2,815 research outputs found

    Amalia Schoppe e a emigração alemã para o Brasil no conto "Die Auswanderer nach Brasilien oder die Hütte am Gigitonhonha"

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    German immigration to Brazil starts in the 19th century. In Brazil, the German Immigration Literature has already been a subject of many studies. Nevertheless, what was produced in Germany during the period of the great emigration by the land people of these emigrates is still unknown by the Brazilian people and also by the German folk. This article shows the results of a careful bibliographic research, that was made in German libraries and archives. In this article there is an important work: one narrative from Amalia Schoppe, Die Auswanderer nach Brasilien oder die Hütte am Gigitonhonha. They present interesting aspects about Brazil and about Germany at the e(im)migation context in the 19th century

    Elevational and Seasonal Patterns in Methylmercury Production Across the Montane Landscape of Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondack Region of New York

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    Global mercury contamination results from direct primary atmospheric and secondary legacy emissions, which can be deposited to ecosystems, converted to methylmercury, and bioaccumulated along food chains. I examined soil samples collected across an elevational gradient on Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondack region of New York State to determine spatial patterns in methylmercury concentrations across a forested montane landscape. I found that soil methylmercury concentrations were highest in the mid-elevation coniferous zone (0.39 ± 0.07 ng/g) compared to the alpine (0.28 ± 0.04 ng/g) and deciduous zones (0.17 ± 0.02 ng/g), while the percent mercury as methylmercury in soils decreased linearly with elevation. In multivariate linear analysis, soil sulfur concentrations had the greatest positive influence on soil MeHg concentrations, although they only explained 3.2% of the variability in soil MeHg concentrations. Soil MeHg concentrations appear to be driven by internal processing of Hg and not by deposition of MeHg to the forest floor and vary seasonally. These findings for methylmercury concentrations are consistent with patterns of mercury concentrations in terrestrial bird species and suggest that future declines in mercury emissions could be important to reducing concentrations of mercury in montane avian species

    Environmental Physiology of Flight in Migratory Birds

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    Migratory birds complete amazing journeys between their breeding and wintering grounds. Each journey comprises a series of flights that last hours to days, followed by stopovers where fuel stores are replenished. Despite the long flights undertaken by migratory birds, where respiratory water losses are high for extended periods of time, birds are not dehydrated after flight. My studies demonstrate that birds maintain hydration by modulating rates of endogenous water production in response to rates of water loss. In resting, water restricted house sparrows (Passer domesticus) I used quantitative magnetic resonance body composition analysis (QMR) and hygrometry to demonstrate that stressed resting birds increase the rate of lean mass (protein) catabolism to liberate water and maintain osmotic homeostasis. I then flew Swainson’s thrushes (Catharus ustulatus) in a climatic wind tunnel under high- and low-humidity conditions for up to 5 hours. Flight under dry conditions increased the rate of lean mass loss, endogenous water production and plasma uric acid concentrations. This demonstrated that atmospheric humidity influences fuel composition in flight and suggest that protein deposition and catabolism during migration are a metabolic strategy to maintain osmotic homeostasis during flight. Next, I investigated the metabolic response to flight in the American robin (Turdus migratorius). These birds have high rates of endogenous water production early in flight due to a high contribution of carbohydrate and protein to energy during the transition to fat oxidation, and do not require additional protein catabolism to maintain water balance. Migratory birds may reduce excretory water losses to avoid dehydration in flight. I investigated kidney function in fed, rested and flown Swainson’s thrushes and found no decrease in glomerular filtration rate during flight, however they rely on increased water reabsorption to reduce excretory water losses in flight and at rest. Finally, the effect of diet on mitochondrial metabolism was investigated. I demonstrated that the performance increases often attributed to high dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids are likely due to reduced rates of production of reactive oxygen species by mitochondria. Together, these studies advance our knowledge of the metabolic response to the environment in the context of bird migration

    Another America is Possible: The Impact of NAFTA on the U.S. Latino Community and Lessons for Future Trade Agreements

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    A joint report by Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) and Public Citizen celebrate the promise of increased interaction and cross-border cooperation among different nationalities on pressing global concerns. This is why we are concerned about the current model of corporate globalization being fostered by "free trade" agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Negotiated behind closed doors by unelected and largely unaccountable bureaucrats who represent mainly business interests, these trade agreements invariably fail to promote equitable regional integration and cooperation. Instead, this model of corporate globalization explicitly benefits large multinational corporations at the expense of workers, farmers, immigrants, women, people of color, the environment and democratic governance. As the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. population, Latinos are and will continue to be among the groups most affected by this model of corporate globalization. Whether newcomers from El Salvador or fifth-generation Mexican-Americans, U.S. Latinos are seeing adverse effects on their job security, health and environment. Many are immigrants who left their homelands due to the economic and social devastation caused by the current globalization model. In both the United States and in their countries of origin, Latinos have seen their environment and their livelihoods harmed by the status quo globalization package of free trade, investment and finance liberalization, new protections for foreign investors and intellectual property, and new powers that enable multinational corporations to attack state, local and federal public interest laws. In this report, we examine the impact of NAFTA on Latino communities throughout the United States. Implemented in 1994, NAFTA is the most fully realized version of the corporate globalization model. It is currently being used as the blueprint for other trade and investment agreements that the Bush Administration is pushing in the hemisphere, such as the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and an array of bilateral free trade agreements with the Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) and Panama. Although we support trade, we feel that NAFTA is not the model to follow and should not be copied in these agreements

    Aplikasi Biochar Sekam Padi yang Telah diperkaya Teh Kompos terhadap Pertumbuhan Awal Turi Merah (Sesbania grandiflora)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai pertumbuhan awal turi yang diberi perlakuan teh kompos yang diperkaya dari bahan dasar dari feses ternak yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan, dimulai dari Juli sampai September 2021 bertempat di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Timor, Kelurahan Sasi, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pola searah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan sehingga terdapat 16 unit satuan percobaan. Perlakuan yang diuji terdiri dari R0: tanpa biochar (kontrol); R1: biochar yang diperkaya dalam teh kompos feses sapi; R2: biochar yang diperkaya dalam teh kompos feses kambing; serta R3: biochar yang diperkaya dalam teh kompos ekskreta ayam. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, dan jumlah helai daun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanaman turi yang diberi perlakuan biochar yang diperkaya dalam teh kompos ekskreta ayam (R3) menghasilkan tinggi tanaman 13,89 cm, diikuti diameter batang 5,14 cm, jumlah helai daun 8,87 helai, dan lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Hasil analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA) menunjukan bahwa pemberian perlakuan biochar yang diperkaya dalam teh kompos memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, dan jumlah helai daun tanaman turi merah. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pupuk biochar sekam padi yang telah diperkaya dalam teh kompos sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman turi (Sesbania grandiflora) yang terlihat dari tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, dan jumlah helai daun

    The environmental effects of air pollution from the energy sector in South Africa

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    The literature and data describing the environmental effects of air pollution in South Africa were examined, with a focus on the effects that are produced by the use of energy. This examination consisted of three parts: The emissions resulting from the use of the different fuels were calculated, with a complete sectorial and regional breakdown for pollution sources. A review of the data obtained from pollution monitoring programmes conducted in South Africa was completed. It was found that while monitoring is conducted in various regions and urban districts, there are areas with recognised pollution problems, such as townships, where little or no monitoring has been conducted. Often the resulfs of monitoring programmes were not published, or only available in unprocessed form. The literature describing environmental effects related to air pollution was reviewed. The number of studies pertaining to South African environments was found to be limited and tended to focus on certain areas, while neglecting others. Areas requiring further study and research were identified

    Amalia Schoppe e a emigração alemã para o Brasil no conto "Die Auswanderer nach Brasilien oder die Hütte am Gigitonhonha"

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    German immigration to Brazil starts in the 19th century. In Brazil, the German Immigration Literature has already been a subject of many studies. Nevertheless, what was produced in Germany during the period of the great emigration by the land people of these emigrates is still unknown by the Brazilian people and also by the German folk. This article shows the results of a careful bibliographic research, that was made in German libraries and archives. In this article there is an important work: one narrative from Amalia Schoppe, Die Auswanderer nach Brasilien oder die Hütte am Gigitonhonha. They present interesting aspects about Brazil and about Germany at the e(im)migation context in the 19th century

    Multi-Color Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae on the Color-Magnitude Diagram: a Novel Step Toward More Precise Distance and Extinction Estimates

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    We show empirically that fits to the color-magnitude relation of Type Ia supernovae after optical maximum can provide accurate relative extragalactic distances. We report the discovery of an empirical color relation for Type Ia light curves: During much of the first month past maximum, the magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae defined at a given value of color index have a very small magnitude dispersion; moreover, during this period the relation between BB magnitude and B−VB-V color (or B−RB-R or B−IB-I color) is strikingly linear, to the accuracy of existing well-measured data. These linear relations can provide robust distance estimates, in particular, by using the magnitudes when the supernova reaches a given color. After correction for light curve strech factor or decline rate, the dispersion of the magnitudes taken at the intercept of the linear color-magnitude relation are found to be around 0m^m.08 for the sub-sample of supernovae with \BVm ≤0m.05\le 0^m.05, and around 0m^m.11 for the sub-sample with \BVm ≤0m.2\le 0^m.2. This small dispersion is consistent with being mostly due to observational errors. The method presented here and the conventional light curve fitting methods can be combined to further improve statistical dispersions of distance estimates. It can be combined with the magnitude at maximum to deduce dust extinction. The slopes of the color-magnitude relation may also be used to identify intrinsically different SN Ia systems. The method provides a tool that is fundamental to using SN Ia to estimate cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant and the mass and dark energy content of the universe.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Prevalência de ecto e endoparasitas em camundongos e ratos criados em biotério

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    Durante um período de 5 anos (1986-1991) foram examinados 229 camundongos e 128 ratos, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 1 a 2 meses, provenientes de 4 biotérios convencionais (2 de camundongos e 2 de ratos), e de um biotério provido de barreiras sanitárias (camundongos controle). A amostragem semestral aleatória consistiu em 5% da população das salas com mais de 100 animais cada. No exame clínico geral observaram-se distensão abdominal e diarréia nos camundongos e ratos dos biotérios convencionais, o que não foi constatado nos animais do biotério controle. Discreta alopecia e pêlos eriçados foram detectados em todos os animais das colônias estudadas. Infestações porMyobia musculi, Myocoptes musculinus, Radfordia affinis, Radfordia ensiferae Poliplax spinulosa foram identificadas nas colônias convencionais, em infestações múltiplas ou simples. Myobia musculiioi descrito pela primeira vez em ratos criados em biotérios. Infecções por endoparasitas  Hymenolepis nana, Syphacia sp, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Trichomonas muris, Spironucleus muris, Giardia muris e Eimeria sp foram observadas nas colônias convencionais. Entretanto, através dos resultados da necrôpsia, na colônia controle de camundongos somente foram  encontrados Syphacia sp e Aspiculuris tetraptera. A necrôpsia confirmou que o uso do método de anal-swab para detecção de ovos de Syphacia sp é preferível ao de Willis, e revelou o grau de infecção de protozoários intestinais. Syphacia sp, Hymenolepis nana e Aspiculuris tetraptera foram eficientemente detectados pelo método de Willis.During five years (1986-1991), 229 mice and 128 rafs of both sexes, aged 01 to 02 months, from different breeding colonies in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were examined for parasitological control. Four conventional colonies (2 of rats and 2 of mice) and one mice barrier colony (control) were analyzed. Semi-annual sampling made use of 5% of the animals in the rooms. The population of each room comprised over 100 animals. In the general examination, abdominal distention and diarrhea wereobserved in the mice and rats from conventional colonies, but not in animals from the control colony. Mild alopecia and bristly hairs were detected in all animals from the evaluated colonies. Ectoparasites such as Myobia musculi, Myocoptes musculinus, Radfordia affinis, R. ensifera and Poliplax spinulosa were identified in the conventional colonies, in multiple and single infestations. Myobia musculi is described for the first time in rats reared in breeding colonies. Endoparasites such as Hymenolepisnana, Syphacia sp, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Tritrichomonas muris, Spironucleusmuris, Giardia muris, and Eimeria sp were observed in the conventional colonies. However, through necropsy results, in the control colony Syphacia sp and Aspiculuris tetraptera were the only parasites found. Necropsy confirmed the indication of the anal swab method for detection of Syphacia sp rather than the Willis method, and revealed the degree of infection by intestinal protozoa and Syphacia sp. H. nana and Aspiculuris tetraptera were efficiently detected by Willis method
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