64 research outputs found

    A European monitoring protocol for the stag beetle, a saproxylic flagship species

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    Developing protocols for threatened invertebrates is often challenging, because they are not only rare but also elusive. This is the case with the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus), a protected and flagship species for the saproxylic beetle fauna in Europe. We applied a standard transect walk at a European scale (8 countries, 29 transects) to test its practicability and reliability as survey design. A total of 533 sightings were recorded throughout the sampling period, but detection probability changed as the season progressed. Considering the observed activity pattern, occupancy models showed that a short period of three consecutive weeks, between the middle of June and the first week of July, resulted in a high probability of detection (P > 0.7). As time of the peak of activity varies from year to year and between sites, we propose to extend the sampling period to five weekly surveys. Detailed information on the transect characteristics and the optimal time for surveying were analysed. The data indicate that a weekly transect at dusk provides a reliable method for monitoring this species throughout its distributional range. No correlation was found between latitude, longitude and phenology of sightings, however. However, a standard method such as the one presented, allows broadening the scale of monitoring studies, provinding data to evaluate the efficacy of conservation measures. © 2016 The Royal Entomological Societ

    Genomic and dietary transitions during the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Sicily

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    Southern Italy is a key region for understanding the agricultural transition in the Mediterranean due to its central position. We present a genomic transect for 19 prehistoric Sicilians that covers the Early Mesolithic to Early Neolithic period. We find that the Early Mesolithic hunter-gatherers (HGs) are a highly drifted sister lineage to Early Holocene western European HGs, whereas a quarter of the Late Mesolithic HGs ancestry is related to HGs from eastern Europe and the Near East. This indicates substantial gene flow from (south-)eastern Europe between the Early and Late Mesolithic. The Early Neolithic farmers are genetically most similar to those from the Balkan and Greece, and carry only a maximum of ~7% ancestry from Sicilian Mesolithic HGs. Ancestry changes match changes in dietary profile and material culture, except for two individuals who may provide tentative initial evidence that HGs adopted elements of farming in Sicily

    Functional Compensation of Primary and Secondary Metabolites by Duplicate Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    It is well known that knocking out a gene in an organism often causes no phenotypic effect. One possible explanation is the existence of duplicate genes; that is, the effect of knocking out a gene is compensated by a duplicate copy. Another explanation is the existence of alternative pathways. In terms of metabolic products, the relative roles of the two mechanisms have been extensively studied in yeast but not in any multi-cellular organisms. Here, to address the functional compensation of metabolic products by duplicate genes, we quantified 35 metabolic products from 1,976 genes in knockout mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana by a high-throughput Liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometer (LC-MS) analysis. We found that knocking out either a singleton gene or a duplicate gene with distant paralogs in the genome tends to induce stronger metabolic effects than knocking out a duplicate gene with a close paralog in the genome, indicating that only duplicate genes with close paralogs play a significant role in functional compensation for metabolic products in A. thaliana. To extend the analysis, we examined metabolic products with either high or low connectivity in a metabolic network. We found that the compensatory role of duplicate genes is less important when the metabolite has a high connectivity, indicating that functional compensation by alternative pathways is common in the case of high connectivity. In conclusion, recently duplicated genes play an important role in the compensation of metabolic products only when the number of alternative pathways is small

    Revision of African Mescirtes

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