2,007 research outputs found

    Through a glass darkly: a case for the study of virtual space

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    This paper begins to examine the similarities and differences between virtual space and real space, as taken from anarchitectural (as opposed to a biological, psychological, geographic, philosophical or information theoretic)standpoint. It continues by introducing a number of criteria, suggested by the authors as being necessary for virtualspace to be used in a manner consistent with our experience of real space. Finally, it concludes by suggesting apedagogical framework for the benefits and associated learning outcomes of the study and examination of thisrelationship. This is accompanied by examples of recent student work, which set out to investigate this relationship

    A tribenzylidenemethane–tantalum compound: some experiences with 'inversion twinning'

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    The six-electron-donating ligand tribenzylidenemethandiide has been used to form a tantalum (group 5) mimic, (η^5-cyclopentadienyl)(η^4-tribenzylidenemethandiide)dimethyltantalum, of a group 4 bent metallocene. The material crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit with quite different packing arrangements, although the overall structures of the two are similar. The Cp and methyl ligands are disordered about a threefold axis. Crystal data: [Ta{(C_7H_6)_3C}(C_5H_5)(CH_3), trigonal P31c, with a = 12.681 (3), c = 16.124 (5) Å, V = 2245.5 (7) Å^3, T = 293 K, Z = 4, M_r = 558.47, D_x = 1.65 g cm^(-3), F(000) = 1104, Mo Kα, λ = 0.71073 Å, µ = 4.91 mm^(-1), R = 0.020 for 1319 reflections with F_o > 4σ(F_o); S = 2.18. Because of crystal decay, three separate crystals were needed for a full data set. These polar (but achiral) crystals showed apparently differing amounts of inversion twinning, leading to problems in accurately merging the three data sets and refining the structure. These problems are discussed briefly

    Do ultrafast exciton-polaron decoherence dynamics govern photocarrier generation efficiencies in polymer solar cells?

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    All-organic-based photovoltaic solar cells have attracted considerable attention because of their low-cost processing and short energy payback time. In such systems the primary dissociation of an optical excitation into a pair of photocarriers has been recently shown to be extremely rapid and efficient, but the physical reason for this remains unclear. Here, two-dimensional photocurrent excitation spectroscopy, a novel non-linear optical spectroscopy, is used to probe the ultrafast coherent decay of photoexcitations into charge-producing states in a polymer:fullerene based solar cell. The two-dimensional photocurrent spectra are interpreted by introducing a theoretical model for the description of the coupling of the electronic states of the system to an external environment and to the applied laser fields. The experimental data show no cross-peaks in the two-dimensional photocurrent spectra, as predicted by the model for coherence times between the exciton and the photocurrent producing states of 20\,fs or less

    Factor humano y condiciones de trabajo en el sector hotelero, provincia de Leoncio Prado, Huánuco

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    The human factor is the fundamental resource to achieve the success of a company, however, few investigations indicate its influence on working conditions. The objective of the study was to analyze the human factor and decent work conditions in 110 housekeeping and reception workers, distributed in 34 lodging establishments in the province of Leoncio Prado. The research is explanatory, transversal and was based on the concept of decent work proposed by the international labor organization. For data collection, a survey was applied, using a questionnaire of 15 questions, with a content validity of equal to 0.997 and a reliability of Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.80. In the results it was found that 51.95% of the workers are in regular basic education, 57.5% work for up to one year and 62% have not received any type of training. Through the multinominal probit model, it is concluded that the human factor indicators: years of studies, experience and job training increase the probability of having decent working conditions by 9.34%, 11.1% and 86.7% respectively.El factor humano es el recurso fundamental para lograr el éxito de una empresa; sin embargo, pocas investigaciones señalan sobre su influencia en las condiciones de trabajo. El objetivo de estudio fue analizar el factor humano y las condiciones de trabajo decente en 110 trabajadores en limpieza y recepción, distribuidos en 34 establecimientos de hospedaje de la provincia de Leoncio Prado. La investigación es explicativa, transversal y se basó en el concepto de trabajo decente propuesto por la organización internacional de trabajo. Para la recolección datos, se aplicó una encuesta, utilizando un cuestionario de 15 preguntas, con una validez de contenido de igual a 0.997 y una confiabilidad de alfa de Cronbach igual 0,80. En los resultados se encontró que en ambas ocupaciones el 51.95% de los trabajadores se encuentra en educación básica regular, el 57.5% trabajó hasta un año y el 62% no ha recibido algún tipo de capacitación. A través del modelo probit multinominal, se concluye que los indicadores del factor humano: años de estudios, experiencia y capacitación laboral aumentan la probabilidad de tener condiciones de trabajo decente en 9,34%, 11.1% y 86.7%, respectivamente

    Geometry of lines and degeneracy loci of morphisms of vector bundles

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    Corrado Segre played a leading role in the foundation of line geometry. We survey some recent results on degeneracy loci of morphisms of vector bundles where he still is of profound inspiration.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Homage to Corrado Segre

    From Design to Production Control Through the Integration of Engineering Data Management and Workflow Management Systems

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    At a time when many companies are under pressure to reduce "times-to-market" the management of product information from the early stages of design through assembly to manufacture and production has become increasingly important. Similarly in the construction of high energy physics devices the collection of (often evolving) engineering data is central to the subsequent physics analysis. Traditionally in industry design engineers have employed Engineering Data Management Systems (also called Product Data Management Systems) to coordinate and control access to documented versions of product designs. However, these systems provide control only at the collaborative design level and are seldom used beyond design. Workflow management systems, on the other hand, are employed in industry to coordinate and support the more complex and repeatable work processes of the production environment. Commercial workflow products cannot support the highly dynamic activities found both in the design stages of product development and in rapidly evolving workflow definitions. The integration of Product Data Management with Workflow Management can provide support for product development from initial CAD/CAM collaborative design through to the support and optimisation of production workflow activities. This paper investigates this integration and proposes a philosophy for the support of product data throughout the full development and production lifecycle and demonstrates its usefulness in the construction of CMS detectors.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Historical suitability and sustainability of sicani mountains landscape (western Sicily): An integrated approach of phytosociology and archaeobotany

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    Since 2015, the ongoing project "Harvesting Memories" has been focused on long-term landscape dynamics in Sicani Mountains (Western Sicily). Archaeological excavations in the case study site of Contrada Castro (Corleone) have investigated a settlement which was mainly occupied during the Early Middle Ages (late 8th-11th century AD). This paper aims to understand the historical suitability and sustainability of this area analysing the correlation between the current dynamics of plant communities and the historical use of woods detected by the archaeobotanical record. An integrated approach between phytosociology and archaeobotany has been applied. The vegetation series of the study area has been used as a model to understand the ecological meaning and spatial distribution of archaeobotanical data on charcoals from the Medieval layers of the Contrada Castro site. The intersection between the frequency data of the archaeobotanical record and the phytosociological analysis have confirmed the maintenance of the same plant communities during the last millennium due to the sustainable exploitation of wood resources. An integrated comparison between the structure and composition of current phytocoenoses with archaeobotanical data allowed us to confirm that this landscape is High Nature Value (HNV) farmland and to interpret the historical vegetation dynamics linked to the activities and economy of a rural community

    Expression of angiogenic regulators, VEGF and leptin, is regulated by the EGF/PI3K/STAT3 pathway in colorectal cancer cells.

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    Abstract Both leptin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are growth and angiogenic cytokines that are upregulated in different types of cancer and have been implicated in neoplastic progression. Here we investigated the molecular mechanism by which leptin and VEGF expression are regulated in colon cancer by epidermal growth factor (EGF). In colon cancer cell line HT-29, EGF induced the binding of signal transducer and activator transcription 3 (STAT3) to STAT3 consensus motifs within the VEGF and leptin promoters and stimulated leptin and VEGF mRNA and protein synthesis. All these EGF effects were significantly blocked when HT-29 cells were treated with an inhibitor of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, LY294002, or with small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting STAT3. Thus, our study identified the EGF/PI3K/STAT3 signaling as an essential pathway regulating VEGF and leptin expression in EGF-responsive colon cancer cells. This suggests that STAT3 pathways might constitute attractive pharmaceutical targets in colon cancer patients where anti-EGF receptor drugs are ineffective