28 research outputs found

    Invariant Variation Problems

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    The problems in variation here concerned are such as to admit a continuous group (in Lie's sense); the conclusions that emerge from the corresponding differential equations find their most general expression in the theorems formulated in Section 1 and proved in following sections. Concerning these differential equations that arise from problems of variation, far more precise statements can be made than about arbitrary differential equations admitting of a group, which are the subject of Lie's researches. What is to follow, therefore, represents a combination of the methods of the formal calculus of variations with those of Lie's group theory. For special groups and problems in variation, this combination of methods is not new; I may cite Hamel and Herglotz for special finite groups, Lorentz and his pupils (for instance Fokker), Weyl and Klein for special infinite groups. Especially Klein's second Note and the present developments have been mutually influenced by each other, in which regard I may refer to the concluding remarks of Klein's Note.Comment: M. A. Tavel's English translation of Noether's Theorems (1918), reproduced by Frank Y. Wang. Thanks to Lloyd Kannenberg for corrigend

    Transport in rough self-affine fractures

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    Transport properties of three-dimensional self-affine rough fractures are studied by means of an effective-medium analysis and numerical simulations using the Lattice-Boltzmann method. The numerical results show that the effective-medium approximation predicts the right scaling behavior of the permeability and of the velocity fluctuations, in terms of the aperture of the fracture, the roughness exponent and the characteristic length of the fracture surfaces, in the limit of small separation between surfaces. The permeability of the fractures is also investigated as a function of the normal and lateral relative displacements between surfaces, and is shown that it can be bounded by the permeability of two-dimensional fractures. The development of channel-like structures in the velocity field is also numerically investigated for different relative displacements between surfaces. Finally, the dispersion of tracer particles in the velocity field of the fractures is investigated by analytic and numerical methods. The asymptotic dominant role of the geometric dispersion, due to velocity fluctuations and their spatial correlations, is shown in the limit of very small separation between fracture surfaces.Comment: submitted to PR

    Patterns and flow in frictional fluid dynamics

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    Pattern-forming processes in simple fluids and suspensions have been studied extensively, and the basic displacement structures, similar to viscous fingers and fractals in capillary dominated flows, have been identified. However, the fundamental displacement morphologies in frictional fluids and granular mixtures have not been mapped out. Here we consider Coulomb friction and compressibility in the fluid dynamics, and discover surprising responses including highly intermittent flow and a transition to quasi-continuodynamics. Moreover, by varying the injection rate over several orders of magnitude, we characterize new dynamic modes ranging from stick-slip bubbles at low rate to destabilized viscous fingers at high rate. We classify the fluid dynamics into frictional and viscous regimes, and present a unified description of emerging morphologies in granular mixtures in the form of extended phase diagrams

    Influence d'un traitement d'implantation diffusion d'azote à flux élevé sur la résistance à l'usure d'un acier austénitique

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    La résistance à l'usure des aciers austénitiques est insuffisante pour de nombreuses applications à cause de leur dureté assez faible, mais elle peut être améliorée par un traitement de durcissement superficiel par nitruration. Il est cependant nécessaire que le traitement soit effectué à température modérée si l'on veut éviter la formation de nitrure de chrome et conserver les propriétés inoxydables de l'acier. Des études récentes ont montré la possibilité de former des couches nitrurées épaisses (2-10µm) et concentrées (25at%) en réalisant à une température modérée (400°C) une implantation d'azote à basse énergie (1keV) et flux élevé (1mA.cm2). Dans ces conditions, pour un traitement d'une heure à 400°C d'un acier austénitique 304, on forme en surface sur environ 5µm une solution solide interstitielle d'azote (austénite dilatée γN) qui augmente fortement la dureté de 280 à environ 800 Kg/mm2. Les expériences d'usure sont faites sous eau déminéralisée en mode glissement et en contact sphère-plan sous des pressions de Hertz très inférieures à la limite élastique de l'acier. Le traitement de nitruration a été appliqué aux disques et aux pions dans quatre configurations : pion traité (ou non) sur disque traité (ou non). Quel que soit le traitement du disque on obtient une baisse notable de l'usure du pion, par contre dans le cas ou le pion non traité frotte sur un disque traité, l'usure du pion est très fortement augmentée de même que les faciès de dégradation sont fortement modifiés