5,153 research outputs found

    On a conjecture regarding Fisher information

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    Fisher's information measure plays a very important role in diverse areas of theoretical physics. The associated measures as functionals of quantum probability distributions defined in, respectively, coordinate and momentum spaces, are the protagonists of our present considerations. The product of them has been conjectured to exhibit a non trivial lower bound in [Phys. Rev. A (2000) 62 012107]. We show here that such is not the case. This is illustrated, in particular, for pure states that are solutions to the free-particle Schr\"odinger equation. In fact, we construct a family of counterexamples to the conjecture, corresponding to time-dependent solutions of the free-particle Schr\"odinger equation. We also give a new conjecture regarding any normalizable time-dependent solution of this equation.Comment: 4 pages; revised equations, results unchange

    Comment on "Quantum discord through the generalized entropy in bipartite quantum states"

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    In [X.-W. Hou, Z.-P. Huang, S. Chen, Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 1 (2014)], Hou et al. present, using Tsallis' entropy, possible generalizations of the quantum discord measure, finding original results. As for the mutual informations and discord, we show here that these two types of quantifiers can take negative values. In the two qubits instance we further determine in which regions they are non-negative. Additionally, we study alternative generalizations on the basis of R\'enyi entropies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum synchronization as a local signature of super- and subradiance

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    We study the relationship between the collective phenomena of super and subradiance and spontaneous synchronization of quantum systems. To this aim we revisit the case of two detuned qubits interacting through a pure dissipative bosonic environment, which contains the minimal ingredients for our analysis. By using the Liouville formalism, we are able to find analytically the ultimate connection between these phenomena. We find that dynamical synchronization is due to the presence of long standing coherence between the ground state of the system and the subradiant state. We finally show that, under pure dissipation, the emergence of spontaneous synchronization and of subradiant emission occur on the same time scale. This reciprocity is broken in the presence of dephasing noise.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of Entanglement and Bell-nonlocality for Two Stochastic Qubits with Dipole-Dipole Interaction

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    We have studied the analytical dynamics of Bell nonlocality as measured by CHSH inequality and entanglement as measured by concurrence for two noisy qubits that have dipole-dipole interaction. The nonlocal entanglement created by the dipole-dipole interaction is found to be protected from sudden death for certain initial states

    Urinalysis and pre-renal acute kidney injury: time to move on.

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    Urinary indices are classically believed to allow differentiation of transient (or pre-renal) acute kidney injury (AKI) from persistent (or acute tubular necrosis) AKI. However, the data validating urinalysis in critically ill patients are weak. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Pons and colleagues demonstrate in a multicenter observational study that sodium and urea excretion fractions as well as urinary over plasma ratios performed poorly as diagnostic tests to separate such entities. This study confirms the limited diagnostic and prognostic ability of urine testing. Together with other studies, this study raises more fundamental questions about the value, meaning and pathophysiologic validity of the pre-renal AKI paradigm and suggests that AKI (like all other forms of organ injury) is a continuum of injury that cannot be neatly divided into functional (pre-renal or transient) or structural (acute tubular necrosis or persistent)

    Dispersion of Klauder's temporally stable coherent states for the hydrogen atom

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    We study the dispersion of the "temporally stable" coherent states for the hydrogen atom introduced by Klauder. These are states which under temporal evolution by the hydrogen atom Hamiltonian retain their coherence properties. We show that in the hydrogen atom such wave packets do not move quasi-classically; i.e., they do not follow with no or little dispersion the Keplerian orbits of the classical electron. The poor quantum-classical correspondence does not improve in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics of correlations due to a phase noisy laser

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    We analyze the dynamics of various kinds of correlations present between two initially entangled independent qubits, each one subject to a local phase noisy laser. We give explicit expressions of the relevant quantifiers of correlations for the general case of single-qubit unital evolution, which includes the case of a phase noisy laser. Although the light field is treated as classical, we find that this model can describe revivals of quantum correlations. Two different dynamical regimes of decay of correlations occur, a Markovian one (exponential decay) and a non-Markovian one (oscillatory decay with revivals) depending on the values of system parameters. In particular, in the non-Markovian regime, quantum correlations quantified by quantum discord show an oscillatory decay faster than that of classical correlations. Moreover, there are time regions where nonzero discord is present while entanglement is zero.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Scripta, special issue for CEWQO 2011 proceeding