388 research outputs found

    LMO2 and IL2RG synergize in thymocytes to mimic the evolution of SCID-X1 gene therapy-associated T-cell leukaemia

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    The SCID-X1 disease occurs in males that lack a functional X-linked gene encoding the interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma (IL2RG) and thus are immuno-deficient (reviewed in Rochman et al.). Gene therapy has been a success in curing SCID-X1 in patients receiving autologous CD34+-bone marrow cells infected with retroviruses expressing IL2RG. This treatment protocol has, however, produced adverse T-cell effects where clonal T-cell leukaemias arose, and four have insertional mutagenesis of the T-cell oncogene LMO2. LMO2 is a T-cell oncogene first discovered via chromosomal translocations in T-cell acute leukaemia (T-ALL) (reviewed in Chambers and Rabbitts). It is unclear if the T-cell neoplasias in the SCID-X1 patients are simply due to insertional activation of the LMO2 gene or reflect synergy between LMO2 and IL2RG. Further, the recurrent involvement of LMO2 in SCID-X1 leukaemias is puzzling as other T-cell oncogenes (for example, TAL1/SCL, HOX11 and LYL1) might equally have been targets. This suggests that specific properties of LMO2 per se are required in these adverse events. The oncogenic potential of IL2RG itself also remains controversial. Although it causes T-cell lymphomas in mice transplanted with virally transduced haematopoetic stem cells, other studies have indicated that IL2RG is not an oncogene. Here we provide evidence that synergy is required between LMO2 and IL2RG proteins specifically in the T-cell lineage to elicit neoplasias and that additional mutations are required such as Notch1 mutations like those in human T-ALL

    Elucidating drivers of oral epithelial dysplasia formation and malignant transformation to cancer using RNAseq

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a prevalent cancer with poor prognosis. Most OSCC progresses via a non-malignant stage called dysplasia. Effective treatment of dysplasia prior to potential malignant transformation is an unmet clinical need. To identify markers of early disease, we performed RNA sequencing of 19 matched HPV negative patient trios: normal oral mucosa, dysplasia and associated OSCC. We performed differential gene expression, principal component and correlated gene network analysis using these data. We found differences in the immune cell signatures present at different disease stages and were able to distinguish early events in pathogenesis, such as upregulation of many HOX genes, from later events, such as down-regulation of adherens junctions. We herein highlight novel coding and non-coding candidates for involvement in oral dysplasia development and malignant transformation, and speculate on how our findings may guide further translational research into the treatment of oral dysplasia

    KRAS-specific inhibition using a DARPin binding to a site in the allosteric lobe.

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    Inhibiting the RAS oncogenic protein has largely been through targeting the switch regions that interact with signalling effector proteins. Here, we report designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) macromolecules that specifically inhibit the KRAS isoform by binding to an allosteric site encompassing the region around KRAS-specific residue histidine 95 at the helix α3/loop 7/helix α4 interface. We show that these DARPins specifically inhibit KRAS/effector interactions and the dependent downstream signalling pathways in cancer cells. Binding by the DARPins at that region influences KRAS/effector interactions in different ways, including KRAS nucleotide exchange and inhibiting KRAS dimerization at the plasma membrane. These results highlight the importance of targeting the α3/loop 7/α4 interface, a previously untargeted site in RAS, for specifically inhibiting KRAS function

    La fantasía como partera de la historia : El rey de los espinos de Marcelo Figueras

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    La novela El rey de los espinos (2014) del escritor argentino Marcelo Figueras se ubica en una constelación de umbrales que ofrece una figura semejante a la del caleidoscopio. Definida como "novela de aventuras" por su autor, pero tributaria tanto del género fantástico como de la ciencia ficción, arrastra a los lectores a una serie de peripecias en las que se intersectan historias y estéticas provenientes del cómic con una radiografía del mundo contemporáneo. A partir de la configuración de héroes inesperados, el texto contrapone una utopía de índole social a un presente al que ya experimentamos cotidianamente como distópico.The novel El rey de los espinos (2014) by Argentine writer Marcelo Figueras is set in a constellation of thresholds that offers a figure like that of the kaleidoscope. Defined as an "adventure novel" by its author, though a tributary of both the fantastic genre and science fiction, it draws readers into a series of adventures in which stories and aesthetics from the comic strip intersect with an X-ray of the contemporary world. From the configuration of unexpected heroes, the novel opposes a social utopia to a present that we daily experience as dystopian.La novel·la El rey de los espinos (2014) de l'escriptor argentí Marcelo Figueras s'ubica en una constel·lació de llindars que ofereix una figura semblant a la del calidoscopi. Definida com a "novel·la d'aventures" pel seu autor, però tributàriatant del gènere fantàstic com de la ciència-ficció, arrossega els lectors a una sèrie de peripècies en què s'intersequen històries i estètiques provinents del còmic amb una radiografia del món contemporani. A partir de la configuració d'herois inesperats, el text contraposa una utopia d'índole social a un present que ja experimentem quotidianament com a distòpic

    Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC)-Independent Progenitors Are Susceptible to Mll-Af9-Induced Leukemic Transformation.

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    Infant acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease, genetically distinct from its adult counterpart. Chromosomal translocations involving the KMT2A gene (MLL) are especially common in affected infants of less than 1 year of age, and are associated with a dismal prognosis. While these rearrangements are likely to arise in utero, the cell of origin has not been conclusively identified. This knowledge could lead to a better understanding of the biology of the disease and support the identification of new therapeutic vulnerabilities. Over the last few years, important progress in understanding the dynamics of fetal hematopoiesis has been made. Several reports have highlighted how hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) provide little contribution to fetal hematopoiesis, which is instead largely sustained by HSC-independent progenitors. Here, we used conditional Cre-Lox transgenic mouse models to engineer the Mll-Af9 translocation in defined subsets of embryonic hematopoietic progenitors. We show that embryonic hematopoiesis is generally permissive for Mll-Af9-induced leukemic transformation. Surprisingly, the selective introduction of Mll-Af9 in HSC-independent progenitors generated a transplantable myeloid leukemia, whereas it did not when introduced in embryonic HSC-derived cells. Ex vivo engineering of the Mll-Af9 rearrangement in HSC-independent progenitors using a CRISPR/Cas9-based approach resulted in the activation of an aberrant myeloid-biased self-renewal program. Overall, our results demonstrate that HSC-independent hematopoietic progenitors represent a permissive environment for Mll-Af9-induced leukemic transformation, and can likely act as cells of origin of infant AML

    Using next-generation sequencing for high resolution multiplex analysis of copy number variation from nanogram quantities of DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens

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    The use of next-generation sequencing technologies to produce genomic copy number data has recently been described. Most approaches, however, reply on optimal starting DNA, and are therefore unsuitable for the analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, which largely precludes the analysis of many tumour series. We have sought to challenge the limits of this technique with regards to quality and quantity of starting material and the depth of sequencing required. We confirm that the technique can be used to interrogate DNA from cell lines, fresh frozen material and FFPE samples to assess copy number variation. We show that as little as 5 ng of DNA is needed to generate a copy number karyogram, and follow this up with data from a series of FFPE biopsies and surgical samples. We have used various levels of sample multiplexing to demonstrate the adjustable resolution of the methodology, depending on the number of samples and available resources. We also demonstrate reproducibility by use of replicate samples and comparison with microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and digital PCR. This technique can be valuable in both the analysis of routine diagnostic samples and in examining large repositories of fixed archival material

    Clinical and genomic analysis of a randomised phase II study evaluating anastrozole and fulvestrant in postmenopausal patients treated for large operable or locally-advanced hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of neoadjuvant anastrozole and fulvestrant treatment of large operable or locally-advanced hormone- receptor-positive breast cancer not eligible for initial breast-conserving surgery, and to identify genomic changes occurring after treatment. Methods: 120 post-menopausal patients were randomised to receive 1 mg anastrozole (61 patients) or 500 mg fulvestrant (59 patients) for 6 months. Genomic DNA copy number profiles were generated for a subgroup of 20 patients before and after treatment. Results: 108 patients were evaluable for efficacy and 118 for toxicity. The objective response rate determined by clinical palpation was 58.9% (95% CI 45.0-71.9) in the anastrozole arm and 53.8% (95% CI 39.5-67.8) in the fulvestrant arm. The breast- conserving surgery rate was 58.9% (95% CI 45.0-71.9) in the anastrozole arm and 50.0% (95% CI 35.8-64.2) in the fulvestrant arm. Pathological responses >50% occurred in 24 patients (42.9%) in the anastrozole arm and 13 (25.0%) in the fulvestrant arm. The Ki-67 score fell after treatment but there was no significant difference between the reduction in the two arms (anastrozole 16.7% [95%CI 13.3-21.0] before, 3.2% [95%CI 1.9-5.5] after, n=43; fulvestrant 17.1% [95%CI 13.1-22.5] before, 3.2% [95%CI 1.8-5.7] after, n=38) or between the reduction in Ki-67 in clinical responders and non- responders. Genomic analysis appeared to show a reduction of clonal diversity following treatment with selection of some clones with simpler copy number profiles. Conclusion: Both anastrozole and fulvestrant were effective and well-tolerated, enabling breast-conserving surgery in over 50% of patients. Clonal changes consistent with clonal selection by the treatment were seen in a subgroup of patients