435 research outputs found

    Apparent electron-phonon interaction in strongly correlated systems

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    We study the interaction of electrons with phonons in strongly correlated solids, having high-T_c cuprates in mind. Using sum-rules, we show that the apparent strength of this interaction strongly depends on the property studied. If the solid has a small fraction (doping) delta of charge carriers, the influence of the interaction on the phonon self-energy is reduced by a factor delta, while there is no corresponding reduction of the coupling seen in the electron self-energy. This supports the interpretation of recent photoemission experiments, assuming a strong coupling to phonons.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figure

    Electron-phonon interaction in the t-J model

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    We derive a t-J model with electron-phonon coupling from the three-band model, considering modulation of both hopping and Coulomb integrals by phonons. While the modulation of the hopping integrals dominates, the modulation of the Coulomb integrals cannot be neglected. The model explains the experimentally observed anomalous softening of the half-breathing mode upon doping and a weaker softening of the breathing mode. It is shown that other phonons are not strongly influenced, and, in particular, the coupling to a buckling mode is not strong in this model.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 eps figures; final version with minor correction

    Electron-phonon interaction in the three-band model

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    We study the half-breathing phonon in the three-band model of a high temperature superconductor, allowing for vibrations of atoms and resulting changes of hopping parameters. Two different approaches are compared. From the three-band model a t-J model with phonons can be derived, and phonon properties can be calculated. To make contact to density functional calculations, we also study the three-band model in the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation. The paramagnetic HF solution, appropriate for the doped cuprates, has similarities to the local-density approximation (LDA). However, in contrast to the LDA, the existence of an antiferromagnetic insulating solution for the undoped system makes it possible to study the softening of the half-breathing phonon under doping. We find that although the HF approximation and the t-J model give similar softenings, these softenings happen in quite different ways. We also find that the HF approximation gives an incorrect doping and q dependence for the softening and too small a width for the (half-)breathing phonon.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps figure

    Polaronic behavior of undoped high-Tc cuprates

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    We present angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data on undoped La2CuO4, indicating polaronic coupling between bosons and charge carriers. Using a shell model, we calculate the electron-phonon coupling and find that it is strong enough to give polarons. We develop an efficient method for calculating ARPES spectra in undoped systems. Using the calculated couplings, we find the width of the phonon side band in good agreement with experiment. We analyze reasons for the observed dependence of the width on the binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 5 eps figures, more material available at http://www.fkf.mpg.de/andersen/phonons

    Finite-Temperature Transition in the Spin-Dimer Antiferromagnet BaCuSi2O6

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    We consider a classical XY-like Hamiltonian on a body-centered tetragonal lattice, focusing on the role of interlayer frustration. A three-dimensional (3D) ordered phase is realized via thermal fluctuations, breaking the mirror-image reflection symmetry in addition to the XY symmetry. A heuristic field-theoretical model of the transition has a decoupled fixed point in the 3D XY universality, and our Monte Carlo simulation suggests that there is such a temperature region where long-wavelength fluctuations can be described by this fixed point. However, it is shown using scaling arguments that the decoupled fixed point is unstable against a fluctuation-induced biquadratic interaction, indicating that a crossover to nontrivial critical phenomena with different exponents appears as one approaches the critical point beyond the transient temperature region. This new scenario clearly contradicts the previous notion of the 3D XY universality.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Photoemission kinks and phonons in cuprates

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    One of the possible mechanisms of high Tc superconductivity is Cooper pairing with the help of bosons, which change the slope of the electronic dispersion as observed by photoemission. Giustino et al. calculated that in the high temperature superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 crystal lattice vibrations (phonons) should have a negligible effect on photoemission spectra and concluded that phonons do not play an important role. We show that the calculations employed by Giustino et al. fail to reproduce huge influence of electron-phonon coupling on important phonons observed in experiments. Thus one would expect these calculations to similarly fail in explaining the role of electron-phonon coupling for the electronic dispersion.Comment: To appear in Nature as a Brief Communiction Arisin

    Low-cost multipurpose sensor network integrated with iot and webgis for fire safety concerns

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    Fire emergencies cause severe damage to Brazilian federal universities. An appropriate and efficient tool to prevent or detect such events early is multisensory networks from the Internet of Things (IoT). In this study, we present the stages of development of a WebGIS system which integrates the IoT that allows the detection and helps manage such incidents. The approach consists of a network of multipurpose sensors that can identify different sources of fire hazards. If a potential source is registered, information about environmental conditions is transmitted in real-time to the system. Depending on the severity level, an alert is issued to WebGIS. Location is represented on a map. The entire system consists of single-board devices. Software components are based on open-source tools. The whole network only needs little power and, therefore, theoretically, could be carried out as an autonomous system powered by batteries. The entire system has been tested with flame, temperature, gas, smoke, and humidity sensors. The experiments allowed us to show its potential, formulate recommendations and indications for future studies

    Study of electron-irradiated silicon thin films using transient photocurrent spectroscopy

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    Electron irradiation of silicon thin films creates localised states, which degrade theiropto-electronic properties. We present a series of transient photocurrent spectroscopy (TPC)measurements on electron-irradiated amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films, annealed atprogressively increasing temperatures. This has enabled localised states associated with bothdangling bonds and conduction band tails to be examined over a wide energy range.Trends inthe evolution of the DOS following electron irradiation followed by isochronal annealing stepsindicate reductions in the deep defect density,which correlate with spin density. We also find asteepening of the conduction band tail slope in amorphous silicon on annealing. Both defectdensity and tail slope may be restored close to as-prepared material values. Earlier CPM dataare re-examined, and a similar trend in the valence band tail slope is indicated. Computersimulations predict that following e-irradiation changes in deep defect density primarily controlsolar cell performance, and will tend to obscure effects related to band tails

    Kinetika Adsorpsi pada Penjerapan Ion Timbal Pb2+ Terlarut dalam Air Menggunakan Partikel Tricalcium Phosphate

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    One of the heavy metals can pollute the water is metal ion of Pb2+. Concentration of ions Pb2+ can be removed by adsorption method. The purposes of tihis research are to observe the effect of temperature and adsorbent dosage on the adsorption of metal ion Pb2+ using tricalcium phosphate (TCP) adsorben and determine a suitable adsorption kinetic model. Five hundred mililiter Pb2+ solution with of 3mg/L were added 0,5 gr, 1 gr and 1,5 gr of TCP in a glass beaker and stirred with rate of 300 rpm at a temperature of 30 oC. Pb solution was taken at a certain time, the solution centrifuged and supernatant analyzed by AAS. The result Showed that rate of adsorption increased with temperature and adsorbent dosage. Minimum constant value of adsorption kinetic of adsorption kinetic was 1,720 g/mg.min obtained at temperature 30oC and adsorbent dosage 0,5 gr. Where as maximun value adsorption kinetic constant 8,479 g/mg.min obtained at temperature 30oC adsorbent dosage 1,5 gr. The appropiate model for kinetic followed pseudo second order
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