91 research outputs found

    Knocking Down Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMW-PTP) Reverts Chemoresistance through Inactivation of Src and Bcr-Abl Proteins

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    The development of multidrug resistance (MDR) limits the efficacy of continuous chemotherapeutic treatment in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) is up-regulated in several cancers and has been associated to poor prognosis. This prompted us to investigate the involvement of LMW-PTP in MDR. In this study, we investigated the role of LMW-PTP in a chemoresistant CML cell line, Lucena-1. Our results showed that LMW-PTP is highly expressed and 7-fold more active in Lucena-1 cells compared to K562 cells, the non-resistant cell line. Knocking down LMW-PTP in Lucena-1 cells reverted chemoresistance to vincristine and imatinib mesylate, followed by a decrease of Src and Bcr-Abl phosphorylation at the activating sites, inactivating both kinases. On the other hand, overexpression of LMW-PTP in K562 cells led to chemoresistance to vincristine. Our findings describe, for the first time, that LMW-PTP cooperates with MDR phenotype, at least in part, through maintaining Src and Bcr-Abl kinases in more active statuses. These findings suggest that inhibition of LMW-PTP may be a useful strategy for the development of therapies for multidrug resistant CML

    Violacein Induces Death of Resistant Leukaemia Cells via Kinome Reprogramming, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Golgi Apparatus Collapse

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    It is now generally recognised that different modes of programmed cell death (PCD) are intimately linked to the cancerous process. However, the mechanism of PCD involved in cancer chemoprevention is much less clear and may be different between types of chemopreventive agents and tumour cell types involved. Therefore, from a pharmacological view, it is crucial during the earlier steps of drug development to define the cellular specificity of the candidate as well as its capacity to bypass dysfunctional tumoral signalling pathways providing insensitivity to death stimuli. Studying the cytotoxic effects of violacein, an antibiotic dihydro-indolone synthesised by an Amazon river Chromobacterium, we observed that death induced in CD34(+)/c-Kit(+)/P-glycoprotein(+)/MRP1(+) TF1 leukaemia progenitor cells is not mediated by apoptosis and/or autophagy, since biomarkers of both types of cell death were not significantly affected by this compound. To clarify the working mechanism of violacein, we performed kinome profiling using peptide arrays to yield comprehensive descriptions of cellular kinase activities. Pro-death activity of violacein is actually carried out by inhibition of calpain and DAPK1 and activation of PKA, AKT and PDK, followed by structural changes caused by endoplasmic reticulum stress and Golgi apparatus collapse, leading to cellular demise. Our results demonstrate that violacein induces kinome reprogramming, overcoming death signaling dysfunctions of intrinsically resistant human leukaemia cells.TopInstitute pharma (The Netherlands)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Dutch Cancer SocietyErasmus MC Univ Med Ctr, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol, Rotterdam, NetherlandsUniv Amsterdam, Acad Med Ctr, Ctr Expt & Mol Med, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, NetherlandsUniv Estadual Campinas, Brazil UNICAMP, Dept Biochem, Inst Biol, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cell Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Grande Rio UNIGRANRIO, Heath Sci Sch, Multidisciplinary Lab Dent Res, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilNatl Inst Metrol Qual & Technol Inmetro, Biotechnol Lab, Bioengn Sect, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Campinas UNICAMP, Inst Chem, Biol Chem Lab, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Pediat Oncol, Beatrix Childrens Hosp, Groningen, NetherlandsFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biochem, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cell Biol, São Paulo, BrazilDutch Cancer Society: EMCR 2010-4737Web of Scienc

    Effect of yogurt containing polydextrose, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study in chronic constipation

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    BACKGROUND: Constipation is a frequent complaint and the combination of a prebiotic and probiotics could have a potentially synergic effect on the intestinal transit. The present study therefore aims to investigate the combination of polydextrose (Litesse®), L. acidophilus NCFM® and B. lactis HN019 in a yogurt on intestinal transit in subjects who suffer from constipation. METHODS: Patients with constipation were randomly divided into two groups, Control Group (CG) and Treatment Group (TG), and had to eat 180 ml of unflavored yogurt every morning for 14 days. Those in the CG received only yogurt, while the TG received yogurt containing polydextrose, L. acidophilus NCFM® (ATCC 700396) and B. lactis HN019 (AGAL NM97/09513). RESULTS: Favourable clinical response was assessed since Agachan score had a significant reduction at the end of the study in both groups and tended to be better in the TG. The subjects in the treatment group also had a shorter transit time at the end of the intervention compared to the control group (p = 0.01). CONCLUSION: The product containing yogurt with polydextrose, B. lactis HN019 and L. acidophilus NCFM® significantly shortened colonic transit time after two weeks in the TG compared to CG and may be an option for treatment of constipation

    Low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMWPTP) upregulation mediates malignant potential in colorectal cancer

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    Phosphatases have long been regarded as tumor suppressors, however there is emerging evidence for a tumor initiating role for some phosphatases in several forms of cancer. Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP; acid phosphatase 1 [ACP1]) is an 18 kDa enzyme that influences the phosphorylation of signaling pathway mediators involved in cancer and is thus postulated to be a tumor-promoting enzyme, but neither unequivocal clinical evidence nor convincing mechanistic actions for a role of LMWPTP have been identified. In the present study, we show that LMWPTP expression is not only significantly increased in colorectal cancer (CRC), but also follows a step-wise increase in different levels of dysplasia. Chemical inhibition of LMWPTP significantly reduces CRC growth. Furthermore, downregulation of LMWPTP in CRC leads to a reduced migration ability in both 2D- and 3D-migration assays, and sensitizes tumor cells to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-FU. In conclusion, this study shows that LMWPTP is not only overexpressed in colorectal cancer, but it is correlated with the malignant potential of this cancer, suggesting that this phosphatase may act as a predictive biomaker of CRC stage and represents a rational novel target in the treatment of this disease.6108300831

    WNT activates the AAK1 kinase to promote clathrin-mediated endocytosis of LRP6 and establish a negative feedback loop

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    beta-Catenin-dependent WNT signal transduction governs development, tissue homeostasis, and a vast array of human diseases. Signal propagation through a WNT-Frizzled/LRP receptor complex requires proteins necessary for clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). Paradoxically, CME also negatively regulates WNT signaling through internalization and degradation of the receptor complex. Here, using a gain-of-function screen of the human kinome, we report that the AP2 associated kinase 1 (AAK1), a known CME enhancer, inhibits WNT signaling. Reciprocally, AAK1 genetic silencing or its pharmacological inhibition using a potent and selective inhibitor activates WNT signaling. Mechanistically, we show that AAK1 promotes clearance of LRP6 from the plasma membrane to suppress the WNT pathway. Time-course experiments support a transcription-uncoupled, WNT-driven negative feedback loop; prolonged WNT treatment drives AAK1-dependent phosphorylation of AP2M1, clathrin-coated pit maturation, and endocytosis of LRP6. We propose that, following WNT receptor activation, increased AAK1 function and CME limits WNT signaling longevity2617993FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/50724-5; 2016/17469-0M.B.M. acknowledges support from the NIH (RO1-CA187799 and U24-DK116204-01). M.J.A. received financial support from NIH T32 Predoctoral Training Grants in Pharmacology (T32-GM007040-43 and T32-GM007040-42), an Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity Grant (R25-GM055336-16), and the NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (F31CA228289). M.P.W. received support from the Lymphoma Research Foundation (337444) and the NIH (T32-CA009156-35). Y.N. was supported by grants-in-aid from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (15KK0356 and 16K11493). T.T. was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study. M.V.G. was supported by Cancer Research UK (grants C7379/A15291 and C7379/A24639 to Mariann Bienz). The UNC Flow Cytometry Core Facility is supported in part by Cancer Center Core Support Grant P30 CA016086 to the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, and research reported in this publication was supported by the Center for AIDS Research (award number 5P30AI050410), and the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a registered charity (number 1097737) that receives funds from AbbVie, Bayer Pharma AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Eshelman Institute for Innovation, Genome Canada, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (European Union [EU]/European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations [EFPIA]) (ULTRA-DD grant no. 115766), Janssen, Merck & Company, Merck KGaA, Novartis Pharma AG, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation, Pfizer, the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (2013/50724-5), Takeda, and the Wellcome Trust (106169/ZZ14/Z). R.R.R. received financial support from FAPESP (2016/17469-0). We would also like to thank Claire Strain-Damerell and Pavel Savitsky for cloning various mutants of AAK1 and BMP2K proteins that were used in the crystallization trials. Additionally, we thank Dr. Sean Conner for providing the AAK1 plasmids, Dr. Stephane Angers for kindly providing the HEK293T DVL TKO cells, and Dr. Mariann Bienz for providing comments and feedback. We would like to thank members of the Major laboratory for their feedback and expertise regarding experimental design and project directio

    Analysis of apoptosis methods recently used in Cancer Research and Cell Death & Disease publications

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