52 research outputs found

    The c.1460C>T Polymorphism of MAO-A Is Associated with the Risk of Depression in Postmenopausal Women

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    Objective. The aim of the study was an evaluation of possible relationships between polymorphisms of serotoninergic system genes and the risk of depression in postmenopausal women. Methods. We studied 332 women admitted to our department because of climacteric symptoms. The study group included 113 women with a diagnosis of depressive disorder according to the Hamilton rating scale for depression; the controls consisted of 219 women without depression. Serum 17β-estradiol concentrations were evaluated using radioimmunoassay, while polymorphisms in serotoninergic system genes: serotonin receptors 2A (HTR2A), 1B (HTR1B), and 2C (HTR2C); tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) and 2 (TPH2), and monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) were evaluated using polymerase chain reaction-restriction. Results. We found that the 1460T allele of MAO-A c.1460C>T (SNP 1137070) appeared with a significantly higher frequency in depressed female patients than in the control group (P = 0.011) and the combined c.1460CT + TT genotypes were associated with a higher risk of depression (P = 0.0198). Patients with the 1460TT genotype had a significantly higher 17β-estradiol concentration than patients with the 1460CT genotype (P = 0.0065) and 1460CC genotype (P = 0.0018). Conclusions. We concluded that depression in postmenopausal women is closely related to the genetic contribution of MAO-A

    Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries

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    This article presents a short research report on the relationship between perceived antagonism in social relations measured using the Belief in a Zero-Sum Game (BZSG) scale, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. Given that individuals who believe that life is like a zero-sum game are likely to perceive their daily interactions with others as unfair, we expected that individuals with high BZSG experience more negative affect and fewer positive one, resulting in a lower satisfaction with life. In addition, we examined whether country-level BZSG may play a moderating role in these associations. Data were collected from student samples (N = 7146) in 35 countries. Multilevel modelling revealed that perceived social antagonism in social relations is negatively associated with satisfaction with life and that this relationship is mediated by both positive and negative affect at the individual level. The relation of individual BZSG and negative affect on satisfaction with life were weaker in societies with higher country-level BZSG, suggesting that the effects of BZSG may be less detrimental in these countries. These findings extend previous knowledge about predictors of life satisfaction and suggest that social beliefs might also be an important factor that influences subjective well-being. The contribution of the study is that the separate treatment of life satisfaction and positive and negative affect may be helpful in many research situations, particularly from a cross-cultural perspective.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries

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    This article presents a short research report on the relationship between perceived antagonism in social relations measured using the Belief in a Zero-Sum Game (BZSG) scale, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. Given that individuals who believe that life is like a zero-sum game are likely to perceive their daily interactions with others as unfair, we expected that individuals with high BZSG experience more negative affect and fewer positive one, resulting in a lower satisfaction with life. In addition, we examined whether country-level BZSG may play a moderating role in these associations. Data were collected from student samples (N=7146) in 35 countries. Multilevel modelling revealed that perceived social antagonism in social relations is negatively associated with satisfaction with life and that this relationship is mediated by both positive and negative affect at the individual level. The relation of individual BZSG and negative affect on satisfaction with life were weaker in societies with higher country-level BZSG, suggesting that the effects of BZSG may be less detrimental in these countries. These findings extend previous knowledge about predictors of life satisfaction and suggest that social beliefs might also be an important factor that influences subjective well-being. The contribution of the study is that the separate treatment of life satisfaction and positive and negative affect may be helpful in many research situations, particularly from a cross-cultural perspective

    My way or the highway: High narcissism and low self-esteem predict decreased support for democracy

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    In two studies, we analyzed the relationships between different types of self-evaluation (i.e., narcissism and self-esteem) and support for democracy. Support for democracy requires the ability to respect the views and opinions of others, even if one disagrees with them. Classic studies have linked support for democracy with high self-evaluation, which should assume psychological security and, thus, the ability to trust others. However, not all forms of high self-evaluation are secure. Narcissists have high feelings of self-worth, but tend to be defensive: they are easily threatened by criticisms or conflicting views. We then expected that while support for democracy should be positively predicted by secure, non-narcissistic self-evaluation, it should be negatively predicted by narcissistic self-evaluation. In two studies, conducted in the U.S. (Study 1, n=407) and in Poland (Study 2, n=405), support for democracy was positively predicted by self-esteem and negatively predicted by narcissism. Study 2 additionally demonstrated that interpersonal trust mediated the effects of self-esteem on support for democracy. We discuss the role of psychological predispositions in understanding support for democratic systems

    Analysis of technical safety requirements during diagnostic and maintenance car vehicles with all limit means for 3,5 t

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    W artykule omówiono wymogi bezpieczeństwa technicznego wiązane z pracami diagnostycznymi i konserwacyjnymi pojazdów samochodowych o masie całkowitej do 3,5 t. Przedstawiono zakres prac diagnostycznych i zagrożenia występujące podczas ich wykonywania. Oceniono narażenia zawodowe. Przedstawiono wnioski.Paper discussed the technical safety requirements associated with diagnostic and maintenance work for motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of up to 3.5 t. The scope of diagnostic work and the risks involved in performing them are outlined. Occupational exposure has been assessed. Presented conclusions

    Principles of implementing the technical management system work safety in production plant

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    W artykule omówione zostały zasady wdrażania systemu zarządzanie technicznym bezpieczeństwem pracy w zakładzie produkcyjnym. Opisano obowiązki pracodawcy w zakresie BHP, prawa i obowiązki pracownika. Jednym z decydujących elementów systemu bezpieczeństwa pracy jest stan techniczny maszyn i urządzeń Krótko scharakteryzowano zasady i działania jakie muszą być podjęte w tym zakresie. Podano założenia zakładowego systemu zarządzanie opracowanego z myślą o bezpieczeństwie pracy.Paper discussed the principles of implementing the system of technical management of workplace safety in a manufacturing plant. The employer's obligations as regards health and safety, the rights and obligations of the employee are described. One of the decisive elements of the work safety system is the technical condition of machines and devices. The principles and actions that have to be taken in this field are briefly described. The assumptions of the company management system developed for the safety of work are given

    Safety of machines and technical devices

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    W artykule omówione zostały wymagania minimalne oraz wymagania zasadnicze dla maszyn i urządzeń technicznych. Przedstawiono stan wdrożenia dyrektyw związanych z bezpieczeństwem pracy na podstawie kontroli przeprowadzonych przez inspektorów Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy w latach 2010-2017 oraz analizę danych dotyczących zagrożeń zawodowych, wypadków i ich przyczyn w zakładach przemysłu przetwórczego.The article discusses the minimum requirements and essential requirements for machines and technical devices. The state of implementation of directives related to work safety was presented on the basis of inspections carried out by inspectors of the National Labor Inspectorate in 2010-2017 and analysis of data on occupational hazards, accidents and their causes in the processing industry

    Vajont landslide (Italy) : an example of a natural disaster induced by human activity

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    Vajont landslide, which affected the northern slope of Monte Toc in the Dolomites (NW Italy), is one of the most famous examples of a natural disaster induced by human activity. A wave, generated by displaced material that filled the Vajont reservoir, overtopped the dam and destroyed a few villages in the nearby Piave valley, resulting in death of approximately 2000people. In this review paper, some facts about the disaster are presented and its triggering factors are discussed. Information related to tourism development in the area is also provided

    Granite tors of Waldviertel (Lower Austria) as sites of geotourist interest

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    Granites of the South Bohemian Pluton are among the main rocks in the region of Waldviertel in the northern part of Lower Austria. The overall topography is gently rolling, with higher elevations and medium-altitude mountainous relief present only in the south-western part. Tors are the most characteristic residual landforms and occupy different settings, from mountain tops to valley floors. They vary in shapes and dimensions, with castle koppies and boulder clusters being most common. Many tors host well-developed microforms such as weathering pits, karren, runnels, and flared slopes. Balanced rocks are among the highlights of the region. Because of good access residual granite landforms of Waldviertel are well suited to be developed as geosites and geotourist destinations, but there is clearly a deficit of explanation and interpretation. In this paper 15 representative tors are presented, tourist infrastructure is summarized, and a thematic one-day drive is proposed.Granity plutonu południowoczeskiego należą do głównych skał występujących w regionie Waldviertel w północnej części kraju związkowego Dolna Austria. Region ten odznacza się lekko falistą rzeźbą, z większymi wysokościami i górzystym ukształtowaniem jedynie w części południowo-zachodniej. Skałki stanowią najbardziej charakterystyczny element rzeźby denudacyjnej, zajmując różną pozycję morfologiczną, od szczytów wzniesień po dna dolinne. Są zróżnicowane pod względem kształtu i wymiarów, z dominacją zamczysk skalnych i zgrupowań bloków (skałek rumowiskowych). Morfologię wielu z nich urozmaicają mikroformy, takie jak kociołki wietrzeniowe, żłobki, rynny i nisze kloszowe. Szczególnie interesującym elementem rzeźby regionu są chybotki. Dobra dostępność sprawia, że rezydualne formy granitowe regionu są odpowiednie do zagospodarowania jako geostanowiska i atrakcje geoturystyczne, choć uwagę zwraca brak szerszego zaplecza edukacyjnego i interpretacyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono 15 reprezentatywnych skałek granitowych, podsumowano zagospodarowanie turystyczne obszaru oraz zaproponowano przebieg jednodniowej tematycznej trasy samochodowej