85 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran pada Mini Smart Kitchen Berbasis Arduino

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    Pada saat ini kompor LPG lebih mudah digunakan dibandingkan dengan kompor minyak tanah, akan tetapi memiliki kekurangan yang cukup berbahaya. Kekurangan tersebut yaitu frekuensi terjadi kebocoran gas yang tinggi dan berdampak banyak terhadap manusia. Berdasarkan teknologi yang ada saat ini, banyak inovasi yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keamanan dalam pemakaian kompor LPG. Salah satunya sistem proteksi kebakaran pada ruang dapur. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penulis membuat rancang bangun sistem proteksi kebakaran pada mini smart kitchen. Alat yang berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi dan tanda peringatan kebocoran gas. Alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan penanganan awal apabila terjadi kebakaran. Sistem ini menggunakan arduino sebagai pengontrol utama. Kemudian digunakan beberapa komponen penujang seperti sensor MQ-5 berfungsi mendeteksi kebocoran gas, dan sensor MH-Series untuk mendeteksi apabila terjadi kebakaran, buzzer untuk indicator suara apabila terjadi kebakaran, LCD sebagai interface untuk kandungan gas, dan exhaust fan untuk sirkulasi udara agar tidak terjadi ledakan. Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan sistem pemadaman menggukan media air untuk memadamkan api, serta dilengkapi modul sms untuk menginformasikan apabila terjadi kebakaran. Saat terjadi kebocoran gas apabila konsentrasinya melebihi 500 ppm maka arduino akan memberikan perintah kepada relay untuk menyalakan exhaust fan. Apabila terjadi kebakaran, maka sensor flame akan mendeteksi nyala api. Kemudian arduino akan memerintahkan relay untuk menyalakan buzzer dan pompa air

    Optimalisasi Performansi Link Transmisi Area Batam

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    Performansi jaringan dan trasmisi harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena seberapa besar kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualitas sinyal yang diperoleh tergantung pada performansi yang baik dari keduanya. Namun keduanya sangat rentan terhadap kegagalan atau kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh keadaan lingkungan yang berubah-ubah yang dapat menurunkan kualitas sinyal dalam suatu jaringan, pemeliharaan perangkat yang kurang terpantau, tidak rapinya mobilitas pengaturan jaringan telekomunikasi dan lain-lain.Dengan mengoptimalkan performansi jaringan dan transmisi pada suatu daerah yang dirasa paling banyak kebutuhan pelayanan jasa telekomunikasi akan dapat mengurangi faktor penurunan kualitas sinyal dalam suatu jaringan. Untuk optimalisasi performansi link transmisi pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan teori topologi jaringan dan transformasi teknologi dari PDH ke SDH berdasarkan efisiensi pemakaian pada jaringan

    Systematic study of the effect of short range correlations on the form factors and densities of s-p and s-d shell nuclei

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    Analytical expressions of the one- and two-body terms in the cluster expansion of the charge form factors and densities of the s-p and s-d shell nuclei with N=Z are derived. They depend on the harmonic oscillator parameter b and the parameter β\beta which originates from the Jastrow correlation function. These expressions are used for the systematic study of the effect of short range correlations on the form factors and densities and of the mass dependence of the parameters b and β\beta. These parameters have been determined by fit to the experimental charge form factors. The inclusion of the correlations reproduces the experimental charge form factors at the high momentum transfers (q≥21/fmq\geq 2 1/fm). It is found that while the parameter β\beta is almost constant for the closed shell nuclei, 4^4He, 16^{16}O and 40^{40}Ca, its values are larger (less correlated systems) for the open shell nuclei, indicating a shell effect in the closed shell nuclei.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Effect of rice husk ash properties on the early age and long term strength of mortar

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    This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of chemical composition and physical properties of rice husk ash (RHA) on the strength of mortar. The aim of this investigation was to establish the optimal RHA replacement levels as blending component in cement. Four different types of RHA (A, B, C and D) were used of which RHA-C and D had the highest content of amorphous silica. Compressive and tensile strength and workability of the mixes were compared with control OPC samples. Results show that the early age (7days) strength of RHA blended mortar samples was lower than the compressive and tensile strength of the OPC control samples. However, the 28 day strength of samples with up to 20% RHA-C and RHA- D was higher than that of the control samples. The 90 day strength of all blended samples with up to 40% RHA was higher than that of the control samples. RHA-D performed best in the experiments with a compressive strength increase of 16% at 20% RHA replacement and an increase of compressive strength of 8.6% at 40% RHA replacement. The results at 90 days show that cement could be replaced with up to 50% RHA with only a small reduction in strength compared to OPC mortar. From the results it was found that the content of amorphous silica has the biggest influence on the strength of the mortar samples while the workability was higher for samples with finer grained RHA

    Kenali, Cegah dan Atasi Dislipidemia Recognize, Prevent, and Eradicate Dyslipidemia

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    Dislipidemia adalah kelainan metabolisme lipid yang ditandai dengan peningkatan maupun penurunan satu atau lebih fraksi lipid dalam darah. Peningkatan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL darah dapat disebabkan oleh peningkatan konsumsi lemak jenuh dan kolesterol yang tinggi dalam makanan. Pada perjalanan dislipidemia, apabila kadar kolesterol tidak terkontrol dengan baik, maka akan meningkatkan risiko terjadi nya komplikasi baik akut maupun kronis. Pada umumnya, sebagian masyarakat telah mengenal perihal kolesterol secara umum namun mungkin belum memahami bagaimana cara mencegah dan mengatasi kadar kolesterol darah yang tinggi. Edukasi yang baik disertai terapi nutrisi, jasmani dan tatalaksana farmakologi diharapkan dapat mengendalikan progresifitas penyakit dislipidemia dan komplikasinya. Oleh karena itu pengabdian masyarakat berbasis webinar ini diadakan selain untuk meningkatkan keilmuan, juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya dari penyakit dislipidemia. Kegiatan webinar ini menargetkan mahasiswa UTA45 dan masyarakat umum dengan luaran yang diharapkan yaitu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyakit dislipidemia. Webinar dengan metode presentasi dan tanya jawab yang dilaksanakan pada 27 April 2022. Total peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan webinar dengan mengisi absen secara online sebanyak 66 peserta. Persentase rata – rata total skor prestest perserta sebesar 70,2% dan rata – rata skor posttest sebesar 79,6% dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan skor posttest sebesar 9,4%

    'Pregnancy comes accidentally - like it did with me': reproductive decisions among women on ART and their partners in rural Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART) restores health, fertility and sexual activity among HIV-infected adults, understanding how ART influences reproductive desires and decisions could inform interventions to reduce sexual and vertical HIV transmission risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a qualitative sub-study among a Ugandan cohort of 1,000 adults on ART with four purposively selected categories of participants: pregnant, not pregnant, delivered, and aborted. In-depth interviews examined relationships between HIV, ART and pregnancy, desire for children, perceived risks and benefits of pregnancy, decision-making regarding reproduction and family planning (FP) among 29 women and 16 male partners. Analysis focused on dominant explanations for emerging themes across and within participant groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among those who had conceived, most couples stated that their pregnancy was unintentional, and often occurred because they believed that they were infertile due to HIV. Perceived reasons for women not getting pregnant included: ill health (included HIV infection and ART), having enough children, financial constraints, fear of mother-to-child HIV transmission or transmission to partner, death of a child, and health education. Most women reported FP experiences with condoms and hormonal injections only. Men had limited FP information apart from condoms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Counselling at ART initiation may not be sufficient to enable women who do not desire children to adopt relevant family planning practices. On-going reproductive health education and FP services, with emphasis on the restoration of fertility after ART initiation, should be integrated into ART programs for men and women.</p

    The neighbourhood social environment and alcohol use among urban and rural Scottish adolescents

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    Funding for the Scottish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children was provided by NHS Scotland. This work was also supported by the 600th Anniversary Ph.D. Scholarship which was awarded to Gina Martin by the University of St Andrews.Objectives This research examined the relationship between neighbourhood social environmental characteristics and drinking outcomes among a sample of urban and rural adolescents. Methods From a sample of 1558 Scottish secondary schoolchildren, surveyed as part of the 2010 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, we modelled three drinking outcomes on a variety of neighbourhood conditions, including social cohesion, disorder, alcohol outlet density, deprivation, and urban/rurality. Nested and cross-classified multilevel logistic regressions were specified. Results An urban-to-rural gradient was found with non-urban adolescents exhibiting higher odds of having ever drank. Neighbourhood social cohesion related to having ever drank. Among drinkers, those living in accessible small towns had higher odds of weekly drinking and drunkenness compared to urban areas. Higher odds of drunkenness were also found in remote rural areas. Those residing in the least deprived areas had lower odds of weekly drinking. Conclusions In Scotland, inequalities exist in adolescent alcohol use by urban/rurality and neighbourhood social conditions. Findings support regional targeting of public health efforts to address inequalities. Future work is needed to develop and evaluate intervention and prevention approaches for neighbourhoods at risk.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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