20 research outputs found

    Rearrangement of Retinogeniculate Projection Patterns after Eye-Specific Segregation in Mice

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    It has been of interest whether and when the rearrangement of neuronal circuits can be induced after projection patterns are formed during development. Earlier studies using cats reported that the rearrangement of retinogeniculate projections could be induced even after eye-specific segregation has occurred, but detailed and quantitative characterization of this rearrangement has been lacking. Here we delineate the structural changes of retinogeniculate projections in the C57BL/6 mouse in response to monocular enucleation (ME) after eye-specific segregation. When ME was performed after eye-specific segregation, rearrangement of retinogeniculate axons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) was observed within 5 days. Although this rearrangement was observed both along the dorsomedial-ventrolateral and outer-inner axes in the dLGN, it occurred more rapidly along the outer-inner axis. We also examined the critical period for this rearrangement and found that the rearrangement became almost absent by the beginning of the critical period for ocular dominance plasticity in the primary visual cortex. Taken together, our findings serve as a framework for the assessment of phenotypes of genetically altered mouse strains as well as provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the rearrangement of retinogeniculate projections

    A new method to image heme-Fe, total Fe, and aggregated protein levels after intracerebral hemorrhage

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    © 2015 American Chemical Society.An intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating stroke that results in high mortality and significant disability in survivors. Unfortunately, the underlying mechanisms of this injury are not yet fully understood. After the primary (mechanical) trauma, secondary degenerative events contribute to ongoing cell death in the peri-hematoma region. Oxidative stress is thought to be a key reason for this delayed injury, which is likely due to free-Fe-catalyzed free radical reactions. Unfortunately, this is difficult to prove with conventional biochemical assays that fail to differentiate between alterations that occur within the hematoma and peri-hematoma zone. This is a critical limitation, as the hematoma contains tissue severely damaged by the initial hemorrhage and is unsalvageable, whereas the peri-hematoma region is less damaged but at risk from secondary degenerative events. Such events include oxidative stress mediated by free Fe presumed to originate from hemoglobin breakdown. Therefore, minimizing the damage caused by oxidative stress following hemoglobin breakdown and Fe release is a major therapeutic target. However, the extent to which free Fe contributes to the pathogenesis of ICH remains unknown. This investigation used a novel imaging approach that employed resonance Raman spectroscopic mapping of hemoglobin, X-ray fluorescence microscopic mapping of total Fe, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of aggregated protein following ICH in rats. This multimodal spectroscopic approach was used to accurately define the hematoma/peri-hematoma boundary and quantify the Fe concentration and the relative aggregated protein content, as a marker of oxidative stress, within each region. The results revealed total Fe is substantially increased in the hematoma (0.90 µg cm<sup>-2</sup>), and a subtle but significant increase in Fe that is not in the chemical form of hemoglobin is present within the peri-hematoma zone (0.32 µg cm<sup>-2</sup>) within 1 day of ICH, relative to sham animals (0.22 µg cm<sup>-2</sup>). Levels of aggregated protein were significantly increased within both the hematoma (integrated band area 0.10 AU) and peri-hematoma zone (integrated band area 0.10 AU) relative to sham animals (integrated band area 0.056 AU), but no significant difference in aggregated protein content was observed between the hematoma and peri-hematoma zone. This result suggests that the chemical form of Fe and its ability to generate free radicals is likely to be a more critical predictor of tissue damage than the total Fe content of the tissue. Furthermore, this article describes a novel approach to colocalize nonheme Fe and aggregated protein in the peri-hematoma zone following ICH, a significant methodological advancement for the field

    The Effects of Aging and Genotype on NMDA Receptor Expression in Growth Hormone Receptor Knockout (GHRKO) Mice

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    Caloric restriction enhances N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor binding and upregulates messenger RNA expression of the GluN1 subunit during aging. Old growth hormone receptor knockout mice resemble old calorically restricted rodents in enhanced life span and brain function, as compared with aged controls. This study examined whether aged growth hormone receptor knockout mice also show enhanced expression of NMDA receptors. Six or 23- to 24-month-old male normal-sized control or dwarf growth hormone receptor knockout mice were assayed for NMDA-displaceable [3H]glutamate binding (autoradiography) and GluN1 subunit messenger RNA (in situ hybridization). There was slight sparing of NMDA receptor binding densities within aged medial prefrontal and motor cortices, similar to caloric restriction, but there were greater age-related declines in GluN1 messenger RNA in growth hormone receptor knockout versus control mice. These results suggest that some of the functional improvements in aged mice with altered growth hormone signaling may be due to enhancement of NMDA receptors, but not through the upregulation of messenger RNA for the GluN1 subunit

    Palladium-Catalyzed Reactions of Allenes

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