1,110 research outputs found

    The Dearth of z~10 Galaxies in all HST Legacy Fields -- The Rapid Evolution of the Galaxy Population in the First 500 Myr

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    We present an analysis of all prime HST legacy fields spanning >800 arcmin^2 for the search of z~10 galaxy candidates and the study of their UV luminosity function (LF). In particular, we present new z~10 candidates selected from the full Hubble Frontier Field (HFF) dataset. Despite the addition of these new fields, we find a low abundance of z~10 candidates with only 9 reliable sources identified in all prime HST datasets that include the HUDF09/12, the HUDF/XDF, all the CANDELS fields, and now the HFF survey. Based on this comprehensive search, we find that the UV luminosity function decreases by one order of magnitude from z~8 to z~10 at all luminosities over a four magnitude range. This also implies a decrease of the cosmic star-formation rate density by an order of magnitude within 170 Myr from z~8 to z~10. We show that this accelerated evolution compared to lower redshift can entirely be explained by the fast build-up of the dark matter halo mass function at z>8. Consequently, the predicted UV LFs from several models of galaxy formation are in good agreement with this observed trend, even though the measured UV LF lies at the low end of model predictions. In particular, the number of only 9 observed candidate galaxies is lower, by ~50%, than predicted by galaxy evolution models. The difference is generally still consistent within the Poisson and cosmic variance uncertainties. However, essentially all models predict larger numbers than observed. We discuss the implications of these results in light of the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope mission, which is poised to find much larger samples of z~10 galaxies as well as their progenitors at less than 400 Myr after the Big Bang.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, minor updates to match accepted versio

    Extremely Small Sizes for Faint z~2-8 Galaxies in the Hubble Frontier Fields: A Key Input For Establishing their Volume Density and UV Emissivity

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    We provide the first observational constraints on the sizes of the faintest galaxies lensed by the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) clusters. Ionizing radiation from faint galaxies likely drives cosmic reionization, and the HFF initiative provides a key opportunity to find such galaxies. Yet, we cannot really assess their ionizing emissivity without a robust measurement of their sizes, since this is key to quantifying both their prevalence and the faint-end slope to the UV luminosity function. Here we provide the first such size constraints with 2 new techniques. The first utilizes the fact that the detectability of highly-magnified galaxies as a function of shear is very dependent on a galaxy's size. Only the most compact galaxies will remain detectable in regions of high shear (vs. a larger detectable size range for low shear), a phenomenon we carefully quantify using simulations. Remarkably, however, no correlation is found between the surface density of faint galaxies and the predicted shear, using 87 faint high-magnification mu>10 z~2-8 galaxies seen behind the first 4 HFF clusters. This can only be the case if such faint (~-15 mag) galaxies have significantly smaller sizes than luminous galaxies. We constrain their half-light radii to be <~30 mas (<160-240 pc). As a 2nd size probe, we rotate and stack 26 faint high-magnification sources along the major shear axis. Less elongation is found than even for objects with an intrinsic half-light radius of 10 mas. Together these results indicate that extremely faint z~2-8 galaxies have near point-source profiles in the HFF dataset (half-light radii conservatively <30 mas and likely 5-10 mas). These results suggest smaller completeness corrections and hence much lower volume densities for faint z~2-8 galaxies and shallower faint-end slopes than have been derived in many recent studies (by factors of ~2-3 and by dalpha>~0.1-0.3).Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Expanded Search for z~10 Galaxies from HUDF09, ERS, and CANDELS Data: Evidence for Accelerated Evolution at z>8?

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    We search for z~10 galaxies over ~160 arcmin^2 of WFC3/IR data in the Chandra Deep Field South, using the public HUDF09, ERS, and CANDELS surveys, that reach to 5sigma depths ranging from 26.9 to 29.4 in H_160 AB mag. z>~9.5 galaxy candidates are identified via J_125-H_160>1.2 colors and non-detections in any band blueward of J_125. Spitzer IRAC photometry is key for separating the genuine high-z candidates from intermediate redshift (z~2-4) galaxies with evolved or heavily dust obscured stellar populations. After removing 16 sources of intermediate brightness (H_160~24-26 mag) with strong IRAC detections, we only find one plausible z~10 galaxy candidate in the whole data set, previously reported in Bouwens et al. (2011). The newer data cover a 3x larger area and provide much stronger constraints on the evolution of the UV luminosity function (LF). If the evolution of the z~4-8 LFs is extrapolated to z~10, six z~10 galaxies are expected in our data. The detection of only one source suggests that the UV LF evolves at an accelerated rate before z~8. The luminosity density is found to increase by more than an order of magnitude in only 170 Myr from z~10 to z~8. This increase is >=4x larger than expected from the lower redshift extrapolation of the UV LF. We are thus likely witnessing the first rapid build-up of galaxies in the heart of cosmic reionization. Future deep HST WFC3/IR data, reaching to well beyond 29 mag, can enable a more robust quantification of the accelerated evolution around z~10.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, ApJ resubmitted after referee repor

    Very blue UV-continuum slopes of low luminosity z~7 galaxies from WFC3/IR: Evidence for extremely low metallicities?

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    We use the ultra-deep WFC3/IR data over the HUDF and the Early Release Science WFC3/IR data over the CDF-South GOODS field to quantify the broadband spectral properties of candidate star-forming galaxies at z~7. We determine the UV-continuum slope beta in these galaxies, and compare the slopes with galaxies at later times to measure the evolution in beta. For luminous L*(z=3) galaxies, we measure a mean UV-continuum slope beta of -2.0+/-0.2, which is comparable to the beta~-2 derived at similar luminosities at z~5-6. However, for the lower luminosity 0.1L*(z=3) galaxies, we measure a mean beta of -3.0+/-0.2. This is substantially bluer than is found for similar luminosity galaxies at z~4, just 800 Myr later, and even at z~5-6. In principle, the observed beta of -3.0 can be matched by a very young, dust-free stellar population, but when nebular emission is included the expected beta becomes >~-2.7. To produce these very blue beta's (i.e., beta~-3), extremely low metallicities and mechanisms to reduce the red nebular emission are likely required. For example, a large escape fraction (i.e., f_{esc}>~0.3) could minimize the contribution from this red nebular emission. If this is correct and the escape fraction in faint z~7 galaxies is >~0.3, it may help to explain how galaxies reionize the universe.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Newly Discovered Bright z~9-10 Galaxies and Improved Constraints on Their Prevalence Using the Full CANDELS Area

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    We report the results of an expanded search for z~9-10 candidates over the ~883 arcmin^2 CANDELS+ERS fields. This study adds 147 arcmin^2 to the search area we consider over the CANDELS COSMOS, UDS, and EGS fields, while expanding our selection to include sources with bluer J_{125}-H_{160} colors than our previous J_{125}-H_{160}>0.5 mag selection. In searching for new z~9-10 candidates, we make full use of all available HST, Spitzer/IRAC, and ground-based imaging data. As a result of our expanded search and use of broader color criteria, 3 new candidate z~9-10 galaxies are identified. We also find again the z=8.683 source previously confirmed by Zitrin+2015. This brings our sample of probable z~9-11 galaxy candidates over the CANDELS+ERS fields to 19 sources in total, equivalent to 1 candidate per 47 arcmin^2 (1 per 10 WFC3/IR fields). To be comprehensive, we also discuss 28 mostly lower likelihood z~9-10 candidates, including some sources that seem to be reliably at z>8 using the HST+IRAC data alone, but which the ground-based data show are much more likely at z<4. One case example is a bright z~9.4 candidate COS910-8 which seems instead to be at z~2. Based on this expanded sample, we obtain a more robust LF at z~9 and improved constraints on the volume density of bright z~9 and z~10 galaxies. Our improved z~9-10 results again reinforce previous findings for strong evolution in the UV LF at z>8, with a factor of ~10 evolution seen in the luminosity density from z~10 to z~8.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The GREATS Hβ\beta+[OIII] Luminosity Function and Galaxy Properties at z8\mathbf{z\sim8}: Walking the Way of JWST

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    The James Webb Space Telescope will allow to spectroscopically study an unprecedented number of galaxies deep into the reionization era, notably by detecting [OIII] and Hβ\beta nebular emission lines. To efficiently prepare such observations, we photometrically select a large sample of galaxies at z8z\sim8 and study their rest-frame optical emission lines. Combining data from the GOODS Re-ionization Era wide-Area Treasury from Spitzer (GREATS) survey and from HST, we perform spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, using synthetic SEDs from a large grid of photoionization models. The deep Spitzer/IRAC data combined with our models exploring a large parameter space enables to constrain the [OIII]+Hβ\beta fluxes and equivalent widths for our sample, as well as the average physical properties of z8z\sim8 galaxies, such as the ionizing photon production efficiency with log(ξion/erg1Hz)25.77\log(\xi_\mathrm{ion}/\mathrm{erg}^{-1}\hspace{1mm}\mathrm{Hz})\geq25.77. We find a relatively tight correlation between the [OIII]+Hβ\beta and UV luminosity, which we use to derive for the first time the [OIII]+Hβ\beta luminosity function (LF) at z8z\sim8. The z8z\sim8 [OIII]+Hβ\beta LF is higher at all luminosities compared to lower redshift, as opposed to the UV LF, due to an increase of the [OIII]+Hβ\beta luminosity at a given UV luminosity from z3z\sim3 to z8z\sim8. Finally, using the [OIII]+Hβ\beta LF, we make predictions for JWST/NIRSpec number counts of z8z\sim8 galaxies. We find that the current wide-area extragalactic legacy fields are too shallow to use JWST at maximal efficiency for z8z\sim8 spectroscopy even at 1hr depth and JWST pre-imaging to 30\gtrsim30 mag will be required.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    UV Luminosity Functions from 132 z~7 and z~8 Lyman-Break Galaxies in the ultra-deep HUDF09 and wide-area ERS WFC3/IR Observations

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    We identify 73 z~7 and 59 z~8 candidate galaxies in the reionization epoch, and use this large 26-29.4 AB mag sample of galaxies to derive very deep luminosity functions to <-18 AB mag and the star formation rate density at z~7 and z~8. The galaxy sample is derived using a sophisticated Lyman-Break technique on the full two-year WFC3/IR and ACS data available over the HUDF09 (~29.4 AB mag, 5 sigma), two nearby HUDF09 fields (~29 AB mag, 14 arcmin) and the wider area ERS (~27.5 AB mag) ~40 arcmin**2). The application of strict optical non-detection criteria ensures the contamination fraction is kept low (just ~7% in the HUDF). This very low value includes a full assessment of the contamination from lower redshift sources, photometric scatter, AGN, spurious sources, low mass stars, and transients (e.g., SNe). From careful modelling of the selection volumes for each of our search fields we derive luminosity functions for galaxies at z~7 and z~8 to <-18 AB mag. The faint-end slopes alpha at z~7 and z~8 are uncertain but very steep at alpha = -2.01+/-0.21 and alpha=-1.91+/-0.32, respectively. Such steep slopes contrast to the local alpha<~-1.4 and may even be steeper than that at z~4 where alpha=-1.73+/-0.05. With such steep slopes (alpha<~-1.7) lower luminosity galaxies dominate the galaxy luminosity density during the epoch of reionization. The star formation rate densities derived from these new z~7 and z~8 luminosity functions are consistent with the trends found at later times (lower redshifts). We find reasonable consistency, with the SFR densities implied from reported stellar mass densities, being only ~40% higher at z<7. This suggests that (1) the stellar mass densities inferred from the Spitzer IRAC photometry are reasonably accurate and (2) that the IMF at very high redshift may not be very different from that at later times.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures, 20 tables, ApJ, accepted for publicatio