71 research outputs found

    ElkerĂŒlƑ magatartĂĄs Ă©s korai tĂĄrgykapcsolatokra valĂł visszaemlĂ©kezĂ©s : az agorafĂłbiĂĄs Ă©lmĂ©nyekkel kapcsolatos fokozott Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©g alakulĂĄsa egĂ©szsĂ©ges fiatal felnƑtteknĂ©l = Enhanced sensitivity to fear-related avoidance among healthy young adults: Agoraphobic experiences and early representation of parental rearing behaviour

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    CĂ©l: A fĂ©lelmet keltƑ helyzetek irĂĄnti fogĂ©konysĂĄgot vizsgĂĄljuk a szĂŒlƑi magatartĂĄsra valĂł visszaemlĂ©kezĂ©s tĂŒkrĂ©ben egĂ©szsĂ©ges, fiatal felnƑtt, egyetemi hallgatĂłk körĂ©ben. CĂ©lunk az elkerĂŒlƑ magatartĂĄssal kĂ­sĂ©rt fĂ©lĂ©nksĂ©g csalĂĄdi szocializĂĄciĂłs folyamatainak rĂ©szleges feltĂ©rkĂ©pezĂ©se. EsƑsorban a szĂŒlƑk nevelĂ©si attitƱdjĂ©rƑl Ƒrzött reprezentĂĄciĂłk Ă©s az elkerĂŒlƑ magatartĂĄs kapcsolatĂĄt elemeztĂŒk. MĂłdszerek: 305 egyetemi hallgatĂł (140 nƑ Ă©s 165 fĂ©rfi, ĂĄtlagĂ©letkor 22,0 ± 2,0) vett rĂ©szt a vizsgĂĄlatban. KĂ©t önkitöltƑs kĂ©rdƑívet hasznĂĄltunk: 1. FĂ©lelem FelmĂ©rƑ KĂ©rdƑív (Fear Survey Schedule – FSS) AgorafĂłbia-faktorĂĄnak 13 ĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa; 2. „SzĂŒlƑkkel kapcsolatos gyermekkori emlĂ©kek” (Egna Minnen Betraffende Uppfostran – EMBU) kĂ©rdƑíves Ă©rtĂ©kelƑ lista, melynek cĂ©lja, hogy a szĂŒlƑi nevelĂ©sre valĂł visszaemlĂ©kezĂ©st Ă©rtĂ©kelje. EredmĂ©nyek: Az eredmĂ©nyek alapjĂĄn elmondhatĂł, hogy van összefĂŒggĂ©s a fĂ©lĂ©nksĂ©gre Ă©pĂŒlƑ elkerĂŒlĂ©s, agorafĂłbiĂĄs helyzetekkel kapcsolatos fokozott szenzitivitĂĄs Ă©s a szĂŒlƑi magatartĂĄssal kapcsolatos emlĂ©kek között. Nemek tekintetĂ©ben a szorongĂĄsos zavarok epidemiolĂłgiai adatainak megfelelƑen az agorafĂłbiĂĄs fĂ©lelmek a lĂĄnyok esetĂ©ben statisztikailag szignifikĂĄnsan gyakrabban fordulnak elƑ (ÎČ = –0,176; p = 0,005). A szĂŒlƑi magatartĂĄsmĂłdok tekintetĂ©ben az apa szeretƑ magatartĂĄsĂĄnak hiĂĄnya (ÎČ = 0,207; p = 0,011), illetve a tĂșlvĂ©dƑ magatartĂĄs meglĂ©te Ă©rzĂ©kenyĂ­tƑ tĂ©nyezƑ (ÎČ = 0,214; p = 0,002); az anyai magatartĂĄs esetĂ©ben az anya Ă©rzelmi elfogadĂł magatartĂĄsa (ÎČ = 1,298; p<0,001) ĂĄllt pozitĂ­v kapcsolatban a felnƑttkori elkerĂŒlƑ magatartĂĄs kialakulĂĄsĂĄval az agorafĂłbiĂĄs aggodalmakat tartalmazĂł helyzetekben. KövetkeztetĂ©sek: TĂ­pusos agorafĂłbiĂĄs elkerĂŒlĂ©si mintĂĄzatok tehĂĄt nemcsak klinikai szintƱ szorongĂĄs esetĂ©ben, de sajĂĄtos nevelĂ©si körĂŒlmĂ©nyek következtĂ©ben egĂ©szsĂ©ges szemĂ©lyeknĂ©l is megjelenhetnek. A nevelĂ©si körĂŒlmĂ©nyekkel kapcsolatos emlĂ©kezeti sĂ©mĂĄk befolyĂĄsoljĂĄk a szemĂ©lyek Ă©lmĂ©nyfeldolgozĂĄsi mĂłdjait. SzĂĄmos Ă©rzĂ©kenyĂ­tƑ tĂ©nyezƑt azonban nem vizsgĂĄltunk, Ă©s a normĂĄl szemĂ©lyek vizsgĂĄlata is hatĂĄrt szab az eredmĂ©nyek Ă©rtelmezĂ©sĂ©nek. A felvĂĄzolt elmĂ©leti modellek az elkerĂŒlƑ magatartĂĄs tovĂĄbbi vizsgĂĄlati alapjĂĄt kĂ©pezhetik. | Background: This study examined the sensitivity to agoraphobic fears influenced by perceived parental rearing behavior using a sample of healthy, young university students. Our goal was the partial mapping of the development of avoidance behavior, which can play an important role in the emergence of psychosomatic illnesses. In the first place, we analyzed the relationship between the memory representations of the parents’ rearing style and the avoidance behavior. Methods: 305 students (140 women and 165 men, mean age 22.0 ± 2.0) participated in the study. Self-reported questionnaires were used: the Fear Survey Schedule (FSS) and the EMBU evaluation list questionnaire (Egna Minne Betraffende Uppfostran; “On My Memories of Upbringing”), which is responsible to assess the recall of the parental rearing style. Results: The results show that there is a link between agoraphobic fear and the representations of parents’ rearing behavior. With respect to gender differences and in accordance with the anxiety disorder epidemiological data, agoraphobic fears were found to be more frequent among girls than boys, and the difference was statistically significant (ÎČ = –0.176; p = 0.005). With respect to the parents’ rearing attitudes, the data show that the lack of an emotionally warm father (ÎČ = 0.207; p = 0.011), and paternal overprotection (ÎČ = 0.214; p = 0.002) are sensitizing factors. Further, both the mothers’ attitude of acceptance and their emotional warmth was positively related to agoraphobic fears (ÎČ = 1.298; p<0.001). Conclusions: The results suggest that agoraphobic avoidance behavior can occur not only among individuals with clinical levels of anxiety, but also among healthy individuals as a result of unique upbringing conditions. The representations of parents’ rearing behavior adversely affect a person’s process of experience. Several sensitizing factors were not examined, and the investigation of normal people limits the interpretation of the results. The outlined theoretical model, however, could serve as a basis of further investigations on avoidance behavior

    Preparation of a boron nitride single layer on a polycrystalline Rh surface

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att konstruera ett kollisionsvarningsljus till en drönare Ät Etteplan Industry AB. Företaget anvÀnder denna för att utföra tjÀnster Ät olika företag sÄ som flygfotografering och 3D-modelleringar.SvÄrigheterna i detta arbete har legat i bristen pÄ plats och vikt samt att hÄlla effektförbrukningen sÄ lÄg som möjligt för att inte pÄverka flygtiden för mycket. Samtidigt finns en hel del krav frÄn luftfartsorgan pÄ hur ett kollisionsvarningsljus ska konstrueras. Mycket fokus har legat pÄ att testa och vÀlja ut de LEDs med sÄ mycket lumens/watt som möjligt utan att överskrida de riktlinjer som fanns angÄende effektförbrukning och vikt. För att Ästadkomma detta har strömsnÄla komponenter anvÀnts samtidigt som ett PCB har designats sÄ litet som möjligt.Produkten har uppfyllt de krav som stÀllts, Àven om de resulterande strömmarna inte riktigt blev enligt förvÀntan pÄ grund av olika faktorer. Produkten har Ànnu inte testats i luften pÄ grund av att företagets UAS varit ute pÄ uppdrag, men i slutÀndan blev ÀndÄ alla parter nöjda med resultatet

    High glass forming ability correlated with microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of a Mg-Cu-Ag-Y glass

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    Thermal characterization of an as-cast Mg54Cu28Ag7Y11 bulk metallic glass revealed that this alloy exhibits excellent glass forming ability. High-resolution X-ray diffraction study and transmission electron microscopy show that heating and isothermal annealing treatment results in the nucleation of nanocrystals of several phases. The average size of these nanocrystals (~15-20 nm) only slightly varies with prolonged annealing, only their volume fraction increases. High-pressure calorimetry experiments indicate that the as-cast fully amorphous alloy exhibits the largest enthalpy of hydrogen desorption, compared to partially and fully crystallized states. Since the fully crystallized alloy does not desorb hydrogen, it is assumed that hydrogen storage capacity correlates only with the crystalline volume fraction of the partially crystallized Mg54Cu28Ag7Y11 BMG and additional parameters (crystalline phase selection, crystallite size, average matrix concentration) do not play a significant role

    Az analízis alkalmazåsa a szåmelméletben = Application of analysis in number theory

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    A kutatĂłcsoport a szĂĄmelmĂ©let kĂŒlönbözƑ, igen mĂ©ly kutatĂĄsi mĂłdszereket igĂ©nylƑ terĂŒletein alkalmazta az analĂ­zis mĂłdszereit. A csaknem 100 elkĂ©szĂŒlt kĂ©zirat, köztĂŒk a 74 angol nyelven, többsĂ©gĂ©ben rangos nemzetközi folyĂłiratokban vagy konferencia-kiadvĂĄnyokban megjelent vagy közlĂ©sre elfogadott publikĂĄciĂł, a szĂĄmelmĂ©let szĂ©les körĂ©t öleli fel, Ășgymint a) prĂ­mszĂĄmok eloszlĂĄsa, kĂŒlönösen a több mint 2000 Ă©ves ikerprĂ­m sejtĂ©s eddigi legjobb közelĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t adĂł egymĂĄst követƑ prĂ­mek közti kis hĂ©zagok problĂ©mĂĄja b) az informĂĄciĂłk titkosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄban, a kriptogrĂĄfiĂĄban igen fontos szerepet jĂĄtszĂł pszeudorandom sorozatok, Ă©s ezek több-dimenziĂłs ĂĄltalĂĄnosĂ­tĂĄsai, a pszeudorandom rĂĄcsok elmĂ©lete c) az utĂłbbi Ă©vtized egyik legdinamikusabban fejlƑdƑ terĂŒlete, a kombinatorikus szĂĄmelmĂ©let, vagy mĂĄskĂ©pp az additĂ­v kombinatorika, mely az utĂłbbi 15 Ă©vben kĂ©t Fields Ă©rmet Ă©s egy Ábel-dĂ­jat eredmĂ©nyezett, utĂłbbit egy magyar kutatĂłnak, SzemerĂ©di EndrĂ©nek 2012-ben. d) az analitikus szĂĄmelmĂ©let olyan modern ĂĄgai, mint az automorf formĂĄk, a Rankin-Selberg-fĂ©le L-fĂŒggvĂ©nyek, a csavart L-fĂŒggvĂ©nyek elmĂ©lete. A kutatĂłcsoport munkĂĄja jelentƑsen gazdagĂ­totta a vilĂĄghĂ­rƱ magyar kutatĂłk, ErdƑs PĂĄl, RĂ©nyi AlfrĂ©d, SzemerĂ©di Endre Ă©s TurĂĄn PĂĄl nevĂ©vel fĂ©mjelzett magyar szĂĄmelmĂ©leti iskola eddigi eredmĂ©nyeit. | The research group applied the analytical methods in various areas of number theory, each requiring deep research methods. The nearly hundred manuscripts, including 74 papers in English, which appeared - or were accepted for publication - in high-level international journals or conference proceedings, embrace wide areas of number theory as a) the distribution of primes, especially problems about small gaps between consecutive primes, which yielded the best approximation for the more than 2000 years old twin prime conjecture b) the theory of pseudorandom sequences or their generalization, the theory of pseudorandom lattices, which play a crucial role in criptography c) one of the most dynamically developing area, the combinatorial number theory or with other words the additive combinatorics, which yielded in the last 15 years two Fields-Medals and one Abel-prize, the last one to a Hungarian researcher, Endre SzemerĂ©di in 2012 d) such modern areas of analytic number theory as the theory of automorphic forms, the theory of twisted L-functions and that of Rankin-Selberg type L-functions. The work of the research group enriched significantly the results of the Hungarian number theoretical school which is worldwide known through the works of his most famous representatives Paul ErdƑs, AlfrĂ©d RĂ©nyi, Endre SzemerĂ©di and Paul TurĂĄn
