362 research outputs found

    A Separable Model for Dynamic Networks

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    Models of dynamic networks --- networks that evolve over time --- have manifold applications. We develop a discrete-time generative model for social network evolution that inherits the richness and flexibility of the class of exponential-family random graph models. The model --- a Separable Temporal ERGM (STERGM) --- facilitates separable modeling of the tie duration distributions and the structural dynamics of tie formation. We develop likelihood-based inference for the model, and provide computational algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation. We illustrate the interpretability of the model in analyzing a longitudinal network of friendship ties within a school.Comment: 28 pages (including a 4-page appendix); a substantial rewrite, with many corrections, changes in terminology, and a different analysis for the exampl

    A statnet Tutorial

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    The statnet suite of R packages contains a wide range of functionality for the statistical analysis of social networks, including the implementation of exponential-family random graph (ERG) models. In this paper we illustrate some of the functionality of statnet through a tutorial analysis of a friendship network of 1,461 adolescents.

    ergm: A Package to Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks

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    We describe some of the capabilities of the ergm package and the statistical theory underlying it. This package contains tools for accomplishing three important, and inter-related, tasks involving exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs): estimation, simulation, and goodness of fit. More precisely, ergm has the capability of approximating a maximum likelihood estimator for an ERGM given a network data set; simulating new network data sets from a fitted ERGM using Markov chain Monte Carlo; and assessing how well a fitted ERGM does at capturing characteristics of a particular network data set.

    statnet: Software Tools for the Representation, Visualization, Analysis and Simulation of Network Data

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    statnet is a suite of software packages for statistical network analysis. The packages implement recent advances in network modeling based on exponential-family random graph models (ERGM). The components of the package provide a comprehensive framework for ERGM-based network modeling, including tools for model estimation, model evaluation, model-based network simulation, and network visualization. This broad functionality is powered by a central Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The coding is optimized for speed and robustness.

    Specification of Exponential-Family Random Graph Models: Terms and Computational Aspects

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    Exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) represent the processes that govern the formation of links in networks through the terms selected by the user. The terms specify network statistics that are sufficient to represent the probability distribution over the space of networks of that size. Many classes of statistics can be used. In this article we describe the classes of statistics that are currently available in the ergm package. We also describe means for controlling the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that the package uses for estimation. These controls affect either the proposal distribution on the sample space used by the underlying Metropolis-Hastings algorithm or the constraints on the sample space itself. Finally, we describe various other arguments to core functions of the ergm package

    Specification of Exponential-Family Random Graph Models: Terms and Computational Aspects

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    Exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) represent the processes that govern the formation of links in networks through the terms selected by the user. The terms specify network statistics that are sufficient to represent the probability distribution over the space of networks of that size. Many classes of statistics can be used. In this article we describe the classes of statistics that are currently available in the ergm package. We also describe means for controlling the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that the package uses for estimation. These controls affect either the proposal distribution on the sample space used by the underlying Metropolis-Hastings algorithm or the constraints on the sample space itself. Finally, we describe various other arguments to core functions of the ergm package

    Effect of farm system and milk urea phenotype on milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows in Canterbury

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    To investigate the effect of farm system, and cow selection for milk urea nitrogen (MUN), on milk yield and milk composition, a farmlet study was carried out between October 2018 and May 2019 in Lincoln, Canterbury. A farm system with a low stocking rate and low N fertiliser input (LSR, 2.9 cows/ha) sown with a conventional ryegrass clover and plantain diverse pastures was compared with a farm system with a moderate stocking rate and moderate N fertiliser (MSR, 3.9 cows/ha) using conventional ryegrass and white clover pastures and supplementing 3 kg DM/cow/d as crushed barley grain. Each farmlet had total herd size of 40 mixed-age HF x J spring-calving dairy cows which included six cows selected solely for a high MUN or a low MUN. There was no effect of farm system on milk fat, protein or lactose content but MUN was lower in LSR compared with MSR. Milk production was also lower for LSR (466 vs 429±12.4 kg MS/cow/ha, P<0.05), owing to poorer quality diet in mid lactation. Cows selected for low MUN tended to produce less milk compared with high MUN cows (4478 vs 3987±174 kg/cow, P<0.10) though this was partially offset by increased protein content in milk of low MUN cows. Farm system and animal selection for MUN have a greater impact on milk yield than on milk composition

    Tempus volat, hora fugit: A survey of tie‐oriented dynamic network models in discrete and continuous time

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    Given the growing number of available tools for modeling dynamic networks, the choice of a suitable model becomes central. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of tie‐oriented dynamic network models. The survey is focused on introducing binary network models with their corresponding assumptions, advantages, and shortfalls. The models are divided according to generating processes, operating in discrete and continuous time. First, we introduce the temporal exponential random graph model (TERGM) and the separable TERGM (STERGM), both being time‐discrete models. These models are then contrasted with continuous process models, focusing on the relational event model (REM). We additionally show how the REM can handle time‐clustered observations, that is, continuous‐time data observed at discrete time points. Besides the discussion of theoretical properties and fitting procedures, we specifically focus on the application of the models on two networks that represent international arms transfers and email exchange, respectively. The data allow to demonstrate the applicability and interpretation of the network models

    Estimating coastal lagoon tidal flooding and repletion with multidate ASTER thermal imagery

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    Coastal lagoons mix inflowing freshwater and tidal marine waters in complex spatial patterns. This project sought to detect and measure temperature and spatial variability of flood tides for a constricted coastal lagoon using multitemporal remote sensing. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Radiometer (ASTER) thermal infrared data provided estimates of surface temperature for delineation of repletion zones in portions of Chincoteague Bay, Virginia. ASTER high spatial resolution sea-surface temperature imagery in conjunction with in situ observations and tidal predictions helped determine the optimal seasonal data for analyses. The selected time series ASTER satellite data sets were analyzed at different tidal phases and seasons in 2004–2006. Skin surface temperatures of ocean and estuarine waters were differentiated by flood tidal penetration and ebb flows. Spatially variable tidal flood penetration was evaluated using discrete seed-pixel area analysis and time series Principal Components Analysis. Results from these techniques provide spatial extent and variability dynamics of tidal repletion, flushing, and mixing, important factors in eutrophication assessment, water quality and resource monitoring, and application of hydrodynamic modeling for coastal estuary science and management