2,005 research outputs found

    Dosa dan Dimensi Psikologis yang Terkandung di Dalamnya

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    Dosa adalah segala perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan kehendak dan perintah Allah SWT. Sampai disini belum dibedakan besar kecilnya dosa. Abdullah bin Abbas berkata,“ Setiap perbuatan menentang ajaran Islam adalah dosa besar.”, kelalaian dan kekhilapan yang dilakukan manusia ini dapat dianggab sebagai dosa-dosa kecil, namun dosa-dosa kecil ini bila terus-menerus dilakukan maka akan menjadi dosa besar. Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkap serba sedikit tentang perbuatan dosa yang sering dilakukan manusia serta dilihat dimensi psikologis yang terkandung dalam perbuatan dosa tersebut sehingga dampak apa saja yang terjadi bagi pelaku dosa. Diawali dari defenisi dosa, macam-macam dosa, deminsi psikologis yang terkandung dalam perbuatan dosa, serta efek psikologis perbuatan dosa pada kehidupan seseorang

    Treating Low NIHSS Strokes

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    Ketidakpastian Hukum Jangka Waktu Penetapan Status Tersangka Dari Proses Penyidikan Sampai Pelimpahan Perkara Ke Persidangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jangka waktu penetapan status tersangka dari proses penyidikan sampai pelimpahan perkara ke persidangan. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normative. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Bedasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai batas waktu penetapan status tersangka mulai dari penyidikan sampai pelimpahan perkara ke persidangan, sehingga status tersangka tergantung pada proses penyidikan. Tidak adanya batas waktu dalam penetapan tersangka menyebabkan ketidakpastian hukum yang dijamin dalam pasal 28 D dan 28 I ayat (2) Undang-undang 1945

    Can Symptoms Differentiate Between Chronic Adenoiditis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Pediatric Patients

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    The purpose of this article is to differentiate pediatric patients with chronic adenoiditis from those with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) based on presenting symptoms. A chart review from a tertiary care facility with pediatric patients who presented with suspected CRS from 2006 to 2014 was identified. We compared patient characteristics, clinical symptoms, duration of symptoms, and past medial history using univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Based on recent literature, utilizing the computed tomography (CT) score, we identified those children with CRS versus those with chronic adenoiditis. Of the 99 pediatric patients included, 22 patients had diagnosis of adenoiditis and 77 had diagnosis of CRS. When purulent rhinorrhea was present with facial pain, CRS was statistically more prevalent than chronic adenoiditis (P = .017). Symptoms including cough (P = .022), rhinorrhea (P = .27), and facial pressure (P = .98) were not predictive of one diagnosis over the other. Past medical history of asthma or allergy was similar in both groups. Smoke exposure was associated with CT scores \u3e5 (odds ratio 2.4, 95% confidence interval, 0.799-7.182). We conclude that purulent rhinorrhea in the presence of facial pain is more indicative of CRS versus chronic adenoiditis. For all other children, an adenoidectomy without the need for a CT scan can be entertained

    Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Belajar Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Ricete, Riview terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Siswa SD

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    The purpose of the research is to analyse the effect of the USAge of learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak. The method that has been used was experiment method with forms of Pre-experimental design in the stake one group pretest posttest design. Research population of the entire fifth grad consists of 24 students in 15thstate elementary school in south Pontianak. The research sample was a class sample that is class fifth. Based on the result of data analysis, the mean of pre test was 63,26 and the mean of post test was 69,56. The hypothesis test result using t-test (Polled Variance) with dk 22 on 5 % significant level as known as table t = 1,717 obtained count (table t = 1,717). Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected. It could be conclude that there is an learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak. The result of the calculation on the effect size is 1,02 (high criteria). It means that the USAge of learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review gave high influence (effect) on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak

    Fuels and chemicals from rice straw in Egypt

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    The main objective of this paper is experimental study of pack carburizing of carbon steels (AISI 1020) by using two parameters (holding time and carburizing temperature). This study was conducted by using electrical furnace. This process is carried out at temperatures of 950°C for durations time 90 minutes. From the experiment, the surface hardness and thickness of carbon layer was different according to the parameters used. The quenching medium that uses in this experiment is water, oil, sea water and air. For carburizing temperature at 950°C, the highest of surface hardness value for air is 128 HV that carburized for 90 minutes, the highest of surface hardness value for water is 224 HV that carburized for 90 minutes. For carburizing temperature of 950°C, the highest of surface hardness value for sea water is 166.9 HV that carburized for 90 minutes and for carburizing temperature at 950°C which is the highest of surface hardness value for oil is 126 HV. The thickness of carbon layer was between 40μm to 120μm. The result indicates the carburizing process accelerates the diffusion of carbon atoms into the surface, thus increasing the thickness of carburized layer as well as the surface hardness

    The Higgs Potential in the Type II Seesaw Model

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    We perform in the type II seesaw setting, a detailed study of the dynamical features of the corresponding general renormalizable doublet/triplet Higgs potential that depends on five dimensionless couplings and two mass parameters after spontaneous symmetry breaking, and highlight the implications for the Higgs phenomenology. In particular, we determine i) the complete set of tree-level unitarity constraints on the couplings of the potential and ii) the exact tree-level {\sl all directions} boundedness from below constraints on these couplings. When combined, these constraints delineate precisely the theoretically allowed parameter space domain within our perturbative approximation. Among the seven physical Higgs states of this model, the mass of the lighter (heavier) CP-even state h0 (H0) will always satisfy a theoretical upper (lower) bound that is reached for a critical value mu_c of mu (the mass parameter controlling triple couplings among the doublet/triplet Higgses). Saturating the unitarity bounds we find m_h0 < {\cal O}(0.7 - 1 TeV), while the upper bound for the remaining Higgses lies in the several tens of TeV. However, the actual masses can be much lighter. We identify two regimes corresponding to mu > mu_c and mu < mu_c. In the first regime the Higgs sector is typically very heavy and only h0 that becomes SM-like could be accessible to the LHC. In contrast, in the second regime, somewhat overlooked in the literature, most of the Higgs sector is light. In particular the heaviest state H0 becomes SM-like, the lighter states being the CP-odd Higgs, the (doubly) charged Higgses and a decoupled h0, possibly leading to a distinctive phenomenology at the colliders.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figures, no major changes, references added, a comment added to sec 3.1, typos correcte