6 research outputs found

    Partial intestinal obstruction due to tumoral form of actinomycosis (Case report)

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    Secția Chirurgie, Secția ATI, Spitalul Județean de Urgență, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Caz clinic: Se prezintă cazul unui bolnav în vârstă de 65 de ani cu sindrom subocluziv intestinal cronic, scădere ponderală cca 20 de kg în ultimul an. La examenul obiectiv: formațiune tumorală palpabilă în fosa iliacă stângă de cca 15/20 cm. Colonoscopia evidențiază stenoza sigmoidiană la cca 15 cm de la orificiul anal. Nu s-a prelevat fragment pentru biopsie. S-a intervenit chirurgical. S-a găsit un bloc tumoral sigmoidian mare și un mic abces între acesta și vezica urinară. S-a practicat colectomie segmentară pe sigmoid. Evoluție postoperatorie favorabilă. Surpriză la examenul anatomo-patologic: actinomicoză.Clinical case: We present the case of a patient aged 65 years with the syndrome of chronic bowel obstruction, and about 20 kg of weight loss during last year. On physical examination: palpable tumoral mass in the left iliac fossa of about 15/20 cm. On colonoscopy sigmoid stenosis at approximately 15 cm from anus is detected. No tissue was taken for biopsy. On surgery was found a large sigmoid tumor and a small abscess between it and the urinary bladder. Segmental sigmoid colectomy is performed. Postoperative evolution was favorable. Surprise on histopathological examination: actinomycosis

    Are they any good at all? A financial and ethical analysis of socially responsible mutual funds

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    In this article, we examine a broad sample of socially responsible (SR) and conventional mutual funds with respect to financial and ethical parameters. We cannot document profound differences in their financial performance. With regard to ethical performance, we indeed find that an investor who seeks to avoid the least ethical of all available funds can do so by purchasing SR mutual funds. Still, we also demonstrate that SR mutual funds are not holding considerably more ethical assets on average. Moreover, the label ‘SR mutual fund’ does not in any way guarantee the exclusion of clearly unethical firms, which contrasts to the common perception of screening out poor assets

    Recent advances on Dirofilaria repens in dogs and humans in Europe

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