1,106 research outputs found

    Phenotypic and seed protein analysis in 31 Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) accessions in Ghana

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    Phenotypic and seed protein analyses were performed on 31 accessions of Lima bean assembled in Ghana. Data on 16 phenotypic characters consisting of eight quantitative and eight qualitative were analysed. There were significant differences among the accessions based on the eight quantitative characters. Seed protein analysis showed 17 bands with relative mobility of bands, which ranged from 0.01 to 0.86. An ordinal logistic regression analysis showed significant evidence for seed coat, pod beak shape and seed size association. Cluster analysis based on both phenotypic and protein data provided evidence for differences among the accessions. Quantitative characters were associated with some specific clusters

    Effects of surface gold mining on surface and groundwater bodies in Bibiani, Ghana

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    A study of the water sources from Bibiani and its environs was conducted between November, 2009 and April, 2010 to determine whether contamination (of water sources) from (these parameters) physical, chemical and trace metal in Bibiani is as a result of mining or geochemicaland biochemical processes within the environment. This was done by collecting water samples from two streams, two rivers, three boreholes (BHs) and three hand dug wells (HDWs). These were analysed in the laboratory. Levels of Arsenic (As), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), pH, TotalDissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Temperature, Alkalinity, Hardness, Phosphate (P) and Cyanide (CN) in water sources were determined. Mining related contaminants detected in water samples were As, CN, Mn and Fe. It was observed that surface water pH values were generally higher than that of groundwater samples. As concentrations in surface water samples were higher compared to that of groundwater samples. Also, CN concentration in ground water samples was higher than that of surface water. Ground water contained higher concentration of Mn than surface water; the opposite can be said of Fe concentration in surfacewater which was higher than that of ground water. The study also observed that pH, TDS, EC, total alkalinity, total hardness , Arsenic and total cyanide levels in the HDW and BH samples showed 100% compliance with the WHO and EPA limits while Mn and Fe levels indicated traces of non – compliance. Compared to WHO / EPA guidelines, few water sources had one or moretrace metal (Fe, As and Mn) levels outside acceptable limits for drinking. However, most of the levels were safe for human consumption.Keywords: Surface, gold mining, quality, degradation, Bibian

    Influences of shading and fertilization on on-farm yields of cocoa in Ghana

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    Article Purchased; Published online: 31 August 2016Most cocoa farms in Ghana are cultivated in complex agroforest systems, with plant growth and cocoa productivity being affected. The objective of this study was to investigate how shade trees affect cocoa yield, temperature and soil nutrients in low-input cocoa systems. Establishing plots on 24 farms in four locations (districts) in Ghana, we assessed the influence of varying canopy cover and fertilization on cocoa yields. Results showed no relationship between canopy cover and cocoa yields in the light crop season (February to August). For the main crop season (September to January), there was an interaction between shade and yields: Yields were higher on no-shade plots than on shaded plots in two districts, whilst there were no differences at the two other districts possibly due to differences in precipitation and soil nutrient status. On the other hand, there was a positive effect of increased canopy cover on yields within the shaded plots. Soil nutrient analyses revealed no significant differences between shaded and no-shade plots and adequate levels of N, K+, Fe2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ were recorded. However, soil contents of P, C, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were below recommended values. Peak temperatures recorded in the cocoa canopies were above the recommended range for this species. Although shade trees had a slight modifying effect on peak temperatures, the magnitude appeared too small to have any practical effects

    Effects of farmers\' seed source on maize seed quality and crop productivity

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    Although farmer-saved seeds constitute about 90 per cent of maize seeds planted annually, their effects on crop performance are not well known. This study determined the seed quality and field performance of farmer-saved seeds of the most popular quality protein maize (QPM) variety, Obatanpa, compared to the certified seed of the same variety. Seed samples collected from four locations (Kwadaso, Ejura, Nkoranzah and Wenchi) showed higher percentage complete vital staining of embryos using 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and higher 1000-seed weight in certified seeds, indicating high vigour and complete seed development. Whereas germinating seedlings of the certified seeds did not show any fungal growth, farmersaved seeds showed profuse fungal development and stunting. Seedling counts showed 9 and 21 per cent reduction in certified and farmer-saved seeds, respectively; but plant counts before harvest showed 12 and 23 per cent reduction. Plants originating from certified seeds flowered at the predetermined date of 55 days, but the farmer-saved seeds flowered about a day or two later owing to reduced vigour. Lodging was less in plants originating from certified seeds, particularly in the trial planted at Ejura (transition zone) compared to Kwadaso (forest zone). The advantages of certified seeds reflected on increased grain yield, which was about 1.2 t ha-1, equal to ¢1,100,000.00 (110)ha1or47percentincreasesoverthefarmersavedseeds.Thestudy,therefore,showedtheimportanceofcertifiedseedsinincreasingmaizeproductivityandfarmersincomes.Bienquelasemencegardeˊeparlagriculteurconstitueenviron90pourcentdegrainesdemaı¨ssemeˊesannuellement,seseffetssurlerendementdeculturenesontpasbienconnus.Uneeˊtudeeˊtaitentreprisepourdeˊterminerlaqualiteˊdegraineetlerendementsurleterraindesemencegardeˊparlagriculteurdelavarieˊteˊlapluspopulairedumaı¨sproteˊiquedequaliteˊ(MPQ),Obatanpa,compareˊaˋlagrainecertifieˊedelame^mevarieˊteˊ.Leseˊchantillonsdegrainerecueillisdequatreemplacements(Wenchi,Nkoranzah,EjuraetKwadaso)montraientunpourcentagepluseˊleveˊdeta^chesembryonnairesvitalesetcompleˊtes,appliquant2,3,5chloruretripheˊnylteˊtrazolium(CTT),ainsiquunpoidsde1000grainespluseˊleveˊesensemencecertifieˊe,indiquantunevigueureˊleveˊeetundeˊveloppementcompletdegraine.Tandisquelessemisgermantdesemencescertifieˊesnontpasmontreˊaucunecroissancefongique,lessemencesgardeˊsparlesagriculteursmontraientundeˊveloppementfongiqueabondantetretardeˊ.Lescomptesdesemismontraient9et21pourcentdereˊductionrespectivementensemencecertifieˊeetensemencegardeˊeparlagriculteur,tandisquelescomptesdeplanteavantlamoissonmontraient12et23pourcentdereˊduction.Lesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊesfleurissaientaˋladatedeˊtermineˊede55jours,tandisquelessemencesgardeˊesparlagriculteurfleurissaientenvironunoudeuxjoursplustardaˋcausedevigueurreˊduite.Moinsdelaverseseproduisaientchezlesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊes,surtoutdanslesculturesdessaiplanteˊesaˋEjura(zonedetransition)compareˊaˋlessaideKwadaso(zonedefore^t).Lesavantagesdesemencescertifieˊessetraduisaientdanslaugmentationderendementdegraine,quieˊtaientenviron1.2t/ha,uneˊquivalentde¢1,100,000.00(110) ha-1 or 47 per cent increases over the farmer-saved seeds. The study, therefore, showed the importance of certified seeds in increasing maize productivity and farmers' incomes. Bien que la semence gardée par l'agriculteur constitue environ 90 pour cent de graines de maïs semées annuellement, ses effets sur le rendement de culture ne sont pas bien connus. Une étude était entreprise pour déterminer la qualité de graine et le rendement sur le terrain de semence gardé par l'agriculteur de la variété la plus populaire du maïs protéique de qualité (MPQ), Obatanpa, comparé à la graine certifiée de la même variété. Les échantillons de graine recueillis de quatre emplacements (Wenchi, Nkoranzah, Ejura et Kwadaso) montraient un pourcentage plus élevé de tâches embryonnaires vitales et complétes, appliquant 2,3,5 chlorure triphényl tétrazolium (CTT), ainsi qu'un poids de 1000 graines plus élevées en semence certifiée, indiquant une vigueur élevée et un développement complet de graine. Tandis que les semis germant de semences certifiées n'ont pas montré aucune croissance fongique, les semences gardés par les agriculteurs montraient un développement fongique abondant et retardé. Les comptes de semis montraient 9 et 21 pour cent de réduction respectivement en semence certifiée et en semence gardée par l'agriculteur, tandis que les comptes de plante avant la moisson montraient 12 et 23 pour cent de réduction. Les plantes poussant de semences certifiées fleurissaient à la date déterminée de 55 jours, tandis que les semences gardées par l'agriculteur fleurissaient environ un ou deux jours plus tard à cause de vigueur réduite. Moins de la verse se produisaient chez les plantes poussant de semences certifiées, surtout dans les cultures d'essai plantées à Ejura (zone de transition) comparé à l'essai de Kwadaso (zone de forêt). Les avantages de semences certifiées se traduisaient dans l'augmentation de rendement de graine, qui étaient environ 1.2 t/ha, un équivalent de ¢1,100,000.00 (110)/ha ou 47 pour cent d'augmentation par rapport aux semences gardées par l'agriculteur. L'étude, par conséquent, démontraient l'importance de semences certifiées à l'augmentation de la productivité de maïs et les revenus d'agriculteurs. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 105-11

    Comprehensive abortion care in the Tain District of Ghana: an analysis of DHIMS2 data for 2010-2016

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    Background: Access to safe abortion services reduces incidence of unsafe abortion. However, other studies have documented negative impacts such as rise in sexually transmitted infections in jurisdictions with liberal abortion laws. Objective: We assessed the impact of Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services on selected reproductive health indicators in the Tain district.  Method: Aggregated service data on abortion, contraception (family planning), and delivery antenatal Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) infection status of women age 10-49 years were extracted from the District Health Information Management System version 2 (DHIMS-2) database for the period 2010 to 2016. Data were converted to rates using projected population figures from the Ghana Statistical Service and presented as tables and graph for trend analysis.Results: The proportion of unsafe abortion increased from 2010 to 2012 and declined from 2013 onwards with increasing proportions of women opting for safe induced abortions; while spontaneous abortions followed an incremental trend from 2010 to 2013; leveling out from 2014. The family planning acceptor rates stayed above 38% over the period.  The total fertility rate (women age 10-14 inclusive) increased sequentially from 4.6/1000 women in 2010 to 89.4/1000 in 2016. The HIV infection prevalence were 2.2%, 3.7%, 3.4%, 3.8%, 2.5%, 2.3% and 2.7% for 2010 to 2016 respectively. Conclusion: Access to Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services reduces the incidence of unsafe abortions. Improved access to contraception may not necessarily lead to a decline in abortion or fertility rates. Liberalizing abortion does lead to a rise in the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (HIV). Funding: No external funding receivedKeywords: unsafe abortion, comprehensive abortion care, Tain District, DHIMS 2

    Spatiotemporal co-existence of two Mycobacterium ulcerans clonal complexes in the Offin River Valley of Ghana

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    In recent years, comparative genome sequence analysis of African Mycobacterium ulcerans strains isolated from Buruli ulcer (BU) lesion specimen has revealed a very limited genetic diversity of closely related isolates and a striking association between genotype and geographical origin of the patients. Here, we compared whole genome sequences of five M. ulcerans strains isolated in 2004 or 2013 from BU lesions of four residents of the Offin river valley with 48 strains isolated between 2002 and 2005 from BU lesions of individuals residing in the Densu river valley of Ghana. While all M. ulcerans isolates from the Densu river valley belonged to the same clonal complex, members of two distinct clonal complexes were found in the Offin river valley over space and time. The Offin strains were closely related to genotypes from either the Densu region or from the Asante Akim North district of Ghana. These results point towards an occasional involvement of a mobile reservoir in the transmission of M. ulcerans, enabling the spread of bacteria across different regions

    Grain quality characteristics of imported rice in Ghana: Implications for breeding for consumer-preferred varieties

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    ABSTRACTRice is the fastest growing food source in Ghana. The country, however, imports about 70 per cent of its rice requirement due to low volumes of production and poor grain quality of domestic rice compared to imported ones.  In the study, 10 popular imported rice brands on the Ghanaian market were characterised for grain quality traits including grain dimensions, apparent amylose content, gelatinisation temperature, paste viscosity properties, and aroma using physiochemical properties and DNA markers. The rice brands came from Asia and the USA. The rice type from Asia was found to be Jasmine-styled aromatic long grained with low amylose content and gelatinisation temperature, whereas those of USA were conventional long grain with intermediate amylose content and gelatinisation temperature.  These findings were confirmed through DNA marker analyses, with the rice types from Asia and the USA revealing the presence of the TAC and GCC of the waxy gene SNP haplotypes, respectively. The implication for rice breeding in Ghana is discussed.Original scientific paper. Received 29 Oct. 14; revised 03 Aug 15

    A comparison of outcomes between finger and pulp replantation/revascularization in a single centre

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    Background: Supermicrosurgery has allowed the replantation/revascularization of the pulp, but how does this currently compare with more proximal digit replantation/revascularization? Methods: In a retrospective case study over a 5-year period at our institute, a total of 21 patients (n = 21) had either finger or pulp replantation-revascularization posttrauma. All pulp replants had a single-vessel anastomosis viz., “artery-to-artery” or “artery-to-vein” only, with venous outflow dependent on the skin-shave technique, while more proximal replants had both arterial and venous anastomoses. Age, sex, ischemic time, handedness, smoker status, and injury-replant interval were compared between the two groups, with all procedures performed by a single surgeon. The outcome parameters studied were length of hospital stay, timeline for wound healing, viability, and functional outcomes. Results: Our patients consisted of 18 men and three women, of which 14.3% were smokers and 85.7% were right-handed. There were 11 finger replantation/revascularizations (n = 11) versus 10 pulp replantation/revascularizations (n = 10). The average age of digit replantation/revascularization patients was 44.8 years compared with 26.4 years in pulp replantation/revascularization patients (Student t test, P = 0.04). Mean ischemia time in digital replants was 67 minutes versus 32.3 minutes in pulp replantation/revascularization (Student t test, P = 0.056). Digital replantation/revascularization was viable in 72% of cases versus a 90% viability in the pulp subcohort. Conclusions: In our patient cohort, pulp replantation/revascularizations produced better postoperative viability. Where supermicrosurgery expertise is available, pulp replantation/revascularization should be considered a worthwhile option when compared with digital replantation/revascularization


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    The number one goal of most rice improvement programmes around the world is breeding for high potential to take care of the increasing consumption of rice. The objective of this experiment was to study the inheritance of yield and yield components and to estimate the heritabilities of important quantitative traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Six generations viz., P1, P2, F1, F2, BCP1 and BCP2 of a cross between IET6279 and IR70445-146-3-3 were used for the study. Generation mean analysis suggested that additive effects had a major role for the expression of plant height, number of panicles, number of spikelets per panicle, percentage spikelets fertility per plant and grain yield per plant, which further suggested that phenotypic selection was possible at an early stage. Both additive and non-additive gene actions were important for the expression of number of fertile spikelets per panicle and 100-grain weight. Therefore, selection for these characters would be fruitful, if delayed till epistasis effects are reduced to a minimum. High broad sense heritability estimates were observed for characters viz. plant height and 100-grain weight, suggesting that the characters under study are less influenced by environment in their expression. Thus, selection based on phenotypic value of these characters would be reliable and effective. Low estimates of broad sense heritability were observed for number of panicles per plant, number of spikelets per panicle, number of fertile spikelets per panicle, percentage spikelets fertility per plant and grain yield per plant, indicating that influence of the environment was high for these characters. Therefore, superior genotypes selection based on phenotypic performance for these characters may not effective.La majorit\ue9 des objectifs des programmes d\u2019am\ue9lioration du riz dans le monde est relative \ue0 la s\ue9lection pour le d\ue9sire croissant de la consommation du riz. L\u2019objectif de cette exp\ue9rimentation \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9tudier l\u2019h\ue9ritage du rendement et des composantes du rendement et d\u2019estimer les h\ue9ritabilit\ue9s des traits importants sur le riz (Oryza sativa L.). Six g\ue9n\ue9rations viz, P1, P2, F1, F2, BCP1 et BCP2 du croisement entre IET6279 et IR70445-146-3-3 \ue9taient utilis\ue9s pour cette \ue9tude. L\u2019analyse de la moyenne des g\ue9n\ue9rations a sugg\ue9r\ue9 que les effets additifs ont un r\uf4le majeur pour l\u2019expression de la taille de la plante, le nombre de panicules, le nombre d\u2019\ue9pillets par panicule, le pourcentage de fertilit\ue9 d\u2019\ue9pillets par plant et le rendement en grain par plant qui davantage ont sugg\ue9r\ue9 que la s\ue9lection ph\ue9notypique \ue9tait possible \ue0 une \ue9tape pr\ue9coce. Les actions de g\ue8nes de type additifs et non-additifs \ue9taient importantes pour l\u2019expression du nombre d\u2019\ue9pillets fertiles par panicule et le poids de 100-grains. Toutefois, la s\ue9lection pour ces caract\ue8res serait utile\ua0; si elle est retard\ue9e jusqu\u2019\ue0 ce que les effets d\u2019\ue9pistasis soit r\ue9duits au minimum. La valeur \ue9lev\ue9e de la grande h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 \ue9tait observ\ue9e pour les caract\ue8res viz. La taille de la plante et le poids de 100 grains, sugg\ue9raient que les caract\ue8res sous investigation sont moins influenc\ue9s par l\u2019environnement dans leur expression. Donc, la s\ue9lection bas\ue9e sur les valeurs ph\ue9notypiques de ces caract\ue8res serait plus efficace. De faibles valeurs estim\ue9es de la grande h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 \ue9taient observ\ue9es pour le nombre panicules par plant, nombre d\u2019\ue9pillets par panicule, nombre d\u2019\ue9pillets fertiles par panicule, le pourcentage d\u2019\ue9pillets fertiles par plant et le rendement en grain par plant, indiquant que l\u2019influence de l\u2019environnement \ue9tait \ue9lev\ue9e pour ces caract\ue8res. Toutefois, la s\ue9lection sup\ue9rieure des g\ue9notypes bas\ue9e sur la performance ph\ue9notypique pour ces caract\ue8res pourrait \ueatre non efficiente

    Attention Bias Toward Threat is Associated with Exaggerated Fear Expression and Impaired Extinction in PTSD

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    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops in a minority of traumatized individuals. Attention biases to threat and abnormalities in fear learning and extinction are processes likely to play a critical role in the creation and/or maintenance of PTSD symptomatology. However, the relationship between these processes has not been established, particularly in highly traumatized populations; understanding their interaction can help inform neural network models and treatments for PTSD. Method: Attention biases were measured using a dot probe task modified for use with our population; task stimuli included photographs of angry facial expressions, which are emotionally salient threat signals. A fear-potentiated startle paradigm was employed to measure atypical physiological response during acquisition and extinction phases of fear learning. These measures were administered to a sample of 64 minority (largely African American), highly traumatized individuals with and without PTSD. Results: Participants with PTSD demonstrated attention biases toward threat ; this attentional style was associated with exaggerated startle response during fear learning and early and middle phases of extinction, even after accounting for the effects of trauma exposure. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that an attentional bias toward threat is associated with abnormalities in ‘fear load’ in PTSD, providing seminal evidence for an interaction between these two processes. Future research combining these behavioral and psychophysiological techniques with neuroimaging will be useful toward addressing how one process may modulate the other and understanding whether these phenomena are manifestations of dysfunction within a shared neural network. Ultimately, this may serve to inform PTSD treatments specifically designed to correct these atypical processes