299 research outputs found

    Production Scheduling in Industry 4.0

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    What Do Fact Checkers Fact-check When?

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    Recent research suggests that not all fact checking efforts are equal: when and what is fact checked plays a pivotal role in effectively correcting misconceptions. In this paper, we propose a framework to study fact checking efforts using Google Trends, a signal that captures search interest over topics on the world's largest search engine. Our framework consists of extracting claims from fact checking efforts, linking such claims with knowledge graph entities, and estimating the online attention they receive. We use this framework to study a dataset of 879 COVID-19-related fact checks done in 2020 by 81 international organizations. Our findings suggest that there is often a disconnect between online attention and fact checking efforts. For example, in around 40% of countries where 10 or more claims were fact checked, half or more than half of the top 10 most popular claims were not fact checked. Our analysis also shows that claims are first fact checked after receiving, on average, 35% of the total online attention they would eventually receive in 2020. Yet, there is a big variation among claims: some were fact checked before receiving a surge of misinformation-induced online attention, others are fact checked much later. Overall, our work suggests that the incorporation of online attention signals may help organizations better assess and prioritize their fact checking efforts. Also, in the context of international collaboration, where claims are fact checked multiple times across different countries, online attention could help organizations keep track of which claims are "migrating" between different countries

    Enterotoxin production by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitic cows.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of mastitis in cows. The ability of S. aureus strains to produce one or more enterotoxins in milk and dairy products is linked to staphylococcal food poisoning. To determine whether staphylococci causing bovine mastitis could cause human foodborne intoxication, the production of staphylococcal enterotoxins A through D (SEA, SEB, SEC, and SED) by 160 S. aureus isolates was evaluated with the use of a reverse passive latex agglutination enterotoxin kit. All S. aureus strains were isolated over a 9-month period from 2,343 routine submissions of a composite quarter collection of individual mastitic cows at 18 dairy farms in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Prior to enterotoxin detection, isolates were grown by a method that enhances the in vitro synthesis of enterotoxin. Twenty-two of 160 S. aureus isolates produced enterotoxin. Seven produced SEC, 12 produced SED, and 3 produced both SEC and SED. None of the isolates produced SEA or SEB

    A simple variance estimator of change for rotating repeated surveys: an application to the EU-SILC household surveys

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    A common problem is to compare two cross-sectional estimates for the same study variable taken on two different waves or occasions, and to judge whether the change observed is statistically significant. This involves the estimation of the sampling variance of the estimator of change. The estimation of this variance would be relatively straightforward if cross-sectional estimates were based on the same sample. Unfortunately, samples are not completely overlapping, because of rotations used in repeated surveys. We propose a simple approach based on a multivariate (general) linear regression model. The variance estimator proposed is not a model-based estimator. We show that the estimator proposed is design consistent when the sampling fractions are negligible. It can accommodate stratified and two-stage sampling designs. The main advantage of the approach proposed is its simplicity and flexibility. It can be applied to a wide class of sampling designs and can be implemented with standard statistical regression techniques. Because of its flexibility, the approach proposed is well suited for the estimation of variance for the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions surveys. It allows us to use a common approach for variance estimation for the different types of design. The approach proposed is a useful tool, because it involves only modelling skills and requires limited knowledge of survey sampling theory

    An in vitro system for the comparison of excision and wet-dry swabbing for microbiological sampling of beef carcasses.

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    An in vitro system for the comparison of wet-dry swabbing and surface tissue excision was developed to ascertain whether the commonly accepted statement of the advantage (in terms of bacterial recovery) of the tissue excision method is also legitimate when different kinds of bacteria are used. A total of 1,770 sections (2.5 by 10 cm) of bovine skin were individually inoculated on the subcutaneous fat side by spreading various suspensions of marker organisms (nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) at different concentrations and sampled by two standard methods: cotton wet-dry swabbing and excision. Most counts from cuts sampled by excision were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the wet-dry swabs; however, no differences were observed between the control and the sampling method when sections were inoculated with bacterial solutions at a concentration of 10(3) CFU/ml and sampled by excision. For sections inoculated with bacterial solutions at a concentration of 10(3) CFU/ml, counts given as log CFU/25 cm2 ranged from 1.97 (S. aureus sampled by wet-dry swab) to 3.06 (S. aureus sampled by excision). For sections inoculated at a concentration of 10(4), counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 2.15 (E. faecalis sampled by wet-dry swab) to 3.19 (S. aureus sampled by excision). For sections inoculated at 10(5), counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 2.94 (E. faecalis, wet-dry swab) to 3.98 (S. aureus, excision), and for sections inoculated at 106, counts given as log CFU/25 cm(2) ranged from 3.53 (E. coli, wet-dry swab) to 4.69 (S. aureus, excision). The proposed system, which enabled a considerable amount of samples to be analyzed under controlled experimental conditions and a large number of data to be generated in a short time, demonstrated among the tested microorganisms that whereas the excision method recovered the highest number of bacteria, control means were always (with the exception of an inoculum of 10(3)/ml) significantly higher than means from either of the sampling methods. Our results indicate that particular attention should be paid to the diverse microflora that can contaminate carcasses in a given slaughterhouse and that it is not appropriate to generalize by saying that the destructive method is the reference technique for the bacteriological sampling of carcasses in slaughterhouses, especially when the contamination is higher than 10(3) CFU/25 cm(2)

    Child health, infant formula funding and South African health professionals: Eliminating conflict of interest

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    Despite clear evidence of the benefits of exclusive and continued breastfeeding for children, women and society, far too few children in South Africa (SA) are breastfed. One of the major impediments to improving this situation is the continued and aggressive marketing of breastmilk substitutes (BMSs) and infiltration of the BMS industry into contexts with exposure to health professionals. In this article we, as academics, practitioners and child health advocates, describe contraventions of the regulations that protect breastfeeding in SA and argue that bold, proactive leadership to eliminate conflict of interest in respect of the BMS industry is urgently required, together with far greater investments in proven interventions to promote and support breastfeeding

    MĂśssbauer study of some novel iron-bis-glyoxime and iron-tris-glyoxime complexes

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    Dioximes as ligands are used as analytical reagents and serve as models for biological systems as well as catalysts in chemical processes. A number of novel mixed complexes of the type [Fe(DioxH)2(amine)2] have been prepared and characterised by FTIR, 57Fe Mössbauer and mass spectroscopy by us. We have found strong Fe–N donor acceptor interactions and iron occurred in low-spin FeII state in all complexes. Later, we have also found that the incorporation of branching alkyl chains (isopropyl) in the complexes alters the Fe–N bond length and results in high-spin iron(II) state [1, 2]. The question arises: can the spin state of iron be manipulated generally by replacing the short alkyl chains with high volume demand ones in Fe-azomethine-amine complexes? To answer the question we have synthetized novel iron-bis-glioxime and iron-tris-gloxime complexes when long chain alkyl or aromatic ligands replaced the short alkyl ones and studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, MS, FTIR, UV-VIS, TG-DTA-DTG and XRD methods. Novel iron-bis-glyoxime and iron-tris-glyoxime type complexes, [Fe(Diethyl-Diox)3(BOH)2], [Fe(Diethyl-Diox)3(BOEt)2] and [Fe(phenyl-Me-Diox)3(BOEt)2], were synthesized similarly as described in [2]. The FTIR, UV-VIS, TG-DTA-DTG and MS measurements indicated that the expected novel complexes could be successfully synthesized

    Perceived state of self during motion can differentially modulate numerical magnitude allocation.

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    Although a direct relationship between numerical-allocation and spatial-attention has been proposed, recent research suggests these processes are not directly coupled. In keeping with this, spatial attention shifts induced either via visual or vestibular motion can modulate numerical allocation in some circumstances but not in others. In addition to shifting spatial attention, visual or vestibular motion-paradigms also (i) elicit compensatory eye-movements which themselves can influence numerical-processing and (ii) alter the perceptual-state of-"self", inducing changes in bodily self-consciousness impacting upon cognitive mechanisms. Thus, the precise mechanism by which motion modulates numerical-allocation remains unknown. We sought to investigate the influence that different perceptual experiences of motion have upon numerical magnitude allocation whilst controlling for both eye-movements and task-related effects. We first used optokinetic visual-motion stimulation (OKS) to elicit the perceptual experience of either "visual world" or "self"-motion during which eye movements were identical. In a second experiment we used a vestibular protocol examining the effects of perceived and subliminal angular rotations in darkness, which also provoked identical eye movements. We observed that during the perceptual experience of "visual-world" motion, rightward OKS biased judgments towards smaller numbers, whereas leftward OKS biased judgments towards larger numbers. During the perceptual experience of "self-motion", judgments were biased towards larger numbers irrespective of the OKS direction. Contrastingly, vestibular motion perception was found not to modulate numerical magnitude allocation, nor was there any differential modulation when comparing "perceived" versus "subliminal" rotations. We provide a novel demonstration that magnitude-allocation can be differentially modulated by the perceptual state of-self during visual-motion. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Child health, infant formula funding and South African health professionals: Eliminating conflict of interest

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    Letters by Van Niekerk and Khan on article by Lake et al. (Lake L, Kroon M, Sanders D, et al. Child health, infant formula funding and South African health professionals: Eliminating conflict of interest. S Afr Med J 2019;109(12):902-906. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i12.14336); and response by Lake et al
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