387 research outputs found

    A new pattern in international mobility? The case of Spain in the Great Crisis

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    Our study models the international remigrations of immigrants in Spain due to the economic recession. This modelling reveals that it is essential to complement the traditional explanatory framework based on human capital theory with other variables that would attenuate the impact of the traditional economic variables. In particular, these variables refer to those related to the costs of losing acquired rights when the host country is abandoned, to the degree to which the immigrants are integrated and also to the immigrant trap related to the increase of poverty.Nuestro trabajo analiza la re-emigración internacional en España debida a la recesión económica. Los resultados del modelo econométrico estimado revelan que la explicación tradicional de las migraciones basada en la teoría del capital humano debe ser completada con otras variables que aminoran el impacto de las tradicionales. En particular, nos referimos a las que recogen los costos de perder derechos adquiridos cuando se abandona el país de acogida y las ventajas del grado de integración de los inmigrantes, así como el efecto de lo que denominamos trampa de la inmigración en relación con el incremento de la pobreza

    Enhanced error estimator based on a nearly equilibrated moving least squares recovery technique for FEM and XFEM

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    In this paper a new technique aimed to obtain accurate estimates of the error in energy norm using a moving least squares (MLS) recovery-based procedure is presented. We explore the capabilities of a recovery technique based on an enhanced MLS fitting, which directly provides continuous interpolated fields, to obtain estimates of the error in energy norm as an alternative to the superconvergent patch recovery (SPR). Boundary equilibrium is enforced using a nearest point approach that modifies the MLS functional. Lagrange multipliers are used to impose a nearly exact satisfaction of the internal equilibrium equation. The numerical results show the high accuracy of the proposed error estimator

    Economic stress in non-poor Spanish households during the Great Recession

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    Purpose – This paper aims to focus on non-poor households that during the Great Recession experienced economic stress (ES). That is, whose economic comfort was reduced taking into account their previous living standards. The paper seeks to determine how the crisis has affected this extensive (and key) social group. Design/methodology/approach – The analysis has been performed in a dynamic way. The non-poor households ES situation and its changes are studied throughout the period 2008-2016 by taking the four-year intervals provided by the longitudinal Spanish Living Conditions Survey. The authors discuss and select the circumstances to determine whether ES has occurred. To identify which variables determine the probability of suffering ES the authors use a standard logit model. Findings – The main variable is the tenure status of the dwelling: property with a mortgage or rented multiply the risk of ES by up to 3.5 times. ES falls as the household’s work intensity increases. However, an improvement in the employment situation cannot be associated with a reduction in ES probability. The main socio-demographic variables behave as predicted: woman householder, grow in the number of household members and bad health increase the risk of ES, and the higher the level of education of the householder, the lower the risk. Originality/value – There are very few studies regarding the people above the poverty line. Exploring and analyzing the factors determining the sensitivity of the largest part of the population to the crisis is very relevant, as the pace of the economic recovery depends largely on them.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ECO2017-87069-P)

    Effects of ketosis on cocaine-induced reinstatement in male mice;

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    In recent years, the benefits of the ketogenic diet (KD) on different psychiatric disorders have been gaining attention, but the substance abuse field is still unexplored. Some studies have reported that palatable food can modulate the rewarding effects of cocaine, but the negative metabolic consequences rule out the recommendation of using it as a complementary treatment. Thus, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the KD on cocaine conditioned place preference (CPP) during acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement. 41 OF1 male mice were employed to assess the effects of the KD on a 10 mg/kg cocaine-induced CPP. Animals were divided into three groups: SD, KD, and KD after the Post-Conditioning test. The results revealed that, while access to the KD did not block CPP acquisition, it did significantly reduce the number of sessions required to extinguish the drug-associated memories and it blocked the priming-induced reinstatement. © 2022 The Author(s

    A recovery-explicit error estimator in energy norm for linear elasticity

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    Significant research effort has been devoted to produce one-sided error estimates for Finite Element Analyses, in particular to provide upper bounds of the actual error. Typically, this has been achieved using residual-type estimates. One of the most popular and simpler (in terms of implementation) techniques used in commercial codes is the recovery-based error estimator. This technique produces accurate estimations of the exact error but is not designed to naturally produce upper bounds of the error in energy norm. Some attempts to remedy this situation provide bounds depending on unknown constants. Here, a new step towards obtaining error bounds from the recovery-based estimates is proposed. The idea is (1) to use a locally equilibrated recovery technique to obtain an accurate estimation of the exact error, (2) to add an explicit-type error bound of the lack of equilibrium of the recovered stresses in order to guarantee a bound of the actual error and (3) to efficiently and accurately evaluate the constants appearing in the bounding expressions, thus providing asymptotic bounds. The numerical tests with h-adaptive refinement process show that the bounding property holds even for coarse meshes, providing upper bounds in practical applications

    A novel wavelet-based filtering strategy to remove powerline interference from electrocardiograms with atrial fibrillation

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited versíon of an article published in Physiological Measurement. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsíble for any errors or omissíons in this versíon of the manuscript or any versíon derived from it. The Versíon of Record is available online at http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/aae8b1[EN] Objective: The electrocardiogram (ECG) is currently the most widely used recording to diagnose cardiac disorders, including the most common supraventricular arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation (AF). However, different types of electrical disturbances, in which power-line interference (PLI) is a major problem, can mask and distort the original ECG morphology. This is a significant issue in the context of AF, because accurate characterization of fibrillatory waves (f-waves) is unavoidably required to improve current knowledge about its mechanisms. This work introduces a new algorithm able to reduce high levels of PLI and preserve, simultaneously, the original ECG morphology. Approach: The method is based on stationary wavelet transform shrinking and makes use of a new thresholding function designed to work successfully in a wide variety of scenarios. In fact, it has been validated in a general context with 48 ECG recordings obtained from pathological and non-pathological conditions, as well as in the particular context of AF, where 380 synthesized and 20 long-term real ECG recordings were analyzed. Main results: In both situations, the algorithm has reported a notably better performance than common methods designed for the same purpose. Moreover, its effectiveness has proven to be optimal for dealing with ECG recordings affected by AF, sincef-waves remained almost intact after removing very high levels of noise. Significance: The proposed algorithm may facilitate a reliable characterization of thef-waves, preventing them from not being masked by the PLI nor distorted by an unsuitable filtering applied to ECG recordings with AF.Research supported by grants DPI2017-83952-C3 MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE and SBPLY/17/180501/000411 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.García, M.; Martínez, M.; Ródenas, J.; Rieta, JJ.; Alcaraz, R. (2018). A novel wavelet-based filtering strategy to remove powerline interference from electrocardiograms with atrial fibrillation. Physiological Measurement. 39(11):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/aae8b1S115391

    Atmospheric isoprene ozonolysis: impacts of stabilised Criegee intermediate reactions with SO<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O and dimethyl sulfide

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    Isoprene is the dominant global biogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) emission. Reactions of isoprene with ozone are known to form stabilised Criegee intermediates (SCIs), which have recently been shown to be potentially important oxidants for SO2 and NO2 in the atmosphere; however the significance of this chemistry for SO2 processing (affecting sulfate aerosol) and NO2 processing (affecting NOx levels) depends critically upon the fate of the SCIs with respect to reaction with water and decomposition. Here, we have investigated the removal of SO2 in the presence of isoprene and ozone, as a function of humidity, under atmospheric boundary layer conditions. The SO2 removal displays a clear dependence on relative humidity, confirming a significant reaction for isoprene-derived SCIs with H2O. Under excess SO2 conditions, the total isoprene ozonolysis SCI yield was calculated to be 0.56 (+/-0.03). The observed SO2 removal kinetics are consistent with a relative rate constant, k (SCI + H2O) = k (SCI + SO2), of 3.1 (+/-0.5) x 10(-5) for isoprene-derived SCIs. The relative rate constant for k (SCI decomposition) = k (SCI + SO2) is 3.0 (+/-3.2) x 10(11) cm(-3). Uncertainties are +/-2 sigma and represent combined systematic and precision components. These kinetic parameters are based on the simplification that a single SCI species is formed in isoprene ozonolysis, an approximation which describes the results well across the full range of experimental conditions. Our data indicate that isoprenederived SCIs are unlikely to make a substantial contribution to gas-phase SO2 oxidation in the troposphere. We also present results from an analogous set of experiments, which show a clear dependence of SO2 removal in the isopreneozone system as a function of dimethyl sulfide concentration. We propose that this behaviour arises from a rapid reaction between isoprene-derived SCIs and dimethyl sulfide (DMS); the observed SO2 removal kinetics are consistent with a relative rate constant, k (SCI + DMS) = k (SCI + SO2), of 3.5 (+/-1.8). This result suggests that SCIs may contribute to the oxidation of DMS in the atmosphere and that this process could therefore influence new particle formation in regions impacted by emissions of unsaturated hydrocarbons and DMS

    Nuevo Macrocystellidae (Echinodermata, Cystoidea Rhombifera) para el Ordovícico español.

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    Se describe un ejemplar de Macrocystella Callaway, 1877, procedente del Caradoc de El Viso del Marqués, provincia de Ciudad Real. El género Macrocystella es el único descrito para la familia Macrocystellidae y se trata de un taxón de especial interés al ser considerado uno de los Glyptocystitida más primitivos de los que derivarían los rombíferos con pectinirrombos. El género estaba hasta la fecha restringido al Ordovícico inferior y medio, resultando ser éste el primer hallazgo incuestionable de Macrocystella en materiales de edad Ordovícico superior; siendo, por otro lado, la primera especie que se describe para España, la cual proponemos denominar Macrocystella pauli. [ABSTRACT] A new species of Macrocystella Callaway, 1877, based on a specimen, from the Caradoc of El Viso del Marqués (Ciudad Real province, Spain) is described and named Macrocystella pauli. The family Macrocystellidae contains only the one genus Macrocystella which is considered to be the most primitive glyptocystitid from which later rhombiferans with pectinirhombs were derived. This paper presents the first record of Macrocystella from Spain and the first undoubted record from the Upper Ordovician