38 research outputs found

    Energy-dispersed ions in the plasma sheet boundary layer and associated phenomena: Ion heating, electron acceleration, Alfvén waves, broadband waves, perpendicular electric field spikes, and auroral emissions.

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    Recent Cluster studies reported properties of multiple energy-dispersed ion structures in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) that showed substructure with several well separated ion beamlets, covering energies from 3 keV up to 100 keV (Keiling et al., 2004a, b). Here we report observations from two PSBL crossings, which show a number of identified one-to-one correlations between this beamlet substructure and several plasma-field characteristics: (a) bimodal ion conics (<1 keV), (b) field-aligned electron flow (<1 keV), (c) perpendicular electric field spikes (~20 mV/m), (d) broadband electrostatic ELF wave packets (<12.5 Hz), and (e) enhanced broadband electromagnetic waves (<4 kHz). The one-to-one correlations strongly suggest that these phenomena were energetically driven by the ion beamlets, also noting that the energy flux of the ion beamlets was 1–2 orders of magnitude larger than, for example, the energy flux of the ion outflow. In addition, several more loosely associated correspondences were observed within the extended region containing the beamlets: (f) electrostatic waves (BEN) (up to 4 kHz), (g) traveling and standing ULF AlfvĂ©n waves, (h) field-aligned currents (FAC), and (i) auroral emissions on conjugate magnetic field lines. Possible generation scenarios for these phenomena are discussed. In conclusion, it is argued that the free energy of magnetotail ion beamlets drove a variety of phenomena and that the spatial fine structure of the beamlets dictated the locations of where some of these phenomena occurred. This emphasizes the notion that PSBL ion beams are important for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. However, it is also shown that the dissipation of electromagnetic energy flux (at altitudes below Cluster) of the simultaneously occurring AlfvĂ©n waves and FAC was larger (FAC being the largest) than the dissipation of beam kinetic energy flux, and thus these two energy carriers contributed more to the energy transport on PSBL field lines from the distant magnetotail to the ionosphere than the ion beams

    Characterization of the gaseous spacecraft environment of Rosetta by ROSINA

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90700/1/AIAA-2011-3822-983.pd

    Solar wind sputtering of dust on the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    International audienceFar away from the Sun, at around 3 AU, the activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is low and changes with local time (solar insolation), with location (chemical heterogeneity of the surface), and with season. When the activity is very low because the total cross section of the comet against the Sun is small, the solar wind has access to the surface of the comet and causes ion-induced sputtering of surface material, which we wish to observe.Methods. We used the Double Focussing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS) of the ROSINA experiment on ESA’s Rosetta mission to search for mass spectrometric evidence of sputtered refractory species. In high-resolution mode, DFMS can separate some of the mass peaks of refractory elements from the many volatile species present in the coma.Results. At present, the locations of solar wind surface access are in the southern hemisphere of the comet (the local winter). Of particular interest is sputtering of dust grains on the surface. We observe global averages over the winter hemisphere of the refractory elements Na, K, Si, and Ca, presumably sputtered from grains residing on the surface. Compared to carbonaceous chondrites, the comet has the same Na abundance, is depleted in Ca, and has an excess of K. In addition, for Si the signal strength is strong enough to compile a coarse compositional map of the southern hemisphere. Most, perhaps all, of the observed variation can be explained by the solar wind being affected by the atmosphere of the comet

    Halogens as tracers of protosolar nebula material in comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

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    We report the first in situ detection of halogens in a cometary coma, that of 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko. Neutral gas mass spectra collected by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft during four periods of interest from the first comet encounter up to perihelion indicate that the main halogen-bearing compounds are HF, HCl and HBr. The bulk elemental abundances relative to oxygen are ~8.9 × 10⁻⁔ for F/O, ~1.2 × 10⁻⁎ for Cl/O and ~2.5 × 10⁻⁶ for Br/O, for the volatile fraction of the comet. The cometary isotopic ratios for ³⁷Cl/³⁔Cl and ⁞ÂčBr/⁷âčBr match the Solar system values within the error margins. The observations point to an origin of the hydrogen halides in molecular cloud chemistry, with frozen hydrogen halides on dust grains, and a subsequent incorporation into comets as the cloud condensed and the Solar system formed

    Detection of argon in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    Comets have been considered to be representative of icy planetesimals that may have contributed a significant fraction of the volatile inventory of the terrestrial planets. For example, comets must have brought some water to Earth. However, the magnitude of their contribution is still debated. We report the detection of argon and its relation to the water abundance in the Jupiter family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by in situ measurement of the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) mass spectrometer aboard the Rosetta spacecraft. Despite the very low intensity of the signal, argon is clearly identified by the exact determination of the mass of the isotope 36Ar and by the 36Ar/38Ar ratio. Because of time variability and spatial heterogeneity of the coma, only a range of the relative abundance of argon to water can be given. Nevertheless, this range confirms that comets of the type 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko cannot be the major source of Earth’s major volatiles

    Étude des cibles minces chargĂ©es de tritium utilisĂ©es dans les accĂ©lĂ©rateurs produisant des neutrons rapides par la rĂ©action D-T

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    This study permits the determination of the efficiency of titan-tritium targets manufactured by the Radioelements Departement, Saclay. Seventeen targets have been examined make clear the variation of efficiency as a function of irradiation time, as well as the best performances allowable in neutron generation using a Sames 150 kV accelerator. Moreover, a thermodynamic study has shown the reasons for a restricted efficiency.Cette étude permet de préciser le rendement des cibles [titane-tritium] préparées par le Département des Radioéléments de Saclay. Dix sept cibles ont été ainsi traitées permettant la mise en évidence de la variation du rendement en fonction du temps d'irradiation ainsi que les performances optimales permises dans la génération des neutrons avec un accélérateur Sames de 150 kV. Une étude thermodynamique à permis d'autre part de préciser les causes de limitation de rendement

    Equatorially confined warm trapped ions at around 100 eV near the plasmapause

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    International audienceNear the equatorial plasmapause at around 4-5 Earth radius (RE) geocentric distance, pancake distributed tens of eV ions are sometimes found, as previously reported by Olsen et al. (1987). Cluster CIS data during perigee traversals in 2001-2002 (nearly 200 traversals) revealed new features of these equatorially-trapped warm ions. (1) The characteristic energy of He+ is often higher than that of H+. (2) Some events show non-thermal ring distribution for He+ rather than superthermal pancake distribution. H+ can also have the ring distribution in such events. (3) While majority of the events are dispersion-free, some events show energy-time dispersion, indicating drifts from different local times. (4) The time scale of the development is about an hour, which is much shorter than the drifting time of these ions around the Earth. Cluster statistics also confirmed some results from the previous studies: (5) These ions are confined within a few degrees of latitudinal range near the equator, and have nearly 90{degree sign} pitch angles. (6) At a geocentric distance of about 4-4.5 RE where Cluster traversed the equator during its perigee, the probability of observing clear events is about 40-45% in the noon and dusk sectors and about 20-25% in the night-to-dawn sector. (7) They are dominated by H+ with variable content of He+. The He+/H+ ratio is much less than 5% for the majority of the cases