527 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Ethnic Minority Occupational Attainments in the UK 2014-2018

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    The integration and assimilation of ethnic minority immigrants (EMIs) and their subsequent generations remains a serious unsettled issue in most of the host countries. This study conducts the labour market gender analysis to investigate specifically whether second generation of ethnic minority immigrants in the UK is gaining access to professional and managerial employment and advantaged occupational positions on par with their native counterparts. The data used to examine the labour market achievements of EMIs is taken from Labour Force Survey (LFS) for the period 2014-2018. We apply a multivalued treatment under ignorability and report estimates of Average Treatment Effect (ATE), Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATET) and Potential Outcomes Means (POM) using three estimators including the Regression Adjustment (RA), Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (AIPW) and Inverse Probability Weighting- Regression Adjustment (IPWRA). We consider two cases: the case with four categories where the first-generation natives are the base category, the second case combine all natives as a base group. Our findings suggest the following. Under Case 1, the estimated probabilities and differences across groups are consistently similar and highly significant. As expected, first generation natives have the highest probability for higher career attainment among both men and women. The findings also suggest that first generation immigrants perform better than the remaining two groups including the second-generation natives and immigrants. Furthermore, second generation immigrants have higher probability to attain higher professional career, while this is lower for managerial career. Similar conclusions are reached under Case 2. That is to say that both first – generation and second – generation immigrants have lower probability for higher career and managerial attainment. First – generation immigrants are found to perform better than second – generation immigrants

    Investigating Livability in Mixed-Use Neighborhoods. Case Study of Najma in Doha, Qatar

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    The research focuses on investigating mixed-use neighborhoods in Doha, especially in the area of expansion between the B and C Ring roads that were built under speculative pressure during the 1960s to 1970s. The research aim is to develop urban policies and guidelines, based on livability principles that can aid the growth and development of a mixed-use neighborhood. The study measures and analyzes existing aspects in Doha mixed use neighborhoods, aiming to identify the distinct and particular nature of mixed-use neighborhoods in Doha. The increasing population of Qatar and the introduction of new mega development projects have increased the need for proper urban planning and integration between existing and new districts. The result of this study will help to provide a set of design policies that address the urban identity of mixed-use neighborhood with the aim of preserving the local identity of these neighborhoods and their vitality in the long run and enhancing the quality of open spaces, walkability, connectivity and their general livability. The following research study, through investigating the livability of mixed use neighborhoods and users’ satisfaction and perception of the neighborhood, will contribute to the development of urban design principles that employs specifics guidelines for mixed-use urban neighborhoods. These guidelines can be used by scholars, urban planners and governmental institutions such as the Ministry of Municipality & Environment or Qatar Museum Authority, as recommendations or as a reference to aid in the revitalization of old mixed-use neighborhoods. Furthermore, it will incorporate rules and standards that can be applied to future planning of mixed-use urban development. The findings of this research will help urban planners and stakeholders to design better mixed-use neighborhoods that address and accommodate users’ physical and social needs, wants and aspirations; designed and built while taking into account the environmental conditions of the region

    A Structural Break Approach to Analysing the Impact of the QE Portfolio Balance Channel on the US Stock Market

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    Following the 1929 Wall Street collapse, the initial response to the institutional failures and collapsing financial system was to allow the markets to self-correct, which led to a significant period of economic depression. In contrast the US (and UK) governments responded to the 2008 financial crisis with extra liquidity for the banking sector and a stimulus package, but why was there such a different response? Following a light touch approach to Bear Stearns and Lehmann’s, it became clear that without greater intervention, the effect would become contagious throughout the financial system. One of the most important forms of intervention was Quantitative Easing (QE) and historically low interest rates. This study finds that QE substantially reduced the Equity Risk Premium on S&P equities through a 9.6% rise in prices, thus reducing returns. Consequentially, this drives portfolios to seek risker asset classes to make up for the shortfall in returns. This suggests that the combination of low interest rates and QE, when compared to expansion alone, has had a marked change on equity prices and ERP. Furthermore, there is evidence that regime shifts support these findings. Such unforeseen consequences in the equity markets is of great interest to policy makers when deciding on a response to such exceptional circumstances, and researchers investigating monetary policy responses to the next inevitable extreme financial crisis

    Spill over effects of Geopolitical risk on the banking sector of CIS countries

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    This study examines the spill over effects of geopolitical risks (GPR) and extreme shocks on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) economies, as result of the Russia – Ukraine war, with particular focus on financial institutions. Further, we investigate whether the performance of CIS banks has been impacted by economic sanctions imposed on Russia since the start of the conflict. Understanding GPR transmission mechanisms and consequences on Russia’s neighbouring countries allows policymakers and financial institutions to formulate and implement risk management strategies. For a global measure of geo-political risk, we employ the global GPR index from Caldara and Iacoviello (2022) and we use the Diebold-Yilmaz (2012) connectedness model to estimate the spill over effect. First, we investigate the spill over effect of the recent conflict on the returns of banks for a sample of CIS countries. Further, we examine the spill over effect on macro-economic indicators of our sample of countries. Our preliminary results do not show significant GPR transmissions in terms of returns and risk within the banking sectors of the CIS countries examined

    Use of Multiplex PCR for Diagnosis of Bacterial Infection Respiratory Mixed

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    Atypical bacteria grow very slowly in culture or they do not grow at all leading to delays in detection and diagnosis. PCR multiplex was performed on template DNAs extracted from seventy three collected specimens. Thirty seven showed positive indication for the presence of bacterial infection. The incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumonia and Legionella pneumophila as a single infecting agent was 31.5%, 27.5% and 20 % respectively. Dual agent infection caused by Mycoplasma + Chlamydia, Mycoplasma + Legionella and Legionella + Chlamydia was 24%, 20% and 15% respectively. Triple agent infection caused by Legionella + Mycoplasma + Chlamydia was 17.5%. The etiology of the infection was M. pneumoniae, L. pneumophila or C. pneumoniae as a single etiology or in combination of two or three organisms

    Spectropolarimetric Variability and Co-Rotating Structure in HD 92207

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    We report on low resolution (R~3000) spectropolarimetry of the A0 supergiant star HD 92207. This star is well-known for significant spectral variability. The source was observed on seven different nights spanning approximately 3 months in time. With a rotation period of approximately 1 year, our data covers approximately a quarter of the star's rotational phase. Variability in the continuum polarization level is observed over this period of time. The polarization across the Halpha line on any given night is typically different from the degree and position angle of the polarization in the continuum. Interestingly, Hbeta is not in emission and does not show polarimetric variability. We associate the changes at Halpha as arising in the wind, which is in accord with the observed changes in the profile shape and equivalent width of Halpha along with the polarimetric variability. For the continuum polarization, we explore a spiral shaped wind density enhancement in the equatorial plane of the star, in keeping with the suggestion of Kaufer etal (1997). Variable polarization signatures across Halpha are too complex to be explained by this simple model and will require a more intensive polarimetric follow-up study to interpret properly.Comment: to appear in A

    Stability domains of actin genes and genomic evolution

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    In eukaryotic genes the protein coding sequence is split into several fragments, the exons, separated by non-coding DNA stretches, the introns. Prokaryotes do not have introns in their genome. We report the calculations of stability domains of actin genes for various organisms in the animal, plant and fungi kingdoms. Actin genes have been chosen because they have been highly conserved during evolution. In these genes all introns were removed so as to mimic ancient genes at the time of the early eukaryotic development, i.e. before introns insertion. Common stability boundaries are found in evolutionary distant organisms, which implies that these boundaries date from the early origin of eukaryotes. In general boundaries correspond with introns positions of vertebrates and other animals actins, but not much for plants and fungi. The sharpest boundary is found in a locus where fungi, algae and animals have introns in positions separated by one nucleotide only, which identifies a hot-spot for insertion. These results suggest that some introns may have been incorporated into the genomes through a thermodynamic driven mechanism, in agreement with previous observations on human genes. They also suggest a different mechanism for introns insertion in plants and animals.Comment: 9 Pages, 7 figures. Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Anévrysme de l’aorte ascendante associé à une insuffisance aortique massive: complication rare et grave de la maladie de Behçet

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    L'atteinte artérielle au cours de la maladie de Behçet survient chez 2 à 12% des patients et se traduit par des lésions oblitérantes et/ou anévrysmales prédominant sur les gros troncs. Les complications cardiaques sont plus rares (1 à 6%) touchant les trois tuniques. En revanche, les anévrysmes de l'aorte ascendante associés à une insuffisance aortique restent une complication très rare de la maladie de Behçet. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un jeune patient de 35ans suivie pour une maladie de Behçet compliquée d'un anévrysme de l'aorte ascendante associé à une régurgitation aortique massive. Le diagnostic a été posé sur les données cliniques radiologiques de l'échocardiographie et de la tomodensitométrie puis confirmé à l'examen histologique de la pièce. Le traitement était chirurgical et a consisté en un remplacement total de la racine de l'aorte à coeur ouvert selon la technique de Bentall afin d'éviter le risque de rupture ou de dissection. L'évolution à 18 mois de l'intervention était favorable. Le traitement médical associant la corticothérapie et les immunosuppresseurs est la règle en postopératoire pour éviter les récidives

    Scattering polarization due to light source anisotropy

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    We consider the polarization arising from scattering in an envelope illuminated by a central anisotropic source. Spherical harmonics are used to describe both the light source anisotropy and the envelope density distribution functions of the scattering particles. This framework demonstrates how the net resultant polarization arises from a superposition of three basic "shape" functions: the distribution of source illumination, the distribution of envelope scatterers, and the phase function for dipole scattering. Specific expressions for the Stokes parameters and scattered flux are derived for the case of an ellipsoidal light source inside an ellipsoidal envelope, with principal axes that are generally not aligned. Two illustrative examples are considered: (a) axisymmetric mass loss from a rapidly rotating star, such as may apply to some Luminous Blue Variables, and (b) a Roche-lobe filling star in a binary system with a circumstellar envelope. As a general conclusion, the combination of source anisotropy with distorted scattering envelopes leads to more complex polarimetric behavior such that the source characteristics should be carefully considered when interpreting polarimetric data.Comment: to appear in A&
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