797 research outputs found

    Low Temperature Precursor Route for Highly Efficient Spherically Shaped LED-Phosphors M2Si5N8:Eu2+ (M = Eu, Sr, Ba)

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    The highly efficient nitridosilicate phosphors M2Si5N8 (M = Sr, Ba, Eu) for phosphor-converted pc-LEDs were synthesized at low temperatures using a novel precursor route involving metal amides M(NH2)2. These precursors have been synthesized by dissolution of the respective metals in supercritical ammonia at 150°C and 300 bar. The thermal behavior and decomposition process of the amides were investigated with temperature programmed powder X-ray diffractometry and thermoanalytical measurements (DTA/TG). These investigations rendered the amides as suitable intermediates for reaction with silicon diimide (Si(NH)2). Thus, the desired nitridosilicate phosphors were obtained at relatively low temperatures around 1150−1400°C which is approximately 300°C lower compared to common synthetic approaches starting from metals or oxides. The influence of the thermal treatment on the phosphor morphology has been studied extensively. The accessibility of spherical phosphor particles represents another striking feature of this route since it improves light extraction from the crystallites due to decreasing light guiding and decreasing re-absorption inside the phosphor particle. The synthesized luminescent materials M2Si5N8:Eu2+ (M = Sr, Ba) exhibit quantum efficiencies and emission band widths (FWHM 70−90 nm) comparable to standard phosphor powders. Employment of Eu(NH2)2 as dopant reagent for synthesis of Ba2Si5N8:Eu2+ proved favorable for the formation of spherical crystallites compared to doping with Eu metal, halides, or oxide

    Effects of Circulating and Local Uteroplacental Angiotensin II in Rat Pregnancy.

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    The renin-angiotensin (Ang) system is important during placental development. Dysregulation of the renin-Ang system is important in preeclampsia (PE). Female rats transgenic for the human angiotensinogen gene crossed with males transgenic for the human renin gene develop the PE syndrome, whereas those of the opposite cross do not. We used this model to study the role of Ang II in trophoblast invasion, which is shallow in human PE but deeper in this model. We investigated the following groups: PE rats, opposite-cross rats, Ang II–infused rats (1000 ng/kg per day), and control rats. Ang II infusion increased only circulating Ang II levels (267.82 pg/mL), opposite cross influenced only uteroplacental Ang II (13.52 fmol/mg of protein), and PE increased both circulating (251.09 pg/mL) and uteroplacental (19.24 fmol/mg of protein) Ang II. Blood pressure and albuminuria occurred in the models with high circulating Ang II but not in the other models. Trophoblast invasion increased in PE and opposite-cross rats but not in Ang II–infused rats. Correspondingly, uterine artery resistance index increased in Ang II–infused rats but decreased in PE rats. We then studied human trophoblasts and villous explants from first-trimester pregnancies with time-lapse microscopy. Local Ang II dose-dependently increased migration by 75%, invasion by 58%, and motility by 282%. The data suggest that local tissue Ang II stimulates trophoblast invasion in vivo in the rat and in vitro in human cells, a hitherto fore unrecognized function. Conceivably, upregulation of tissue Ang II in the maternal part of the placenta represents an important growth factor for trophoblast invasion and migration

    The effectiveness of interventions in workplace health promotion as to maintain the working capacity of health care personal

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    Background: The increasing proportion of elderly people with respective care requirements and within the total population stands against aging personnel and staff reduction in the field of health care where employees are exposed to high load factors. Health promotion interventions may be a possibility to improve work situations and behavior. Methods: A systematic literature search is conducted in 32 databases limited to English and German publications since 1990. Moreover, internet-searches are performed and the reference lists of identified articles are scanned. The selection of literature was done by two reviewers independently according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data extraction and tables of evidence are verified by a second expert just like the assessment of risk of bias by means of the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool. Results: We identified eleven intervention studies and two systematic reviews. There were three randomized controlled trials (RCT) and one controlled trial without randomization (CCT) on the improvement of physical health, four RCT and two CCT on the improvement of psychological health and one RCT on both. Study duration ranged from four weeks to two years and the number of participants included from 20 to 345, with a median of 56. Interventions and populations were predominantly heterogeneous. In three studies intervention for the improvement of physical health resulted in less complaints and increased strength and flexibility with statistically significant differences between groups. Regarding psychological health interventions lead to significantly decreased intake of analgesics, better stress management, coping with workload, communication skills and advanced training. Discussion: Taking into consideration the small to very small sample sizes, other methodological flaws like a high potential of bias and poor quality of reporting the validity of the results has to be considered as limited. Due to the heterogeneity of health interventions, study populations with differing job specializations and different lengths of study durations and follow-up periods, the comparison of results would not make sense. Conclusions: Further research is necessary with larger sample sizes, with a sufficient study duration and follow-up, with a lower risk of bias, by considering of relevant quality criteria and with better reporting in publications

    Proteomic study of proteolysis during ripening of cheddar cheese made from milk over a lactation cycle

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    Milk for cheese production in Ireland is predominantly produced by pasture-fed spring-calving herds. Consequently, there are marked seasonal changes in milk composition, which arise from the interactive lactational, dietary and environmental factors. In this study, Cheddar cheese was manufactured on a laboratory scale from milk taken from a spring calving herd, over a 9-month lactation cycle between early April and early December. Plasmin activity of 6-months-old Cheddar cheese samples generally decreased over ripening time. One-dimensional urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of cheese samples taken after 6 months of ripening showed an extensive hydrolysis of caseins, with the fastest hydrolysis of αs1-caseins in cheeses made in August. A proteomic comparison between cheeses produced from milk taken in April, August and December showed a reduction in levels of β-casein and appearance of additional products, corresponding to low molecular weight hydrolysis products of the caseins. This study has demonstrated that a seasonal milk supply causes compositional differences in Cheddar cheese, and that proteomic tools are helpful in understanding the impact of those differences

    Особенности применения концентрических лифтовых колонн при эксплуатации скважин на Северо-Уренгойском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении (ЯНАО)

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    Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является анализ опыта внедрения технологии концентрических лифтовых колонн при эксплуатации скважины Х Северо-Уренгойского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения и оценка перспектив дальнейшего развития данной технологии. Объект исследования - скважина Х Северо-Уренгойского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения (ЯНАО). Область применения: газовые и газоконденсатные скважины, на забое которых происходит накопление жидкости. Экономическая часть работы заключается в обосновании рентабельности проведения научного исследования по переводу скважины на эксплуатацию с использование концентрических лифтовых колонн и составления проекта технического перевооружения скважины.The purpose of the final qualifying work is to analyze the experience of introducing the technology of concentric tubing columns in the operation of the well Х of the North-Urengoy oil and gas condensate field and to assess the prospects for the further development of this technology. The object of study is well Х of the North-Urengoy oil and gas condensate field (YaNAO). Scope: gas and gas condensate wells, on the bottom hole of which the accumulation of fluid occurs. The economic part of the work is to justify the profitability of conducting scientific research on the transfer of a well to operation using concentric lift columns and drawing up a project for technical re-equipment of a well