1,181 research outputs found

    Third-dredge-up oxygen in planetary nebulae

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    The planetary nebulae He 2-436 and Wray 16-423 in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy appear to result from nearly twin stars, except that third-dredge-up carbon is more abundant in He 2-436. A thorough photoionization-model analysis implies that ratios Ne/O, S/O and Ar/O are significantly smaller in He 2-436, indicative of third-dredge-up oxygen enrichment. The enrichment of oxygen with respect to carbon is (7 +/- 4)%. Excess nitrogen in Wray 16-423 suggests third dredge-up of late CN-cycle products even in these low-mass, intermediate-metallicity stars.Comment: To appear in Astron. Astrophys. Lett. (Latex, 5 pages, 1 postscript figure

    A radio-continuum and photoionization-model study of the two planetary nebulae in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy

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    Radio continuum observations at 1.4, 4.8 and 8.6 GHz of the two Planetary Nebulae (PNe) in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy reveal the elongated shape of Wray 16-423 and the extreme compactness of He 2-436. He 2-436 is confirmed as subject to local dust extinction. Photoionization models for both PNe are obtained from two different codes, allowing theoretical uncertainties to be assessed. Wray 16-423, excited by a star of Teff 1.07x10^5K, is an ellipsoidal, matter-bounded nebula, except for a denser sector. He 2-436, excited by a 7x10^4K star, includes two radiation-bounded shells, with the inner one possibly corresponding to a transitory event. Both stars are on the same (H-burning) evolutionary track of initial mass (1.2+/-0.1) Msun and may be twins, with the PN ejection of Wray 16-423 having occured ~1500 years before He 2-436. The PN abundances re-inforce the common origin of the parent stars, indicating almost identical depletions with respect to solar for O, Ne, Mg, S, Cl, Ar, and K (-0.55+/-0.07 dex), large identical overabundances for He and strong overabundances for carbon, particularly in He2-436. Excess nitrogen makes Wray 16-423 nearly a Type I PN. These PNe provide a means to calibrate both metallicity and age of the Sagittarius stellar population, and they confirm that the youngest, most metal-rich population has an age of 5Gyr and a metallicity of [Fe/H]=-0.55, in agreement with the slope of the red giant branch. (Abridged abstract)Comment: To appear in Astron. Astrophys. (Latex, 17 pages, 1 postscript figure

    The Local Group Census: planetary nebulae in Sextans B

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    Five planetary nebulae (PNe) have been discovered in the nearby dwarf irregular galaxy. Emission line images were obtained using the Wide Field Camera of the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at La Palma (Spain). The candidate PNe were identified by their point-like appearance and relatively strong [OIII] emission-line fluxes. They are located within a galactocentric distance of 2.8 arcmin, corresponding to 1.1 kpc at the distance of Sextans B. Luminosities are in the range 1800--5600Lsolar. Sextans B is one of the smallest dwarf irregular galaxies with a PN population. The number of PNe detected suggest an enhanced star formation rate between 1 and 5 Gyr ago.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Surface and trapping energies as predictors for the photocatalytic degradation of aromatic organic pollutants

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    In this study, anatase samples enclosed by the majority of three different crystal facets {0 0 1}, {1 0 0}, and {1 0 1} were successfully synthesized. These materials were further studied toward photocatalytic degradation of phenol and toluene as model organic pollutants in water and gas phases. The obtained results were analyzed concerning their surface structure, reaction type, and surface development. Moreover, the regression model was created to find the correlation between the possible predictors and the photodegradation rate constants (k). From the studied factors, the trapping energy of charge carriers at the surface was found to be the most significant one, exponentially affecting the observed k. This resulted in the overall per-surface activity between the samples being in the order {1 0 1} > {1 0 0} > {0 0 1}. Further introduction of the surface energy (Esurf) to the regression model and the number of possible trapping centers per number of pollutant’s molecules (ntrap·n–1) improved the model accuracy, simultaneously showing the dependence on the reaction type. In the case of phenol photocatalytic degradation, the best accuracy was observed for the model including Esurf ·(ntrap·n–1)1/2 relation, while for the toluene degradation, it included Esurf2 and the S·n–1 ratio, where S is the simple surface area. Concerning different surface features which influence photocatalytic performance and are commonly discussed in the literature, the results presented in this study suggest that trapping is of particular importance.publishe

    Chemical Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

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    Spectrophotometry and imaging of the two planetary nebulae He2-436 and Wray16-423, recently discovered to be in the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy, are presented. Wray16-423 is a high excitation planetary nebula (PN) with a hot central star. In contrast He2-436 is a high density PN with a cooler central star and evidence of local dust, the extinction exceeding that for Wray16-423 by E(B-V)=0.28. The extinction to Wray16-423, (E(B-V)=0.14), is consistent with the extinction to the Sagittarius (Sgr) Dwarf. Both PN show Wolf-Rayet features in their spectra, although the lines are weak in Wray16-423. Images in [O III] and H-alpha+[N II], although affected by poor seeing, yield a diameter of 1.2'' for Wray16-423 after deconvolution; He~2-436 was unresolved. He2-436 has a luminosity about twice that of Wray16-423 and its size and high density suggest a younger PN. In order to reconcile the differing luminosity and nebular properties of the two PN with similar age progenitor stars, it is suggested that they are on He burning tracks The abundance pattern is very similar in both nebulae and shows an oxygen depletion of -0.4 dex with respect to the mean O abundance of Galactic PN and [O/H] = -0.6. The Sgr PN progenitor stars are representative of the higher metallicity tail of the Sgr population. The pattern of abundance depletion is similar to that in the only other PN in a dwarf galaxy companion of the Milky Way, that in Fornax, for which new spectra are presented. However the abundances are larger than for Galactic halo PN suggesting a later formation age. The O abundance of the Sgr galaxy deduced from its PN, shows similarities with that of dwarf ellipticals around M31, suggesting that this galaxy was a dwarf elliptical before its interaction with the Milky Way.Comment: 24 pages, Latex (aas2pp4.sty) including 5 postscript figures. To appear in Ap

    Semi-Automatic Cell Correspondence Analysis Using Iterative Point Cloud Registration

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    In the field of biophysics, deformation of in-vitro model tissues is an experimental technique to explore the response of tissue to a mechanical stimulus. However, automated registration before and after deformation is an ongoing obstacle for measuring the tissue response on the cellular level. Here, we propose to use an iterative point cloud registration (IPCR) method, for this problem. We apply the registration method on point clouds representing the cellular centers of mass, which are evaluated with aWatershed based segmentation of phase-contrast images of living tissue, acquired before and after deformation. Preliminary evaluation of this method on three data sets shows high accuracy, with 82% - 92% correctly registered cells, which outperforms coherent point drift (CPD). Hence, we propose the application of the IPCR method on the problem of cell correspondence analysis

    Angular diameters, fluxes and extinction of compact planetary nebulae: further evidence for steeper extinction towards the Bulge

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    We present values for angular diameter, flux and extinction for 70 Galactic planetary nebulae observed using narrow band filters. Angular diameters are derived using constant emissivity shell and photoionization line emission models. The mean of the results from these two models are presented as our best estimate. Contour plots of 36 fully resolved objects are included and the low intensity contours often reveal an elliptical structure that is not always apparent from FWHM measurements. Flux densities are determined, and for both H-alpha and O[III] there is little evidence of any systematic differences between observed and catalogued values. Observed H-alpha extinction values are determined using observed H-alpha and catalogued radio fluxes. H-alpha extinction values are also derived from catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values by means of an Rv dependent extinction law. Rv is then calculated in terms of observed extinction values and catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values. Comparing observed and catalogue extinction values for a subset of Bulge objects, observed values tend to be lower than catalogue values calculated with Rv = 3.1. For the same subset we calculate = 2.0, confirming that toward the Bulge interstellar extinction is steeper than Rv = 3.1. For the inner Galaxy a relation with the higher supernova rate is suggested, and that the low-density warm ionized medium is the site of the anomalous extinction. Lowvalues of extinction are also derived using dust models with a turnover radius of 0.08 microns.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 17 pages, 9 figures (including 36 contour plots of PNe), 5 Tables (including 2 large tables of angular diameters, fluxes and extinction
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