3,497 research outputs found

    Job Insecurity, Komitmen Organisasi Karyawan Dan Kepuasan Kerja Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Intention to Quit

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    Job dissatisfaction often culminates in a desire to get out of the business/intention to quit. Some of the effects of high level intention to quit (are) i.e. the productivity of employee is declining, the company\u27s business activity is disrupted, moral issues arising out of the work of other employees, the cost of recruiting, interviewing, and the high level selection, the administration cost checking of processing new employees the allowance and the cost of lost opportunities because of new employees had to learn new skills. Based on the results of the research found that Job Insecurity influence significantly intention to quit on employees at PT. PLN Manado area. The commitment of the employees did not influence significantly on intention to quit on employees outsourcing at PT. Asia PLN Manado area. Job satisfaction influence significantly to the Intention to Quit on employees at PT. Asia PLN Manado area

    Vorstellung des JOIN² Statistikmoduls mit seinen Differenzen und Problemen zum kommenden Kerndatensatz Forschung

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    Das Invenio-basierte Repositorium JOIN², welches in den Helmholtz-Zentren DESY Hamburg, Forschungszentrum Jülich und der GSI Darmstadt, sowie demnächst auch beim DKFZ Heidelberg und dem DZNE Bonn als zentrales Publikationssystem betrieben wird, liefert unter anderem auch die für den Zentrenfortschrittsbericht benötigten Statistiken. Hierbei werden nach den Richtlinien der Programm-orientierten Förderung (POF) die erforderlichen Publikationszahlen nach ISI und Scopus entnommen. Im Rahmen der POFIII wurde die Frage, welche Publikationen als referiert gelten dürfen, mit der Listung auf der Thomson Reuter Master Journal List sowie bei Scopus beantwortet. Durch den einfachen DOI-Import bei JOIN2 und den über 65.000 normierten Zeitschriften-Datensätzen, wird dem Nutzer eine einfache Eingabemöglichkeit seiner Publikationen geboten, was sich auch in der Qualität unserer Daten wiederspiegelt. Hierbei werden die für die Statistiken wichtigen Statistikschlüssel automatisch aus den Journal-Informationen in die Datensätze geschrieben, so dass für die Entnahme der Helmholtz-Kennzahlen eine dynamische HTML-Seite gebaut werden konnte, die jederzeit abrufbar ist. Durch die weitreichende Normierung sind Statistiken auf Gruppen-, Instituts- oder auch Bereichsebene möglich, sowie selbstverständlich für alle POF-Kategorien (Programm, Topic, etc.). Hierfür wurde die POF als kompletter Datensatz ebenfalls integriert. Selbst ein Nachtragen von Publikationen zu älterer Jahren ist problemlos möglich, da der Stand der entnommenen Daten mit der Abgabe des Zentrenfortschrittsberichtes eingefroren wird. Im erste Teil des Vortrag werden wir detailliert auf die Eingabe-Masken sowie die Kennzahlen eingehen. Der zweite Teil geht auf den kommenden Kerndatensatz Forschung ein und thematisiert die Lücke zwischen dem, was wir mit dem JOIN²-Statistikmodul bisher an Statistiken generieren können und dem was als Kern des Kerndatensatzes Forschung gefordert und gewünscht wird

    Common DNA markers can account for more than half of the genetic influence on cognitive abilities

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    For nearly a century, twin and adoption studies have yielded substantial estimates of heritability for cognitive abilities, although it has proved difficult for genomewide-association studies to identify the genetic variants that account for this heritability (i.e., the missing-heritability problem). However, a new approach, genomewide complex-trait analysis (GCTA), forgoes the identification of individual variants to estimate the total heritability captured by common DNA markers on genotyping arrays. In the same sample of 3,154 pairs of 12-year-old twins, we directly compared twin-study heritability estimates for cognitive abilities (language, verbal, nonverbal, and general) with GCTA estimates captured by 1.7 million DNA markers. We found that DNA markers tagged by the array accounted for .66 of the estimated heritability, reaffirming that cognitive abilities are heritable. Larger sample sizes alone will be sufficient to identify many of the genetic variants that influence cognitive abilities

    Black pine (Pinus nigra) barks: A critical evaluation of some sampling and analysis parameters for mercury biomonitoring purposes

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    Abstract Tree barks are increasingly used as biomonitors of airborne pollutants. However, many authors stress the poor comparability of the results achieved in different studies. This drawback is mainly caused by a poor understanding of the critical sampling parameters to be considered. To minimize the biases that could be introduced during sampling, in this study the barks of Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold from thirteen sites were investigated in the abandoned Mt. Amiata mercury (Hg) mining district (Southern Tuscany, Italy) and surroundings. The influence of some sampling and analyzing parameters on Hg content was critically assessed. At each site, a total of eight bark samples were taken from a single tree at two heights (70 cm and 150 cm from soil) and at four different sides of the trunk, corresponding to the four cardinal directions; a composite soil sample was also collected. Mercury contents in barks range from 0.1 to 28.8 mg/kg, and are correlated with soil Hg contents (1–480 mg/kg), indicating that barks record both gaseous Hg concentrations in air, and wind-transported Hg-bearing particulate. For each tree, samples at 70 cm and 150 cm show Hg contents of the same order of magnitude, even if values for 150 cm are slightly less dispersed, possibly because barks at 70 cm are more influenced by random soil particles. There is no statistically significant dependence of Hg content on direction and tree age. Simulated rain events cause a negligible loss of Hg from barks. Results suggest that a convenient sampling practice for Pinus nigra is to collect a bark slice (typically 1–2 mm) within the outermost 1.5 cm layer

    New Loop Representations for 2+1 Gravity

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    Since the gauge group underlying 2+1-dimensional general relativity is non-compact, certain difficulties arise in the passage from the connection to the loop representations. It is shown that these problems can be handled by appropriately choosing the measure that features in the definition of the loop transform. Thus, ``old-fashioned'' loop representations - based on ordinary loops - do exist. In the case when the spatial topology is that of a two-torus, these can be constructed explicitly; {\it all} quantum states can be represented as functions of (homotopy classes of) loops and the scalar product and the action of the basic observables can be given directly in terms of loops.Comment: 28pp, 1 figure (postscript, compressed and uuencoded), TeX, Pennsylvania State University, CGPG-94/5-

    Observation and implications of the Epeak - Eiso correlation in Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The availability of a few dozen GRB redshifts now allows studies of the intrinsic properties of these high energy transients. Amati et al. recently discovered a correlation between Epeak, the intrinsic peak energy of the νfν\nu f \nu spectrum, and Eiso, the isotropic equivalent energy radiated by the source. Lamb et al. have shown that HETE-2 data confirm and extend this correlation. We discuss here one of the consequences of this correlation: the existence of a 'spectral standard candle', which can be used to construct a simple redshift indicator for GRBs.Comment: Proceedings of the GRB 2003 Conference in SantaFe, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Utilization of print media for agriculture development: A case study of peasants

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    Shetkari is the print media that is focused to provide improved methods and techniques of cultivation to provide improved methods and techniques of cultivation to peasants in Western Maharashtra especially the literate, youth and commercial cultivator. Peasants are utilizing latest agricultural ideas for agricultural development. Agricultural development means economic growth along with maintaining their fertility of soil. To illustrate the role of print media, a study of Yalgund village of Kolhapur District is conducted. Case studies of big, medium marginal and large peasants are conducted to illustrate the importance of agricultural communication. It is found that big and small peasants have been applying the ideas to boots their agricultural economic into commercial profitable industry. The marginal farmer has implemented the technique of mixed cropping profitably. However, there is no utilization by the landless
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