41 research outputs found

    Motivation for learning and school anxiety among adolescents

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    This article characterizes motivation for learning and school anxiety among pupils of the last two grades of primary school and junior high school students. The research method is the “I and My School” test by E. Zwierzyńska and A. . Matuszewski. The research pinpoints low motivation for learning and an average level of anxiety among the tested adolescents. The gender does not diversify the motivation level. Girls are characterized by a higher level of school anxiety than boys. The motivation level rises in junior high school and the level of anxiety decreases. Good students have an equally low motivation level as poor ones but at the same time good students have a higher level of school anxiety. The following factors influence the low level of motivation among the tested students: general reluctance towards learning, low interest as far as the lesson is concerned and the teacher’s behaviour

    Zachowania agresywne młodzieży w środowisku szkolnym i rówieśniczym (analiza porównawcza form i uwarunkowań agresji młodzieży szkół podstawowych i policealnych)

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    Celem badań autorek było wyodrębnienie agresywnych form zachowań młodzieży w środowisku szkolnym i rówieśniczym oraz analiza ich psycho­logicznych uwarunkowań[...

    Zastosowanie Skali Ustosunkowań Interpersonalnych (SUI) w diagnozie niedostosowania społecznego nieletnich dziewcząt i chłopców : (analiza porównawcza)

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    Pojęcie „społeczne niedostosowanie” nie jest w literaturze przedmiotu definiowane jednoznacznie. W zależności od stanowiska i poglądów doty­czących etiologii, przejawów i motywacji społecznego niedostosowania zmie­nia się sposób jego interpretowania. Zgodnie z podejściem opartym na czyn­nikach socjologicznych niedostosowanie społeczne to „nieumiejętność do­stosowania swego działania do własnej pozycji, roli i statusu w grupach społecznych, niedostosowanie się do norm i postaw akceptowanych przez te grupy (Szewczuk, red., 1985, s. 175). W takim rozumieniu, podzielanym także przez O. Li pkowsiego (1977, s. 106), niedostosowanie społeczne jest ogólną postacią (syndromem) zachowania negatywnego wobec norm społecznych[...

    Longevity and gender as the risk factors of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in southern Poland

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    BACKGROUND: The proportion of older people among the general population has risen. Staphylococcus aureus (SA) constitutes a significant problem. Underlying disease and functional debility, predispose the older adult to staphylococcal carriage and infection, specially bloodstream infection and pneumonia. METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study of older patients with SA infections. We analyzed a database containing the results of laboratory cultures from patients treated in 2013 for SA infections and selected 613 hospitalized and non-hospitalized people aged ≥60 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of Methicillin-resistant SA (MRSA) were significantly different in categories of patients: from 14.1% in young old, 19.5% in old old and 26.7 in longevity. MRSA was significantly more frequently reported in cases of pneumonia, 40.4% of SA strains (p < 0.0001, OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.14–0.49). The nosocomial MRSA infections were more common in ICU departments: prevalence 36.8%, than in non-ICU departments: prevalence 17.3% (OR 2.8, 95%CI 1.06–7.34, p = 0.014). Bloodstream infections, which accounted for 6% of all infections, were more frequent in males (p = 0.0231, OR 2.25, 95%CI 1.098–4.604). The greatest increase in antibiotic resistance was related to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SXT), which increased to over 80% in the older study groups. All age groups demonstrated increased MIC90 values for glycopeptide and tigecycline. Although strains isolated from patients in all age groups remained sensitive to vancomycin, strains isolated from patients in the old-old and longevity groups demonstrated resistance to teicoplanin. The MIC90 for tigecycline was the highest in the group aged >90 years. CONCLUSIONS: MRSA constitutes a significant epidemiological problem in cases of hospital-treated pneumonia. The findings were similar for long-term-care facilities, where MRSA appears to affect male residents in particular, although there were fewer male residents than female residents. The low sensitivity to TMP/SXT of SA strains isolated from the oldest patients indicates potentially serious challenges pertaining to efficacious treatment of SA infections

    Porównanie metod oznaczania ilościowego związków cyjanogennych w surowcach zielarskich

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    The work describes methods of the detection and quantification of the cyanogenic compounds in plants. In this work the properties and the importance of toxicological and phar-macological selected cyanogenic substances is characterizedPraca omawia metody wykrywania i ilościowego oznaczania związków cyjanogennych w roślinach. Charakteryzuje właściwości i znaczenie toksykologiczne oraz farmakologiczne wybranych substancji cyjanogennych

    Necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants : epidemiology and antibiotic consumption in the polish neonatology network neonatal intensive care units in 2009

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    The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), antibiotic consumption and the usefulness of microbiological tests in very low birth weight (VLBW) Polish newborns. METHODS: Prospective surveillance was performed in the year 2009 by local infection control teams. The study covered 910 infants hospitalized in six Polish neonatal intensive care units. Two kinds of indicators were used for the description of antibiotic usage: the duration of treatment (days of treatment, DOTs) and the defined daily dose (DDD). RESULTS: NEC incidence was 8.7% and fatality rate was 19%. Chorioamnionitis, late gestational age and low birth weight were identified as risk factors for NEC. Catheterization, mechanical ventilation and other selected procedures were used considerably longer in newborns with NEC than in the remaining neonates. Total usage of antibiotics reached 2.9 DDDs or 1.437 days; the average use of drugs per case of NEC amounted to 0.47 DDD or 23.2 DOTs. The level of antibiotic usage was analysed with correlation to microbiological tests performed and it was non-significantly greater in the group of children with NEC in whom the tests were performed. CONCLUSIONS: A high risk of developing NEC is closely associated with VLBW and with inflammation of the amnion during labour. We observed no relationship between the consumption of antibiotics in neonates with NEC and positive results of microbiological testing indicating sepsis accompanying NEC or gut colonization with pathogens

    Dimorphic outlook on children's creative attitudes on the verge of education application of creative and re-constructive attitudes rating scale (SPTO)

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    This study has been devoted to creative attitudes represented by 6 – 7-year old children, evaluated by the creative and re-constructive attitudes rating scale (SPTO)1. The central focus was to relate differences in attitudes among children commencing their education at the age of 6 to those who had started their school attendance before the reform (at the age of 7). An attempt was made to answer the question whether pupils differing in the year of birth, joined within one school form, would generate any disruption of their potential creativity. A complementary issue was to evaluate the level of creative attitudes along the dimorphic pattern