51 research outputs found

    A Review on Numerical Simulation and Comparison of Carbide and HSS Tool Wear Rate while Drilling with Difficult To Cut Super Alloy Titanium Based on Archard Model

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    A Carbide and HSS tool wear rate simulation using ArchardËŠs wear model is proposed, finite element modelling is done using commercial finite element software ABAQUS/explicit. ABAQUS interface was used to simulate the contact pressure. For measuring wear depth of tool's drilling operation is performed experimentally then wear depth is measured on profilprojecter. Comparing the wear rate, based on Archad model

    Selection of early maturing and high yielding mutants of Toraja Local Red Rice Grown from M2-M3 Population after Ion Beam Irradiation

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    This study aims to obtain the genotype of local Toraja red rice M2 mutants that have the potential to be developed into early maturing varieties and have high yields. Research carried out with a mass selection method consisting of two irradiation treatments, namely: (1) irradiation with a Carbon ion dose of 150 Gy (PL-C); (2) irradiation with Argon ion dose of 10 Gy (PL-A) and control as a comparison. Selected strains of M2 seed population were planted in experimental strains plus 2 strains as control, each row had 50 plants. Selection is done in two stages. The first stage, the selection is based on the criteria of plant growth components, to select rice plants that have early-middle age characters, dwarf-semi-dwarf, and many tillers. The second stage, selected strains from the scoring method were then grouped based on the degree of similarity with the cluster analysis method. Irradiation with ion beams produces mutants with shorter harvest times than their parents, with the harvest time 16-17 days or 10% shorter compared to their parents. This study produced 10 selected strains, 5 strains of carbon ion and 5 strains of argon ion irradiation treatment, and formed 5 groups with a 90% similarity coefficient

    Potential of Plant Extracts as Growth Exogenous Regulators of Potato Seeds

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    Potato production in Indonesia has been declining while demand for potatoes remains increasing. One main reason of the decline is the lack of availability for good potato seedling. To optimize the growth of potato seedling, some plant extracts as exogenous growth regulators may be used. This experiment was aimed to select the best plant extract as exogenous growth regulator for potato seedling growth and study the underlying physiological process. Seven plant extracts as exogenous growth regulators for potato seedling were used as treatments namely: water as a control, corn grain (Zea mays L.), onion (Allium ascalonicum L.), coconut water (Cocos nucifera L), snaps (Phaseolus vulgaris L), banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) and mung bean sprouts (Vigna radiata). The experiment was set in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications. Result revealed that one month after sowing, corn grain extract gave the best quality on the potato seedling growth based on percentage of live seedling (100%), seedling height (15.87 cm), number of leaves (9.40 leaves) and root length of the seedlings (13.39 cm). On the other hand, water treatment (control) showed the lowest growth quality on potato seedling indicated in all parameters as follow: percentage of life of potatoes seedling (74.44%), seedling height (3.66 cm), amount of leaves (4.27 leaves) and length of root (4.83 cm)

    Recovery of Values from Mining and Industrial Wastes

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    Studies were carried out on the recovery of valuesfrom wastesfrom magnesite mines and sponge iron plant. Rougher flotation followed by cleaning of the rougher float resulted in decreasing the silica content to below 1 % in thefinal concentrate from the magnesite mines 'waste dump' sample. The apparent porosity, bulk density and water absorption of the pelletsfired at 1750°C were 3.4-4.9%, 3.25 gm/cc and]-1-5% respectively. Results on the 'altered dunite rock'sample from the magnesite mines was also encouraging. Considering the beneficiation characteristics of coal and the associated impurities in the ESP-dust' and 'coal-char'samplesfrom sponge iron plant, a combination of magnetic separation and froth flotation was adopted for their processing. In the f nal products the ash could be brought down to -- 33 %

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep pada Materi Pokok Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penerapan model problem based learning berbasis pendekatan saintifik terhadap penguasaan konsep. Desain penelitian menggunakan  pretest-posttest  control  group  design.  Populasi  penelitian  ini  terbagi  atas  dua  kelas paralel  sebanyak  58  siswa.  Teknik  pengambilan  sampel  menggunakan  teknik  purposive  sampling. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu kelas XI-IPA4  sebagai kelas eksperimen sebanyak 29 siswa dan kelas XI- IPA1   sebagai kelas kontrol sebanyak 29 siswa. Instrumen penelitian untuk menentukan karakteristik konsep menggunakan format analisis konsep dan format peta konsep. Profil penguasaan konsep menggunakan butir tes pilihan ganda beralasan sebanyak 10 nomor. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep menggunakan  rumus  N-gain.  Efektivitas  pembelajaran  menggunakan  rumus  uji  beda  (t).  Serta tanggapan siswa menggunakan angket. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan data: (1) Terdapat 14 label  konsep  pada  materi  pokok  Kelarutan  dan  Hasil  Kali  Kelarutan,  terdiri  dari  28%  konsep menyatakan prinsip abstrak meliputi: Kesetimbangan Kelarutan, Hasil Kali Ion Kesetimbangan (Ksp), Hasil Kali Ion (Qsp), dan Elektrolit Sukar Larut, terdapat 14,29% konsep yang menyatakan ukuran atribut meliputi: Suhu dan Derajat Keasaman (pH), Serta terdapat 57,14% konsep yang menyatakan proses meliputi: Kelarutan, Ion Senama, Pengendapan, Larutan Elektrolit, Elektrolit Biner, Elektrolit Terner, Elektrolit Kuarterner, Larutan Jenuh; (2) Diperoleh perbandingan rerata skor post-test tertinggi dan terendah penguasaan konsep siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Perbandingan untuk skor post-test tertinggi yaitu 97,04>94,58 pada label konsep Larutan Jenuh, sedangkan perbandingan skor post-test terendah kelas eksperimen yaitu 72,70 pada label konsep Elektrolit Terner dan 70,43% pada kelas kontrol; (3) Indeks N-gain kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,77 berkategori tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,70 berkategori sedang; (4) Penerapan model problem based learning berbasis pendekatan saintifik pada kelas eksperimen efektif meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa dengan post-test dan N-gain sig. (2-tailed) < 0,05, selanjutnya efektif untuk diterapkan pada kelompok siswa berkemampuan tinggi dan sedang; (5) Penerapan model problem based learning berbasis pendekatan saintifik memiliki tanggapan baik dengan persentase 75,16%. Kata kunci Model Problem Based Learning, Pendekatan Saintifik, Penguasaan Konsep, Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali KelarutanHas conducted research that aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of models problem based learning based on a scientific approach to the mastery of concepts. The study design using pretest-posttest control group. The study population was divided into two parallel classes as many as 58 students. The sampling technique used technique. purposive sampling Samples of this research is class XI-IPA4 as an experimental class at 29 students and class XI IPA1 as the control class as many as 29 students. Research instruments to determine the characteristics of the concept of using the format of concept analysis and concept map format. Profile mastery of concepts using reasoned multiple choice test items as much as 10 numbers. Increasing mastery of the concept of using formula. The N-gain The effectiveness of learning using different test formula (t). As well as the responses of students using a questionnaire. Based on the analysis found the data: (1) There are 14 label concept in the   subject matter  solubility  and  solubility  product,  consisting  of  28%  concept  stating  abstract principles include:  Equilibrium  Solubility,  K o n s t a n t a  S o l u b i l i t y  P r o d u c t  (Ksp),  Q u o s i e n  S o l u b i l i t y P r o d u c t  (Qsp), and the electrolyte is difficult Late, there are 14.29% concept that states the size of the attributes include: temperature and degree of acidity (pH), as well  as 57.14% are concepts that  express  the process include: solubility, homogenity ion, Precipitation, electrolytes, electrolytes binary, ternary electrolytes, electrolytes Quaternary, Saturated solution; (2) Obtained comparisonmean score of post- test  the  highest  and  lowest  grade  students  mastery  of  concept  experiment  and control   class. Comparison of scores post-test highest, 97.04> 94.58 on the label Saturated Solution concept, while the scores compare post-test experimental class that is 72.70 lows on the label concept ternary electrolytes and 70.43% in the control group; (3) The N-Indexgain of 0.77 categorized experimental class  higher  than  the  control  class  was  0.70  category  being;  (4)  The  application  of models problem based learning based on experimental class scientific approach effectively improve the mastery of concepts students with post-test and N-gain sig. (2-tailed) <0,05, then effective to apply to groups of high and medium-ability students; (5) The application ofmodels problem based learning based on scientific approach has a good response with the percentage of 75.16%.  Keywords Problem Based Learning Model, Approach Scientific, Control Concepts, solubility and Solubility Product Constant

    Oscillatory Flow of Casson Fluid Between Parallel Plates with an Inclined Magnetic Field

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    The study of heat and mass transfer of oscillatory casson flow inporous medium subject to an inclined magnetic field, radiative heatflux and heat source is presented. It is supposed that Casson fluid islittle conductive and produced emf is insignificant. The solutions ofcoupled partial differential equations of velocity, temperature and con-centration profiles are found using Galerkins technique of finite elementmethod. The effect of various parameters such as Reynolds number Re,Grashoff number Gr, Solute Grashoff number Gc, Peclet number Pe,Hartman number Ha, Scmidth number Sc, Permeability parameter K,Radiative parameter R, Heat generation parameter S, Chemical reactionparameter Kr and frequency parameter w on velocity, temperature andconcentration are shown graphically and skin friction, Nusselts numberand Sherwood number are discussed by tables


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    Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini dilakukan pada SD Inpres Unhalu Kotamadya Kendari Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan menggunakan latar situasi sosial kelas V dalam proses belajar mengajar PIPS. Tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah ingin memperoleh gambaran yang jelas dan sekaligus memberikan solusi praktis kepada guru di sekolah dasar, khususnya guru PIPS dalam upaya menerapkan metode pemecahan masalah (problem solving) da1am proses belajar mengajar PIPS di kelas. Prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahapan kegiatan yang meliputi : t.ahap orientasi dalam rangka mengidentifikasi perrnasalahan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan guru dalam menerapkan rnetode pemecahan masalah (problem solving); tahap perencanaan, yaitu menyusun rencana tindakan termasuk revisi dan perubahan rencana yang akan dilaksanakan oleh guru dalam praktek untuk rnenerapkan metode pemecahan rnasalah dalam proses belajar mengajar P£PS; tahap tindakan, yaitu t.ahap pelaksanaan dari rencana yang disusun bersama oleh peneliti dan guru; tahap observasi, yaitu tahap untuk mengamati proses pelaksanaan tindakan yang hasilnya dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan untuk mengadakan diskusi kolaboratif antara peneliti dan guru dalam rangka menyusun rencana tindakan selanjutnya; tahap refleksi, yaitu tahap untuk merefleksikan hasil temuan dengan cara mengadakan. diskusi balikan antara peneliti dengan guru dalam rangka menemukan dan memecahkan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam menerapkan metode pemecahan masalah pada waktu kegiatan belajar mengajar PJPS, yang kemudian hasilnya dijadikan dasar untuk menyusun rencana tindakan ataupun dasar untuk rnengevaluasi keberhasilan tindakan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh guru. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di kelas menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus tindakan pertama guru belum dapat menerapkan metode pemecahan masalah (problem solving): sehingga suasana kelas terasa monoton, dimana siswa hanya pasif menerima informasi dari guru saja. Namun setelah diadakan diskusi balikan antara peneliti dengan guru pada setiap akhir siklus tindakan, maka guru te1ah mampu untuk menerapkan metode pemecahan masalah dalam proses belajar mengajar PIPS. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari aktivitas siswa selama proses belajar mengajar PIPS berlangsung. Aktivitas itu antara lain, kemampuan siswa dalam merwnuskan konsep, mengajukan pertanyaan, menjawab pertanyaan, mengemukakan ide/pendapat, bekerja dalam kelompok, mencari solusi terhadap permasalahan yang diberikan dan lain-lain. Dan pada bagian akhir peneliti merekomendasikan secara konseptual dan praktis tentang penerapan metode pemecahan rnasalah (problem solving) kepada pihak terkait, terutama kepada guru dalam upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas pembelajara PIPS
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