6,622 research outputs found

    «The people are the city»: Das Volk und der Held bei Shakespeare, Brecht und Grass

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    William Shakespeares Coriolanus (1608-1609), Bertolt Brechts Coriolan (1951-1952) und Günter Grass’ Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand (1966) stellen ein Kontinuum dar, in dem jeder Autor die Zeichen seiner Zeit und seine Auffassung von Theater in das literarische Gewebe hineingestrickt hat. Aufgezeigt werden soll die Beziehung zwischen Held und Volk anhand von zwei dramatischen Momenten: der Aufstand der Plebejer und Coriolanus’ Stimmenwerbung.Coriolanus (1608-1609) de William Shakespeare, Coriolan (1951-1952) de Bertolt Brecht y Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand (1966) de Günter Grass pueden leerse como un continuum. Cada uno de los autores teje en el tapiz literario las circunstancias históricas que vivió y su visión del teatro. El objetivo de esta contribución es mostrar la relación que se establece entre el protagonista y el pueblo sirviéndonos de dos momentos dramáticos: el levantamiento de los plebeyos y la petición de votos por parte de Coriolano

    Revisión bibliográfica de los temas tratados en psicología de la salud

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    Segones Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1996-1997

    Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic flow in the aircraft carrier ski-jump by means of PIV

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods have opened a new field to perform aerodynamic studies saving money and time. The difficulties presented by this method to calculate complex flow field problems imply that CFD validation is needed to provide correct results. Experimental data have recently been used to validate the accuracy of CFD predictions. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has shown to be a powerful tool in the investigation of complex flows. The aim of this paper is to present results from PIV experiments that would be interesting for CFD validation. Regarding aircraft operations, the short runway available implies the necessity of equipment which helps to take-off performances. Ski-jump ramp system improves aircraft performances by an increment of lift resulting in successful take-off operations. The ski-jump ramp presence generates a complex flow bounded by a turbulent shear layer and a low velocity recirculation bubble over the end of the flight deck. The adverse effects on the aircraft aerodynamics affect to pilot safe operations, so this region is an interesting problem to be studied by means of wind tunnel experimental tests

    RhoBTB3: A Rho GTPase-Family ATPase Required for Endosome to Golgi Transport

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    SummaryRho GTPases are key regulators of the actin-based cytoskeleton; Rab GTPases are key regulators of membrane traffic. We report here that the atypical Rho GTPase family member, RhoBTB3, binds directly to Rab9 GTPase and functions with Rab9 in protein transport from endosomes to the trans Golgi network. Gene replacement experiments show that RhoBTB3 function in cultured cells requires both RhoBTB3′s N-terminal, Rho-related domain and C-terminal sequences that are important for Rab9 interaction. Biochemical analysis reveals that RhoBTB3 binds and hydrolyzes ATP rather than GTP. Rab9 binding opens the autoinhibited RhoBTB3 protein to permit maximal ATP hydrolysis. Because RhoBTB3 interacts with TIP47 on membranes, we propose that it may function to release this cargo selection protein from vesicles to permit their efficient docking and fusion at the Golgi


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    Resultados prácticos de la aplicación de estándares industriales a la interoperabilidad en el regadío: Proyecto Mega

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    La falta de estandarización en los sistemas de telecontrol de regadío dificulta enormemente la gestión y el mantenimiento de los mismos, pero no menos importante es reconocer que dificulta la explotación de las propias infraestructuras modernizadas. El proyecto MEGA define los criterios para establecer interoperabilidad entre los diferentes sistemas de control y gestión que se emplean en el regadío. Dicha interoperabilidad se basa en el establecimiento de una nueva arquitectura de control a través de la cual se comuniquen los diferentes sistemas mediante un lenguaje de modelización desarrollado exprofeso. El desarrollo teórico de la modelización y el diseño de la nueva arquitectura tienen un largo recorrido y son conocidos por todo el sector. Se pretende presentar a continuación cómo se ha procedido a la validación empírica de esas bases teóricas estableciéndose una interoperabilidad real entre diferentes sistemas, participando en las pruebas diferentes agentes del sector del regadío.The lack of standardization of telecontrol systems for irrigation complicates their management and maintenance as well as the exploitation of modernized infrastructures. The MEGA project defines the criteria for establishing interoperability between different control and management systems used in irrigation. Such interoperability is based on the establishment of a new control architecture enabling the communication of various systems by a modeling language developed for this purpose. The theoretical development of modeling and design of the new architecture have a long way and are known throughout the sector. In this work we present the procedure to empirical validation of these theoretical bases, establishing a real interoperability between different systems, participating different operators from the irrigation sector in the testing

    Genome-scale definition of the transcriptional programme associated with compromised PU.1 activity in acute myeloid leukaemia.

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    Transcriptional dysregulation is associated with haematological malignancy. Although mutations of the key haematopoietic transcription factor PU.1 are rare in human acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), they are common in murine models of radiation-induced AML, and PU.1 downregulation and/or dysfunction has been described in human AML patients carrying the fusion oncogenes RUNX1-ETO and PML-RARA. To study the transcriptional programmes associated with compromised PU.1 activity, we adapted a Pu.1-mutated murine AML cell line with an inducible wild-type PU.1. PU.1 induction caused transition from leukaemia phenotype to monocytic differentiation. Global binding maps for PU.1, CEBPA and the histone mark H3K27Ac with and without PU.1 induction showed that mutant PU.1 retains DNA-binding ability, but the induction of wild-type protein dramatically increases both the number and the height of PU.1-binding peaks. Correlating chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Seq with gene expression data, we found that PU.1 recruitment coupled with increased histone acetylation induces gene expression and activates a monocyte/macrophage transcriptional programme. PU.1 induction also caused the reorganisation of a subgroup of CEBPA binding peaks. Finally, we show that the PU.1 target gene set defined in our model allows the stratification of primary human AML samples, shedding light on both known and novel AML subtypes that may be driven by PU.1 dysfunction.X18.1.1 cells were kindly donated by Dr Wendy Cook (LaTrobe University, Melbourne). MSCV-puro-PuER plasmid was kindly donated by Dr Peter Laslo (University of Leeds). ChIP sequencing was performed at the Genomics Core Facility, CRUK Cambridge Institute. Research in the Göttgens laboratory is supported by Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, the MRC, BBSRC, CRUK, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and core infrastructure support by the Wellcome Trust to the Wellcome Trust and MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and CIMR. JIS is supported by CRUK and the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/leu.2015.17

    Hemangioendotelioma multicéntrico de muñeca

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    Se presenta el caso de un hemangioendotelioma multicéntrico grado I localizado en el extremo distal del cúbito y en varios huesos del carpo en un varón de 57 años como hallazgo casual en un estudio radiográfico realizado tras un traumatismo de muñeca. El paciente fue tratado mediante resección amplia del extremo distal del cúbito y de los huesos del carpo afectos (ganchoso, piramidal y pisiforme) y artrodesis radiocarpiana con injerto autólogo tricortical de cresta ilíaca. Tras un seguimiento de 24 meses el paciente está asintomático y no presenta recidivas locales ni metástasis a distancia.A case of multicentric hemangioendothelioma located at the distal ulnar and different carpal bones was found in a 57-year-old man after a Rx control because a wrist trauma. The patient was treated by wide resection of distal ulnar and the affected carpal bones. Fusion of the radiocarpal joint was performed using tricortical autologous bone graft taken from the iliac crest. After 24-month follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic without local recurrence or metastasis