831 research outputs found

    Depósitos de zeolitas naturales de Cuba

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    Zeolite deposits exist in almost every province and region in Cuba. They are related to back-arc sequences from Cretaceous and Paleocene- Eocene volcanic arcs, and to top sequences of the axial arc zone from a Cretaceous volcanic arc, of which the latter developed only in the central part of Cuba. Due to the transformation of volcanic shards of medium-acid composition clinoptilolite, mordenite and less widespread montmorillonite originated. Clinoptilolite substitutes volcanic shards, and mordenite is formed after it

    Three-Dimensional Structure of the Complexin/SNARE Complex

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    During neurotransmitter release, the neuronal SNARE proteins synaptobrevin/VAMP, syntaxin, and SNAP-25 form a four-helix bundle, the SNARE complex, that pulls the synaptic vesicle and plasma membranes together possibly causing membrane fusion. Complexin binds tightly to the SNARE complex and is essential for efficient Ca2+-evoked neurotransmitter release. A combined X-ray and TROSY-based NMR study now reveals the atomic structure of the complexin/SNARE complex. Complexin binds in an antiparallel α-helical conformation to the groove between the synaptobrevin and syntaxin helices. This interaction stabilizes the interface between these two helices, which bears the repulsive forces between the apposed membranes. These results suggest that complexin stabilizes the fully assembled SNARE complex as a key step that enables the exquisitely high speed of Ca2+-evoked neurotransmitter release

    Design and Development of Physics Learning Media of Three Dimensional Animation Using Blender Applications on Atomic Core Material

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    The Aims of this study is to design and build a three dimensional animated physics learning media on the atomic core material using blender application for High School Physics learning media for atomic core material is already exist but still in the form of two dimensions, so it less of visualize actual concept. This research used three-stage of development research. The first stage is the design stage of the media by using instructional design model type ADDIE. The second stage is the stage of media development using the blender application. The third stage is the stage of validation and reliability. Respondents amounted to 54 people consisting of 5 experts (Expert), 11 teachers (user experts), 20 teachers (users) and 18 students (users). Aspects assessed are pedagogic, content and technical. Data collection technique is questionnaire. The results showed the validity score of experts 4.515 which means the learning media is valid with very high category. The Cronbach alpha value of the teacher as user is 0.950 and from student as user is 0.889. it indicated that the media is reliable

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Animasi Tiga Dimensi Pada Materi Inti Atom Menggunakan Aplikasi Blender Untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Microscopic physics education subject like core atom is invisible physics subject that needed multimedia to help the students understanding the subject. All this time student understanding about this subject was still low and it make some of student afraid about this subject. Start from how important to understand this subject so we need to make the solution. Learning multimedia which base on three-dimensional animation that can create something abstract to be more real is the solution that given on this research. It was create by Blender application and designed by ADDIE design model that be based on pedagogic, program and learning subject. Result of this research is Blender application with 500 MB size that can be open by computer with processor dual core or equal and RAM 2GB as the minimum capacity. The validation data is 4,515 in very high category. It was found that is good to continue this research so that this learning multimedia can help students to understand about core atom subject

    The N-terminal domains of syntaxin 7 and vti1b form three-helix bundles that differ in their ability to regulate SNARE complex assembly

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    The SNAREs syntaxin 7, syntaxin 8, vti1b, and endobrevin/VAMP8 function in the fusion of late endosomes. Although the core complex formed by these SNAREs is very similar to the neuronal SNARE complex, it differs from the neuronal complex in that three of the four SNAREs contain extended N-terminal regions of unknown structure and function. Here we show that the N- terminal regions of syntaxin 7, syntaxin 8, and vti1b contain well folded a-helical domains. Multidimensional NAIR spectroscopy revealed that in syntaxin 7 and vti1b, the domains form three-helix bundles resembling those of syntaxin 1, Sso1p, and Vam3p. The three-helix bundle domain of vti1b is the first of its kind identified in a SNARE outside the syntaxin family. Only syntaxin 7 adopts a closed conformation, whereas in vti1b and syntaxin 8, the N-terminal domains do not interact with the adjacent SNARE motifs. Accordingly, the rate of SNARE complex assembly is retarded about 7-fold when syntaxin 7 contains its N-terminal domain, whereas the N-terminal domains of vti1b and syntaxin 8 have no influence on assembly kinetics. We conclude that three-helix bundles represent a common fold for SNARE N- terminal domains, not restricted to the syntaxin family. However, they differ in their ability to adopt closed conformations and thus to regulate the assembly of SNARE complexes

    Enhanced Formic Acid Oxidation over SnO<sub>2</sub>-decorated Pd Nanocubes

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    The formic acid oxidation reaction (FAOR) is one of the key reactions that can be used at the anode of low-temperature liquid fuel cells. To allow the knowledge-driven development of improved catalysts, it is necessary to deeply understand the fundamental aspects of the FAOR, which can be ideally achieved by investigating highly active model catalysts. Here, we studied SnO2-decorated Pd nanocubes (NCs) exhibiting excellent electrocatalytic performance for formic acid oxidation in acidic medium with a SnO2 promotion that boosts the catalytic activity by a factor of 5.8, compared to pure Pd NCs, exhibiting values of 2.46 A mg–1Pd for SnO2@Pd NCs versus 0.42 A mg–1Pd for the Pd NCs and a 100 mV lower peak potential. By using ex situ, quasi in situ, and operando spectroscopic and microscopic methods (namely, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy), we identified that the initially well-defined SnO2-decorated Pd nanocubes maintain their structure and composition throughout FAOR. In situ Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy revealed a weaker CO adsorption site in the case of the SnO2-decorated Pd NCs, compared to the monometallic Pd NCs, enabling a bifunctional reaction mechanism. Therein, SnO2 provides oxygen species to the Pd surface at low overpotentials, promoting the oxidation of the poisoning CO intermediate and, thus, improving the catalytic performance of Pd. Our SnOx-decorated Pd nanocubes allowed deeper insight into the mechanism of FAOR and hold promise for possible applications in direct formic acid fuel cells