864 research outputs found

    Geopotential models in the Australian region

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    The ability of three high-order geopotential models (OSU81, GPM2 and OSU86E) to recover the gravity anomaly field (delta g) in the Australian region was tested. The region was divided into 2 x 2 deg blocks, and the mean and rms of the residual gravity (delta g measured - delta g modeled) was found to estimate the fit of the model to the point gravity data. The results showed that OSU81 and GPM2 performed similarly, recovering the delta g with a mean value of less than plus or minus 5 mGal in 63 and 70 percent of the blocks, respectively. However, both these models achieved a fit of worse that was plus or minus 13 mGal in 6 to 7 percent of cases. These were in areas either on or near the coast, or in the Central Australian region, inferring that for a precise geoid slope determination in these regions, a detailed analysis of delta g in region is needed. On the other hand, OSU86E produced a very good result, having a mean fit of less than plus or minus 5 mGal in 80 percent of the blocks, and worse than plus or minus 13 mGal in only 1 percent of cases. The rms values for this model were also improved over the other two models, indicating that for applications requiring highest precision, the preferred model is OSU86E

    Determination of an organic crystal structure with the aid of topochemical and related considerations: correlation of the molecular and crystal structures of α-benzylidene-γ-butyrolactone and 2- benzylidenecyclopentanone with their solid state photoreactivity

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    The crystal structure of α-benzylidene-γ-butyrolactone 2, can be determined with the aid of atom-atom pairwise energy evaluation procedures, because its (previously reported) solid state photoreactivity coupled with topochemical principles, greatly restricts the number of possible orientations of the molecule in the unit cell. Crystals of lactone 2 are monoclinic with space group P21_1/n and with Z = 4, a = 11.014(2), b = 5.959(1), c = 14.286(5), β = 108.05(2). Refinement on 846 non-zero reflections led to an R (reliability) of 0.046. In contrast, the isoelectronic ketone 2-benzylidenecyclopentanone (3) is photostable, and crystallizes in the same space group with Z = 4, a = 7.466(4), b = 6.821(4), c = 19.005(1), β = 94.14(1). The structure of 3 was solved by direct methods and refined on 1037 non-zero reflections to an R of 0.036. The difference between the two structures can be rationalized in terms of intramolecular conformation and weak C-H\cdotsO hydrogen bonding. Differences in the solid state photoreactivities of the two compounds can be related to the extent of orbital overlap between 'potentially reactive' double bonds on nearest neighbour molecules that are related by inversion. Compound 2 reacts in the solid state topochemically but not topotactically showing directional preference, while 3, which has reduced orbital overlap, is photostable

    An immunohistochemical assessment of cellular proliferation markers in head and neck squamous cell cancers.

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    Prognostic information is essential for the evaluation, judgement and optimal treatment of patients with squamous cell cancers (SCCs) of the upper aerodigestive tract. Using immunohistochemical and flow cytometric techniques, we have studied the significance of cellular expression of the Ki-67 antigen, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), the transferrin receptor (TFR) and DNA ploidy status in a prospective analysis of patients with SCCs of the head and neck region. All 42 fresh tumour samples (five well differentiated; 28 moderately differentiated; nine poorly differentiated) expressed both EGFR and TFR to varying degrees. Receptor expression was most marked on the peripheral invading margin of cancer cell islands although staining was also demonstrated in a random fashion within cellular islands and consistently along the basal cell layer of overlying stratified squamous epithelium. The percentage of cancer cells that reacted with the Ki-67 monoclonal antibody was assessed as low (less than 10%) in 15 samples (35.8%), intermediate (10-30%) in 19 samples (45.2%) and high (greater than 30%) in eight samples (19.0%). Eleven of 15 samples (73%) with a low percentage reactivity were DNA diploid, whereas seven of eight samples (87.5%) with a high percentage reactivity were DNA aneuploid. Poorly differentiated SCCs were significantly more often aneuploid than were either moderately or well differentiated tumours. Our results suggest that EGFR and TFR are widely distributed on SCCs, especially on proliferating cells at the invading tumour margin. In addition, there is a close spatial correlation between cells expressing EGFR, TFR and those expressing the Ki-67 antigen. Tumours in which the staining intensity for both EGFR and TFR was intense invariably expressed the Ki-67 antigen in a high proportion of cells. Further patient follow-up will be important in determining whether intense EGFR and TFR staining, combined with a high percentage reactivity with Ki-67 antibody and DNA aneuploidy, will ultimately define a subset of head and neck cancer patients with a poor clinical outcome

    Focused Ion Beam Recovery of Hypervelocity Impact Residue in Experimental Craters on Metallic Foils

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    The Stardust sample return capsule will return to Earth in January 2006 with primitive debris collected from Comet 81P/Wild-2 during the fly-by encounter in 2004. In addition to the cometary particles embedded in low-density silica aerogel, there will be microcraters preserved in the Al foils (1100 series; 100 micrometers thick) that are wrapped around the sample tray assembly. Soda lime spheres (approximately 49 m in diameter) have been accelerated with a light-gas-gun into flight-grade Al foils at 6.35 km s(sup -1) to simulate the potential capture of cometary debris. The preserved crater penetrations have been analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) to locate and characterize remnants of the projectile material remaining within the craters. In addition, ion beam induced secondary electron imaging has proven particularly useful in identifying areas within the craters that contain residue material. Finally, high-precision focused ion beam (FIB) milling has been used to isolate and then extract an individual melt residue droplet from the interior wall of an impact penetration. This enabled further detailed elemental characterization, free from the background contamination of the Al foil substrate. The ability to recover pure melt residues using FIB will significantly extend the interpretations of the residue chemistry preserved in the Al foils returned by Stardust