261 research outputs found

    Temporal characterization of individual harmonics of an attosecond pulse train by THz streaking

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    We report on the global temporal pulse characteristics of individual harmonics in an attosecond pulse train by means of photo-electron streaking in a strong low-frequency transient. The scheme allows direct retrieval of pulse durations and first order chirp of individual harmonics without the need of temporal scanning. The measurements were performed using an intense THz field generated by tilted phase front technique in LiNbO_3 . Pulse properties for harmonics of order 23, 25 and 27 show that the individual pulse durations and linear chirp are decreasing by the harmonic order

    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Aktinomisetes Penghasil Antibakteri Enteropatogen Escherichia Coli K1.1, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei 02 05, Dan Listeria Monocytogenes 5407

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    Isolation and Characterization of Actinomycetes ProducingAntibacterial Compound into EnteropatogenikEscherichia coli K1.1, Pseudomonas pseudomallei 02 05and Listeria monocytogenes 5407. Dwi N. Susilowati,Ratih D. Hastuti, and Erny Yuniarti. The resistance ofbacterial pathogens to some antibacterial agents and sideeffects of the antibacterial USAge demanded discovery ofnew effective, safe, and active antibacterial compounds.Some pathogenic bacteria, such as enteropathogen Escherichiacoli (EPEC) that cause diarrhoea on children andinfants, Pseudomonas pseudomallei that cause melioidosison human and animal, and Listeria monocytogenes thatcause listeriosis on newly born babies mortality and death ofpregnant woman. Actinomycetes is the largest bacterialgroup that produce antibiotics. More than 10,000 antibacterialcompounds had been discovered, two-third ofthem were produced by this bacterial group. A study wasdone to isolate and characterize Actinomycetes producingantibacterial compounds effective against EPEC K1.1 and P.pseudomallei 02 05. Soil samples were taken from 39locations in Indonesia and 115 actinomycetes isolates wereobtained. Two of the isolates, i.e., isolate A3.5 that waseffective against P. pseudomallei 02 05 and isolate F6.1 thatwas effective against EPEC K1.1 evaluated further. Theisolate A3.5 had an optimum time 72 hours to produce antibacterialcompound, while F6.1 took 96 hours. The antibacterialcompounds produced by both isolates were dissolvein the a 70% ethyl acetate solution, but not in a 40oCwarm methanol solution because it is very dissolved. Theantibacterial compound extracted from the isolate A3.5 hada similar effectiveness to antibiotics bacithracyn 10 unit andneomycin 30 g. On the other hand, the antibacterialcompound extracted from isolate F6.1 had a similar effectivenessto antibiotics colistin 10 g and doxyciclin 30 g.Further identification of the isolates suggested that both ofthem belongs to the genera Streptomyces

    Konservasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Jawa Di Kebub Raya Baturraden Di Kawasan Bekas Hutan Produksi Terbatas

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    Managing Baturraden Botanical Garden in the Limited Production Forest Area can cause problems of surface run off if the location is not handled conservatively. This study aims to overcome the problem of ecosystem changes of the homogeneous Limited Production Forest to become Baturraden Botanical Garden which is heterogeneous forest by making PU (sample plots) in the utilization zone of 77.4 hectares in breadth, a total of 109 PU (sample plots) with a size of 20x20 m, intensity of 5.5, the distance between PU\u27s 1, 3 m. The parameters taken into consideration, as a result of observation, are the height of land between 1076-760 above sea level, land slope between 30⁰ 12⁰, land depth <85 cm - 90 <, soil erodibility 0.43, Brown Latosol soil type and an average rainfall of 5,600 mm per year. From the observation of Baturraden Botanical Garden area, it was observed that land surface run off processes easily occur. To overcome and change the ecosystem of the forest, from homogeneous to heterogeneous: (1) thinning should be phased in accordance to the land to be managed, (2) with the condition of very tight tree stands to be felled, lighting felling or thinning should be done without exposing the land considering the rainfall average of 5,600 mm per year. (3) In certain locations that are prone to erosion terracing must be made to reduce the occurrence of surface run-off. Key words: Botanical Garden, limited production forest, surface run-off, ecosystem. Cara sitasi: Mandiriati, H., Marsono, D., Poedjirahajoe, E., Sadono, R. (2016). Konservasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Jawa di Kebub Raya Baturraden di Kawasan Bekas Hutan Produksi Terbatas. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 14(1),33-38, doi:10.14710/jil.14.1.33-3

    Analisis Stakeholder Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, Propvinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Stakeholder Analysis of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park Management, South Sulawesi Province)

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    Stakeholders involved in management of the Babul National Park have diverse interest and power that must be managed well in achieving Babul National Park management objectives. This study aims to identify the stakeholders in Babul National Park management, an explanation of the intersest and power of each stakeholder, and the role of stakeholders in accommodating the interests of communities around Babul National Park. The research was conducted in Maros Regency in Babul National Park, South Sulawesi Province. Data collected through observation and interviews to a number key informants. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that primary stakeholders in the Babul National Park management consist of Babul National Park Agency, Communities around National Park, PDAM Maros, Tourism Office, water management institutions in the village. While the secondary stakeholders consist of the Forestry and Plantation Office, Agriculture Office, village and district government, Information and Food Security Agency, the National Land Agency, PNPM Mandiri, local NGOs, universities and research institutions. The existence of these stakeholders can provide positive and negative effects of Babul National Park. The role that can be done of stakeholders in accommodating the interests of society can be a control function, physical assistance, technical assistance, and research support. Collaborative management can be an alternative management model in accommodating the diverse interests of stakeholders

    Perancangan Sistem Kendali Suhu Pada Mesin Pengering Hybrid Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic

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    Food security is condition related to food supply sufficient in quantity and quality, safety, diversity, nutritious content, equitability and affordability. Post harvest handling of paddy is a very strategic effort in order to support the increase of rice production and food security. Drying is an activity on post harvest that aimed to reduce water content. Various type of paddy\u27s drying machine has been constructed to enhance drying process. However, most drying machine constructed in large dimension and operated using fossil fuel. To overcome these problems, hybrid technology is proposed, i.e. grain-drying machine using combination of solar and biomass energy. This machine is equipped with fuzzy logic control system using microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560 R3 as fan velocity control center based on reading of sensor HT11 that able to detect temperature and humidity in drying room also sensor K Type thermocouple Max6675 that detect temperature in combustion chamber and heat exchanger. This research aimed to support continuity of drying process in order to determine each sensor\u27s period to achieve their setting point. Based on 90 minutes trial period, the result show maximum temperature reduction 2,17% (wet basis), maximum temperature 50ÂșC, setting point for temperature (45ÂșC) achieved in 60 minutes, minimum humidity 18%, and setting point for humidity achieved in 30 minutes

    Comparative study between furnace brazing and laser brazing

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    Nowadays, brazing has been widely used in many industries, especially in the automotive application. The brazing process is introduced as it can be used to join the different metals together without melting the parent material. In this present study, furnace brazing and laser brazing of Ti-6Al- 4V titanium alloy and 316 L stainless steel (SS) with silver-based, BAg 8-1.5Ti filler metal were studied. There are significantly different between furnace brazing, also known as conventional brazing method and laser brazing in terms of joining strength and microstructure reaction. Furnace brazing was performed at 870°C and 880°C with 30 minutes of heating duration. Meanwhile, laser brazing was performed using a 200Watt continuous wave laser with varying laser power. Both of brazing method was conducted with a vacuum pressure of 3×10−3 Pa. Besides, to maintain the accuracy of the temperature measurement of laser brazing, an infrared thermometer is used. The tensile test was conducted to analyse the mechanical properties. The cross-sections of the brazed joints have been examined using an optical microscope. The brazed joints of the furnace brazing show an average tensile strength of 55.89 kPa for 880°C and 43.16 kPa for 870°C. Nonetheless, the maximum tensile strength of laser brazed joints was 27.95 kPa, which is lower than furnace brazed joints

    IÎșB kinase 2 determines oligodendrocyte loss by non-cell-autonomous activation of NF-ÎșB in the central nervous system

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    The IÎșB kinase complex induces nuclear factor kappa B activation and has recently been recognized as a key player of autoimmunity in the central nervous system. Notably, IÎșB kinase/nuclear factor kappa B signalling regulates peripheral myelin formation by Schwann cells, however, its role in myelin formation in the central nervous system during health and disease is largely unknown. Surprisingly, we found that brain-specific IÎșB kinase 2 expression is dispensable for proper myelin assembly and repair in the central nervous system, but instead plays a fundamental role for the loss of myelin in the cuprizone model. During toxic demyelination, inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B activation by conditional ablation of IÎșB kinase 2 resulted in strong preservation of central nervous system myelin, reduced expression of proinflammatory mediators and a significantly attenuated glial response. Importantly, IÎșB kinase 2 depletion in astrocytes, but not in oligodendrocytes, was sufficient to protect mice from myelin loss. Our results reveal a crucial role of glial cell-specific IÎșB kinase 2/nuclear factor kappa B signalling for oligodendrocyte damage during toxic demyelination. Thus, therapies targeting IÎșB kinase 2 function in non-neuronal cells may represent a promising strategy for the treatment of distinct demyelinating central nervous system disease

    Recent translational research: Oncogene discovery by insertional mutagenesis gets a new boost

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    Knowledge of the genes and genetic pathways involved in onco-genesis is essential if we are to identify novel targets for cancer therapy. Insertional mutagenesis in mouse models is among the most efficient tools to detect novel cancer genes. Retrovirus-mediated insertional mutagenesis received a tremendous boost by the availability of the mouse genome sequence and new PCR methods. Application of such advances were limited to lympho-magenesis but are now also being applied to mammary tumourigenesis. Novel transposons that allow insertional muta-genesis studies to be conducted in tumors of any mouse tissue may give cancer gene discovery a further boost

    On-site data cast doubts on the hypothesis of shifting cultivation in the Late Neolithic (c. 4300-2400 cal. BC): Landscape management as an alternative paradigm

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    This article brings together in a comprehensive way, and for the first time, on- and off-site palaeoenvironmental data from the area of the Central European lake dwellings (a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site since 2011). The types of data considered are as follows: high-resolution off-site pollen cores, including micro-charcoal counts, and on-site data, including botanical macro- and micro-remains, hand-collected animal bones, remains of microfauna, and data on woodland management (dendrotypology). The period considered is the late Neolithic (c. 4300–2400 cal. BC). For this period, especially for its earlier phases, discussions of land-use patterns are contradictory. Based on off-site data, slash-and-burn – as known from tropical regions – is thought to be the only possible way to cultivate the land. On-site data however show a completely different picture: all indications point to the permanent cultivation of cereals (Triticum spp., Hordeum vulgare), pea (Pisum sativum), flax (Linum usitatissimum) and opium-poppy (Papaver somniferum). Cycles of landscape use are traceable, including coppicing and moving around the landscape with animal herds. Archaeobiological studies further indicate also that hunting and gathering were an important component and that the landscape was manipulated accordingly. Late Neolithic land-use systems also included the use of fire as a tool for opening up the landscape. Here we argue that bringing together all the types of palaeoenvironmental proxies in an integrative way allows us to draw a more comprehensive and reliable picture of the land-use systems in the late Neolithic than had been reconstructed previously largely on the basis of off-site data
