravitational collapse with delayed OB star formation in W3 Main, collect-and-collapse triggering by shock fronts in W3(OH), and a runaway O star or isolated massive star formation in W3 North.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. 21 pages, 5 figures. A version with high-quality figures is available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/edf/W3_Chandra.pd

    Detection of Pulsed X-ray Emission from PSR B1706-44

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    We report the first detection of pulsed X-ray emission from the young, energetic radio and Gamma-ray pulsar PSR B1706-44. We find a periodic signal at a frequency of f = 9.7588088 +/- 0.0000026 Hz (at epoch 51585.34104 MJD), consistent with the radio ephemeris, using data obtained with the High Resolution Camera on-board the Chandra X-ray Observatory}. The probability that this detection is a chance occurrence is 3.5E-5 as judged by the Rayleigh test. The folded light curve has a broad, single-peaked profile with a pulsed fraction of 23% +/- 6%. This result is consistent the ROSAT PSPC upper limit of < 18% after allowing for the ability of Chandra to resolve the pulsar from a surrounding synchrotron nebula. We also fitted Chandra spectroscopic data on PSR B1706-44, which require at least two components, e.g., a blackbody of temperature T(infinity) between 1.51E6 K and 1.83E6 K and a power-law of Gamma = 2.0 +/- 0.5. The blackbody radius at the nominal 2.5 kpc distance is only R(infinity) = 3.6 +/- 0.9 km, indicating either a hot region on a cooler surface, or the need for a realistic atmosphere model that would allow a lower temperature and larger area. Because the power-law and blackbody spectra each contribute more than 23% of the observed flux, it is not possible to decide which component is responsible for the modulation in the spectrally unresolved light curve.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Latex, emulateapj. Published version. Includes an updated radio ephemeris and presents the absolute radio/X-ray phase alignmen

    The CHANDRA HETGS X-ray Grating Spectrum of Eta Car

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    Eta Car may be the most massive and luminous star in the Galaxy and is suspected to be a massive, colliding wind binary system. The CHANDRA X-ray observatory has obtained a calibrated, high-resolution X-ray spectrum of the star uncontaminated by the nearby extended soft X-ray emisssion. Our 89 ksec CHANDRA observation with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) shows that the hot gas near the star is non-isothermal. The temperature distribution may represent the emission on either side of the colliding wind bow shock, effectively ``resolving'' the shock. If so, the pre-shock wind velocities are ~ 700 and ~ 1800 km/s in our analysis, and these velocities may be interpreted as the terminal velocities of the winds from Eta Car and from the hidden companion star. The forbidden-to-intercombination (f/i) line ratios for the He-like ions of S, Si and Fe are large, indicating that the line forming region lies far from the stellar photosphere. The iron fluorescent line at 1.93 Angstrom, first detected by ASCA, is clearly resolved from the thermal iron line in the CHANDRA grating spectrum. The Fe fluorescent line is weaker in our CHANDRA observation than in any of the ASCA spectra. The CHANDRA observation also provides an uninterrupted high-time resolution lightcurve of the stellar X-ray emission from Eta Car and suggests that there was no significant, coherent variability during the CHANDRA observation. The Eta Car CHANDRA grating spectrum is unlike recently published X-ray grating spectra of single massive stars in significant ways and is generally consistent with colliding wind emission in a massive binary.Comment: revised after comments from referee and includes a new variability analysis, taking into account the effects of CCD pileu

    The Impact of Standards-Based Learning: Tracking High School Students’ Transition to the University

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    This study sought to determine if the implementation of standards-based learning in high schools affects students’ transition to learning in university courses. Surveys and interviews with 13 students who had graduated from high schools implementing standards-based learning and who had completed their first academic semester at a midsize, private, Midwest university revealed no detrimental effects. The most frequently mentioned transition difficulties related to social issues and time management. Implications for implementing high school grading reforms are discussed

    The Detonation Mechanism of the Pulsationally-Assisted Gravitationally-Confined Detonation Model of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We describe the detonation mechanism comprising the "Pulsationally Assisted" Gravitationally Confined Detonation (GCD) model of Type Ia supernovae SNe Ia. This model is analogous to the previous GCD model reported in Jordan et al.(2008); however, the chosen initial conditions produce a substantively different detonation mechanism, resulting from a larger energy release during the deflagration phase. The resulting final kinetic energy and nickel-56 yields conform better to observational values than is the case for the "classical" GCD models. In the present class of models, the ignition of a deflagration phase leads to a rising, burning plume of ash. The ash breaks out of the surface of the white dwarf, flows laterally around the star, and converges on the collision region at the antipodal point from where it broke out. The amount of energy released during the deflagration phase is enough to cause the star to rapidly expand, so that when the ash reaches the antipodal point, the surface density is too low to initiate a detonation. Instead, as the ash flows into the collision region (while mixing with surface fuel), the star reaches its maximally expanded state and then contracts. The stellar contraction acts to increase the density of the star, including the density in the collision region. This both raises the temperature and density of the fuel-ash mixture in the collision region and ultimately leads to thermodynamic conditions that are necessary for the Zel'dovich gradient mechanism to produce a detonation. We demonstrate feasibility of this scenario with three 3-dimensional (3D), full star simulations of this model using the FLASH code. We characterized the simulations by the energy released during the deflagration phase, which ranged from 38% to 78% of the white dwarf's binding energy. We show that the necessary conditions for detonation are achieved in all three of the models.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; Ap

    Rapid Circumstellar Disk Evolution and an Accelerating Star Formation Rate in the Infrared Dark Cloud M17 SWex

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    We present a catalog of 840 X-ray sources and first results from a 100 ks Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging study of the filamentary infrared dark cloud G014.225−-00.506, which forms the central regions of a larger cloud complex known as the M17 southwest extension (M17 SWex). In addition to the rich population of protostars and young stellar objects with dusty circumstellar disks revealed by Spitzer Space Telescope archival data, we discover a population of X-ray-emitting, intermediate-mass pre--main-sequence stars (IMPS) that lack infrared excess emission from circumstellar disks. We model the infrared spectral energy distributions of this source population to measure its mass function and place new constraints on the inner dust disk destruction timescales for 2-8 M⊙M_{\odot} stars. We also place a lower limit on the star formation rate (SFR) and find that it is quite high (M˙≥0.007 M⊙\dot{M}\ge 0.007~M_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}), equivalent to several Orion Nebula Clusters in G14.225−-0.506 alone, and likely accelerating. The cloud complex has not produced a population of massive, O-type stars commensurate with its SFR. This absence of very massive (≥20 M⊙{\ge}20~M_{\odot}) stars suggests that either (1) M17 SWex is an example of a distributed mode of star formation that will produce a large OB association dominated by intermediate-mass stars but relatively few massive clusters, or (2) the massive cores are still in the process of accreting sufficient mass to form massive clusters hosting O stars.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap
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