1,702 research outputs found


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    Classroom management is a combination of two words ie words and word-class management. Management in English termed Management, Management of Understanding management or in general, ie activities include planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, monitoring, and assessment.Classroom management (Management of classroom) is a series of actions taken in order to create a learning environment that is positive and productive learning so that the learning process to be run in accordance with its purpose. In other words, classroom management is empowering potential of the class through a set of learner skills intuk create conducive learning environment, positive, and productive and to control if an interruption in learning to optimize the learning process so as to obtain satisfactory results


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    This study aims to ascertain the best way to implement character values, also known as the Application of Character Values, in Salih Nurul Jadid Children's PAUD through singing. This study employs a case study methodology with a qualitative approach. Techniques for gathering data include documentation, interviews, and observation. Methods for analyzing data have been applied methodically, beginning with data visualization, condensing, and conclusion-making. Three phases comprised the results of field research on the application of character qualities through singing: Saying sorry, please, and thank you; Memorizing Asmaul Husna with songs and movements; Praying in unison with rhythmic accompaniment. This application has been shown to support kids' behaviour with moral principles because early development is akin to copying one's surroundings


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    Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) dan Tipes sudah menjadi penyakit yang dapat dijumpai diberbagai belahan penjuru Indonesia, mulai dari perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Di desa Imaan, kondisi lingkungan pemukiman warga untuk saat ini, sangat rentan terjadinya penyakit demam berdarah, karena masyarakat untuk saat ini masih kurang peduli dengan kebersihan lingkungan dan masih kurang pengetahuannya mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Dan saat ini adalah musim pancaroba, pada musim ini biasanya wabah - wabah penyakit mulai berdatangan. Dengan menggunakan metode wawancara sebagai salah satu bahan pembuatan materi penyuluhan Tipes dan DBD. Dengan menggunakan angket atau kuisioner adalah salah satu teknik pengumpulan data yang dapat mengukur pemahaman masyarakat desa Imaan mengenai penyuluhan yang diberikan, dibantu dengan Microsoft Excel 2010 sebagai alat bantu perhitungan dalam mengolah data angket atau kuisioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan pemahaman setelah diberikan post test

    MEMBINA KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL ANAK Sebuah Kecerdasan yang Terabaikan

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    Child is a precious gift, that every movement and activity of the child's represents his future will be passed. The intelligence grows more up every day. Therefore it must always be monitored to get information to assist and help his potential.The more urgent is the attention of training and develop the spiritual intelligence. spiritual intelligence will be established personality and character’s spiritual to be good human


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    Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of ex- perience (intentional) and applied to other knowledge and able mengko- munikasikann to others. For this purpose, we need a lesson organized and interconnected with each other. New paradigm known as brain-compatible learning or brain-based education that is based on the brain’s ability to appear with stunning implications for teachers and learners around the world. Based on disciplines in neuroscience, biology and psychology, our understanding of the relationship between education and brain now leads us to the role of emotions, patterns, meanings, environment, music, move- ment, and enrichment. At the level of the concept of early childhood edu- cation, coaching and development of children associated with the forma- tion of human character completely. ECD is essential for the survival of the nation, it is important and needs to be taken seriously by the govern- ment. ECD as a human resource development strategy should be seen as a central point of considering the establishment of national character and reliability of human resources determined how planting since early child- hood, the importance of education in this period, so often referred to as the golden age


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    The purpose of this study was to determine children's language development through 3-dimensional flashcard media at TK PGRI 1 Banyuglugur, Situbondo Regency. The subject of this observation was group B students, consisting of 20 children consisting of 10 boys and 10 girls. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research.The data collection technique is by interview, observation and documentation.In this study, developing aspects of language development due to the low level of children's ability to recognize letters and vocabulary made researchers make 3-dimensional flashcard learning media.3 dimensional flashcard satisfactory result.That way learning using 3-dimensional flashcard media is successful and children's language development increases

    Strategic Human Resource Management: Enhancing Competitive Advantage in Educational Institutions

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    This research aims to understand and analyze competitive advantage through the utilization of human resources to enhance competitiveness at MA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo. This study is based on the fact that madrasah (Islamic school) becomes the second alternative choice due to the incapacity of human resources or customers' doubts about the teachers' abilities in madrasah. Thus, this research focuses on how strategic human resource management nurtures competitive advantage in a pesantren-based madrasah. To reveal this, the researcher employs a qualitative approach with a case study design. In the process, data is collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman data analysis technique, which consists of data reduction, data display, and verification. This research generates findings that strategic human resource management in enhancing competitive advantage at MA Nurul Jadid is conducted in the form of; 1) formulation of HR policies and procedures; 2) development and training; 3) integrated performance management, and 4) periodic evaluation and adjustment

    Reinforcement Furudul ‘Ainiyah Santri melalui Intensifikasi Wali Asuh di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid

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    on local wisdom in pesantren. Where guider play have an important figur in providing an understanding of furudhul ‘ainiyah. This observation aims to explore information about reinforcement of santri’s furudhul ‘ainiyah through intensification of guider. This observation uses a qualitative approach to the type of studying case in the Nurul Jadid boarding school, Probolinggo district in the Az-zainiyah zone. The results of this observation there are several strategies wich is undertaken by guider in strengthening (reinforcement) santri’s furudhul ‘ainiyah.  First, guider provide guidance to students related to the material furudhul ‘ainiyah. secondly, guider conduct intensive assistance. third, guider evaluate once in a week carried out every Thursday night for santri. therefore, guider the ability and development of santri’s understanding about furudhul ‘ainiyah by individual and conditioning fostering santri’s furudhul ainiyah more organized and more maximal
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