407 research outputs found

    Femtosecond Laser Inscribed Y-Branch Waveguide in Nd:YAG Crystal: Fabrication and Continuous-Wave Lasing

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    Rectangular Y-branch cladding waveguides have been fabricated in Nd:YAG crystal by femtosecond laser inscription. Such novel configurations are fabricated with depth of 50 μm, supporting multimode guidance in both TM and TE polarizations. Continuous wave laser oscillations at wavelength of 1.06 μm have been achieved under the optical pump at 808 nm. The maximum output power is 0.2 W with a slope efficiency of 20% in the device with splitting angle of 0.5°

    Multi-Robot-Assisted Human Crowd Evacuation using Navigation Velocity Fields

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    This work studies a robot-assisted crowd evacuation problem where we control a small group of robots to guide a large human crowd to safe locations. The challenge lies in how to model human-robot interactions and design robot controls to indirectly control a human population that significantly outnumbers the robots. To address the challenge, we treat the crowd as a continuum and formulate the evacuation objective as driving the crowd density to target locations. We propose a novel mean-field model which consists of a family of microscopic equations that explicitly model how human motions are locally guided by the robots and an associated macroscopic equation that describes how the crowd density is controlled by the navigation velocity fields generated by all robots. Then, we design density feedback controllers for the robots to dynamically adjust their states such that the generated navigation velocity fields drive the crowd density to a target density. Stability guarantees of the proposed controllers are proven. Agent-based simulations are included to evaluate the proposed evacuation algorithms

    An efficient platform for astrocyte differentiation from human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Summary: Growing evidence implicates the importance of glia, particularly astrocytes, in neurological and psychiatric diseases. Here, we describe a rapid and robust method for the differentiation of highly pure populations of replicative astrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), via a neural progenitor cell (NPC) intermediate. We evaluated this protocol across 42 NPC lines (derived from 30 individuals). Transcriptomic analysis demonstrated that hiPSC-astrocytes from four individuals are highly similar to primary human fetal astrocytes and characteristic of a non-reactive state. hiPSC-astrocytes respond to inflammatory stimulants, display phagocytic capacity, and enhance microglial phagocytosis. hiPSC-astrocytes also possess spontaneous calcium transient activity. Our protocol is a reproducible, straightforward (single medium), and rapid (<30 days) method to generate populations of hiPSC-astrocytes that can be used for neuron-astrocyte and microglia-astrocyte co-cultures for the study of neuropsychiatric disorders. : Brennand, Goate, and colleagues report a rapid and robust method for the differentiation of highly pure populations of replicative astrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) via a neural progenitor cell (NPC) intermediate. hiPSC-astrocytes resemble primary human fetal astrocytes, have a transcriptional signature consistent with a non-reactive state, respond to inflammatory stimulants, and enhance microglial phagocytosis. Keywords: human induced pluripotent stem cell, iPSC, astrocyt

    Genetically Encoded Biosensors Reveal PKA Hyperphosphorylation on the Myofilaments in Rabbit Heart Failure

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    RATIONALE: In heart failure, myofilament proteins display abnormal phosphorylation, which contributes to contractile dysfunction. The mechanisms underlying the dysregulation of protein phosphorylation on myofilaments is not clear. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to understand the mechanisms underlying altered phosphorylation of myofilament proteins in heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: We generate a novel genetically encoded protein kinase A (PKA) biosensor anchored onto the myofilaments in rabbit cardiac myocytes to examine PKA activity at the myofilaments in responses to adrenergic stimulation. We show that PKA activity is shifted from the sarcolemma to the myofilaments in hypertrophic failing rabbit myocytes. In particular, the increased PKA activity on the myofilaments is because of an enhanced β2 adrenergic receptor signal selectively directed to the myofilaments together with a reduced phosphodiesterase activity associated with the myofibrils. Mechanistically, the enhanced PKA activity on the myofilaments is associated with downregulation of caveolin-3 in the hypertrophic failing rabbit myocytes. Reintroduction of caveolin-3 in the failing myocytes is able to normalize the distribution of β2 adrenergic receptor signal by preventing PKA signal access to the myofilaments and to restore contractile response to adrenergic stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: In hypertrophic rabbit myocytes, selectively enhanced β2 adrenergic receptor signaling toward the myofilaments contributes to elevated PKA activity and PKA phosphorylation of myofilament proteins. Reintroduction of caveolin-3 is able to confine β2 adrenergic receptor signaling and restore myocyte contractility in response to β adrenergic stimulation

    An Unified Approach To Pseudo Scalar Meson Photoproductions Off Nucleons In The Quark Model

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    An unified approach to the pseudo scalar meson (π,η\pi, \eta, and KK) photoproduction off nucleons are presented. It begins with the low energy QCD Lagrangian, and the resonances in the s- and u- channels are treated in the framework of the quark model The duality hypothesis is imposed to limit the number of the t-channel exchanges. The CGLN amplitudes for each reaction are evaluated, which include both proton and neutron targets. The important role by the S-wave resonances in the second resonance region is discussed, it is particularly important for the K,ηK, \eta and η′\eta^\prime photoproductions.Comment: 31 pages in Latex fil

    High-frequency characterization of Permalloy nanosized strips using network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance

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    We report on the dynamic properties of Permalloy nanostrips at gagahertz frequencies. The thickness of the strips is 100 nm, strip width is 300 nm, strip spacing is 1 μm, and length is 0.3–100 μm; aspect ratios are 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5, 1:10, and 1:333. The dynamic behavior was studied by network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) using Permalloy strips on a coplanar waveguide in flip-chip geometry. The FMR mode frequencies (fr) can be controlled by the aspect ratio as well as by the applied magnetic field (H). In longer strips (1:10 and 1:333), the excitation frequencies show a soft mode behavior (Heff = 990 Oe) when the field is along the hard axis. However, along the easy axis (along the strip length), fr increases with applied field. At a field of 3 kOe, fr values are almost independent of aspect ratio along the easy axis except for the 1:1 strip. Along the hard axis, the frequencies are strongly dependent upon the aspect ratio. We also observed that the frequency linewidths of the strips are dependent on the aspect rati

    Quantum correlations and synchronization measures

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    The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is universal and only recently advances have been made in the quantum domain. Being synchronization a kind of temporal correlation among systems, it is interesting to understand its connection with other measures of quantum correlations. We review here what is known in the field, putting emphasis on measures and indicators of synchronization which have been proposed in the literature, and comparing their validity for different dynamical systems, highlighting when they give similar insights and when they seem to fail.Comment: book chapter, 18 pages, 7 figures, Fanchini F., Soares Pinto D., Adesso G. (eds) Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications. Quantum Science and Technology. Springer (2017

    Topological Defects and Non-homogeneous Melting of Large 2D Coulomb Clusters

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    The configurational and melting properties of large two-dimensional clusters of charged classical particles interacting with each other via the Coulomb potential are investigated through the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The particles are confined by a harmonic potential. For a large number of particles in the cluster (N>150) the configuration is determined by two competing effects, namely in the center a hexagonal lattice is formed, which is the groundstate for an infinite 2D system, and the confinement which imposes its circular symmetry on the outer edge. As a result a hexagonal Wigner lattice is formed in the central area while at the border of the cluster the particles are arranged in rings. In the transition region defects appear as dislocations and disclinations at the six corners of the hexagonal-shaped inner domain. Many different arrangements and type of defects are possible as metastable configurations with a slightly higher energy. The particles motion is found to be strongly related to the topological structure. Our results clearly show that the melting of the clusters starts near the geometry induced defects, and that three different melting temperatures can be defined corresponding to the melting of different regions in the cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transition Between Ground State and Metastable States in Classical 2D Atoms

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    Structural and static properties of a classical two-dimensional (2D) system consisting of a finite number of charged particles which are laterally confined by a parabolic potential are investigated by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and the Newton optimization technique. This system is the classical analog of the well-known quantum dot problem. The energies and configurations of the ground and all metastable states are obtained. In order to investigate the barriers and the transitions between the ground and all metastable states we first locate the saddle points between them, then by walking downhill from the saddle point to the different minima, we find the path in configurational space from the ground state to the metastable states, from which the geometric properties of the energy landscape are obtained. The sensitivity of the ground-state configuration on the functional form of the inter-particle interaction and on the confinement potential is also investigated
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