67 research outputs found

    Imaginario global y creatividad local : los desfiles dramatizados en el valle de Yanamarca.

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    Por lo general se piensa que las manifestaciones culturales “o folclóricas” que se presentan en el calendario festivo de cualquier región, nos remiten a una particular visión del mundo por parte de grupos tradicionales o marginales de la sociedad moderna, incluso se aboga por su autenticidad cuanto mas cristalizada esté en el tiempo, resistiendo heroicamente a los procesos sociales que, según algunos, las va desintegrando o alienando.Tesi

    Pictogrammar, pictograms based communication with grammatical support

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    Diversos trastornos, como los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA), afectan a la capacidad de comunicación de las personas desde edades tempranas. Para muchos de estos casos se utilizan métodos de comunicación aumentativa y adaptativa (CAA) con el fin de desarrollar o recuperar la capacidad de comunicación. Pictogrammar es un sistema CAA completo que hace uso de una ontología propia, denominada PictOntology, con el fin de mejorar estos problemas de comunicación.Several disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affect the ability of communication of people from an early age. For many of these cases and adaptive and augmentative communication methods (AAC) are used to develop or regain communication skills. Pictogrammar is a complete AAC system which uses an ontology itself, called PictOntology, in order to improve these communication problems.Este trabajo está parcialmente financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el proyecto REDES (TIN2015-65136-C2-1-R) del gobierno de España

    Linguistic metaphor labelling for a Spanish document dataset

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    En este trabajo se han etiquetado manualmente las metáforas lingüísticas presentes en la colección de documentos utilizados en SemEval 2013 en la tarea correspondiente a desambiguación léxica en español. El objetivo del trabajo es doble: por un lado realizar una primera aproximación de las dificultades específicas que presenta la identificación de metáforas en el idioma español, y por otro crear un nuevo recurso lingüístico conformado por una colección documental en español que tiene etiquetadas ciertas palabras tanto con su sentido literal como metafórico.This paper introduces the work performed to manually label linguistic metaphors in the document collection of SemEval 2013, in the Spanish lexical disambiguation task. The objectives of this work are two: first, to make a prior identification of the difficulties inherent in metaphor detection in Spanish, and second, to generate a new linguistic resource as a collection of Spanish documents with certain terms label with both, the literal and the metaphoric sense.Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el proyecto ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-01) financiado por el Gobierno de España y el proyecto europeo FIRST (FP7-287607)


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    The current approach of quality within organizations has changed from the securing level to the continuous improvement level. The NTP-ISO 9000:2001 Series of Norms can confirm this and show how, unlike its previous version, it emphasizes on a continuous improvement in process quality.El enfoque actual de la calidad en las organizaciones ha pasado del nivel de aseguramiento al de la mejora continua, y de esto puede dar prueba la Serie de Normas NTP-ISO 9000:2001 que a diferencia de su versión anterior, hace énfasis en la mejora continua de la calidad en los procesos

    Text readability, complexity metrics and the importance of words

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    El presente trabajo expone un estudio sobre la determinación de la edad recomendada de lectura sobre un conjunto de textos infantiles. Se ha evaluado el mismo con 12 medidas de complejidad propuestas por distintos autores. Usando estas medidas como características, hemos modelado los textos y aplicado una validación cruzada con varios clasificadores automáticos. Los resultados se han comparado con otras formas de representación de los textos, como vectores de palabras y vectores TF.IDF. Nuestras conclusiones indican que el rasgo más determinante para la determinación de la edad de lectura recomendada no radica tanto en factores como la complejidad sintáctica o léxica, sino en el uso de determinado vocabulario.This article describes our study on the identification of the recommended age for readers in texts written for children. They have been evaluated over 12 complexity metrics proposed by different authors. By using these metrics as features, we have trained several automatic classifiers and cross-validated their performances to detect recommended reader level. The results have been compared with the classification performance obtained from other document models, like word embeddings and TF.IDF vectors. Our conclusions are that the most relevant facet to identify the recommended reader age is not on lexical or syntactical complexities, but strongly related with the vocabulary involved.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de España a través del proyecto REDES (TIN2015-65136-C2-1-R)


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    The present essay deals with a Quality Indicators System likely to be adopted in organizations implementing their continuous quality and improvement systems. Relations among criterion, indicator and standard and their own examples, as well as the different kinds of indicators is shown.El presente ensayo trata sobre un sistema de indicadores de la calidad que puede ser implantado en organizaciones que están implementando sistemas de calidad y mejora continua, mostrándose la relación entre criterio, indicador y estándar con sus respectivos ejemplos así como los diferentes tipos de indicadores

    Effect of the ethanolic extract of Bidens pilosa L. on colon cancer induced in rats

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    Objetivos: Determinar la histología vegetal y la influencia del extracto etanólico de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L. sobre el cáncer de colón inducido en ratas. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Lugar: Facultades de Medicina, de Farmacia y Bioquímica y de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Ratas Holzmann. Intervenciones: Se agrupó 48 ratas Holtzmann, de 2 meses de edad, con pesos 100 g a 130 g, en seis grupos de ocho cada uno, y se indujo cáncer de colon con 1,2-dimetilhidrazina. Los grupos estuvieron constituidos por control normal, grupo con patología y grupos con patología y tratamientos. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel de óxido nítrico, estrés oxidativo y cambios en el patrón celular del colon. Resultados: Se encontró incremento de los niveles de óxido nítrico y lipoperoxidación en los animales con 1,2-dimetilhidracina (DMH) y disminución en los que recibieron el tóxico más extracto de la planta. Al estudio histopatológico, con la DMH se evidenció desorganización celular, adenocarcinoma indiferenciado e invasivo; en tanto que, con los tratamientos se observó citoprotección, no dependiente de la dosis, siendo mayor a 50 mg/kg. Los hallazgos probablemente se expliquen porque los flavonoides y los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el extracto cumplen un rol importante en la inhibición del estrés oxidativo y también como anticancerígenos, inhibiendo el crecimiento de tumores. Se encontró detalles histológicos que servirían como caracteres diagnósticos, ayudando a verificar la identidad de la especie vegetal en polvo. Conclusiones: En condiciones experimentales, el extracto etanólico de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L. presentó efecto quimioprotector sobre el cáncer de colon.Objectives: To determine the influence of Bidens pilosa L. whole plant ethanolic extract on colon cancer induced in rats. Design: Experimental study. Setting: Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Biochemistry and Biologic Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Biologic material: Holzmann rats. Interventions: Fortyeight 2 months 100 g to 130 g Holtzmann rats were separated in six groups of eight each and 1,2-dimethylhidrazine induction of colon cancer was performed. Groups were normal control, group with pathology and groups with pathology and treatments. Main outcome measures: Nitric oxide levels, oxidative stress markers and colon cellular pattern modifications. Results: There was increment of nitric oxide levels and lipoperoxidation in the 1,2-dimethylhidrazine (DMH) animals, and decrease in those receiving both the toxic and the plant extract. Histopathology revealed cellular disorganization, undifferentiated and invasive adenocarcinoma with DMH; non-dose dependent cytoprotection was evident with treatments, especially with 50 mg/kg. Findings may be due to whole extract flavonoids and phenolic compounds contained in the whole extract that may play an important role in both oxidative stress and anticarcinogenic tumor growth inhibition. Histology details could be diagnostic characteristics useful to verify the vegetable powdered species identity. Conclusions: Under experimental conditions the ethanolic extract of Bidens pilosa L. whole plant presented chemoprotective effect on colon cancer

    Phenolic compounds from Bidens pilosa methanolic fraction on induced gastric neoplasia in rats

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    Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica conteniendo compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L sobre la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas con N-nitroso-N-metilurea (NMU). Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas-Bioterio Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Material biológico: Ratas albinas cepa Holtzmann machos. Intervenciones: Según Ferraz de Souza y col., 2002, se dispuso de un grupo control normal, un grupo con NMU y grupos de NMU más tratamientos de extracto etanólico y fracción metanólica, a dosis de 300 mg/kg. Para la significancia estadística se consideró la p<0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas. Resultados: Indican displasia y estadios iniciales de carcinoma en los estómagos de las ratas, lo que fue menos evidente en los animales con tratamiento, siendo mejor el grupo que recibió fracción metanólica. El marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, resultando mejor la fracción metabólica. Se observó menor cantidad de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad) en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa L en las condiciones experimentales han detenido la progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas.Objective: To determine the influence of both the ethanolic extract and the methanolic fraction containing phenolic and flavonoids compounds of Bidens pilosa L whole plant on gastric cancer induced in rats with N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU). Design: Experimental. Setting: Instituto de Investigaciones ClínicasBioterio, Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Biologic material: Holtzmann male albino rats. Interventions: Following Ferraz de Souza et al., 2002, we had a normal control group, a group with NMU and NMU groups plus treatments with ethanolic extract and methanolic fraction at 300 mg/kg doses. For statistical significance we considered p<0,05. Main outcome measures: Progresion of gastric neoplasia induced in rats. Results: Indicate dysplasia and initial stages of carcinoma in the rats stomachs, which was less evident in the animals with treatment, being better the group that received the methanolic fraction. The marker of oxidative stress decreased in the groups that received treatment with the plant, being better the methanolic fraction. We observed less amount of micronuclei (genotoxicity) in the animals that received treatment. Conclusions: In experimental conditions the ethanolic extract and methanolic fraction delayed the advance of gastric cancer induced in rats

    Histopathology, microbiology and the inflammatory process associated with Sarcoptes scabiei infection in the Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.[EN]Background: Sarcoptic mange has been identified as the most significant infectious disease affecting the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Despite several studies on the effects of mange on ibex, the pathological and clinical picture derived from sarcoptic mange infestation is still poorly understood. To further knowledge of sarcoptic mange pathology, samples from ibex were evaluated from histological, microbiological and serological perspectives. Methods: Samples of skin, non-dermal tissues and blood were collected from 54 ibex (25 experimentally infected, 15 naturally infected and 14 healthy). Skin biopsies were examined at different stages of the disease for quantitative cellular, structural and vascular changes. Sixteen different non-dermal tissues of each ibex were taken for histological study. Acetylcholinesterase and serum amyloid A protein levels were evaluated from blood samples from ibex with different lesional grade. Samples of mangy skin, suppurative lesions and internal organs were characterized microbiologically by culture. Bacterial colonies were identified by a desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry system (MALDI TOF/TOF). Results: The histological study of the skin lesions revealed serious acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, rete ridges, spongiotic oedema, serocellular and eosinophilic crusts, exocytosis foci, apoptotic cells and sebaceous gland hyperplasia. The cellular response in the dermis was consistent with type I and type IV hypersensitivity responses. The most prominent histological findings in non-dermal tissues were lymphoid hyperplasia, leukocytosis, congestion and the presence of amyloid deposits. The increase in serum concentrations of acetylcholinesterase and amyloid A protein correlated positively with the establishment of the inflammatory response in mangy skin and the presence of systemic amyloidosis. A wide variety of bacterial agents were isolated and the simultaneous presence of these in mangy skin, lymph nodes and internal organs such as lungs, liver, spleen and kidney was compatible with a septicaemic pattern of infection. Conclusions: The alteration of biomarkers of inflammation and its implication in the pathogenesis of the disease and development of lesions in non-dermal tissues and septicaemic processes are serious conditioners for the survival of the mangy ibex. This severe clinical picture could be an important factor when considering the decision to eliminate animals that exceed a certain disease threshold from a population.SIThis study was funded by MINECO from the Spanish Government (grant numbers CGL2012-40043-C0-01, CGL2012-40043-CO2-02 and CGL2016-80543-P). The authors’ research activities are partially funded by the PAIDI Research Group RNM-118 from Junta de Andalucia. José Espinosa was supported by a PhD Grant (grant number ECC/1402/2013: BES-2013-063931). This study is part of the project "Bases biológicas para la gestión de la sarna sarcóptica en la cabra montés (Capra pyrenaica) de Sierra Nevada"

    Evaluation of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sarcoptic mange diagnosis and assessment in the Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica

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    [EN] Background: Sarcoptic mange is a contagious skin disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, affecting different mammalian species worldwide including the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica), in which mortalities over 90 % of the population have been reported. No efficient diagnostic methods are available for this disease, particularly when there are low mite numbers and mild or no clinical signs. In this study, three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) developed for dog (ELISA A), Cantabrian chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica parva) (ELISA B) and Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) (ELISA C), were evaluated to detect specific antibodies (IgG) to sarcoptic mange in Iberian ibex sera. Methods: Serum samples from 131 Iberian ibexes (86 healthy and 45 scabietic) were collected from 2005 to 2012 in the Sierra Nevada Natural and National Parks (southern Spain). Based on visual inspection, ibexes were classified into one of three categories, namely healthy (without scabietic compatible lesions), mildly affected (skin lesions over less than 50 % of the body surface) and severely affected (skin lesions over more than 50 % of the body surface). The optimal cut-off point, specificity, sensitivity and the area under the curve (AUC) were calculated, and the agreement between tests was determined. Moreover, differences in the optical density (OD) related to scabies severity have been evaluated for the best test. Results: ELISA C showed better performance than the two other tests, reaching higher values of sensitivity (93.0 %) and specificity (93.5 %) against the visual estimation of the percentage of affected skin, chosen as the gold standard. Significantly higher concentrations of specific antibodies were observed with this test in the mildly and severely infested ibexes than in healthy ones. Conclusions: Our results revealed that ELISA C was an optimal test to diagnose sarcoptic mange in the Iberian ibex. Further studies characterizing immune response during the course of the disease, including spontaneous or drug induced recovery, should follow in order to better understand sarcoptic mange in Iberian ibex populationsSIThe Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio of the Junta de Andalucía supported sample collection and conservation through the projects 676/2006/A/00, 1571/2007/M/00, 173/2009/M/00 and 861/2011/M/ 00, as did the PAIDI Research Group RNM18 from the Junta de Andalucía. The Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of the Spanish Government funded the study through the research projects CGL2012-40043-C02-02 and CGL2016-80543-P, and a predoctoral grant (BES-2013-063931) to JE. ES was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia (Portugal), through the postdoctoral program (SFRH/BPD/96637/2013), and the University of Aveiro (Department of Biology) and FCT/MEC (CESAM RU UID/AMB/50017), co-financed by the FEDER within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. LR, DD and CC were supported by the Italian National PRIN Program “Genomics and host-pathogen interaction: a study model in the One-Health perspective