5 research outputs found

    Prevalence of bullying in grassroots soccer in Spain : victims, bullies, and bystanders

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    Bullying is a social problem that has been studied most in schools but affects other social contexts. However, there is a general lack of studies on bullying in sports. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying among youth soccer players. Participants were 1,980 soccer players (88.2% boys) aged 8 to 13 years (Mage = 10.5, SD = 1.68) from 25 clubs in Catalonia, Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of bullying from the perspective of victims, bullies, and bystanders. The overall bullying victimization rate was 8.9%, with higher rates observed in the younger categories (p < .001); 5.2% of victims experienced bullying in both their soccer club and at school. The bullying and bystander rates were 14.8% and 34.7%, respectively, with significant differences between boys and girls (15.5% of boys and 9% of girls were bullies [p < .05], while 36.4% of boys and 21.9% of girls were bystanders [p < .001]). Verbal bullying was the main type of bullying reported. The locker room and pitch were the most common locations, and victims were more likely to deal with bullying on their own than to ask for help. Bullying is present in grassroots soccer, and anti-bullying programs are needed to instill ethical and moral values in athletes and equip coaches with the necessary skills to prevent, detect, and address bullying situation

    Prevalence of bullying in grassroots soccer in Spain: Victims, bullies, and bystanders

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    Bullying is a social problem that has been studied most in schools but affects other social contexts. However, there is a general lack of studies on bullying in sports. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying among youth soccer players. Participants were 1,980 soccer players (88.2% boys) aged 8 to 13 years (Mage = 10.5, SD = 1.68) from 25 clubs in Catalonia, Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of bullying from the perspective of victims, bullies, and bystanders. The overall bullying victimization rate was 8.9%, with higher rates observed in the younger categories (p < .001); 5.2% of victims experienced bullying in both their soccer club and at school. The bullying and bystander rates were 14.8% and 34.7%, respectively, with significant differences between boys and girls (15.5% of boys and 9% of girls were bullies [p < .05], while 36.4% of boys and 21.9% of girls were bystanders [p < .001]). Verbal bullying was the main type of bullying reported. The locker room and pitch were the most common locations, and victims were more likely to deal with bullying on their own than to ask for help. Bullying is present in grassroots soccer, and anti-bullying programs are needed to instill ethical and moral values in athletes and equip coaches with the necessary skills to prevent, detect, and address bullying situations


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    Este estudio profundiza sobre bullying en el fútbol infantil (8-14 años) dando voz a las familias y los entrenadores de clubs de distintos contextos, características y niveles deportivos. Por ello, se desarrollan grupos focales para que ambos reflexionen sobre los principales factores asociados a su detección, problemática y prevención, a partir de sus experiencias y vivencias personales. Los principales resultados muestran que familias y entrenadores consideran el bullying en el fútbol infantil como un problema importante y necesario de atender. Todos coinciden en afirmar que no disponen de suficiente formación para su detección, ni de estrategias de prevención y tratamiento. Sin embargo, también se constata cierta banalización del problema por parte de los participantes en el estudio. Los resultados permiten identificar los factores que más preocupan a las familias y a los entrenadores, para poder orientar su detección y prevención a partir de los problemas reales planteados.This study looks further into bullying in children’s (aged 8-14) football, listening to families and coaches from different contexts, characteristics and sports levels. Focus groups are developed so that both families and coaches can think about the main factors associated with the detection of bullying, the problems it may cause, and how to prevent it, speaking from their own experiences and personal lives. The findings revealed that families and coaches consider that bullying in children’s football is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. They all agree on the fact that they lack information about how to detect, prevent and address bullying. However, participants tend to trivialize the problem somehow. The findings enable us to identify which factors have families and coaches more concerned and can be used to help to detect and prevent bullying based on real problems exposed.  Este estudo investiga o bullying no futebol infantil (8-14 anos), dando voz a famílias e treinadores de clubes de diferentes contextos, características e níveis desportivos. Para este fim, são realizados grupos focais para que ambos reflictam sobre os principais factores associados à sua detecção, problemática e prevenção, com base nas suas experiências e vivências pessoais. Os principais resultados mostram que as famílias e treinadores consideram o bullying no futebol infantil como um problema importante e necessário a abordar. Todos concordam que não têm formação suficiente para detectar ou desenvolver estratégias de prevenção e tratamento. Contudo, observa-se também uma certa banalização do problema por parte de alguns dos participantes no estudo. Os resultados permitem identificar os factores que mais preocupam as famílias e os treinadores, com vista a orientar a sua detecção e prevenção com base nos problemas reais abordados. 

    El bullying a l’esport i a l’Educació Física. Una aproximació des de la perspectiva de les víctimes de bullying en el context esportiu, dels entrenadors i les entrenadores, i del futur personal docent d'Educació Física

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    [cat] El bullying, una problemàtica social d’abast mundial, es va començar a estudiar als anys 70. La investigació, centrada principalment en el context escolar, ha posat de manifest la necessitat d’abordar el fenomen degut a les greus conseqüències que comporta. Estudis recents han demostrat la presència del bullying en contextos socials més enllà de l’escolar, on infants i adolescents interactuen i conviuen, com és el cas de l’entorn esportiu. Al mateix temps, l’atenció de la recerca s’ha centrat també en el bullying que pot desenvolupar-se en l’àmbit de l’Educació Física (EF). Ambdós contextos, l’esportiu i el de l’EF, tot i les diferències sobre la finalitat última que persegueixen, poden compartir certes similituds pel que fa, per exemple, a l’espai de realització de les sessions (espais oberts, poliesportius, etc.), a les activitats que es duen a terme (amb interacció directa entre les persones), al possible ús del vestidor, etc. La investigació sobre el bullying a l’esport s’ha dedicat, principalment, a analitzar la seva prevalença i a valorar la percepció que tenen els entrenadors i entrenadores, els i les esportistes i les famílies respecte al fenomen. Manquen, però, recerques que s’hagin ocupat d’analitzar en profunditat les experiències de les víctimes de bullying a l’esport, així com de valorar els coneixements que disposen els entrenadors i entrenadores sobre la temàtica. Pel que fa al bullying a l’EF, s’han portat a terme estudis que, entre d’altres, han estudiat els factors de risc d’esdevenir víctima de bullying en aquesta assignatura, així com el paper de l’EF en la prevenció del fenomen. Tot i també comptar amb investigacions que posen de manifest la importància del rol del personal docent en el tractament del bullying, hi ha una absència d’estudis que s'hagin ocupat de valorar quina és la percepció del fenomen que té concretament el futur personal docent d’EF, així com d’analitzar les estratègies que disposa el col·lectiu per prevenir, detectar i actuar davant d'un possible cas de bullying. Amb tot, la present tesi doctoral, constituïda per un compendi de tres publicacions, té l’objectiu general d’elaborar una diagnosi del bullying en el context de l’esport i de l’EF a partir de les experiències de les víctimes de bullying en el context esportiu, del coneixement dels entrenadors i entrenadores respecte a aquest fenomen, i de la formació i percepció que disposa el futur personal docent d’EF pel que fa a la problemàtica del bullying. El primer estudi persegueix l’objectiu de conèixer les experiències de víctimes de bullying a l’esport durant la seva etapa de formació esportiva. Per la seva consecució, es van portar a terme entrevistes semi-estructurades a quatre dones i set homes de nacionalitat espanyola, d’entre 17 i 27 anys (Medat = 21 anys, SD = 3.69), les quals van permetre recollir dades que, posteriorment, es van tractar a través d’una anàlisi de contingut jeràrquic. Els resultats mostren la presència de bullying de caràcter físic, verbal i social en el context esportiu, essent el vestidor l’espai on es desenvolupen amb una major freqüència aquests tipus de comportaments. La majoria de les víctimes mostren una atribució del succés de bullying de forma interna (auto-culpa), relacionada amb l’habilitat motriu i amb les característiques físiques i psicològiques personals. S’observa una doble victimització al club esportiu i al centre educatiu. Es fan ús d’estratègies passives per fer front a la situació, alhora que es mostra poc recolzament per part dels agents esportius (companys i companyes d’equip, entrenadors i entrenadores, etc). Les víctimes, com a conseqüència de l’experiència de bullying viscuda, pateixen efectes negatius, a curt i llarg termini, a nivell psicosocial. L’estudi conclou que la creació d’ambients segurs de pràctica esportiva passa pel disseny d’actuacions de sensibilització i formació a les organitzacions esportives per prevenir el bullying, detectar- lo i elaborar protocols d’actuació. El segon estudi es proposa valorar el coneixement del bullying en una mostra d’entrenadors i entrenadores d’esport formatiu de Catalunya (Espanya), així com analitzar les estratègies de prevenció que disposen. Els i les participants van ser 161 entrenadors i entrenadores (75.8% homes i 24.2% dones) de diferents modalitats esportives, amb una mitjana d'edat de 20.3 anys (SD = 3.15). Se’ls va administrar un qüestionari ad hoc amb les preguntes obertes: "Com definiries el bullying?", "Quines tipologies de bullying existeixen?" i "Quines estratègies utilitzes per prevenir el bullying a l’esport?". Es va realitzar una anàlisi de contingut mitjançant un procés deductiu de la definició de bullying i de les seves tipologies, i un procés inductiu per les estratègies de prevenció. A la vegada, es van calcular les freqüències (%) de les respostes en cadascuna de les categories de les diferents dimensions. Els resultats mostren poca concreció en la definició del fenomen atenent als conceptes clau (repetició, intencionalitat de fer mal i desequilibri de poder). La tipologia indicada amb més freqüència és el bullying físic, seguit del ciberbullying. Els entrenadors i entrenadores esmenten estratègies de prevenció relacionades amb el foment d'un clima positiu entre els i les esportistes, i amb menor mesura les relacionades amb l’observació, la sensibilització, la normativa, la comunicació, l’educació emocional i la intervenció davant conflictes. En general, es detecta poc coneixement entre els entrenadors i entrenadores sobre el bullying, considerant-se rellevant que aquests agents disposin d’una major formació específica al respecte. L’últim estudi se centra en conèixer les creences que té el futur personal docent d’EF sobre el bullying a l’assignatura, analitzar la seva formació i identificar les estratègies que disposen per l’abordatge de la problemàtica. Els i les participants van ser 44 futurs i futures docents d’EF (Medat = 23.91; SD = 2.96) de sis universitats espanyoles. Les dades van ser obtingudes mitjançant el desenvolupament de grups focals i es va realitzar una anàlisi de contingut jeràrquic de les mateixes. Els resultats de l’estudi reporten que els futurs i futures docents d’EF perceben que aquesta assignatura pot esdevenir un espai sensible en relació a l’aparició de bullying tot i que, segons el rol i l’actuació del professorat, també pot ser un context on prevenir el fenomen. El futur personal docent d’EF exposa no haver rebut formació sobre el bullying durant l’etapa universitària, mostrant poca concreció en les estratègies i una manca de confiança en l’abordatge del fenomen. L’estudi suggereix la necessitat d’incorporar la temàtica del bullying en els plans d’estudis universitaris del futur personal docent d’EF, on s’especifiquin aspectes teòrics relacionats amb la conceptualització del fenomen, es proporcionin estratègies i recursos específics per prevenir-lo i es presentin pautes clares d’intervenció davant la detecció d’un cas. Després de la realització de les tres investigacions, es posa de manifest la necessitat de dissenyar, aplicar i valorar programes per l’abordatge de la problemàtica del bullying a l’esport i a l’EF, així com d’articular formació entre entrenadors i entrenadores i entre el futur personal docent d’EF sobre la temàtica.[eng] Bullying, a global social problem, began to be studied in the 70s. The research, mainly focused on the school context, has highlighted the need to address the phenomenon due to the serious consequences it entails. Recent studies have shown the presence of bullying in social contexts beyond school, where children and adolescents interact and live together, as is the case in the sports environment. At the same time, research attention has also focused on bullying that can develop in the field of Physical Education (PE). Both contexts, sports and PE, despite the differences on the ultimate purpose they pursue, can share certain similarities regarding, for example, the space where the sessions are held (open spaces, sports centre, etc.), to the types of activities carried out (with direct interaction between people), to the possible use of the changing room, etc. Research on bullying in sport has mainly focused on analysing its prevalence and assessing the perception of coaches, athletes and families regarding this phenomenon. However, there is a lack of research that has dealt with analysing in depth the experiences of victims of bullying in sport, as well as assessing the knowledge that coaches have on the subject. With regard to research into bullying in PE, research has been carried out which, among others, has been aimed at analysing the risk factors of becoming a victim of bullying in this subject, as well as the role of PE in the prevention of the phenomenon. Despite also having studies that highlight the importance of teachers in the handling of bullying, there is an absence of research that has dealt with assessing what is the perception of the phenomenon that PE preservice teachers have in particular, as well as analysing the skills and strategies available to this group to prevent, detect and act in the face of a possible case of bullying. All in all, the present doctoral thesis, made up of a compendium of three publications, has the general objective of developing a diagnosis of bullying in the context of sport and PE, based on the experiences of bullying victims in the sports context, of the knowledge of coaches regarding this phenomenon, and of the training and perception available to PE preservice teachers regarding the problem of bullying. The first study pursues the objective of knowing the experiences of victims of bullying in sport during their youth sport training. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews were carried out with four women and seven men of Spanish nationality, aged between 17 and 27 years old (Mage = 21 years old, SD = 3.69), which made it possible to collect data that, subsequently, were treated through a hierarchical content analysis. The results show the presence of physical, verbal and social bullying in the sports context, the changing room being the space where this type of behaviour occurs with greater frequency. Most victims show an internal attribution of the bullying incident (self-blame), related to motor skills and personal physical and psychological characteristics. A double victimization is observed, at the sports club and at the educational centre. Passive strategies are used to deal with the situation, while showing little support from sports agents (teammates and coaches). Victims, as a result of the lived experience of bullying, suffer negative effects at a psychosocial level, in the short and long term. The study concludes that the creation of safe environments for sports practice requires the design of awareness-raising and training actions in sports organizations to prevent bullying, detect it and develop action protocols. With regard to the second study, the aim is to assess the knowledge of bullying in a sample of formative sport coaches from Catalonia (Spain), as well as the prevention strategies they have. The participants were 161 male and female coaches (75.8% men and 24.2% women) from different sports, with an average age of 20.3 years old (SD = 3.15). An ad hoc questionnaire was distributed to them with open questions: “How would you define bullying?”, “What typologies of bullying exist?” and “What strategies do you use to prevent bullying in sport?”. A content analysis was carried out through a deductive process of the definition of bullying and an inductive process for prevention strategies. At the same time, the frequencies (%) of the responses in each of the categories of the different dimensions were calculated. The results show little precision in the definition of the phenomenon according to the key concepts (repetition, intent to harm and power imbalance). The most frequently indicated typology is physical bullying, followed by cyberbullying. Coaches mention prevention strategies related to promoting a positive climate among athletes, and to a lesser extent those related to observation, awareness-raising, regulation, communication, emotional education and conflict intervention. In general, there is little knowledge among coaches about bullying, and it is considered important that they have more specific training regarding the phenomenon. In the last study, the objectives are to find out the beliefs of the PE preservice teachers about bullying in the subject, and to examine opinions about training received in this area and the strategies they would use to deal with this phenomenon. The participants were 44 PE preservice teachers (Mage = 23.91; SD = 2.96) from six Spanish universities. Data were obtained through the development of focus groups and a hierarchical content analysis was carried out. The results of the study report that PE preservice teachers perceive that this subject can become a sensitive space in relation to the appearance of bullying although, depending on the role and performance of the teacher, it can also be a context in which to prevent the phenomenon. PE preservice teachers report not having received training on bullying during the university stage, showing little concision in strategies and a lack of confidence in addressing the phenomenon. The study suggests the need to incorporate the topic of bullying into the university curricula of PE preservice teachers, where theoretical aspects related to the conceptualization of the phenomenon are specified, strategies and specific resources are provided to prevent it and clear intervention guidelines are presented in the face of a case. After the completion of the three investigations, the need to design, apply and evaluate programs to address bullying in sport and PE, as well as to articulate training between coaches and PE preservice teachers on the topic is highlighted

    Bullying in children's football: an insight from the families' and coaches' point of views

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    Este estudo investiga o bullying no futebol infantil (8-14 anos), dando voz a famílias e treinadores de clubes de diferentes contextos, características e níveis desportivos. Para este fim, são realizados grupos focais para que ambos reflictam sobre os principais factores associados à sua detecção, problemática e prevenção, com base nas suas experiências e vivências pessoais. Os principais resultados mostram que as famílias e treinadores consideram o bullying no futebol infantil como um problema importante e necessário a abordar. Todos concordam que não têm formação suficiente para detectar ou desenvolver estratégias de prevenção e tratamento. Contudo, observa-se também uma certa banalização do problema por parte de alguns dos participantes no estudo. Os resultados permitem identificar os factores que mais preocupam as famílias e os treinadores, com vista a orientar a sua detecção e prevenção com base nos problemas reais abordados.Este estudo investiga o bullying no futebol infantil (8-14 anos), dando voz a famílias e treinadores de clubes de diferentes contextos, características e níveis desportivos. Para este fim, são realizados grupos focais para que ambos reflictam sobre os principais factores associados à sua detecção, problemática e prevenção, com base nas suas experiências e vivências pessoais. Os principais resultados mostram que as famílias e treinadores consideram o bullying no futebol infantil como um problema importante e necessário a abordar. Todos concordam que não têm formação suficiente para detectar ou desenvolver estratégias de prevenção e tratamento. Contudo, observa-se também uma certa banalização do problema por parte de alguns dos participantes no estudo. Os resultados permitem identificar os factores que mais preocupam as famílias e os treinadores, com vista a orientar a sua detecção e prevenção com base nos problemas reais abordadosThis study looks further into bullying in children’s (aged 8-14) football, listening to families and coaches from different contexts, characteristics and sports levels. Focus groups are developed so that both families and coaches can think about the main factors associated with the detection of bullying, the problems it may cause, and how to prevent it, speaking from their own experiences and personal lives. The findings revealed that families and coaches consider that bullying in children’s football is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. They all agree on the fact that they lack information about how to detect, prevent and address bullying. However, participants tend to trivialize the problem somehow. The findings enable us to identify which factors have families and coaches more concerned and can be used to help to detect and prevent bullying based on real problems exposed