280 research outputs found

    Review of the Arabian Crematogaster Lund (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), synoptic list, distribution, and description of two new species from Oman and Saudi Arabia

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    The genus Crematogaster is one of the most species-rich and widespread groups of ants. Despite their often-high local abundance and important ecological interactions, the taxonomy of the genus is fragmentary and in great need of modern revisionary studies. As a first step towards a revision for the Arabian fauna of Crematogaster, a review of all known species with synoptic species accounts is provided. Seventeen species are recognized and illustrated from the Arabian Peninsula, of which two new species are described: C. jacindae Sharaf & Hita Garcia, sp. nov. from the Dhofar Governorate, Oman, and C. gryllsi Sharaf & Hita Garcia, sp. nov. from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) based on the worker caste. Crematogaster jacindae sp. nov. is easily separated from the remainder of the Arabian Crematogaster fauna due to its complete lack of propodeal spines, slit-shaped propodeal spiracles, and its distinct bicoloration, whereas C. gryllsi sp. nov. is readily distinguished by its unlobed postpetiolar dorsum. Furthermore, new country records are presented: C. acaciae Forel for the KSA and Yemen, and C. delagoensis Forel and C. jehovae Forel for the KSAC. antaris for Qatar, whereas C. luctans Forel is excluded from the Arabian fauna. In addition, on the basis of morphological examination of original type material, C. affabilis Forel is proposed as junior synonym of C. chiarinii Mayr, and C. striaticeps is elevated to species rank stat. nov. Furthermore, a new identification key for the Arabian species is provided, as well as distribution maps for all species

    Pyrolytic lignin:A promising biorefinery feedstock for the production of fuels and valuable chemicals

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is a key feedstock for the sustainable production of biofuels, biobased chemicals and performance materials. Biomass can be efficiently converted into pyrolysis liquids (also known as bio-oils) by the well-established fast pyrolysis technology. Currently, there is significant interest in the application of fast pyrolysis technology as principle biomass conversion technology due to its feedstock flexibility, low cost and high energy conversion efficiency, with many emerging commercial enterprises being established around the globe. Upgrading of the bio-oils is a requisite, and is complicated by its complex and heterogeneous organic nature. Pyrolysis liquids may be further separated by a simple water fractionation, yielding an aqueous sugar-rich phase and a water-insoluble pyrolytic lignin (PL) fraction. This separation step allows the use of dedicated conversion strategies for each fraction, which can be highly advantageous due to their differences in composition and reactivity. For example, the sugar-rich fractions can be used for fermentation, while the phenolic-rich PL is a particularly promising feedstock for the production of a wide range of platform chemicals and energy-dense streams upon depolymerization. To aid the emerging use of PL, novel characterization techniques and valorization strategies are being explored. In this review, the fast pyrolysis process and PL characterization efforts are discussed in detail, followed by the state-of-the-art regarding PL processing using both oxidative and reductive (catalytic) strategies, as well as a combination thereof. Possible applications are discussed and recommendations for future research are provided

    Wonderfully weird: the head anatomy of the armadillo ant, Tatuidris tatusia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Agroecomyrmecinae), with evolutionary implications

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    Tatuidris tatusia Brown & Kempf, 1968, the armadillo ant, is a morphologically unique species found in low to high elevation forests in regions of Central and South America. It is one of only two extant representatives of the subfamily Agroecomyrmecinae, and very little is known about the biology of these ants, which are almost exclusively collected from leaf litter and have rarely been seen alive. Here, we illuminate the functional morphology and evolution of this species via detailed anatomical documentation of their exceptionally modified head. We describe and illustrate the skeletomuscular system, digestive tract, and cephalic glands based on high-resolution micro-computed tomography scan data. We hypothesize that the modifications which produce the unusual “shield-like” head shape are the result of complex optimizations for mandibular power, physical protection, and balance. The most conspicuous cephalic features are the broadening of the frontal region and foreshortening of the postgenal region. The former characteristic is likely also associated with the lateral position of the antennal scrobe, the inverted antennal articulation, and the broad attachment surface for the mandibular adductor muscles. This head geometry also comes with a degree of internal restructuring of the tentorium and the antennal musculature, which have a unique configuration among ants studied so far. The mandibular blades, and their articulations and muscles, are highly distinctive compared with previously evaluated species. Using a 3D-printed model, we were able to hypothesize their entire range of motion as the mandibles fit tightly into the oral foramen. Finally, we compare T. tatusia across other related subfamilies and discuss the evolution of the Agroecomyrmecinae and other species-poor and phylogenetically isolated “relictual” lineages.journal articl

    Taxonomy of Arabian Temnothorax Mayr (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) with description of a new species enhanced by x-ray microtomography

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    Temnothorax elmenshawyi sp. n., a new ant species from the Asir Mountains of the southwestern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is described based on the worker caste. The new species is a member of the T. exilis species group and is distinguished from the other species included in this group by the impressed metanotal groove, the short, acute and broadly-based propodeal spines, the finely punctate posterior half of cephalic surface, and absence of a median clypeal carina. Despite extensive collecting by the authors at the type locality, only two specimens are available for description, suggesting that this species may be rare and likely endemic to the Asir Mountains. The species description is complemented by still images of volume renderings of a 3D model and a 3D rotation video of the holotype based on x-ray microtomography (micro-CT), allowing remote in-depth examination of the specimen. The virtual micro-CT data is provided as cybertype dataset and freely available online https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4gg39k6, as well as 3D surface model (Sketchfab.com, https://skfb.ly/6HYRz). An updated identification key to the Arabian species is presented.journal articl

    A New Ant Species of the Genus Tetramorium Mayr, 1855 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Saudi Arabia, with a Revised Key to the Arabian Species

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    Tetramorium amalae sp. n. is described and illustrated from Saudi Arabia based on two worker caste specimens collected in Al Bahah region. The new species belongs to the T. shilohense group and appears to be closely related to T. dysderke Bolton from Nigeria. T. amalae is distinguished by having well-developed frontal carinae, smaller eyes, greater head length and width, greater pronotal width, and the petiole node is longer than broad. Tetramorium latinode Collingwood & Agosti is recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabia and for only the second time since the original description. The worker caste of T. latinode is redescribed and illustrated using scanning electron micrographs to facilitate recognition and the gyne is described for the first time with observations given on species relationships, biology and habitat. A revised key to the nineteen Tetramorium species recorded from Arabian Peninsula based on worker castes is provided. Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander) is recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabia. It is suggested that T. amalae and T. latinode are endemic to the Arabian Peninsula

    Release of muscle α-actin into serum after intensive exercise

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    Purpose: To study the effects of high-level matches on serum alpha actin and other muscle damage markers in teams of rugby and handball players. Methods: Blood samples were drawn from 23 sportsmen: 13 rugby players and 10 handball players. One sample was drawn with the player at rest before the match and one immediately after the match. Immunoassays were used to determine troponin I, troponin T, LDH, and myoglobin concentrations. Western blot and densitometry were used to measure α-actin concentrations. Muscle injury was defined by a total CK value of > 500 IU/L (Rosalki method). Results: Mean pre- and post-match serum alpha-actin values were, respectively, 7.16 and 26.47 μg/ml in the handball group and 1.24 and 20.04 μg/ml in the rugby team. CPK, LDH and myoglobin but not troponin 1 levels also significantly differed between these time points. According to these results, large amounts of α-actin are released into peripheral blood immediately after intense physical effort. Possible cross-interference between skeletal and cardiac muscle damage can be discriminated by the combined use of α-actin and troponin I. Conclusion: The significant increase in alpha-actin after a high-level match may be a reliable marker for the early diagnosis and hence more effective treatment of muscle injury

    Selective logging intensity in an East African rain forest predicts reductions in ant diversity

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    As natural forest ecosystems increasingly face pressure from deforestation, it is ever more important to understand the impacts of habitat fragmentation and degradation on biodiversity. Most studies of anthropogenic change in the tropics come from Southeast Asia and South America, and impacts of habitat modification are often taxon‐specific. Here we empirically assessed the impact of habitat fragmentation and recent (within 25 yr) and historic (>25 yr ago) selective logging on the diversity of ants in the Kakamega rain forest in western Kenya, and asked whether these forms of degradation interact as multiple stressors. We found that the severity of recent selective logging was negatively related to overall species richness and abundance as well as the richness and abundance of forest specialists, but found no detrimental effect of past selective logging or habitat fragmentation on ant diversity, although habitat fragment size was correlated with estimated species richness. There was also no effect of any form of habitat degradation on the richness or abundance of open habitat specialists, even though these species often exploit niches created in disturbed environments. Ultimately, this study reveals the detrimental impact of even moderate forms of habitat degradation on insect biodiversity in the understudied African rain forests