1,141 research outputs found

    A resolution to the blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) population paradox?

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    We provide the strongest evidence to date supporting the existence of two independent blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou (Risso, 1827)) populations in the North Atlantic. In spite of extensive data collected in conjunction with the fishery, the population structure of blue whiting is poorly understood. On one hand, genetic, morphometric, otolith and drift modelling studies point towards the existence of two populations, but, on the other hand, observations of adult distributions point towards a single population. A paradox therefore arises in attempting to reconcile these two sets of information. Here we analyse 1100 observations of blue whiting larvae from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) from 1948–2005 using modern statistical techniques. We show a clear spatial separation between a northern spawning area, in the Rockall Trough, and a southern one, off the Porcupine Seabight. We further show a difference in the timing of spawning between these sites of at least a month, and meaningful differences in interannual variability. The results therefore support the two-population hypothesis. Furthermore, we resolve the paradox by showing that the acoustic observations cited in support of the single-population model are not capable of resolving both populations, as they occur too late in the year and do not extend sufficiently far south to cover the southern population: the confusion is the result of a simple observational artefact. We conclude that blue whiting in the North Atlantic comprises two populations

    Mitochondrial Acetylation and Diseases of Aging

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    In recent years, protein lysine acetylation has emerged as a prominent and conserved regulatory posttranslational modification that is abundant on numerous enzymes involved in the processes of intermediary metabolism. Well-characterized mitochondrial processes of carbon utilization are enriched in acetyl-lysine modifications. Although seminal discoveries have been made in the basic biology of mitochondrial acetylation, an understanding of how acetylation states influence enzyme function and metabolic reprogramming during pathological states remains largely unknown. This paper will examine our current understanding of eukaryotic acetate metabolism and present recent findings in the field of mitochondrial acetylation biology. The implications of mitochondrial acetylation for the aging process will be discussed, as well as its potential implications for the unique and localized metabolic states that occur during the aging-associated conditions of heart failure and cancer growth

    Posttranslational Modifications in Mitochondria: Protein Signaling in the Powerhouse

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    There is an intimate interplay between cellular metabolism and the pathophysiology of disease. Mitochondria are essential to maintaining and regulating metabolic function of cells and organs. Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in diverse diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, neurodegeneration, cancer and aging. Multiple reversible post-translational protein modifications are located in the mitochondria that are responsive to nutrient availability and redox conditions, and which can act in protein-protein interactions to modify diverse mitochondrial functions. Included in this are physiologic redox signaling via reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, phosphorylation, O-GlcNAcylation, acetylation, and succinylation, among others. With the advent of mass proteomic screening techniques, there has been a vast increase in the array of known mitochondrial post-translational modifications and their protein targets. The functional significance of these processes in disease etiology, and the pathologic response to their disruption, are still under investigation. However, many of these reversible modifications act as regulatory mechanisms in mitochondria and show promise for mitochondrial-targeted therapeutic strategies. This review addresses the current knowledge of post-translational processing and signaling mechanisms in mitochondria, and their implications in health and disease

    Enhanced image annotations based on spatial information extraction and ontologies

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    Current research on image annotation often represents images in terms of labelled regions or objects, but pays little attention to the spatial positions or relationships between those regions or objects. To be effective, general purpose image retrieval systems require images with comprehensive annotations describing fully the content of the image. Much research is being done on automatic image annotation schemes but few authors address the issue of spatial annotations directly. This paper begins with a brief analysis of real picture queries to librarians showing how spatial terms are used to formulate queries. The paper is then concerned with the development of an enhanced automatic image annotation system, which extracts spatial information about objects in the image. The approach uses region boundaries and region labels to generate annotations describing absolute object positions and also relative positions between pairs of objects. A domain ontology and spatial information ontology are also used to extract more complex information about the relative closeness of objects to the viewer

    Dynamic range and mass accuracy of wide-scan direct infusion nanoelectrospray fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry-based metabolomics increased by the spectral stitching method

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    Direct infusion nanoelectrospray Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (DI nESI FT-ICR MS)offers high mass accuracy and resolution for analyzing complex metabolite mixtures. High dynamic range across a wide mass range, however, can only be achieved at the expense of mass accuracy, since the large numbers of ions entering the ICR detector induce adverse spacecharge effects. Here we report an optimized strategy for wide-scan DI nESI FT-ICR MS that increases dynamic range but maintains high mass accuracy. It comprises the collection if multiple adjacent selected ion monitoring (SIM) windows that are stitched together using novel algorithms. The final SIM-stitching method, derived from several optimization experiments, comprises 21 adjoining SIM windows each of width m/z 30 (from m/z 70 to 500; adjacent windows overlap by m/z 10) with an automated gain control (AGC) target of 1 105 charges. SIMstitching and wide-scan range (WSR; Thermo Electron)were compared using a defined standard to assess mass accuracy and a liver extract to assess peak count and dynamic range. SIM-stitching decreased the maximum mass error by 1.3- and 4.3-fold, and increased the peak count by 5.3- and 1.8-fold, versus WSR (AGC targets of 1 x 105 and 5 x 105, respectively). SIM-stitching achieved an rms mass error of 0.18 ppm and detected over 3000 peaks in liver extract. This novel approach increases metabolome coverage, has very high mass accuracy, and at 5.5 min/sample is conducive for high- throughput metabolomics

    The current state of biomarker research for Friedreich's ataxia: a report from the 2018 FARA biomarker meeting

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    The 2018 FARA Biomarker Meeting highlighted the current state of development of biomarkers for Friedreich's ataxia. A mass spectroscopy assay to sensitively measure mature frataxin (reduction of which is the root cause of disease) is being developed. Biomarkers to monitor neurological disease progression include imaging, electrophysiological measures and measures of nerve function, which may be measured either in serum and/or through imaging-based technologies. Potential pharmacodynamic biomarkers include metabolic and protein biomarkers and markers of nerve damage. Cardiac imaging and serum biomarkers may reflect cardiac disease progression. Considerable progress has been made in the development of biomarkers for various contexts of use, but further work is needed in terms of larger longitudinal multisite studies, and identification of novel biomarkers for additional use cases

    The Mechanism of Oxide Ion Conductivity in Bismuth Rhenium Oxide, Bi28Re2O49

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    We have carried out a combined experimental and computational study of oxide ion conductor Bi28Re2O49, with the aim of elucidating the conductivity mechanisms and pathways in this material. Single crystals of Bi28Re2O49 were grown from melt and the structure was investigated for the first time by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The structural model obtained is consistent with the Re atoms in Bi28Re2O49 being both four- and six-coordinate, in a 3:1 ratio, in agreement with previous EXAFS and IR spectroscopy studies. The thermal displacement parameters of the oxygen atoms bonded to Re suggest substantial disorder of the Re coordination polyhedra. Ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations were performed to probe the oxide ion migration pathways in Bi28Re2O49 and the roles of the Bisingle bondO and Resingle bondO sublattices. The key conclusion is that the ability of Re to support variable coordination environments is vitally important in Bi28Re2O49; it provides a mechanism for ‘self-doping’ of the structure, i.e. the creation of O2 − vacancies in the fluorite-like Bisingle bondO sublattice by exchange of O atoms with the Resingle bondO sublattice, and the subsequent increase of the average coordination number of Re. All three crystallographically unique oxygen sites in the Bisingle bondO sublattice play roles in the ionic migration processes, by facilitating the O2 − exchange between the ReOx groups and by contributing to the O2 − diffusion via the vacancy-hopping mechanisms