1,578 research outputs found
Éstimations résiduelles de l’émigration internationale selon la langue maternelle, Québec, 1971-1976
Le recensement du Canada est soumis principalement à des erreurs de dénombrement et de déclaration. Ces erreurs interviennent de façon importante lors de l’estimation de l’émigration internationale par des méthodes résiduelles, plus particulièrement dans le cas d’estimations selon le groupe linguistique.Pour la période 1971-1976, les auteurs obtiennent une estimation négative du nombre d’emigrants anglophones du Québec. Dans ce cas, les erreurs qui accompagnent l’effectif d’émigrants sont au moins équivalentes sinon supérieures au résidu négatif. Suite à l’examen des problêmes liés aux données du recensement qui entraînent ces erreurs, certaines corrections sont présentées concernant le sous-dénombrement, les déclarations multiples et les changements de déclaration de langue maternelle. Les auteurs terminent en s’interrogeant sur la pertinence de ces corrections
Abstract MALO, R.: The Model of E-technology utilization for Today, small and medium-sized enterprises implement e-technology in order to improve business performance and competitiveness. As to achieve the maximum level of benefi ts from e-technology implementation, it is important to understand well to all suitable e-activities, their possibilities and also opportunity for business. In this paper, the general model of e-technology utilization in the form of partial e-technologies is described. This general model was proposed for better understanding of the possibilities small and medium-sized enterprises can reach by usage of e-technologies. Based on a synthesis of related literatures, an analysis of various data from reachable researches, surveys of enterprises and a qualitative study of referential business subjects, we identifi ed several e-activities which are dominant specially for SMEs, external subjects connected to these activities (customers, suppliers, partners) and also groups of IS/ICT necessary to support identifi ed e-activities. All these information were summarized and adopted in the general model. The model provides basic platform for our research within e-technology and simple formal structure for analysis and comparison of real businesses in this scope. Although, in this paper the SME area is considered, the model itself is general. e-technology, e-activities, small and medium-sized enterprises, e-technology utilization model, e-technology utilization index The term e-technology is the shorthand for electronic technology or e-business technology. It covers especially complex technical support as hardware, so ware and communication infrastructure for enabling a lot of various electronic activities as e-commerce, e-invoicing, e-procurement, e-marketing and lot of other ones. In fact, this is the main reason why various e-technologies are implemented within enterprises. Formal defi nitions of the term e-technology are off ered by several authors. Koh and Maquire (2009) defi ne electronictechnology (e-technology) as a diverse range of IT, IS, IT/IS and ICT used with the network architecture support of the Internet, Intranet and/or Extranet to assist personal, business, organizational and institutional activities. In the similar way, Stevens (2007) describes e-technologies as any product, device or mechanism that creates and disseminates information about the business or facilitates transactions for the business by means of the world wide web, inter and intranets, e-mail, machine-readable and scanned information, hand-held and desk-top electronic devices and any other electronic means. In fact, it seems to be clear that e-technology is closely related to the problem of business. Here, in this paper, the term e-technology is used for the information and communication technology and also information systems and so ware tools used as a platform for electronic business and its components according to simple but clarifying defi nition of e-technology proposed by Wei, De Boer and Che
VR safety training for Fab Lab
Abstract. With advancements in both hardware and software, virtual reality has become more common in homes, offices and other workplaces. As with all new technologies, it is important to find uses that are best suited for VR. Education and training are the most common professional applications for VR. In this thesis we describe ways that VR has been utilized by others, and introduce an application developed by us to display the possibilities brought by VR.
We developed an application to teach safe behaviour when using a laser cutter, to aid in the education of new users of a Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab). The application was built using Unity3D game engine for the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, and was tested in an evaluation by staff at the University of Oulu Fab Lab. There were four test users in total, all of them with limited experience using VR. A member of our team was there to guide them in the use of the application. After the evaluation was complete, the participants answered a questionnaire containing multiple-choice and open questions.
From the evaluation with the staff and questionnaire responses, it was concluded that the application was a mixed success with positive feedback but caused VR sickness in many. In addition, the evaluation resulted in suggestions for improvements from the users. We had planned to add other features, which were not possible to include due to the tight schedule. The application showed a lot of potential for future improvement such as including other machinery and features located in the Fab Lab such as 3D Printers and vinyl cutters for safety training.VR turvallisuuskoulutus Fab Lab-ympäristöön. Tiivistelmä. Tietokonelaitteistojen ja ohjelmistojen kehittyessä virtuaalitodellisuudesta on tullut tavallisempaa kodeissa, toimistoissa ja työpaikoilla. Uusien teknologioiden, kuten VR:n, ilmaantuessa on tärkeää löytää käyttökohteita, jotka parhaiten hyödyntävät kyseistä teknologiaa. Tässä työssä kerromme tavoista joilla muut ovat hyödyntäneet VR:ää, ja tuomme julki kehittämämme sovelluksen, esittääksemme asioita joita VR mahdollistaa.
Kehitimme sovelluksen opettaaksemme turvallisia toimintatapoja laserleikkuria käytettäessä, helpottaaksemme uusien Fabrication Laboratoryn(Fab Lab) käyttäjiä. Sovellus on kehitetty Oculus Quest 2 -VR-laseille käyyttäen Unity3D pelimoottoria, ja sitä on testannut Fab Labin henkilökunta. Testikäyttäjiä oli neljä, ja heillä kaikilla oli hierman kokemusta VR:n käytöstä. Yksi ryhmämme jäsenistä oli mukana testaustilanteessa, opastamassa sovelluksen käyttöä. Käyttäjätestauksen jälkeen testaajat vastasivat kyselyyn jossa oli monivalinta- sekä avoimia kysymyksiä.
Käyttäjätestauksesta ja kyselyn vastauksista tulkiten sovelluksen menestys oli keskinkertainen. Käyttäjät antoivat positiivista palautetta ja ehdotuksia sovelluksen kehittämiseen, mutta käytöstä aiheutui pahoinvointia useille. Tarkoituksenamme oli kehittää enemmän toiminnallisuutta, mutta rajoitteena oli tiukka aikataulu. Sovelluksella on paljon potentiaalia turvallisuusopetuksen laajentamiseksi, ja siihen voisi lisätä muita Fab Labissa sijaitsevia laitteita, kuten 3D-tulostimia ja vinyylileikkurin
A Multi-objective Exploratory Procedure for Regression Model Selection
Variable selection is recognized as one of the most critical steps in
statistical modeling. The problems encountered in engineering and social
sciences are commonly characterized by over-abundance of explanatory variables,
non-linearities and unknown interdependencies between the regressors. An added
difficulty is that the analysts may have little or no prior knowledge on the
relative importance of the variables. To provide a robust method for model
selection, this paper introduces the Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for
Variable Selection (MOGA-VS) that provides the user with an optimal set of
regression models for a given data-set. The algorithm considers the regression
problem as a two objective task, and explores the Pareto-optimal (best subset)
models by preferring those models over the other which have less number of
regression coefficients and better goodness of fit. The model exploration can
be performed based on in-sample or generalization error minimization. The model
selection is proposed to be performed in two steps. First, we generate the
frontier of Pareto-optimal regression models by eliminating the dominated
models without any user intervention. Second, a decision making process is
executed which allows the user to choose the most preferred model using
visualisations and simple metrics. The method has been evaluated on a recently
published real dataset on Communities and Crime within United States.Comment: in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 24, Iss.
1, 201
Management of Occupational Manganism: Consensus of an Experts' Panel
Studies and Research Projects / Report R-417, Montréal, IRSST http://www.irsst.qc.ca/en/_publicationirsst_100134.html
(Lucchini R was a member of the Expert Panel
The beta Pictoris association: Catalog of photometric rotational periods of low-mass members and candidate members
We intended to compile the most complete catalog of bona fide members and
candidate members of the beta Pictoris association, and to measure their
rotation periods and basic properties from our own observations, public
archives, and exploring the literature. We carried out a multi-observatories
campaign to get our own photometric time series and collected all archived
public photometric data time series for the stars in our catalog. Each time
series was analyzed with the Lomb-Scargle and CLEAN periodograms to search for
the stellar rotation periods. We complemented the measured rotational
properties with detailed information on multiplicity, membership, and projected
rotational velocity available in the literature and discussed star by star. We
measured the rotation periods of 112 out of 117 among bona fide members and
candidate members of the beta Pictoris association and, whenever possible, we
also measured the luminosity, radius, and inclination of the stellar rotation
axis. This represents to date the largest catalog of rotation periods of any
young loose stellar association. We provided an extensive catalog of rotation
periods together with other relevant basic properties useful to explore a
number of open issues, such as the causes of spread of rotation periods among
coeval stars, evolution of angular momentum, and lithium-rotation connection.Comment: Forthcoming article, Received: 20 June 2016 / Accepted: 09 September
2016; 40 pages, 2 figures. The online figures A1-A73 are available at CD
Chemical determinants of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Background: Workplace inhalational exposures to low molecular weight (LMW) chemicals cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) as well as the more common manifestation of respiratory hypersensitivity, occupational asthma (OA).
Aims: To explore whether chemical causation of HP is associated with different structural and physico-chemical determinants from OA.
Methods: Chemical causes of human cases of HP and OA were identified from searches of peer-reviewed literature up to the end of 2011. Each chemical was categorised according to whether or not it had been the attributed cause of at least one case of HP. The predicted asthma hazard was determined for each chemical using a previously developed quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model. The chemicals in both sets were independently and ‘blindly’ analysed by an expert in mechanistic chemistry for a qualitative prediction of protein cross-linking potential and determination of lipophilicity (log Kow).
Results: Ten HP causing chemicals were identified and had a higher median QSAR predicted asthma hazard than the control group of 101 OA causing chemicals (p < 0.005). Nine of ten HP causing chemicals were predicted to be protein cross-linkers compared to 24/92 controls (p<0.0001). The distributions of log Kow indicated higher values for the HP list (median 3.47) compared to controls (median 0.81) (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: These findings suggest that chemicals capable of causing HP tend to have higher predicted asthma hazard, are more lipophilic and are more likely to be protein cross-linkers than those causing OA.
Key words: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, occupational chemicals, occupational respiratory disease, toxic inhalatio
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