26 research outputs found

    Patient and public involvement in health research from researchers' perspective

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    Background: Patient and public involvement (PPI) is increasingly considered an integral part of health research, and the focus has shifted from why we need PPI to how users can be involved in a meaningful way. The rationale for investigating experiences with PPI from the perspective of occupational therapy (OT)‐trained researchers' originates in the interrelationship between the inclusive approach to knowledge production, and participation and inclusion as core tenets of OT. The aim of this study was to explore PPI in health research from the perspective of OT‐trained researchers. Method: Semi‐structured individual interviews were conducted online with nine Norwegian researchers. The interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Professional background and clinical experience from person‐centred OT formed the foundation for how these researchers approached and facilitated PPI in their research. Valuing experiential knowledge and facilitating PPI to be meaningful for public collaborators were highlighted as essential for PPI to have an impact. The need to balance mutual expectations, requirements for research, and what might be possible to achieve within a research study were found to be vital. Conclusion: Collaborative clinical experience constituted a sound foundation for implementing PPI in research. The occupational perspective underlines the importance of acknowledging experiential knowledge as essential to facilitating meaningful PPI. Challenges related to requirements for research and culture for implementing PPI were addressed by clarifying roles and expectations. Patient or Public Contribution: Three public collaborators were involved in developing the aims, the interview guide, and the data analysis. They all had previous experience being involved in research

    Restaurant cooking trends and increased risk for Campylobacter infection

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    In the United Kingdom, outbreaks of Campylobacter infection are increasingly attributed to undercooked chicken livers, yet many recipes, including those of top chefs, advocate short cooking times and serving livers pink. During 2015, we studied preferences of chefs and the public in the United Kingdom and investigated the link between liver rareness and survival of Campylobacter. We used photographs to assess chefs’ ability to identify chicken livers meeting safe cooking guidelines. To investigate the microbiological safety of livers chefs preferred to serve, we modeled Campylobacter survival in infected chicken livers cooked to various temperatures. Most chefs correctly identified safely cooked livers but overestimated the public’s preference for rareness and thus preferred to serve them more rare. We estimated that 19%-52% of livers served commercially in the United Kingdom fail to reach 70°C and that predicted Campylobacter survival rates are 48%-98%. These findings indicate that cooking trends are linked to increasing Campylobacter infections

    Elevers opplevelse av karriereveiledning: En kvalitativ undersøkelse fra videregüende skole

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    Denne masteravhandlingen er en kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersøker hvordan videregüendeelever opplever karriereveiledningen de mottar. Empirien ble samlet ved ü intervjue elever som ble uteksaminert fra videregüende vüren 2019 og elever som gikk sisteüret pü videregüende vüren 2020. Intervjuene ble gjennomført som fokusgruppeintervju. Undersøkelsens problemstilling lyder som følge: Hvordan opplever elever i videregüende skole karriereveiledningen de mottar? I analysen har jeg gjennomført en tematisk analyse av empirien. Funnene er delt inn to hovedomrüder (de negative opplevelsene og de positive opplevelsene) som hver inneholder ulike kategorier. Analysens hovedfunn har blitt drøftet opp mot tidligere forskning og teoretisk rammeverk for ü gi en rikere forstüelse av hvordan elevene opplever karriereveiledningen de mottar, og for ü kunne belyse problemstillingen ytterligere. Tidligere forskning ser i hovedsak pü nordisk og internasjonal forskning pü hvordan unge opplever karriereveieldningen de mottar. Det teoretiske rammeverket ble valgt ut fra undersøkelsens funn, hvor fokuset ble lagt pü ulike veiledningstradisjoner og konstruktivistisk karriereveileningsteori. I tillegg legges det frem en modell hvor ulike veiledningstradisjoner plasseres ut ifra hvordan de er preget av enten indirekte- eller direkte veiledning, og individuell veiledning eller veiledning i fellesskap/gruppe. Undersøkelsens funn viste at elevene har büde negative og positive opplevelser av karriereveiledningen de mottar, hvor de negative er av størst omfang. Elevenes negative opplevelser innebÌrer en manglende- eller dürlig relasjon til veilederen, at informasjonen om tjenesten og underveis i veiledningen ikke er av god nok kvalitet, og at karriereveilederens bruk av PC benyttes pü feil müte. Veiledningen elevene mottar er ofte preget av overføring av informasjon, fremfor veiledning. Elevene som har positive opplevelser til karriereveiledningen de har mottatt, mottar veiledningen som har likhetstrekk med konstruktivistisk veiledning, hvor elevene für mulighet til ü tenke selv. Elevene opplever at veiledningen er tilpasset samfunn og deres behov. Veiledningen kan karakteriseres som indirekte veiledning, og foregür enten som individuell- eller fellesskapsveiledning. Konsekvensene av de negative opplevelsene er at elevene ikke oppsøker karriereveileder, og at deres karrierevalg blir overlatt til tilfeldigheter. Elevenes opplevelser peker mot at tjenesten trenger større ressurser for ü utvikle seg. Undersøkelsen üpner opp for økt fokus pü at veiledere trenger ü vite om elevenes perspektiv. Disse funnene har relevans for praksis, büde for karriereveiledere og for de som tilrettelegger for tjenesten pü lokalt og nasjonalt nivü.

    Microbiota formed on attached stainless steel coupons correlates with the natural biofilm of the sink surface in domestic kitchens

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    Stainless steel coupons are frequently used in biofilm studies in the laboratory, as this material is commonly used in the food industry. The coupons are attached to different surfaces to create a “natural” biofilm to be studied further in laboratory trials. However, little has been done to investigate how well the microbiota on such coupons represents the surrounding environment. The microbiota on sink wall surfaces and on new stainless steel coupons attached to the sink wall for 3 months in 8 domestic kitchen sinks was investigated by next-generation sequencing (MiSeq) of the 16S rRNA gene derived from DNA and RNA (cDNA), and by plating and identification of colonies. The mean number of colony-forming units was about 10-fold higher for coupons than sink surfaces, and more variation in bacterial counts between kitchens was seen on sink surfaces than coupons. The microbiota in the majority of biofilms was dominated by Moraxellaceae (genus Moraxella/Enhydrobacter) and Micrococcaceae (genus Kocuria). The results demonstrated that the variation in the microbiota was mainly due to differences between kitchens (38.2%), followed by the different nucleic acid template (DNA vs RNA) (10.8%), and that only 5.1% of the variation was a result of differences between coupons and sink surfaces. The microbiota variation between sink surfaces and coupons was smaller for samples based on their RNA than on their DNA. Overall, our results suggest that new stainless steel coupons are suited to model the dominating part of the natural microbiota of the surrounding environment and, furthermore, are suitable for different downstream studies

    Design of Cognitively Accessible Web Pages

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    Abstract—Considering the design of universally designed interfaces for static and dynamic web pages, this work focuses on the group of users with cognitive/intellectual disabilities, while simultaneously accounting for the needs of users with motor and sensory deficits. A number of specific inclusive techniques are applied to the login mechanism of a web service in the course of the redesign of this site. The techniques evolve, i.e. are tested, validated, and refined, over a series of implementation iterations and subsequent evaluation, involving personas and scenario testing, an expert panel, and user testing. The testing shows that the web service’s resulting login mechanism is much more universally accessible than today’s solution. Generically applyable, universal design principles are derived for a number of intellectual deficits, such as problems with linguistics (text and language), learning and problem solving, orientation, focus and attention span, memory, and visual comprehension. Keywords-Cognitive disabilities; intellectual deficits; impairment; deficiencies; accessibility; e-inclusion; universal design; user experience; web pages. I

    Accessibility and Inclusion Requirements for Future e-Identity Solutions

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    Situated food safety behavior

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    The effects of different hygiene procedures in reducing bacterial contamination in a model domestic kitchen

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    AIMS: Few studies have compared the effectiveness of hygienic cleaning under simulated use conditions. This study compares commonly used and novel cleaning methods for food contact and hand contact surfaces in kitchens. METHODS AND RESULTS: We report results from two surveys on Norwegian consumers' cleaning procedures. Laboratory models involving cutting boards, tap handles and mobile phones contaminated with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were used to compare the hygiene efficacy of commonly used cleaning methods together with new technologies (sprays, single-use wipes, and chlorine-based disinfectants). Commonly used cleaning methods produced a mean log10 reduction (LR) in contamination of 1¡5-2¡5. The efficacy could be improved by drying or including a disinfection step (mean LR 3¡1-4¡6). Cleaning of mobile phones was common and was improved by including humidity (1¡5-1¡9 mean LR). CONCLUSIONS: In many situations, traditional methods used by consumers may be sufficient to hygienically clean surfaces. However, in some situations, such as where there are infected or immune-compromised individuals, or where high risk foods are being handled, hygiene practices resulting in higher LR should be recommended. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates that data from models simulating use conditions are required to estimate the effectiveness of detergent-based removal practices and how these can be enhanced by inactivation processes such as drying and disinfection to ensure that contamination from food-borne pathogens is reduced to acceptable levels to prevent infection transmission.submittedVersio

    Patient and Public Involvement in Occupational Therapy Health Research: A Scoping Review

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    Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research has the potential to improve research validity and relevance. Objectives: To explore how PPI has been carried out and how its impacts have been reported in occupational therapy (OT) health research. Methodology: Scoping review based on a search in four databases for OT research with descriptions of PPI, published between 2010 and 2020. Results: Across the 17 included studies PPI was reported in all stages of research. Descriptions of how PPI was carried out varied across the studies, and details with respect to the kind of approach used were lacking. Positive impacts on research design, research ethics, public collaborators and researchers were reported, but only anecdotally. Reflections and challenges related to PPI were also addressed. Implications: In future studies, comprehensiveness and consistency is needed to document the diversity of how PPI is carried out in OT health research