1,027 research outputs found

    The diet of the Tasmanian Devil, Sarcophilus harrisii, as determined from analysis of scat and stomach contents

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    Knowledge of the diets of carnivores is an essential precursor to understanding their role as predators in ecosystems. To date, understanding of the diet of Tasmanian Devils, Sarcophilus harrisii, is limited and based upon largely qualitative descriptions. We examined the diets of Tasmanian Devils at six sites by identifying undigested hair, bone and feathers found in their scats. These sites range across different habitat types in coastal and inland Tasmania, and encompass devil populations that are known as both free of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) and populations that are infected by the disease. Tasmanian Devil scats at coastal sites (n=27) contained ten species of mammal, as well as birds, fish and insects. Scats collected from inland sites (n= 17) were comprised of six mammalian species, birds and invertebrates. The most common food items were birds, Common Brushtail and Ringtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula and Pseudocheirus peregrinus respectively), Tasmanian Pademelons (Thylogale billardierii) and Bennett's Wallabies (Macropus ruftgriseus). O fall the scats, 61% contained only one food group, 32% contained two groups, 4% contained three food items and only one scat (2%) contained four food groups. We supplement this information with stomach contents from road-killed devils, and compare our results with those of previous studies, with a view to furthering our understanding ofthe ecology ofthe threatened Tasmanian Devil. Such information will be important for the management of wild and captive devil populations, particularly in light of DFTD

    Global assessment of the antimicrobial activity of polymyxin B against 54 731 clinical isolates of Gram-negative bacilli: report from the SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance programme (2001-2004)

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    In total, 54 731 Gram-negative bacilli isolated worldwide between 2001 and 2004 from diverse sites of infection were tested for susceptibility to polymyxin B by the broth reference microdilution method, with interpretation of results according to CLSI (formerly NCCLS) guidelines. Polymyxin B showed excellent potency and spectrum against 8705 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 2621 Acinetobacter spp. isolates (MIC50, 98% susceptible) against Citrobacter spp., Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp., but activity was more variable against Enterobacter spp. (MIC50, 8 mg/L) against Burkholderia cepacia (11.8% susceptible), Serratia spp. (5.4% susceptible), indole-positive Proteus spp. (1.3% susceptible) and Proteus mirabilis (0.7% susceptible).Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, BR-04025010 São Paulo, BrazilJMI Labs, N Liberty, IA USATufts Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA 02111 USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, BR-04025010 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogin breiJiceps) stranding record in Tasmania, Australia, and diet of a single specimen

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    This study describes the stranding record of the Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps, in Tasmanian waters, and the diet of a single individual. The Pygmy Sperm Whale is one of the most commonly stranded cetaceans in some parts of Australia, although it occurs infrequently in the Tasmanian stranding record, with only seven known stranding events. Dietary items were investigated from a single juvenile male Pygmy Sperm Whale stranded in southeast Tasmania. The recoverable diet consisted of approximately three kilograms of reconstructed cephalopod prey mass from at least 11 cephalopod species within nine families. Using reconstructed biomass, the most important family was Histioteuthidae (Histioteuthis atlantica and H. miranda: 29% of reconstructed biomass), followed by Ommastrephidae (unknown sp.: 27% of reconstructed biomass), Enoploteuthidae (Enoploteuthis sp): 25% of reconstructed biomass), Cranchiidae (Cranchia scabra and Teuthowenia pellucida), Chiroteuthidae (Chiroteuthis veranyi), Brachioteuthidae (Brachioteuthis linkovskyi), Neoteuthidae (Nototeuthis dimegacotyle), Pyroteuthidae (Pyroteuthis margaritifera) and Sepiolidae (Heteroteuthis sp.). Collection and analysis of biological material from Pygmy Sperm Whale strandings around Australia should be a high priority to better understand the ecology of this poorly known species

    Observations of mortality of fur seals between 1998 and 2005 in Tasmania, Australia

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    Because of their often close relationship with the human environment, the deaths of marine mammals are often documented, particularly if there are links to anthropogenic influences. Between 1998 and 2005 a total of 504 dead Australian Fur Seals, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus, and New Zealand Fur Seals, Arctocephalus forsteri, were reported in Tasmanian waters. Ninety individuals (18%) were dependent unweaned pups that had been displaced from their natal colonies. Of the 209 adult or subadult seals for which the cause of death could be ascertained,anthropogenic activities were identified as being responsible for the deaths of 172 individuals (82%), with 112 (53%) associated with fish farms. Most fish farm-related deaths occurred during the winter when adult and subadult seals were away from breeding colonies and seal numbers are highest around farms. The next most common cause of death was from firearms (41 individuals - 20%). Death of adults and subadults by natural causes accounted for 37 animals, or 18% of all deaths for which the cause was identified. Excluding pups, most seals were identified as Australian (80%) or New Zealand fur seals (3%). The remainder (17%) were identified as fur seals but not to species. Males were most common (58%), with only 6% identified as females; the sex of 36% could not be determined. Of the males, 106 (26%) were adults and 98 (24%) were subadults or juveniles

    Trapping and relocating seals from salmonid fish farms in Tasmania, 1990-2000: was it a success?

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    In an effort to reduce the impact of seals on fish farms, the trapping and relocation of seals at Tasmanian salmonid farms began in 1990. To the end of May 2000,353 identified individual seals had been trapped in 672 capture events. Most were non-breeding male Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriftrus). The number of seals captured increased (from four in 1990 ro a peak of 164 in 1998) with the size and extent of the farms, and an increase in salmon production from 55 tonnes in 1986/87 to almost 10000 tonnes in 1999/2000. Of 586 capture events 52% were of seals that had been captured more than once. When seals are recaptured following trapping and relocation, this occurs on average 25 days after capture. Capture-mark-recapture calculations show that many seals in the vicinity of fish farms are not 'trappable', suggesting that trapping is only effective for certain individuals. Some individuals are recaptured many times, reflecting the predisposition of some individuals to be captured ('trap-happy'). Interaction is seasonal, with most seals trapped during winter, between May and September. The assessment of trends in capture rates is problematic, due to the lack of capture effort information from the farms. A further confounding factor has been the change in management practice both between farms and over time, as the use of predator nets has become more widespread. Two seals trapped at fish farms and fitted with satellite transmitters before relocation have either not returned to the farm or returned to the vicinity of farms and not interacted with them, although on one occasion the individual was trapped. The effectiveness of the relocation program as a management tool to reduce seal interactions cannot be quantified from the relocation data per se, but relocation does not stop seals interacting with farms

    Clinical and Genetic Analysis of Children with Kartagener Syndrome

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by dysfunction of motile cilia causing ineffective mucus clearance and organ laterality defects. In this study, two unrelated Portuguese children with strong PCD suspicion underwent extensive clinical and genetic assessments by whole-exome sequencing (WES), as well as ultrastructural analysis of cilia by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to identify their genetic etiology. These analyses confirmed the diagnostic of Kartagener syndrome (KS) (PCD with situs inversus). Patient-1 showed a predominance of the absence of the inner dynein arms with two disease-causing variants in the CCDC40 gene. Patient-2 showed the absence of both dynein arms and WES disclosed two novel high impact variants in the DNAH5 gene and two missense variants in the DNAH7 gene, all possibly deleterious. Moreover, in Patient-2, functional data revealed a reduction of gene expression and protein mislocalization in both genes' products. Our work calls the researcher's attention to the complexity of the PCD and to the possibility of gene interactions modelling the PCD phenotype. Further, it is demonstrated that even for well-known PCD genes, novel pathogenic variants could have importance for a PCD/KS diagnosis, reinforcing the difficulty of providing genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis to families.RP was funded by a PhD grant from the National Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Ref.: PD/BD/105767/2014). This work was also supported by the Institutions of the authors and in part by FCT/UMIB (Pest-OE/SAU/UI0215/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blind Normalization of Speech From Different Channels

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    We show how to construct a channel-independent representation of speech that has propagated through a noisy reverberant channel. This is done by blindly rescaling the cepstral time series by a non-linear function, with the form of this scale function being determined by previously encountered cepstra from that channel. The rescaled form of the time series is an invariant property of it in the following sense: it is unaffected if the time series is transformed by any time-independent invertible distortion. Because a linear channel with stationary noise and impulse response transforms cepstra in this way, the new technique can be used to remove the channel dependence of a cepstral time series. In experiments, the method achieved greater channel-independence than cepstral mean normalization, and it was comparable to the combination of cepstral mean normalization and spectral subtraction, despite the fact that no measurements of channel noise or reverberations were required (unlike spectral subtraction).Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Studying seabird diet through genetic analysis of faeces: a case study on Macaroni Penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus)

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    Determination of seabird diet usually relies on the analysis of stomach-content remains obtained through stomach flushing; this technique is both invasive and logistically difficult. We evaluate the usefulness of DNA-based faecal analysis in a dietary study on chick-rearing macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus) at Heard Island. Conventional stomach-content data was also collected, allowing comparison of the approaches. Methodology/Principal Findings. Preyspecific PCR tests were used to detect dietary DNA in faecal samples and amplified prey DNA was cloned and sequenced. Of the 88 faecal samples collected, 39 contained detectable DNA from one or more of the prey groups targeted with PCR tests. Euphausiid DNA was most commonly detected in the early (guard) stage of chick-rearing, and detection of DNA from the myctophid fish Krefftichthys anderssoni and amphipods became more common in samples collected in the later (cre`che) stage. These trends followed those observed in the penguins’ stomach contents. In euphausiid-specific clone libraries the proportion of sequences from the two dominant euphausiid prey species (Euphausia vallentini and Thysanoessa macrura) changed over the sampling period; again, this reflected the trend in the stomach content data. Analysis of prey sequences in universal clone libraries revealed a higher diversity of fish prey than identified in the stomachs, but non-fish prey were not well represented. Conclusions/Significance. The present study is one of the first to examine the full breadth of a predator’s diet using DNA based faecal analysis. We discuss methodological difficulties encountered and suggest possible refinements. Overall, the ability of the DNA-based approach to detect temporal variation in the diet of macaroni penguins indicates this non-invasive method will be generally useful for monitoring population-level dietary trends in seabirds

    Successive loadings of reactant in the hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of sodium borohydride in batch reactors

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    In this paper, for the first time, an experimental investigation is presented of five successive loadings of reactant alkaline solution of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) for hydrogen generation, using an improved nickel-based powder catalyst, under uncontrolled ambient conditions. The experiments were performed in two batch reactors with internal volumes of 0.646 l and of 0.369 l. The compressed hydrogen generated, at pressures below hydrogen critical pressure, gives emphasis on the importance of considering solubility effects during reaction, leading to storage of hydrogen in the liquid phase inside the reactor. The present work suggests that the sodium metaborate by-product formed by the alkaline hydrolysis of NaBH4, in a closed pressure vessel without temperature control, is NaBO2.xH2O, with x ≥ 2. The data obtained in this work lends credit to x ≈ 2, which was discussed based on the XRD results, and this call for increased caution in the definition of the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 up to temperatures of 333 K and up to pressures of 0.13 MP

    Emerging importance of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter species and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia as pathogens in seriously ill patients: Geographic patterns, epidemiological features, and trends in the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (1997-1999)

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    As part of the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, a total of 1078 Acinetobacter species and 842 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates were collected between January 1997 and December 1999 from 5 geographic regions (Canada, the United States, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific). the frequency of infections (by geographic region and body site), including those due to imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter species and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ)-resistant S. maltophilia, was evaluated. the possibility of seasonal variations in bloodstream infections caused by Acinetobacter species was studied, as was the activity of several therapeutic antimicrobials against all strains. Acinetobacter species and S. maltophilia were most frequently associated with pulmonary infections, independent of the region evaluated. in contrast, patterns of antimicrobial resistance markedly varied among distinct geographic regions, especially for nosocomial isolates. Although the carbapenems were the most active antimicrobials against Acinetobacter species, nearly 11.0% of the nosocomial isolates were resistant to this drug group in both regions. TMP-SMZ, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid, gatifloxacin, and trovafloxacin were the only agents with consistent therapeutic activity against S. maltophilia isolates. Rates of resistance to TMP-SMZ ranged from 2% in Canada and Latin America to 10% in Europe. the geographic differences in resistance patterns among Acinetobacter species and S. maltophilia isolates observed in this study emphasize the importance of local surveillance in determining the most adequate therapy for acinetobacter and S. maltophilia infections and the possible clonal, epidemic nature of occurrence.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, BR-04025010 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Iowa, Coll Med, Iowa City, IA USAQueen Elizabeth II Hlth Sci Ctr, Halifax, NS, CanadaBellvitge Hosp, Barcelona, SpainUniv Utrecht, Utrecht, NetherlandsUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, BR-04025010 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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