3,339 research outputs found


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    Effects of Gallium Doping in Garnet-Type Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolytes

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    Garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZrO) is a candidate solid electrolyte material that is now being intensively optimized for application in commercially competitive solid state Li+ ion batteries. In this study we investigate, by force-field-based simulations, the effects of Ga3+ doping in LLZrO. We confirm the stabilizing effect of Ga3+ on the cubic phase. We also determine that Ga3+ addition does not lead to any appreciable structural distortion. Li site connectivity is not significantly deteriorated by the Ga3+ addition (>90% connectivity retained up to x = 0.30 in Li7–3xGaxLa3Zr2O12). Interestingly, two compositional regions are predicted for bulk Li+ ion conductivity in the cubic phase: (i) a decreasing trend for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10 and (ii) a relatively flat trend for 0.10 < x ≤ 0.30. This conductivity behavior is explained by combining analyses using percolation theory, van Hove space time correlation, the radial distribution function, and trajectory density

    Hanging In, Stepping up and Stepping Out: Livelihood Aspirations and Strategies of the Poor Development in Practice

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    In recent years understanding of poverty and of ways in which people escape from or fall into poverty has become more holistic. This should improve the capabilities of policy analysts and others working to reduce poverty, but it also makes analysis more complex. This paper describes a simple schema which integrates multidimensional, multilevel and dynamic understandings of poverty, of poor people’s livelihoods, and of changing roles of agricultural systems. The paper suggests three broad types of strategy pursued by poor people: ‘hanging in’; ‘stepping up’; and ‘stepping out’. This simple schema explicitly recognises the dynamic aspirations of poor people; diversity among them; and livelihood diversification. It also brings together aspirations of poor people with wider sectoral, inter-sectoral and macro-economic questions about policies necessary for realisation of those aspirations

    Evidence for deceleration in the radio jets of GRS1915+105?

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    There is currently a clear discrepancy in the proper motions measured on different angular scales in the approaching radio jets of the black hole X-ray binary GRS1915+105. Lower velocities were measured with the Very Large Array (VLA) prior to 1996 than were subsequently found from higher-resolution observations made with the Very Long Baseline Array and the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network. We initiated an observing campaign to use all three arrays to attempt to track the motion of the jet knots from the 2006 February outburst of the source, giving us unprecedented simultaneous coverage of all angular scales, from milliarcsecond scales out to arcsecond scales. The derived proper motion, which was dominated by the VLA measurements, was found to be 17.0 mas per day, demonstrating that there has been no significant permanent change in the properties of the jets since 1994. We find no conclusive evidence for deceleration of the jet knots, unless this occurs within 70 mas of the core. We discuss possible causes for the varying proper motions recorded in the literature.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 10 figure

    e-EVN radio detection of Aql X-1 in outburst

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    The neutron star X-ray binary Aql X-1 is currently in outburst. Using the European VLBI Network (e-EVN) we observed Aql X-1 at 5 GHz in two time-slots: 2013 June 18 between 19:48 - 20:36 UT (MJD 56461.825 - 56461.858), and 2013 June 19 between 02:53 - 05:54 UT (MJD 56462.120 - 56462.246). The two datasets were combined together and then calibrated

    Steady jets from radiatively efficient hard states in GRS 1915+105

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    Recent studies of different X-ray binaries (XRBs) have shown a clear correlation between the radio and X-ray emission. We present evidence of a close relationship found between the radio and X-ray emission at different epochs for GRS1915+105, using observations from the Ryle Telescope and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite. The strongest correlation was found during the hard state (also known as the `plateau' state), where a steady AU-scale jet is known to exist. Both the radio and X-ray emission were found to decay from the start of most plateau states, with the radio emission decaying faster. An empirical relationship of SradioSXrayξS_{\rm{radio}}\propto S_{\rm{X-ray}}^{\xi} was then fitted to data taken only during the plateau state, resulting in a power-law index of ξ1.7±0.3\xi\sim1.7\pm0.3, which is significantly higher than in other black hole XRBs in a similar state. An advection-flow model was then fitted to this relationship and compared to the universal XRB relationship as described by Gallo et al. (2003). We conclude that either (I) the accretion disk in this source is radiatively efficient, even during the continuous outflow of a compact jet, which could also suggest a universal turn-over from radiatively inefficient to efficient for all stellar-mass black holes at a critical mass accretion rate (m˙c1018.5\dot{m}_{\rm{c}}\approx10^{18.5} g/s); or (II) the X-rays in the plateau state are dominated by emission from the base of the jet and not the accretion disk (e.g. via inverse Compton scattering from the outflow).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted in A&