82 research outputs found

    Learning curves of theta/beta neurofeedback in children with ADHD

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    Neurofeedback is widely applied as non-pharmacological intervention aimed at reducing symptoms of ADHD, even though efficacy has not been unequivocally established. Neuronal changes during the neurofeedback intervention that resemble learning can provide crucial evidence for the feasibility and specificity of this intervention. A total of 38 children (aged between 7 and 13Ā years) with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of ADHD, completed on average 29 sessions of theta (4ā€“8Ā Hz)/beta (13ā€“20Ā Hz) neurofeedback training. Dependent variables included training-related measures as well as theta and beta power during baseline and training runs for each session. Learning effects were analyzed both within and between sessions. To further specify findings, individual learning curves were explored and correlated with behavioral changes in ADHD symptoms. Over the course of the training, there was a linear increase in participantsā€™ mean training level, highest obtained training level and the number of earned credits (range bĀ =Ā 0.059, āˆ’0.750, pĀ bĀ =Ā 0.004, 95% CIĀ =Ā [0.0013ā€“0.0067], pĀ =Ā 0.005) and over the course of the intervention (bĀ =Ā 0.0052, 95% CIĀ =Ā [0.0039ā€“0.0065], pĀ https://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01363544.Multivariate analysis of psychological dat

    Position Automaton Construction for Regular Expressions with Intersection

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    Positions and derivatives are two essential notions in the conversion methods from regular expressions to equivalent finite automata. Partial derivative based methods have recently been extended to regular expressions with intersection. In this paper, we present a position automaton construction for those expressions. This construction generalizes the notion of position making it compatible with intersection. The resulting automaton is homogeneous and has the partial derivative automaton as its quotient


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    We provide a procedure for detecting the sub-segments of an incrementally observed Boolean signal Ļ‰ that match a given temporal pattern Ļ•. As a pattern specification language, we use timed regular expressions, a formalism well-suited for expressing properties of concurrent asynchronous behaviors embedded in metric time. We construct a timed automaton accepting the timed language denoted by Ļ• and modify it slightly for the purpose of matching. We then apply zone-based reachability computation to this automaton while it reads Ļ‰, and retrieve all the matching segments from the results. Since the procedure is automaton based, it can be applied to patterns specified by other formalisms such as timed temporal logics reducible to timed automata or directly encoded as timed automata. The procedure has been implemented and its performance on synthetic examples is demonstrated

    Stretch goals and the distribution of organizational performance

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    Many academics, consultants, and managers advocate stretch goals to attain superior organizational performance. However, existing theory speculates that, although stretch goals may benefit some organizations, they are not a ā€œrule for richesā€ for all organizations. To address this speculation, we use two experimental studies to explore the effects on the mean, median, variance, and skewness of performance of stretch compared with moderate goals. Participants were assigned moderate or stretch goals to manage a widely used business simulation. Compared with moderate goals, stretch goals improve performance for a few participants, but many abandon the stretch goals in favor of lower self-set goals, or adopt a survival goal when faced with the threat of bankruptcy. Consequently, stretch goals generate higher performance variance across organizations and a right-skewed performance distribution. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we find no positive stretch goal main effect on performance. Instead, stretch goals compared with moderate goals generate large attainment discrepancies that increase willingness to take risks, undermine goal commitment, and generate lower risk-adjusted performance. The results provide a richer theoretical and empirical appreciation of how stretch goals influence performance

    Genome-Wide Integration on Transcription Factors, Histone Acetylation and Gene Expression Reveals Genes Co-Regulated by Histone Modification Patterns

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    N-terminal tails of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 histone families are subjected to posttranslational modifications that take part in transcriptional regulation mechanisms, such as transcription factor binding and gene expression. Regulation mechanisms under control of histone modification are important but remain largely unclear, despite of emerging datasets for comprehensive analysis of histone modification. In this paper, we focus on what we call genetic harmonious units (GHUs), which are co-occurring patterns among transcription factor binding, gene expression and histone modification. We present the first genome-wide approach that captures GHUs by combining ChIP-chip with microarray datasets from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our approach employs noise-robust soft clustering to select patterns which share the same preferences in transcription factor-binding, histone modification and gene expression, which are all currently implied to be closely correlated. The detected patterns are a well-studied acetylation of lysine 16 of H4 in glucose depletion as well as co-acetylation of five lysine residues of H3 with H4 Lys12 and H2A Lys7 responsible for ribosome biogenesis. Furthermore, our method further suggested the recognition of acetylated H4 Lys16 being crucial to histone acetyltransferase ESA1, whose essential role is still under controversy, from a microarray dataset on ESA1 and its bypass suppressor mutants. These results demonstrate that our approach allows us to provide clearer principles behind gene regulation mechanisms under histone modifications and detect GHUs further by applying to other microarray and ChIP-chip datasets. The source code of our method, which was implemented in MATLAB (http://www.mathworks.com/), is available from the supporting page for this paper: http://www.bic.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pathway/natsume/hm_detector.htm

    Session No. 7 Pattern Recognition I General Papers 333 VISUAL DETECTION OF NOISY PATTERNS

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    Experiments are reported in which the quantum noise limitation of visual thresholds is explored further by the addition of noise to test patterns presented to the observers. The results show the characteristics predicted by a statistical theory of vision developed to account for the influence of the added noise, which was reported earlier. In particular, these measurements make it possible to calculate independent values for quantum efficiency and for Rose's factor of certainty. List of Symbols the area of summation of the eye the effective area of the stimulus (se

    De werkzaamheid van neurofeedback bij ADHD is nog lang niet bewezen

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    Oprosti bratu svome pa će i tebi biti oproÅ”teno, glavna je misao vodilja ovog rada. Oprostom drugoj osobi oslobađamo sebe i dopuÅ”tamo Božjoj milosti da djeluje u nama. Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu riječ je o definiranju Å”to je oprost, kako oprostiti sebi, drugima i Bogu, dok se u drugom dijelu nalaze životni primjeri ljudi koji su uz pomoć milosti Božje uspjeli skupiti hrabrosti oprostiti svojim neprijateljima. Cilj ovog rada bio je istaknuti koliko je oprost koristan svima nama. Postoje mnogobrojne dobrobiti oprosta o kojima će se spominjati u radu. Kada se otvorimo Božjoj milosti i dopustimo joj da nas napuni svojom snagom sposobni smo od nemogućeg napraviti moguće. Ujedno je to i zaključak do kojeg sam doÅ”la čitajući brojne knjige te gledajući i sluÅ”ajući brojna svjedočanstva ljudi. Ključn
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