969 research outputs found

    Wing analysis using a transonic potential flow computational method

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    The ability of the method to compute wing transonic performance was determined by comparing computed results with both experimental data and results computed by other theoretical procedures. Both pressure distributions and aerodynamic forces were evaluated. Comparisons indicated that the method is a significant improvement in transonic wing analysis capability. In particular, the computational method generally calculated the correct development of three-dimensional pressure distributions from subcritical to transonic conditions. Complicated, multiple shocked flows observed experimentally were reproduced computationally. The ability to identify the effects of design modifications was demonstrated both in terms of pressure distributions and shock drag characteristics

    Wind tunnel and analytical investigation of over-the-wing propulsion/air frame interferences for a short-haul aircraft at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 0.78

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    Results of analytical calculations and wind tunnel tests at cruise speeds of a representative four engine short haul aircraft employing upper surface blowing (USB) with a supercritical wing are discussed. Wind tunnel tests covered a range of Mach number M from 0.6 to 0.78. Tests explored the use of three USB nozzle configurations. Results are shown for the isolated wing body and for each of the three nozzle types installed. Experimental results indicate that a low angle nacelle and streamline contoured nacelle yielded the same interference drag at the design Mach number. A high angle powered lift nacelle had higher interference drag primarily because of nacelle boattail low pressures and flow separation. Results of varying the spacing between the nacelles and the use of trailing edge flap deflections, wing upper surface contouring, and a convergent-divergent nozzle to reduce potential adverse jet effects were also discussed. Analytical comparisons with experimental data, made for selected cases, indicate favorable agreement

    HBV Testing and Vaccinations among Asian and Pacific Islander Patients: Understanding the Impact of the San Francisco Hepatitis B Free Campaign on Physician Awareness

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    Background and Significance: One in 12 Asian and Pacific Islanders (APIs) are infected with hepatitis B (HBV). APIs represent one-third of the population in San Francisco. San Francisco Hep B Free (SFHBF), a citywide collaboration, works to educate physicians and the community on the importance of hepatitis B among APIs through increasing awareness, education and the availability of screening and vaccinations. The purpose of this paper was to qualitatively assess the perceived impact of SFHBF on the awareness and attitudes of physicians regarding screening and vaccination of APIs. Methods: Twenty physicians (n=20) participated in key informant interviews about HBV awareness and involvement with SFHBF. The questions focused on physician attitudes and practice towards HBV screening, vaccination and follow-up care, communication with patients about HBV, and awareness and effectiveness of the SFHBF outreach efforts. Results: Findings highlighted SFHBF’s impact on physicians’ sensitivity and awareness. Overall, physicians were increasing their HBV screening and vaccination rates among their API patients. Physicians noted the need for continual support to prioritize HBV screening and vaccination among their API patients. Conclusion: The findings of this study are important for understanding the impact of public health campaigns on physician attitudes and practices regarding HBV education, screening, and vaccinations among their API patients

    Effects of relative humidity on aerosol light scattering in the Arctic

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    Aerosol particles experience hygroscopic growth in the ambient atmosphere. Their optical properties – especially the aerosol light scattering – are therefore strongly dependent on the ambient relative humidity (RH). In-situ light scattering measurements of long-term observations are usually performed under dry conditions (RH>30–40%). The knowledge of this RH effect is of eminent importance for climate forcing calculations or for the comparison of remote sensing with in-situ measurements. This study combines measurements and model calculations to describe the RH effect on aerosol light scattering for the first time for aerosol particles present in summer and fall in the high Arctic. For this purpose, a field campaign was carried out from July to October 2008 at the Zeppelin station in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The aerosol light scattering coefficient σ<sub>sp</sub>(λ) was measured at three distinct wavelengths (λ=450, 550, and 700 nm) at dry and at various, predefined RH conditions between 20% and 95% with a recently developed humidified nephelometer (WetNeph) and with a second nephelometer measuring at dry conditions with an average RH<10% (DryNeph). In addition, the aerosol size distribution and the aerosol absorption coefficient were measured. The scattering enhancement factor <i>f</i>(RH, λ) is the key parameter to describe the RH effect on σ<sub>sp</sub>(λ) and is defined as the RH dependent σ<sub>sp</sub>(RH, λ) divided by the corresponding dry σ<sub>sp</sub>(RH<sub>dry</sub>, λ). During our campaign the average <i>f</i>(RH=85%, λ=550 nm) was 3.24±0.63 (mean ± standard deviation), and no clear wavelength dependence of <i>f</i>(RH, λ) was observed. This means that the ambient scattering coefficients at RH=85% were on average about three times higher than the dry measured in-situ scattering coefficients. The RH dependency of the recorded <i>f</i>(RH, λ) can be well described by an empirical one-parameter equation. We used a simplified method to retrieve an apparent hygroscopic growth factor <i>g</i>(RH), defined as the aerosol particle diameter at a certain RH divided by the dry diameter, using the WetNeph, the DryNeph, the aerosol size distribution measurements and Mie theory. With this approach we found, on average, <i>g</i>(RH=85%) values to be 1.61±0.12 (mean±standard deviation). No clear seasonal shift of <i>f</i>(RH, λ) was observed during the 3-month period, while aerosol properties (size and chemical composition) clearly changed with time. While the beginning of the campaign was mainly characterized by smaller and less hygroscopic particles, the end was dominated by larger and more hygroscopic particles. This suggests that compensating effects of hygroscopicity and size determined the temporal stability of <i>f</i>(RH, λ). During sea salt influenced periods, distinct deliquescence transitions were observed. At the end we present a method on how to transfer the dry in-situ measured aerosol scattering coefficients to ambient values for the aerosol measured during summer and fall at this location

    Compilation of Selected Vegetable Crop Reports Dealing with Research and Demonstration Plots Located at the Muck Crops Branch, 1983

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    Spinach cultivar trials, 1982 ; Celery cultivar trials, 1982 / James M. Pisarczyk and Richard L. Hassell -- Potato cultivar trials, 1982 / James M. Pisarczyk -- Celery transplant study, 1982 / Richard L. Hassell -- Parsley 1982 variety trials ; Onion 1982 variety trials ; Broccoli variety trials, 1982 / Richard L. Hassell -- Carrot variety trials, 1982 / R. Mack Riedel and Richard C. Henne -- Control of early blight of celery with fungicides, 1982 ; Control of crucifer downy mildew with fungicide sprays, 1982 / Randall C. Rowe and Richard L. Hassell -- Synergistic interaction between species of lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae, 1982 / R. M. Riedel and R. C. Rowe -- Transplants vs. bare-root in controlling root-knot nematode / R. M. Riedel -- Rotations for control of root-knot nematode / R. M. Riedel and J. A. Chatfield -- Fertilizer guidelines for vegetable crops grown on muck soils in Ohio / William M. Brooks, E. C. Wittmeyer and Richard Hassel

    Chemical characterization of atmospheric ions at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch (Switzerland)

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    The ion composition at high altitude (3454 m a.s.l.) was measured with an atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer (APi-TOF) during a period of 9 months, from August 2013 to April 2014. The negative mass spectra were dominated by the ions of sulfuric, nitric, malonic, and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) as well as SO5. The most prominent positive ion peaks were from amines. The other cations were mainly organic compounds clustered with a nitrogen-containing ion, which could be either NH4+ or an aminium. Occasionally the positive spectra were characterized by groups of compounds each differing by a methylene group. In the negative spectrum, sulfuric acid was always observed during clear sky conditions following the diurnal cycle of solar irradiation. On many occasions we also saw a high signal of sulfuric acid during nighttime when clusters up to the tetramer were observed. A plausible reason for these events could be evaporation from particles at low relative humidity. A remarkably strong correlation between the signals of SO5 and CH3SO3- was observed for the full measurement period. The presence of these two ions during both the day and the night suggests a non-photochemical channel of formation which is possibly linked to halogen chemistry. Halogenated species, especially Br- and IO3-, were frequently observed in air masses that originated mainly from the Atlantic Ocean and occasionally from continental areas based on back trajectory analyses. We found I2O5 clustered with an ion, a species that was proposed from laboratory and modeling studies. All halogenated ions exhibited an unexpected diurnal behavior with low values during daytime. New particle formation (NPF) events were observed and characterized by (1) highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) and low sulfuric acid or (2) ammonia-sulfuric acid clusters. We present characteristic spectra for each of these two event types based on 26 nucleation episodes. The mass spectrum of the ammonia-sulfuric acid nucleation event compares very well with laboratory measurements reported from the CLOUD chamber. A source receptor analysis indicates that NPF events at the Jungfraujoch take place within a restricted period of time of 24-48 h after air masses have had contact with the boundary layer. This time frame appears to be crucial to reach an optimal oxidation state and concentration of organic molecules necessary to facilitate nucleation.Peer reviewe

    Establishment and Spread of a Single Parthenogenic Genotype of the Mediterranean arundo wasp, Tetramesa romana1, In the Variable Climate of Texas

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    As part of a biological control program for the invasive weed, Arundo donax L., several genotypically unique populations of the parthenogenetic stemgalling wasp, Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), from Spain and France were released in an infested riparian zone along the Rio Grande from Brownsville to Del Rio, TX. An adventive population of the wasp of unknown origin with limited distribution in Texas was also discovered, evaluated, and released as part of the program. More than 1.2 million wasps representing the mixture of genotypes were aerially released from 2009 to 2011. Wasps dispersed from their original release locations and now have a continuous distribution along the Rio Grande from Brownsville to Del Rio, and have dispersed throughout most of Central Texas with satellite populations as far west as San Angelo (Tom Green County), north as far as Kaufman (Kaufman County), and east to Navasota (Grimes County). The most successful genotype (#4) represented 390 of the 409 wasps recovered and matched both an imported population from the Mediterranean coast of Spain and an adventive population established in Texas before the start of the biological control program. Several other European genotypes of the wasp released in the program apparently failed to establish. This result demonstrated the benefits of evaluating and releasing the maximum genetic diversity of the biological control agent in the introduced range. Abundance of T. romana on the Rio Grande from Laredo to Del Rio averaged 190% more in 2013-2014 compared to a similar study in 2008-2009 before release of the European wasps. A favorability index was developed that showed that conditions from 1969 to 1977 would have been adverse to the wasp; conditions after 2009 were more favorable. Climate matching predicts the wasp will disperse throughout the southern U.S. and Mexico

    Emissions of ozone-depleting halocarbons from China

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    National emission inventories of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) play a key role in the control mechanisms of the Montreal Protocol's emission reduction plans. New quasi-continuous ground-based atmospheric measurements allow us to estimate China's current emissions of the most effective ODS. This serves as an independent validation of China's ODS consumption data reported to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Emissions of most first-generation ODS have declined in recent years, suggesting compliance with the regulations of China's advanced phase-out program. In contrast the emissions of some second-generation ODS have increased. Because China is currently one of the largest consumers of first generation ODS, the country's upcoming complete phase-out will be crucial for the rate of decline of atmospheric ODS hence the eventual recovery of the stratospheric ozone. Citation: Vollmer, M. K., et al. (2009), Emissions of ozone-depleting halocarbons from China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15823, doi:10.1029/2009GL038659
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