285 research outputs found

    Reliability-Informed Beat Tracking of Musical Signals

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    Abstract—A new probabilistic framework for beat tracking of musical audio is presented. The method estimates the time between consecutive beat events and exploits both beat and non-beat information by explicitly modeling non-beat states. In addition to the beat times, a measure of the expected accuracy of the estimated beats is provided. The quality of the observations used for beat tracking is measured and the reliability of the beats is automatically calculated. A k-nearest neighbor regression algorithm is proposed to predict the accuracy of the beat estimates. The performance of the beat tracking system is statistically evaluated using a database of 222 musical signals of various genres. We show that modeling non-beat states leads to a significant increase in performance. In addition, a large experiment where the parameters of the model are automatically learned has been completed. Results show that simple approximations for the parameters of the model can be used. Furthermore, the performance of the system is compared with existing algorithms. Finally, a new perspective for beat tracking evaluation is presented. We show how reliability information can be successfully used to increase the mean performance of the proposed algorithm and discuss how far automatic beat tracking is from human tapping. Index Terms—Beat-tracking, beat quality, beat-tracking reliability, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) regression, music signal processing. I

    Preliminary report on cross-species microsatellite amplification for bumblebee biodiversity and conservation studies

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    The Iberian Peninsula holds a high diversity of bumblebees but there is a general lack of information about their biodiversity in this area. To overcome this and facilitate conservation studies, we present two novel multiplex assays for the amplification of six and five microsatellite loci respectively. Both assays successfully amplified for most of the studied species in the Iberian populations. Sibling workers and population genetic parameters were analysed in the managed species B. terrestris and in the wild species B. monticola and B. mesomelas, demonstrating the capability of these multiplex assays for biodiversity studies of both managed and wild bumblebee species

    Phototoxic effects of PAH and UVA exposure on molecular responses and developmental success in coral larvae

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    Exposure to polycyclic aromatic carbons (PAHs) poses a growing risk to coral reefs due to increasing shipping and petroleum extraction in tropical waters. Damaging effects of specific PAHs can be further enhanced by the presence of ultraviolet radiation, known as phototoxicity. We tested phototoxic effects of the PAHs anthracene and phenanthrene on larvae of the scleractinian coral Acropora tenuis in the presence and absence of UVA (320–400 nm). Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme was reduced by anthracene while phenanthrene and UVA exposure did not have any effect. Gene expression of MnSod remained constant across all treatments. The genes Catalase, Hsp70 and Hsp90 showed increased expression levels in larvae exposed to anthracene, but not phenanthrene. Gene expression of p53 was upregulated in the presence of UVA, but downregulated when exposed to PAHs. The influence on stress-related biochemical pathways and gene expresson in A. tenuis larvae was considerably greater for anthracene than phenanthrene, and UVA-induced phototoxicity was only evident for anthracene. The combined effects of UVA and PAH exposure on larval survival and metamorphosis paralleled the sub-lethal stress responses, clearly highlighting the interaction of UVA on anthracene toxicity and ultimately the coral's development

    Exploring perceived barriers to physical activity among older adults living in low-population density regions: gender differences and associations with activity dimensions

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    Older people in low-population density regions tend to have fewer resources to engage in regular physical activity (PA) compared to their counterparts in urban areas. Moreover, PA assumes different dimensions, and the amount of PA related to each dimension may differ between women and men, predisposing them to different PA practices. Therefore, this cross-sectional study aims to describe the prevalence of barriers to PA, gender differences, and their associations with different PA dimensions. A total of 259 older adults (153 women and 106 men; age, 75.17 8.05 years old) living in the community in the region of Guarda (Portugal) were interviewed face to face to record their sociodemographic characteristics, general health status (comorbidity index and self-reported health), PA behaviour, and barriers to PA.Women were more likely to report “low” income and living alone (p 0.05), while men reported a higher negative health status than women (p < 0.05). Two intrinsic (“Fear of injury” (40.1%) and “Need for rest” (26.3%)) and two extrinsic barriers (“Lack of nearby facilities” (30.5%) and “I don’t have transport” (25.6%)) were the most prevalent. For women, age, self-reported health, comorbidity index, and intrinsic and extrinsic barriers were similarly associated with the different PA dimensions. However, only self-reported health and extrinsic barriers were the variables associated with the different PA dimensions in men. Therefore, strategies to promote active ageing in low-population density regions should be focused on reducing intrinsic and extrinsic barriers based on gender and the PA dimension to be achieved.This study was funded by PORTUGAL2020 and by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, I.P.), under project SAICT-POL/23811/2016 and through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UIDB/04045/2020. The Polytechnic of Guarda partly supported the research reported in this publication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intercontinental long-distance seed dispersal across the Mediterranean Basin explains population genetic structure of a bird-dispersed shrub.

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    Long-distance dispersal (LDD) is a pivotal process for plants determining their range of distribution and promoting gene flow among distant populations. Most fleshy-fruited species rely on frugivorous vertebrates to disperse their seeds across the landscape. While LDD events are difficult to record, a few ecological studies have shown that birds move a sizeable number of ingested seeds across geographic barriers, such as sea straits. The foraging movements of migrant frugivores across distant populations, including those separated by geographic barriers, creates a constant flow of propagules that in turn shapes the spatial distributions of the genetic variation in populations. Here, we have analysed the genetic diversity and structure of 74 populations of Pistacia lentiscus, a fleshy-fruited shrub widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin, to elucidate whether the Mediterranean Sea acts as a geographic barrier or alternatively whether migratory frugivorous birds promote gene flow among populations located on both sides of the sea. Our results show reduced genetic distances among populations, including intercontinental populations, and they show a significant genetic structure across an eastern-western axis. These findings are consistent with known bird migratory routes that connect the European and African continents following a north-southwards direction during the fruiting season of many fleshy-fruited plants. Further, Approximate Bayesian Analysis failed to explain the observed patterns as a result of historical population migrations at the end of Last Glacial Maximum. Therefore, anthropic and/or climatic changes that would disrupt the migratory routes of frugivorous birds might have genetic consequences for the plant species they feed upon

    Microclimate monitoring in the Carcer Tullianum: temporal and spatial correlation and gradients evidenced by multivariate analysis; first campaign

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    Too often microclimate studies in the field of cultural heritage are published without any or scarce information on sampling design, sensors (type, number, position) and instrument validation. Lacking of this fundamental information does not allow an open discussion in the scientific community. This work aims to be an invitation for a different approach

    Ancient DNA from Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Groups from Northern Spain Supports a Random Dispersion Model for the Neolithic Expansion into Europe

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    Background/Principal Findings: The phenomenon of Neolithisation refers to the transition of prehistoric populations from a hunter-gatherer to an agro-pastoralist lifestyle. Traditionally, the spread of an agro-pastoralist economy into Europe has been framed within a dichotomy based either on an acculturation phenomenon or on a demic diffusion. However, the nature and speed of this transition is a matter of continuing scientific debate in archaeology, anthropology, and human population genetics. In the present study, we have analyzed the mitochondrial DNA diversity in hunter-gatherers and first farmers from Northern Spain, in relation to the debate surrounding the phenomenon of Neolithisation in Europe. Methodology/Significance: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA was carried out on 54 individuals from Upper Paleolithic and Early Neolithic, which were recovered from nine archaeological sites from Northern Spain (Basque Country, Navarre and Cantabria). In addition, to take all necessary precautions to avoid contamination, different authentication criteria were applied in this study, including: DNA quantification, cloning, duplication (51 % of the samples) and replication of the results (43 % of the samples) by two independent laboratories. Statistical and multivariate analyses of the mitochondrial variability suggest that the genetic influence of Neolithisation did not spread uniformly throughout Europe, producing heterogeneous genetic consequences in different geographical regions, rejecting the traditional models that explain the Neolithisation in Europe

    Spatial distribution and incidence of dengue cases: an analysis of the situation in Medellín, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: To analyze the spatial distribution of dengue cases and the incidence of this disease. Methodology: 17.400 dengue cases were spatially located by means of the addresses of patients which were reported by Data Generating Primary Units to the Medellin Office of the Health Secretary from 2007 to 2011. Dengue incidences were calculated and geospatially ranked with the ArcGIS 9.3 software, and they were categorized by risk level according to the Pan American Health Organization. Results and Discussion: the disease was distributed heterogeneously throughout the various neighborhoods of the city. The years 2007 and 2010 had the highest number of cases, thus being epidemic years; the other years showing an endemic behavior. In 2007 none of the neighborhoods was in very high risk category; however, in 2010, 49 neighborhoods were placed inside this category. As for endemic years according to dengue incidence, of the 249 neighborhoods of the city, just two of them were found in high risk in 2008 and 2009, but none in 2011. Moreover, a large percentage of neighborhoods in these years were considered to be in the low risk category."RESUMEN:Analizar la distribución espacial de los casos y la incidencia de dengue. Metodología: se ubicaron espacialmente 17.400 casos de dengue notificados por las Unidades Primarias Generadoras de Datos a la Secretaría de Salud de Medellín en el período 2007 a 2011 a través de las direcciones de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se calcularon las incidencias y se ubicaron geoespacialmente utilizando el software ArcGis 9,3, categorizándolas por niveles de riesgo según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados y discusión: la enfermedad se distribuyó heterogéneamente en los diferentes barrios de la ciudad. Los años 2007 y 2010 presentaron el mayor número de casos, correspondiendo a años epidémicos, mientras que los demás años mostraron un comportamiento endémico. En el 2007 ningún barrio se ubicó en la categoría riesgo muy alto, pero sí 49 localidades para el año 2010. Para los años endémicos según la incidencia de dengue, de los 249 barrios de la ciudad, en los años 2008 y 2009, solo dos se encontraron en riesgo alto y ninguno para 2011, y un gran porcentaje de barrios en estos años se ubicaron en riesgo bajo."RESUMEN:Analizar la distribución espacial de los casos y la incidencia de dengue. Metodología: se ubicaron espacialmente 17.400 casos de dengue notificados por las Unidades Primarias Generadoras de Datos a la Secretaría de Salud de Medellín en el período 2007 a 2011 a través de las direcciones de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se calcularon las incidencias y se ubicaron geoespacialmente utilizando el software ArcGis 9,3, categorizándolas por niveles de riesgo según la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados y discusión: la enfermedad se distribuyó heterogéneamente en los diferentes barrios de la ciudad. Los años 2007 y 2010 presentaron el mayor número de casos, correspondiendo a años epidémicos, mientras que los demás años mostraron un comportamiento endémico. En el 2007 ningún barrio se ubicó en la categoría riesgo muy alto, pero sí 49 localidades para el año 2010. Para los años endémicos según la incidencia de dengue, de los 249 barrios de la ciudad, en los años 2008 y 2009, solo dos se encontraron en riesgo alto y ninguno para 2011, y un gran porcentaje de barrios en estos años se ubicaron en riesgo bajo