3,638 research outputs found

    Odelman typpilannoituksen ja niittoajan vaikutus timoteinurmen satoon

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    Properties of local produced animal-fat based biodiesel and its blend with fossil fuel

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    In the near future, more emphasis must be put on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in road transportation, house heating, agricultural activities, marine transport etc. This study concentrated on the use of alternative fuels in engine - driven applicat ions of non - road machineries and decentralized energy production . Today, the engines are mainly designed for crude oil derived fuels and liquid renewable fuels are blended with crude oil based fuels to fulfill the requirements of renewable energy usage. Du e to the environmental reasons on one hand and to the agricultural needs, on the other hand , different blends of bio - and fossil fuels are becoming more popular. In Europe, the maximum FAME content in diesel fuel is 7 vol% according to the EN 590:2013 but higher percentages are also available and targeted around the world. For example in the United States, the 20% blend fraction is becoming more common. For these reasons, B20 fuels were chosen to be investigated in this study. Special emphasis was put on im proving blending issues since fuel blending may cause some operating risks. The main aim was to research widely the properties of animal - fat based methyl ester (AFME) and B20 fuel blend produced from it. AFME is a waste based fuel and produced in Ostroboth nia region, Finland. The aim was to find out in which engine applications the fuels are feasible and investigate if the fuels fit in the quality of automotive fuel Standards. According to the results, AFME is a feasible option to increase self - sufficient e ne rgy production in Ostrobothnia.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Hengitystiebakteerien monitestaus lastentautien päivystyksessä:apua keuhkokuumeen diagnostiikkaan?

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    Tiivistelmä. Lapsen keuhkokuumetta aiheuttavat noin kolmasosassa tapauksista hengitystievirukset, kolmasosassa hengitystievirukset ja bakteerit yhdessä ja kolmasosassa ensisijaisesti bakteerit. Lapsen keuhkokuumeen etiologian selvittäminen päivystyksessä on nykykeinoin vaikeaa. Käytännössä kaikki keuhkokuumeet hoidetaankin antibiootilla. Uusi polymeraasiketjurektioon (PCR) perustuva diagnostiikka mahdollistaa hengitystieviruksien ja -bakteerien nopean tunnistamisen nenänielunäytteistä päivystyksissä. Tutkimusnäyttö vaikuttavuudesta ja hengitystiebakteerin yhteydestä keuhkokuumeeseen ja lapsen sairauden kulkuun kuitenkin puuttuu. Tämä syventävien tutkielma on osa laajempaa tutkimuskokonaisuutta, joka tutkii lasten hengitystiebakteerien laajan PCR-diagnostiikan hyötyjä lasten alahengitystieinfektioiden diagnosoinnissa ja hoitopäätöksissä päivystyspoliklinikalla. Tämä tutkielma keskittyi lasten kahden yleisimmän hengitystiebakteerin eli Streptococcus pneumoniaen (pneumokokki) ja Haemophilus influenzaen (hemofilus) löytymiseen nenänielusta PCR-tutkimuksella lapsipotilailla. Lapsilta kerättiin normaalin kliinisen käytännön mukaisesti nenänielunäytteet, joista analysoitiin seuraavaan päivään mennessä hengitystievirusnäytteet. Bakteerinäytteet tutkittiin jälkikäteen pakastetuista näytteistä. Sairauskertomustiedoista kerättiin tiedot lasten sairauden kulusta, hoitoajoista ja antibioottihoidosta. Tutkimuksella oli PPSHP:n eettisen toimikunnan ja Valviran tutkimuslupa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui yhteensä 1252 äkillisesti sairaasta lapsesta, joilla oli kuume tai hengitystieinfektio. Yhteensä 153 lapsella (12 %) oli kliinisesti tai radiologisesti todettu keuhkokuume. Antibioottihoito aloitettiin 118 (77%) lapselle. Aineistossa todettiin nenänielussa pneumokokki tai hemofilus 610 lapsella (49%). Pneumokokkia tai hemofilusta esiintyi 68% niistä lapsista, joilla oli pneumonia. Pneumokokin tai hemofiluksen toteaminen nenänielusta nosti lapsen keuhkokuumeen riskin noin kaksinkertaiseksi (RR 2.2, 95% 1,6 -3,1). Tässä isossa kohorttitutkimuksessa pneumokokin tai hemofiluksen toteaminen nenänielusta äkillisesti sairaalla lapsella lisäsi keuhkokuumediagnoosin riskiä noin kaksinkertaiseksi verrattuna muihin äkillisesti sairastuneisiin lapsiin. Pneumokokkia ja hemofilusta todettiin nenänielunäytteissä usein myös potilailla, joilla ei ollut keuhkokuumetta. Käyttökelpoisuus kliinisen diagnostiikan työkaluna päivystyksissä on siis vähäinen

    Observation of shot-noise-induced asymmetry in the Coulomb blockaded Josephson junction

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    We have investigated the influence of shot noise on the IV-curves of a single mesoscopic Josephson junction. We observe a linear enhancement of zero-bias conductance of the Josephson junction with increasing shot noise power. Moreover, the IV-curves become increasingly asymmetric. Our analysis on the asymmetry shows that the Coulomb blockade of Cooper pairs is strongly influenced by the non-Gaussian character of the shot noise.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTE

    Body length rather than routine metabolic rate and body condition correlates with activity and risk-taking in juvenile zebrafish Danio rerio

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    In this study, the following hypotheses were explored using zebrafish Danio rerio: (1) individuals from the same cohort differ consistently in activity and risk-taking and (2) variation in activity and risk-taking is linked to individual differences in metabolic rate, body length and body condition. To examine these hypotheses, juvenile D. rerio were tested for routine metabolic rate and subsequently exposed to an open field test. Strong evidence was found for consistent among-individual differences in activity and risk-taking, which were overall negatively correlated with body length, i.e. larger D. rerio were found to be less active in a potentially dangerous open field and a similar trend was found with respect to a more direct measure of their risk-taking tendency. In contrast, routine metabolic rate and body condition were uncorrelated with both activity and risk-taking of juvenile D. rerio. These findings suggest that body length is associated with risk-related behaviours in juvenile D. rerio for which larger, rather than smaller, individuals may have a higher risk of predation, while the role for routine metabolic rate is relatively limited or non-existent, at least under the conditions of the present study

    Enhancing Optomechanical Coupling via the Josephson Effect

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    Cavity optomechanics is showing promise for studying quantum mechanics in large systems. However, the smallness of the radiation-pressure coupling is a serious hindrance. Here we show how the charge tuning of the Josephson inductance in a single-Cooper-pair transistor can be exploited to arrange a strong radiation-pressure-type coupling g0 between mechanical and microwave resonators. In a certain limit of parameters, such a coupling can also be seen as a qubit-mediated coupling of two resonators. We show that this scheme allows reaching extremely high g0. Contrary to the recent proposals for exploiting the nonlinearity of a large radiation-pressure coupling, the main nonlinearity in this setup originates from a cross-Kerr type of coupling between the resonators, where the cavity refractive index depends on the phonon number. The presence of this coupling will allow accessing the individual phonon numbers via the measurement of the cavity.Peer reviewe

    Inverse proximity effect in superconductors near ferromagnetic material

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    We study the electronic density of states in a mesoscopic superconductor near a transparent interface with a ferromagnetic metal. In our tunnel spectroscopy experiment, a substantial density of states is observed at sub-gap energies close to a ferromagnet. We compare our data with detailed calculations based on the Usadel equation, where the effect of the ferromagnet is treated as an effective boundary condition. We achieve an excellent agreement with theory when non-ideal quality of the interface is taken into account.Comment: revised, 7 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of storage on the properties of rapeseed oil and alcohol blends

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: May 2nd, 2021 ; Published: May 4th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] viscosity and density are important fuel properties because they influence fuel atomisation during injection into the engine cylinder. The viscosity and density of neat vegetable oils usually are too high to allow optimal use of these oils in compression ignition engines. Blending vegetable oils with alcohols can improve these properties, but it is not known whether the blend properties remain stable during storage. This study measured kinematic viscosity (at 40 °C), density (at 15 °C) and surface tension of rapeseed oil-alcohol blends that had been stored in closed borosilicate glass bottles at room temperature in the dark for 49 weeks. The values were compared with those of the fresh blends. Further measurements of oxidation stability for the rapeseed oil and the blends were taken after 72 weeks of storage. The blends consisted of rapeseed oil with ethanol at 5 vol–%, and rapeseed oil with 1–butanol at 5 vol–%, 10 vol–%, 20 vol–% and 30 vol–%. All in all, the observed changes during storage were small. Density values deviated by less than 1%, surface tension by no more than 3% and kinematic viscosity differed from the fresh blends’ values by 1% to 8%. Surface tension had increased in some blends and decreased in others. Kinematic viscosity rose in all blends, with the smallest increase measured for the rapeseed oil–butanol 30 vol–% blend. This blend also showed the best oxidation stability, which was close to six hours