1,377 research outputs found

    A lightweight solar array study

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    A sample module was assembled to model a portion of a flexible extendable solar array, a type that promises to become the next generation of solar array design. The resulting study of this module is intended to provide technical support to the array designer for lightweight component selection, specifications, and tests. Selected from available lightweight components were 127-micron-thick wrap-around contacted solar cells, 34- micron-thick sputtered glass covers, and as a substrate a 13-micron-thick polyimide film clad with a copper printed circuit. Each component displayed weaknesses. The thin solar cells had excessive breakage losses. Sputtered glass cover adhesion was poor, and the covered cell was weaker than the cell uncovered. Thermal stresses caused some cell delamination from the model solar array substrate

    Modifying the temperature dependence of magnetic garnet film coercivity by etching

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    The temperature dependence of the domain-wall coercive field of epitaxial magnetic garnet films was modified in a defined temperature range by removing the surface layer of the films. Outside the given temperature range the coercivity versus temperature curve did not change. The result supports a model of coercivity according to which different sets of material imperfections are responsible for pinning the domain walls in different temperature regions. Appropriate processing of the samples enables some of the pinning sets to be modified independently of each other

    Tax planning techniques for individuals; Studies in federal taxation 2

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    The mariner 9 power subsystem design and flight performance

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    The design and flight performance of the Mariner Mars 1971 power subsystem are presented. Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, and some of the power management techniques employed to support an orbital mission far from earth with marginal sunlight for its photovoltaic-battery power source are described. The performance of its nickel-cadmium battery during repetitive sun occultation phases of the mission, and the results of unique tests in flight to assess the performance capability of its solar array are reported

    Analysis and design of a 10 to 30 kW grid-connected solar power system for the JPL fire station and first aid station

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    The design and performance of a modestly sized utility-connected power conditioning system and its supporting photovoltaic collector are described and estimated. Utility preparations and guidelines to conform with the output of a small generating station with that of a large power network are examined

    Tax-planning techniques for individuals; Studies in federal taxation 2

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    A Housing Allocation Formula for Nebraska Cities of the First Class: City of Bellevue, 1978

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    The Federal government, through its various agencies, has sponsored many different housing programs in recent years. Each. new and revised program requires state and local officials to re-examine the total housing situation within their jurisdictions. Their eligibility for Federal funding is dependent upon their re-examination of the types of housing needs in their areas, the magnitude of each need category, and the data available to document their needs. Therefore, it is desirable (if not necessary) to develop a standardized procedure by which appropriate needs can be identified, analyzed, and balanced among housing types, household types, and areas

    Особливості зачину актів купівлі-продажу (на матеріалі Пирятинських міських книг)

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    У статті розглянуто особливості структурних компонентів початкового протоколу актів купівлі-продажу в українській мові кінця ХVІІ – другої третини ХVІІІ ст. На численних прикладах проілюстровано специфічні ознаки власне пирятинських актів, а також виявлено спільні риси, характерні для тогочасного діловодства взагалі

    Dissociable human perirhinal, hippocampal, and parahippocampal roles during verbal encoding

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    The precise contribution of perirhinal cortex to human episodic memory is uncertain. Human intracranial recordings highlight a role in successful episodic memory encoding, but encoding-related perirhinal activation has not been observed with functional imaging. By adapting functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning parameters to maximize sensitivity to medial temporal lobe activity, we demonstrate that left perirhinal and hippocampal responses during word list encoding are greater for subsequently recalled than forgotten words. Although perirhinal responses predict memory for all words, successful encoding of initial words in a list, demonstrating a primacy effect, is associated with parahippocampal and anterior hippocampal activation. We conclude that perirhinal cortex and hippocampus participate in successful memory encoding. Encoding-related parahippocampal and anterior hippocampal responses for initial, remembered words most likely reflects enhanced attentional orienting to these positionally distinctive items