115 research outputs found

    Dan Munteanu, PhD, Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy (2 June 1937 - 25 February 2017)

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    Some people don’t show their age. They are constantly in motion, dynamic, take initiatives, have never-ending ideas, are cheerful but firm, wise but flexible, optimistic, sometimes caustic and dedicated warriors for noble causes connected to their areas of activity. This is how Dr. Dan Munteanu was, a dreamer, a great connoisseur and a lover of nature

    Maculinea nausithous exploits Myrmica scabrinodis in Transylvania: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in an isolated region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Isolated populations of the myrmecophilous Dusky Large Blue butterfly (Maculinea nausithous) occur in Transylvania (Romania). The hitherto unknown host ant specificity of these populations was investigated at two sites, where Myrmica scabrinodis was the only potential host ant found. A total of 107 M. scabrinodis nests were opened in early summer to check for the presence of M. nausithous larvae, and two of them contained overwintered larvae. Our observations suggest that, like the habitat, the host ant of these isolated populations essentially differs from other central European M. nausithous populations studied, which use exclusively Myrmica rubra

    Der pannonische Raum und seine östlichen Interferenzen aus einer lepidopterologischen Perspektive.

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    Der Pannonische Raum an sich, vor allem aber seine östlichen Interferenzen mit den kontinentalen Untergruppen beherbergen komplexe Habitate von hoher Biodiversität und mit einem hohen Prozentsatz an endemischen Taxa. Der höchste Diversitätsgrad wird dabei im Osten und Nordosten Ungarns sowie in den Siebenbürgischen Interferenzzonen erreicht. Infolge des interökosystemischen Effekts können auf Flächen, die nicht größer als 200-300 ha und durch eine mosaikartige Habitatanordnung gekennzeichnet sind, über 1500 Schmetterlingsarten und ca. 1000 Gefäßpflanzenarten angetroffen werden. Die mittels faunistischer und floristischer Vergleiche festgestellten Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Siebenbürgen und dem eigentlichen pannonischen Raum und werden hierbei von klimatischen und pedologischen Gemeinsamkeiten untermauert. Dabei muss betont werden, dass beide Gebiete ihre Besonderheiten beibehalten. Die Verfasser haben sich vorgenommen, neben zahlreichen Beispielen auch die Entstehung und Entwicklung dieser einzigartigen und komplexen Habitate zu erläutern und für die Notwendigkeit der Schutzmaßnahmen zu plädieren.The Pannonic region, especially where it abuts on and is influenced by the continental sub- regions towards the East, is a haven for complex habitats characterized by very high biodiversity and a high percentage of endemic taxa. The maximum diversity is recorded in the North-East and East of Hungary, as well as in the transitional areas of Transylvania. As a consequence of the interactions of ecosystems, on relatively small areas (200-300 ha) characterized by a mosaic of habitats, more than 1500 species of Lepidoptera and about 1000 species of vascular plants have been recorded. As a result of a comparison of flora and fauna supported by climatic and pedological data, numerous similarities but also certain characteristic differences between the genuine Pannonic region and Transylvania were established. Using numerous examples, the authors try to explain the origin and evolution of these unique, complex habitats, and the great importance of protecting them

    Sanitary behaviours induced by fungal infection in Myrmica scabrinodis

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    Ants are frequently targeted by parasites, and in some cases parasites induce changes in life history, physiology and behaviour of the hosts. The social life of ants implies high frequency of contacts among nestmates, that increases the risk of spreading any pathogen among colony members. Rickia wasmannii is an ectoparasitic fungus of the order Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes), that obligatorily exploits ant species of the genus Myrmica. Little is known about its exact interactions with its hosts. In the frame of laboratory studies we investigated the changes that the parasite could induce in the behavior of the host. We performed two different experiments: (1) we recorded the time elapsed to the discovery of infected corpses (uninfected corpses were used as control), and the ants’ reactions to them, e.g. the number of aggressive behavioural acts; (2) we recorded the frequency and the time of auto- and allo-grooming behaviour of infected and uninfected ant individuals. Our results suggest that infection with R. wasmannii seems to modify, although to lesser extent, the behaviour of infected individuals