4,007 research outputs found

    The Implications of Galaxy Formation Models for the TeV Observations of Current Detectors

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    This paper represents a step toward constraining galaxy formation models via TeV gamm a ray observations. We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to predict a spectral distribution for the intergalactic infrared photon field, which in turn yields information about the absorption of TeV gamma rays from extra-galactic sources. By making predictions for integral flux observations at >200 GeV for several known EGRE T sources, we directly compare our models with current observational upper limits obtained by Whipple. In addition, our predictions may offer a guide to the observing programs for the current population of TeV gamma ray observatories.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 6th TeV Workshop at Snowbird, U

    The Effects of CCA Preservative Treatment and Redrying on the Bending Properties of 2 X 6 Southern Pine Lumber

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    Southern pine dimension lumber (commercially graded No. 2 loblolly pine 2 x 6s) was treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) preservative (0.4 or 0.6 pcf) and then air-dried or kiln-dried (160, 190, or 240 F). CCA treatment significantly reduced average bending strength, but no discernible differences were found between controls and CCA-treated groups in the extreme lower portions (< 10th percentile) of the bending-strength distributions. When these same specimens were then considered solely on the basis of strength-reducing characteristics, there were obvious differences in how the CCA treatments and subsequent redrying affected these various strength-ratio grades of 2 x 6 lumber; higher grades appeared to be less affected than lower grades. Similar to the trend shown when commercially graded, the middle and upper portion of each strength-ratio grade bending-strength distribution than did drying at 240 F affected a broader range of the bending-srength distribution than did drying at 160 F. The broadened range of significant effects noted after high-temperature redrying indicates that posttreatment kiln-drying temperatures higher than 190 F should be avoided.The effects of CCA treatment and redrying were highly interactive with strength-ratio grade and the presence or absence of pith. CCA treatment reduced the strength of lumber containing pith and having a strength ratio of 0.65 and containing pith was not affected by CCA treatment. The magnitude of this pith-related interaction demands recognition

    Prevalence of hicAB , lav , traA , and hifBC among Haemophilus influenzae middle ear and throat strains

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    Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is an important cause of illness among children. To further understand the role of laterally transferred genes in NTHi colonization and otitis media, the prevalence of hicAB, lav , tna A, and hifBC was determined among 44 middle ear and 35 throat NTHi isolates by dot-blot hybridization.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73753/1/j.1574-6968.2007.00822.x.pd

    Seed predation and dispersal by small mammals in a landscape of fear: effects of personality, predation risk and land-use change

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    Scatter-hoarding small mammals act as both seed predators and seed dispersers in forest ecosystems. Their choices regarding consuming or caching seeds must balance the risk of predation with the energy rewards gained from immediate or delayed consumption of seeds. Several factors influence their interaction with seeds, including the individual's personality. Little is known about how personality affects foraging decisions in response to predation risk. This missing information is critical because if foraging decisions differ among individuals in response to perceived risk, then varying combinations of personality types in a population (and varying risks of predation across forest types) may have diverse effects on forest regeneration. Further, land-use change may influence the interplay of personality, risk perception and foraging decisions by altering the distribution of personality types in the landscape and the risk perceived by individuals. To contribute to filling these knowledge gaps, we designed a large-scale field experiment to evaluate how personality, perceived predation risk and land-use change affect the interaction of deer mice Peromyscus maniculatus and seeds. Using infrared cameras, we recorded the choices of individuals of known personality at paired experimental sites with high versus low perceived predation risk (n = 2389 observations from 74 individuals). We found that personality influenced multiple foraging decisions, and perceived risk affected how individuals with different personalities responded to those decisions. Specifically, exploration/activity influenced seed choice, boldness affected the number of seeds selected and docility influenced both foraging site selection and whether mice immediately consumed or removed seeds. Since personality only affected foraging microsite selection in unmanaged forests, our results show that land-use change decreased the importance of personality in affecting risk perception. We demonstrate the importance of considering personality on foraging decisions under varying levels of risk, and more generally, underscore the importance of considering individual variation in affecting ecological processes

    Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XV. Molecular gas kinematics in the inner 3kpc of NGC6951

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    Within the NUclei of GAlaxies project we have obtained IRAM PdBI and 30m 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 6951. Previous work shows that there is indirect evidence of gas inflow from 3 kpc down to small radii: a large-scale stellar bar, a prominent starburst ring (r~580 pc) and a LINER/Seyfert 2 nucleus. In this paper we study the gas kinematics as traced by the CO line emission in detail. We quantify the influence of the large-scale stellar bar by constructing an analytical model of the evolution of gas particles in a barred potential. From this model gravitational torques and mass accumulation rates are computed. We compare our model-based gravitational torque results with previous observationally-based ones. The model also shows that the large-scale stellar bar is indeed the dominant force for driving the gas inward, to the starburst ring. Inside the ring itself a nuclear stellar oval might play an important role. Detailed analysis of the CO gas kinematics there shows that emission arises from two co-spatial, but kinematically distinct components at several locations. The main emission component can always be related to the overall bar-driven gas kinematics. The second component exhibits velocities that are larger than expected for gas on stable orbits, has a molecular gas mass of 1.8x10^6Msun, is very likely connected to the nuclear stellar oval, and is consistent with inflowing motion towards the very center. This may form the last link in the chain of gas inflow towards the active galactic nucleus in NGC 6951.Comment: 17 pages, accepted by A&A (17 feb 2011


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    Feeding AGN: new results from the NUGA survey

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    The NUGA project is a high-resolution (0.5''-1'') CO survey of low luminosity AGN including the full sequence of activity types (Seyferts, LINERs and transition objects). NUGA aims to systematically study the different mechanisms for gas fueling of AGNs in the Local Universe. In this paper we discuss the latest results of this recently completed survey, which now includes newly acquired subarcsec resolution observations for all targets of the sample. The large variety of circumnuclear disk morphologies found in NUGA galaxies (m=1, m=2 and stochastic instabilities) is a challenging result that urges the refinement of current dynamical models. In this paper we report on new results obtained in 4 study cases for NUGA: NGC4826, NGC7217, NGC4579 and NGC6951Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Contributed talk to appear in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei," Proc. IAU 222 (Gramado, Brazil), eds. Th. Storchi Bergmann, L.C. Ho, H.R. Schmit

    Technical design

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    To convert Bergenmeersen from a flood control area (FCA) to a flood control area with controlled reduced tide (FCA-CRT), the existing dykes were modified and a new inlet and outlet construction was built. This chapter outlines the hydraulic and geotechnical design. This encompasses raising the existing ring dyke around the area, the new stability calculations and the modified dyke revetment along the water and land side. The inlet and outlet structure is also described. The hydraulic boundary conditions are extremely important to the design

    Syndrome de Miller Fisher avec anticorps anti GQ1b nĂ©gatif au cours d’une pneumonie Ă  Mycoplasma pneumoniae

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    Le Syndrome de Miller Fisher est caractĂ©risĂ© par l'association d'une ophtalmoplĂ©gie, d'une ataxie et d'une arĂ©flexie ostĂ©o-tendineuse. Une infection virale est le plus souvent retrouvĂ©e dans les jours ou semaines qui prĂ©cĂšdent la symptomatologie. Nous rapportons un cas de syndrome de Miller Fisher survenu chez une femme de 75 ans, et ce au dĂ©cours d'une infection pulmonaire Ă  Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Les sĂ©rologies virales habituelles Ă©taient nĂ©gatives. Les anticorps anti GQ1b Ă©taient absents. Il n'y avait pas de lĂ©sion du tronc cĂ©rĂ©bral Ă  l'imagerie par rĂ©sonnance magnĂ©tique. L'Ă©volution clinique Ă©tait favorable aprĂšs perfusion d'immunoglobulines humaines polyvalentes et des macrolides en comprimĂ©s. La sĂ©rologie Mycoplasma pneumoniae doit ĂȘtre systĂ©matiquement recherchĂ©e dans le bilan du syndrome de Miller Fisher.Key words: Syndrome de Miller Fisher, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, ganglioside GQ1
