17 research outputs found

    A hybrid prognostic methodology for tidal turbine gearboxes

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    Tidal energy is one of promising solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it is estimated that 100 TWh of electricity could be produced every year from suitable sites around the world. Although premature gearbox failures have plagued the wind turbine industry, and considerable research efforts continue to address this challenge, tidal turbine gearboxes are expected to experience higher mechanical failure rates given they will experience higher torque and thrust forces. In order to minimize the maintenance cost and prevent unexpected failures there exists a fundamental need for prognostic tools that can reliably estimate the current health and predict the future condition of the gearbox.This paper presents a life assessment methodology for tidal turbine gearboxes which was developed with synthetic data generated using a blade element momentum theory (BEMT) model. The latter has been used extensively for performance and load modelling of tidal turbines. The prognostic model developed was validated using experimental data

    The effects of the European debt crisis on the local government finance: Analysis of the European Union countries 2010-2015 term

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    Ekonomik krizler son yüzyılda fazla karşılaşılan bir olgu olarak ekonomistler için önemli bir araştırma konusudur. Ayrıca ekonomik krizler, genel anlamda ülkelerin makroekonomik parametrelerinde negatif etkiler meydana getirmektedirler. Bu negatif etkilerden biri de yerel yönetimlerin mali yapısı üzerinde meydana gelmektedir. Vatandaşlara en yakın hizmet veren kamu idareleri olan yerel yönetimlerin ekonomik krizle birlikte mali yapılarındaki etkileşim değerlendirilmesi gereken bir konudur. Bu amaçla çalışmanın amacı makroekonomik etkileri olumsuz olan ekonomik krizlerin yerel yönetimlerin maliyelerinde ne tür etkiler bıraktığının tespit edilmesidir. Bu tespitin yapılması için “Avrupa Borç Krizi” örnek olarak seçilmiş ve PIIGS ülkelerinin de içinde yer aldığı Avrupa’daki on beş ülkenin krizin en yoğun olduğu “2010-2015” yılları arasında yerel yönetim bütçelerindeki negatif dönüşüm gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bahsedilen dönemde bu ülkelerin yerel yönetimlerinin gelir ve harcamalarında daralmalar olduğu ve yaşanan ekonomik krizlerden ciddi anlamda etkilendikleri tespit edilmiş ve yerel yönetimlerin krizlerden daha az etkilenmesi için neler yapılması gerektiği hakkında çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.Economic crises are an important research topic for economists as a more common phenomenon in the last century. Also, economic crises have negative effects on the macroeconomic parameters of countries. One of these negative effects is on the financial structure of local governments. The deterioration in the financial structures of local administrations as the public institutions serving the citizens closest to them is an issue that needs to be evaluated. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of the economic crises which have negative macroeconomic effects on the finances of local governments of fifteen countries. In order to make this determination, the “European Debt Crisis” was chosen as an example and negative transformation was observed in the local government budgets between the years 2010-2015, when the crisis in Europe was the most intense. As a result, it was determined that there was contraction in the revenues and expenditures of local governments of these countries and they were seriously affected by the economic crises and various suggestions were made about what shoul

    Diversity of biochemical content in fruits of some indigenous mulberry genotypes

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    This research was carried out to assess the biochemical diversity of the fruits of mulberry genotypes grown in Muş Province in the eastern Anatolia region and to determine the genotypes available for breeding. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of 13 mulberry fruit genotypes, including 5 white (Morus alba) and 8 black (Morus nigra), were determined. Fruit antioxidant capacity was determined by Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay. Fruit weight, pH, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, vitamin C, and antioxidant capacity were 1.38–3.77 g, 4.77–6.79, 14.33%–23.50%, 0.53%–2.20%, 4.47–35.83 mg 100 g –1 , and 4.33–13.63 µmol Trolox equivalent g, respectively, indicating enough diversity among genotypes for future breeding activities. Considering all genotypes, malic acid was dominant, and the highest malic acid content was detected in 4 Morus nigra genotypes as 8.546 mg g –1 fresh weight. Chlorogenic acid, rutin, and gallic acid were determined as the main phenolics among white and black mulberry genotypes. The highest chlorogenic acid, rutin, and gallic acid contents were found in black mulberry genotypes as 2.511 mg g –1 (Morus nigra 1), 1.285 mg g –1 (Morus nigra 1), and 1.162 mg g –1 (Morus nigra 3), respectively. In general, the genotypes sampled and used in the present study exhibited a broad range of variation. © TÜBİTAK

    Beauveria bassiana pathogenicity to the cherry slugworm, Caliroa cerasi (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) larvae

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    Abstract The cherry slugworm Caliroa cerasi is a significant destructive pest of sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) in Turkey. The potential of entomopathogenic fungi for controlling C. cerasi was evaluated. The effects of exposure methods and conidial concentrations (1 · 10 6 , 1.5 · 10 6 , 1 · 10 7 and 1.5 · 10 7 conidia/ml) on mature larvae of C. cerasi infected by Beauveria bassiana were investigated under laboratory conditions. Larvae sprayed directly with B. bassiana conidial suspensions and larvae exposed to B. bassiana-treated leaves resulted in 100% mortality within 2.90 and 2.77 days, respectively. The median lethal time (LT 50 ) and days to mortality were highest in the 1.0 · 10 7 concentrations of conidia for both direct spray and leaf exposure. The present study suggests that B. bassiana has good potential for control of the cherry slugworm, C. cerasi

    Determination of ampelographic characters of native grape accessions grown in Iğdır province [Iğdır Yöresinde yetiştirilen yerel üzüm çeşitlerinin ampelografik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi]

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    This study was conducted within the frame of international norms to determine ampelograpic characters of Askeri, Beyaz kişmişi, Erkek miskali, El-hakkı, Haçabaş, İnek emceği, Kerim gandı, Kırmızı kişmişi, Kuzu kuyruğu, Miskali and Yezandayi native grape cultivars grown in Igdir province between the years 2013 and 2014. This research was performed with 25-35 years old vines grown under similar cultural conditions in the vineyards of local producers. It was concluded that the evaluated 11 grape cultivars grown in Iğdır province belongs to Vitis vinifera L. © 2017, Centenary University. All rights reserved