2,892 research outputs found

    Hermenéutica y metadidáctica en la comunicación literaria infantil: entre la sociodidáctica y el docente como mediador

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    In this article, we discuss, from a meta-didactic and analogic hermeneutic approach, children's literature (CL) in relation to the sociodidactics and its status in faculties of Education. To this aim, we analyze meta-didactics and CL, the latter in its dual condition of a literary and educational object. This approach leads us to review the old debate between didacticismand literacy. Based on transdisciplinary and complex perspectives, the research focuses on the teacher's thoughts, like the mediator between childrens' literary communication and the child. We start by understanding children's literature like full-fledged literature. However, we consider that its' socializing and introductory to the imaginary function, together with its didactic-moralizing past, its' responsible in a good measure for instrumentalization that we can still observe in many classrooms. As teachers in a faculty of education, we also perceive in our students the predisposition of the curricular functionalism over literary. Therefore, we consider pertinent a metatheoretical interpretation that combines literature, socio-didactics and meta-didactics. We base the refection on analogic hermeneutic and meta-didactics as the first and second order of epistemology. Our purpose is to better understand 1) children's literary communication as a complex object; 2) its socio-cultural and didactic status; 3) the perception of the teacher in the socio-didactic process of intermediation between CL and the child; 4) the beliefs of future teachers about the above and 5) the classroom as text and teacher-learner interaction to interpret.En este artículo abordamos, desde un enfoque metadidáctico y hermenéutico analógico, la literatura infantil (LI) en relación con la sociodidáctica y su tratamiento en las facultades de Educación. Con este fin, analizamos la metadidáctica y la LI, esta última en su doble condición de objeto literario y educativo. Esto nos lleva a revisar el viejo debate entre didactismo y literariedad. La investigación, basada en perspectivas transdiscisplinares y complejas, atiende al pensamiento del profesor como mediador entre la comunicación literaria infantil y el niño. Partimos de entender la LI como literatura de pleno derecho. No obstante, consideramos que su función socializadora e introductora al imaginario, unida a su pasado didáctico-moralizante, es en gran medida responsable de la instrumentalización que aún se observa en muchas aulas. Como profesores en una Facultad de Educación, percibimos también en nuestros estudiantes la anteposición del funcionalismocurricular sobre lo literario. Por ello, entendemos pertinente una interpretación metateórica, que aúne literatura, sociodidáctica y metadidáctica. Fundamentamos la reflexión en la hermenéutica analógica y la metadidáctica como epistemologías de primer y segundo orden. Nuestro objetivo es comprender mejor 1) la comunicación literaria infantil como objeto complejo; 2) su estatuto sociocultural y didáctico; 3) la percepción del docente en el proceso sociodidáctico de intermediación entre la LI y el niño; 4) el pensamiento de los futuros docentes sobre lo anterior, y 5) el aula como texto e interacción docente/discente a interpretar

    Análisis del internalismo metadidáctico: una perspectiva socio-didáctica

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    En este artículo iniciamos una reflexión sobre los posibles pilares epistémicos de la metadidáctica. El objetivo es obtener una especie de configuración de un corpus epistémico propio para la didáctica general y para las didácticas específicas, que pueda ser compartido e identificativo de tal conocimiento. Con ello se pretende sentar los cimientos de una justificación epistémica que sirva de base a previsibles estrategias didácticas, lo más adecuadas posible, para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En esta ocasión, partimos de analizar el internalismo en el ámbito de la didáctica, pero desde una perspectiva socio-didáctica. Identificaremos en qué consiste la metadidáctica como teorización sobre la didáctica, la investigación en torno a ella y las capacidades metacognitivas presentes en la episteme didáctica. Entendemos que la búsqueda de una justificación epistémica es imprescindible, y que el condicionante social no puede ser excluido del conocimiento educativo. Por tanto, hablar de condicionante social no implica necesariamente aludir a un externalismo epistémico. Tras estudiar qué tipo de justificación plantea la perspectiva del internalismo, comprobaremos si esta tiene algún tipo de viabilidad y coherencia completa o parcial en la metadidáctica. Finalmente, concluiremos que la ciencia didáctica presenta elementos internalistas. No obstante, huiremos tanto de la exclusión epistémica como de una hipertrofia teórica, que no ayudarían al desarrollo de la didactología y su aplicación

    Epistemological and ontological bases of an integrative didactis

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    This article aims to build bridges between didactics empiricism and its theoretical reflection. We understand that the search for a didactic ontology is essential to give an epistemic basis to didactic knowledge. Therefore, this task needs philosophical bases that help to comprehend education from ontological perspectives. For this purpose, we will approach the nature as a substrate where the relational and the rational are shaped. We will see how rationality and the justification operate at the individual level (adjectival) and inter-subjective (shared), to sketch the idea of trans-subjectivity as a rational meta-structure linked to the cultural and, therefore, to educative. Finally, we will analyse how natural and rational ontological elements are conjugated with the didactic process, to try a metadidactic comprehension

    Between poetic action and socio-didactics: UniVERSOS, from the university classroom to urban graffiti

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    Recepción: 2.05.2017 | Publicado: 15.12.2017Correspondencia: Susana Gómez | Orcid: 0000-0002-8285-2068Exponemos las principales líneas socio-didácticas que impulsaron UniVERSOS, acción poética urbana realizada por los estudiantes de 4º curso del Grado de Educación Primaria del campus de Soria. La intervención tuvo lugar en el marco de la asignatura de Didáctica de la creatividad literaria, y fue el resultado de un proceso previamente desarrollado en el aula. Además de escenario didáctico-creativo, esta (y su extensión urbana) sirvieron de espacio de investigación hermenéutico y metadidáctico en torno al pensamiento del profesor y su mediación. La hipótesis de trabajo fue la necesidad de incidir en la percepción de los estudiantes sobre su creatividad, para generar procesos de desbloqueo. Se empleó la observación participante; el debate informal; la asesoría externa; la entrevista semiestructurada y un cuestionario. La heurística, la asunción de responsabilidades, el componente socio-afectivo y la ruptura del límite aulario estimularon la motivación intrínseca. Se constató que este tipo de acciones potencia la creatividad del futuro maestro e incide positivamente en sus creencias sobre la educación y creatividad literarias.We present the main socio-didactic lines, which led to UniVERSOS, an urban poetic action created by students in their 4th year of the Primary Education degree at the Soria Campus. This intervention took place within the framework of the Didactics of Literary Creativity course, and was the result of a process previously developed in the classroom. In addition to the didactic-creative setting, it (and its urban extension) served as a hermeneutic and meta-didactic research space around the teacher's thought and mediation. The working hypothesis was the need to influence the perception of students about their creativity, to initiate the unblocking process. Participant observation; informal debate; external consulting; semi-structured interview and a questionnaire were used. Heuristics, assumption of responsibilities, the socio-affective component and breaking classroom boundaries stimulated intrinsic motivation. It was found that this type of actions enhances the creativity of the future teachers, as well as positively affecting their beliefs regarding literary education and creativity.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Variación de 13C en el ambiente de Madrid (atmósfera, aguas superficiales y aguas subterráneas)

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    Stable isotopes of carbon are studied in atmosphere, freshwater (rivers) and groundwater of the region of Madrid. Sampling and analytical techniques are adapted for the isotopic study of carbon in the environment. The atmosphere samples show δ13C values from -13.92 to -15.67 ‰, closely related to the polution level of air. The water from wells, to the Tertiary detritic aquifer, with δ13C among -13.92 and -15.67 ‰. The dissolution of carbonatic rocks and the biologic activity could be the origin of the wide variations δ13C from -7.07 to -11.85 %0) found in the waters from rivers Jarama, Guadalix and Guadarrama.Se analizan el 13C de la atmósfera, ríos y pozos del área de Madrid, al objeto de evaluar su distribución y origen, mediante adaptación y desarrollo de técnicas de muestreo y análisis. Las muestras atmosféricas presentan valores de δ13C situados entre -9,81 y -14,64 ‰, que se corresponden gradualmente con los puntos de menor a mayor grado de polución por aportes principalmente de C02 procedente de la quema de combustibles fósiles. Las aguas de los pozos analizados, pertenecientes al acuífero terciario del detrítico, muestran un estrecho margen de variación, entre δ13C -13,92 y -15,67 ‰, relacionado con los procesos geoquímicos naturales. Las aguas de los ríos Jarama, Guadalix y Guadarrama, presentan una amplia variación en su composición isotópica (δ13C entre -7,07 y -11,85 ‰) debido a la disolución de carbonatos a su paso por las formaciones de calizas del Mesozoico y, en menor medida, a los aportes de efluentes contaminados

    Biorefinery of biomass of agro-Industrial banana waste to obtain high-value biopolymers

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    On a worldwide scale, food demand is increasing as a consequence of global population growth. This makes companies push their food supply chains’ limits with a consequent increase in generation of large amounts of untreated waste that are considered of no value to them. Biorefinery technologies offer a suitable alternative for obtaining high-value products by using unconventional raw materials, such as agro-industrial waste. Currently, most biorefineries aim to take advantage of specific residues (by either chemical, biotechnological, or physical treatments) provided by agro-industry in order to develop high-value products for either in-house use or for sale purposes. This article reviews the currently explored possibilities to apply biorefinery-known processes to banana agro-industrial waste in order to generate high-value products out of this residual biomass source. Firstly, the Central and Latin American context regarding biomass and banana residues is presented, followed by advantages of using banana residues as raw materials for the production of distinct biofuels, nanocellulose fibers, different bioplastics, and other high-value products Lastly, additional uses of banana biomass residues are presented, including energy generation and water treatmen

    IFE Plant Technology Overview and contribution to HiPER proposal

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    HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here

    Values and Intercultural Experiences Through Picture Books

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    The authors searched for picture books that are useful for intercultural education and for discovering students’ perceptions about the values and intercultural experiences conveyed through the books. To do so, the authors selected two books by following established criteria and analyzed students’ responses through semistructured interviews. The data were obtained after reading the books aloud to 30 fifth-grade students in a school located in the south of Spain and reflecting on the books’ contents. As a main conclusion, the authors found that students’ answers revealed the presence of some positive values, such as helpfulness, friendship, and empathy, through questions about the experiences of characters in the books. Thus, prejudices were dismantled and positive intercultural experiences in school were fostered

    Mesoscopic structure conditions the emergence of cooperation on social networks

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    We study the evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma on two social networks obtained from actual relational data. We find very different cooperation levels on each of them that can not be easily understood in terms of global statistical properties of both networks. We claim that the result can be understood at the mesoscopic scale, by studying the community structure of the networks. We explain the dependence of the cooperation level on the temptation parameter in terms of the internal structure of the communities and their interconnections. We then test our results on community-structured, specifically designed artificial networks, finding perfect agreement with the observations in the real networks. Our results support the conclusion that studies of evolutionary games on model networks and their interpretation in terms of global properties may not be sufficient to study specific, real social systems. In addition, the community perspective may be helpful to interpret the origin and behavior of existing networks as well as to design structures that show resilient cooperative behavior.Comment: Largely improved version, includes an artificial network model that fully confirms the explanation of the results in terms of inter- and intra-community structur

    Activation-induced cytidine deaminase targets SUV4-20-mediated histone H4K20 trimethylation to class-switch recombination sites

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    Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) triggers antibody diversification in B cells by catalysing deamination and subsequently mutating immunoglobulin (Ig) genes. Association of AID with RNA Pol II and occurrence of epigenetic changes during Ig gene diversification suggest participation of AID in epigenetic regulation. AID is mutated in hyper-IgM type 2 (HIGM2) syndrome. Here, we investigated the potential role of AID in the acquisition of epigenetic changes. We discovered that AID binding to the IgH locus promotes an increase in H4K20me3. In 293F cells, we demonstrate interaction between co-transfected AID and the three SUV4-20 histone H4K20 methyltransferases, and that SUV4-20H1.2, bound to the IgH switch (S) mu site, is replaced by SUV4-20H2 upon AID binding. Analysis of HIGM2 mutants shows that the AID truncated form W68X is impaired to interact with SUV4-20H1.2 and SUV4-20H2 and is unable to bind and target H4K20me3 to the Smu site. We finally show in mouse primary B cells undergoing class-switch recombination (CSR) that AID deficiency associates with decreased H4K20me3 levels at the Smu site. Our results provide a novel link between SUV4-20 enzymes and CSR and offer a new aspect of the interplay between AID and histone modifications in setting the epigenetic status of CSR sites